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11,528 comment(s). Last comment by emiteno 1 week ago


2,185 posts

Posted by slts > 2017-03-21 07:47 | Report Abuse

mr debt is a very sick boy.
he got dog disease ie why
he keep barking here
pity him


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-21 08:59 | Report Abuse

No use lah this Evergreen. This company is doing things at the wrong timing. 95% of revenues from just one stinky main product called Medium-Fibreboard (MDF) woh. Sure profit and everything else also drop like no tomorrow lah.

Aiyo...why some people want to continue to be idiots? Oh yes...I forgotten that they are here because they are just STUCK.

For each RM 0.005 drop in Evergreen stock price, this sor zai stockraider is losing RM 20k paper loss. No wonder he keep telling u all the lies to support Evergreen lah. Very not reliable person loh.

Posted by Dolly_Chai2 > 2017-03-21 09:44 | Report Abuse

haha... mr debt aka sxckperformer becomes the unanimous enemy of this forum now, bcoz of his cxck-talking...

answer me first,

Based on latest Q4 2016 report:
Net debt (cash - long term debt - short term debt) = -44.95M

Total equity = $1151.217M

net debt/equity = 0.039 or 3.9% gearing only

why is this called "MASSIVE" debt?

no-balls to answer?

Posted by Dolly_Chai2 > 2017-03-21 09:46 | Report Abuse

Based on latest Q4 2016 report:
Net debt (cash - long term debt - short term debt) = -44.95M

Net Cash flow generated from operations = 238.368M...

net change in cash & cash equivalents (from 2015 to 2016) = 43.737M

wow... so-called "MASSIVE" debts...

Posted by Dolly_Chai2 > 2017-03-21 09:46 | Report Abuse

having said so above, if 2017 operation cash flow improves similar like what it did in 2016... it will have offset all debts with its cash & cash equivalents....

sxckperformer... where is ur so-called "MASSIVE" debts?

stop manipulating info with your bad own agenda (trying to sabotage evergreen, then promote HEVEA)...

that is a very mean way... pui...

Posted by Dolly_Chai2 > 2017-03-21 09:47 | Report Abuse

sorry guys... pardon me for reposting what i mentioned earlier on...

just want to show this idixt sxckperformer again.. since he has no balls to answer yet as of today

Posted by Dolly_Chai2 > 2017-03-21 09:48 | Report Abuse

he keeps running away from our valid questions/challenges, but continues his grandma manipulated story...

typical LOSER!!!


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-21 09:52 | Report Abuse

Dolly lose until hiding in dark caves and comes out once in a while. LOL

Why Evergreen has no dividends payout? Can u answer leh?


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-21 09:58 | Report Abuse

Dolly doesn't dare to answer because he knows Evergreen amassed MASSIVE DEBTS RM 205,257,000 and its quarterly earning power is just RM 18m averagely. So it is living on cashflow money to get pass each quarter while paying back the massive debts.


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-21 10:02 | Report Abuse

Relax mah...

HEVEA is the homegrown IKEA of Malaysia and currently being crowned with the largest market cap surpassing Evergreen mah.

What are the niche reasons that u should invest into Hevea?

1) HEVEA is the largest laminated particleboard shelving Ready-To-Assemble (RTA) furniture producer in ASIA. Just bought a piece of land next to its current production facility to expand capacity.

2) HEVEA is Malaysia's FIRST 'Low Formaldehyde' Kid Furniture manufacturer.

3) It is building 2 brands namely "HEVEAPAC" and "KREA KIDS"


90% of its products are exported with 62.46% of its RTA products exported into Japan so it has certification by JIS already mah.

HEVEA pioneered the commercial production of Super E0 in South East Asia which conforms to the Japanese Formaldehyde Standard. First Malaysia company to receive Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) Mark Certification for its Super E0 and and EO boards in 2004.

Check and Read loh...

Hevea in a nutshell:

Watch the Corporate Presentation 15/03/2017:

Some analysis:


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-21 10:25 | Report Abuse

The sor zai Dolly and stockraider are just simply STUCK and that is all the reason they are here. Go buy HEVEA and read all the spectacular info that I provided.

Posted by Dolly_Chai2 > 2017-03-21 10:28 |

Post removed.Why?


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-21 10:38 | Report Abuse

Must have critical thinking and business sense when u truly invest in a company for long term.

How is HEVEA doing?
1) Now Hevea is perfectly in NET CASH position and it has RM 128,443,000 cash on hand with earning power of RM 20.167m per qtr averagely.
2) Based on latest few qtrs, its cash keep adding extra RM20m so it shows that the management is serious in making the company to be very cash-rich.
3) Have 2 RTA brands and selling online too! HEVEAPAC and KREA KIDS which is safe eco-friendly furniture with LOW FORMALDEHYDE to avoid cancer risks. Japanese markets is its biggest market (65%) importing its very safe furniture!

How about Evergreen?
1) It's in NET DEBTS with a whooping MASSIVE DEBTS of RM 205,257,000 and no cash left of minus all liabilities.
2) It's basically living off the money cashflow each quarter passes by.
3) Its earning power is RM 17.86m per qtr averagely so it can only do best to focus to reduce debts and not to be too ambitious in expanding because that will hurt shareholders' values and interests.


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-21 10:40 | Report Abuse

Wake up lah sor zai Dolly.

Until today u still talk the stupid accounting? Evergreen's accounting also failed lah. Balance sheets is even worse. Besides SYF, this Evergreen has the most debts among all peers. Almost useless already. What is next for Evergreen? Nothing really. That is why its stock is going down like crap.


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-21 10:59 | Report Abuse

When fundamentals no good, there goes the stock downhill. Always remember that:

"The stock price trend is the reflection of its fundamentals"


13 posts

Posted by annoyed1 > 2017-03-21 10:59 | Report Abuse

Critical thinking and business sense is only applicable to those who are able to conduct/carry themselves well as an adult. In your case starperformer as someone who keeps speaking in harsh language how can you be taken seriously if you do not respect others.

On a separate note, if Hevea mgmt was reading this they would certainly say Shame on you starperformer. They do not require such "publicity" and much less from the likes of you and your writing style which is so offensive.

But then, everyone has their own agenda and it's pretty clear what is yours.

What is next for Evergreen you ask? To kick Hevea butt (no offense to Hevea investors) !!


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-21 11:08 | Report Abuse

Coward like u hiding in new ID for what? LOL

There are so many reasons that I can tell u why Evergreen is going down in 2017.

95% of revenues from just ONE product that is MDF mah. How good can it be? It is a low profit margin segment.

Massive debts and too much continuous CAPEX and too ambitious of starting RTA and particleboard....all these alone is enough to send this stock to record low.

U better seriously be ready to incur MORE DEBTS because I can see the company is unable to lift its own earnings along with its high expenditures already.


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-21 11:11 | Report Abuse

Only last year alone, Evergreen spent on CAPEX RM 106,000,000 that is ONE HUNDRED AND SIX MILLIONS RINGGIT. What a massive spending. If this year, it spend more CAPEX again, u can really kiss ur shareholdings GOODBYE. Still not worried?


13 posts

Posted by annoyed1 > 2017-03-21 11:11 | Report Abuse

Hello? What new id.. i'm the same person who decided to respond to you from yesterday after continuously reading non-stop your nonsense for months.

If you are so confident it's the end of the world for Evergreen why are you here? To save everyone? All hail starperformer the savior?

Get a life man.


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-21 11:16 | Report Abuse

So what? U said nonsense is because u stuck in it. Loser.


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-21 11:17 | Report Abuse

When I decided to dig out the weakness of a company, I do it to extreme. So what can u do abt it? Losers like u unable to accept facts.


13 posts

Posted by annoyed1 > 2017-03-21 11:23 | Report Abuse

No wonder you resort to lurking in forums like this. Send a reply, "So what loser", then go edit again and write more junk.

Ur talking about extreme? Dude.. you seriously need to wake up before you completely go OKU or nuts. Sounds like you have anger management issues and that is a dangerous thing.

I am already going seriously off-topic here, and will leave it as that. Good bye and please don't be a danger to others.


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-21 11:44 | Report Abuse

U eat too much bananas everyday in Evergreen that is why u frustrated loh. Why so coward use new ID to write? LOL loser like u have nothing related to say about the companies but bunch of nonsense topics. Who's off-topic leh? Tak malu. Sau pei lah! LOL


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-21 11:46 | Report Abuse

Evergreen Compare it yourself:

Cash: 160,308,000
Total borrowings: 205,257,000
Total liabilities: 388,027,000

Cash - Total borrowings = (-44,949,000)
Cash - Total liabilities = (-227,719,000)

Take the latest 5 quarters results of Net profits:
(17.483m + 16.88m + 16.459m + 20.619m + 21.029m) / 5 qtrs = 18.494m averagely per qtr
RM 205,257,000 total debts / RM 18.494m NP = 11.1 qtrs to break-even

Take the latest 4 quarters results:
(17.483m + 16.88m + 16.459m + 20.619m) / 4 qtrs = 17.86m averagely per qtr
RM 205,257,000 total debts / RM 17.86m NP = 11.5 qtrs to break-even

Remarks: Evergreen's massive debts are so huge that it needs at least 12 quarters/ 3 years just to break-even with it while its competitors and peers are embarking on expansion dethroning it from being the largest market cap stock. It is unable to clear out the total liabilities that is why it always need to use loans to keep up with business trades, capex & other things. After minus all debts, it doesn't have cash and if it minus all total liabilities it is even troubling with -227.719m amounts owed.

Cash: 128,443,000
Total borrowings: 15,489,000
Total liabilities: 93,118,000

Cash - Total borrowings = 112,954,000
Cash - Total liabilities = 35,325,000

Take the latest 5 quarters results of Net profits:
(28.006m + 17.233m + 15.161m + 20.268m + 25.693m) / 5 qtrs = 21.2722m averagely per qtr
RM 15,489,000 total debts / 21.2722m NP = 0.73 qtr

Take the latest 4 quarters results:
(28.006m + 17.233m + 15.161m + 20.268m) / 4 qtrs = 20.167m averagely per qtr
RM 15,489,000 total debts / 20.167m NP = 0.77 qtr

Remarks: So Hevea's debts are so small according to its own earning power per quarter. Its cash keeps adding up at least RM 20m each qtr. Just 1 qtr is enough to clear out the debts and even after clearing the total liabilities, it has RM 35.325m EXCESS CASH.


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-21 11:48 | Report Abuse

Evergreen spent RM 106m last year on CAPEX. It's already not enough money, if this year it decides to spend more CAPEX....u can kiss it goodbye and we can see record low!


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-21 11:49 | Report Abuse

Stockraider loses another extra RM 20k again today at 0.88


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-21 12:04 | Report Abuse

Posted by stockraider > Mar 20, 2017 05:02 PM | Report Abuse

Will see...Tomorrow whether Evergreen or Hevea die 1st loh...!!


Look above loh. Where is stockraider? Hiding in dark caves again? LOL


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-21 22:44 | Report Abuse

I hope stockraider haven't suicide by now or he loses all his clothes & hiding in dark caves. LOL

Posted by aries_saham > 2017-03-22 05:58 | Report Abuse

I heard bursa security commissioner is monitoring media electronic for pump and dump issue. Please be careful on your comments.


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-22 08:14 | Report Abuse

For each RM 0.005 drop in Evergreen stock price, this sor zai stockraider is losing RM 20k paper loss. Where is the loser?


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-22 09:23 | Report Abuse

A friendly reminder! Evergreen is going to collapse further from this point. If u don't want to lose it all, u better do accordingly. Not joking.

Posted by aries_saham > 2017-03-22 13:31 | Report Abuse

SC is monitoring ....

Posted by Dolly_Chai2 > 2017-03-22 14:00 | Report Abuse

annoyed1, we need you back... this sxckperformer needs to be scolded by ppl like u and me...

Posted by Dolly_Chai2 > 2017-03-22 14:01 | Report Abuse

his manipulated words are definitely serving his own agenda to sabotage evergreen.
why would he wanna do this?

2 possible reasons:

1) Want to promote HEVEA (where he is probably stuck in) by sabotaging evergreen
2) Want to pull down Evergreen share price so that he can buy cheaply...

Posted by Dolly_Chai2 > 2017-03-22 14:04 | Report Abuse

if not, why is he avoiding to answer my question?
and then continue with his old grandma manipulated story?

I asked him: why he purposely ignored the >RM160M cash that Evergreen has?
What is the net debt (cash - long & short term debt) / equity ratio?
I have actually told him that is about 0.039 or 3.9% of net debt/equity..

where is the so called massive debt.. until today, he still acts like pondan who avoids my question...

i feel sad for him to be such a no-bxll loser...

Posted by Dolly_Chai2 > 2017-03-22 14:05 | Report Abuse

and he still talks about those nonsense 200 average moving price etc...

He claimed himself as a fundamental follower but acts like speculator...

he rather buy over-valued shares that is touching new high than buying share that is under-valued.. genius...

Posted by Dolly_Chai2 > 2017-03-22 14:06 | Report Abuse

he does not know how evergreen will grow but acts like he knows everything... many of us here already pointed out to him and shown him proof of the expansion/internal restructuring plan that evergreen is doing.. he just pretends did not see that... sad for loser like him...


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-22 14:17 | Report Abuse

How can u say that I sabotage? It's healthy debate mah.


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-22 14:20 | Report Abuse

Prospects in HEVEA is better than EVERGREEN mah that is why stock price valued higher than NTA and trending higher. Tell me how is Evergreen better than Hevea?


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-22 14:38 | Report Abuse

I think stockraider was hauled up by SC because he made unfounded accusations against Hevea. Maybe now he's in lokap cell or flee his country. LOL


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-22 14:40 | Report Abuse


Annual total Revenues at RM 540.045m (+107.45%)
Annual total NP at RM 80.668m (+9.27%)
Average NP per qtr of RM 20.167m (+9.25%)

Annual total Revenues at 502.600m (+119%)
Annual total NP at RM 73.827m (+242.23%)
Average NP per qtr of RM 18.46m (+242.27%)

Annual total Revenues at RM 422.355m
Annual total NP at RM 30.478m
Average NP per qtr of RM 7.6195m


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-22 14:41 | Report Abuse

HEVEA's CAPEX Per Quarters

FY16 Q4
Approved and contracted for 31,655
Approved and not contracted for 9,745

FY16 Q3
Approved and contracted for 11,892

FY16 Q2
Approved and contracted for 8,055
Approved but not contracted for 6,105

FY16 Q1
Approved and contracted for 7,286
Approved and not contracted for 12,714


Approved and not contracted for RM 58,888,000
Approved and contracted for RM 28,564,000

Annual total CAPEX RM 87,452,000


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-22 14:44 | Report Abuse

As long u talked about real FACTS about any company. If u attempt to make serious accusations against any company, u better be ready to prove it with factual data/info otherwise u may get into trouble with SC.

Certain accusations which u could not possibly prove to be valid will definitely backfired to yourself. I think stockraider is in trouble now. LOL


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-22 14:46 | Report Abuse

Just check back my long history of comments, I've always back it up with REAL FACTS for healthy debates but not false accusations like stockraider did. I think he still can participate in debates in jail cell later.


65 posts

Posted by Mags > 2017-03-22 15:27 | Report Abuse

Evergrn got no facts to show la Starperformer, don't waste time arguing with the deaf & dumb, could be blind also. Don't bring your level down to their level.


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-22 15:50 | Report Abuse

It's just a healthy debate mah. Sor zai Dolly still think he has a chance at it while stockraider went into lokap loh. LOL


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-22 16:39 | Report Abuse

It is just basic reasoning that has crushed Evergreen with full facts/data at your perusal. To witness the crushing defeat, u must remember that:

"The stock price trend is a reflection of its underlying fundamentals"


1,443 posts

Posted by starperformer > 2017-03-22 20:44 | Report Abuse

Stockraider, Dolly & gang...u guys better switch to HEVEA loh. Prospects for HEVEA is just too bright & exciting! Come join us. LOL

Posted by aries_saham > 2017-03-22 23:56 | Report Abuse

By right only director or company representative can announce any news or issues. Public always misleading.


393 posts

Posted by culbertlim > 2017-03-22 23:58 |

Post removed.Why?

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