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17,345 comment(s). Last comment by calvintaneng 1 hour ago


529 posts

Posted by sjwee3 > 2018-10-09 18:49 | Report Abuse

What a shame MMC Gamuda hand out their already in hand project, and need to wait for second round of bitting tender. Such a insultation. No needlah. Tabao lah. God damn you.

Victor Yong

8,271 posts

Posted by Victor Yong > 2018-10-09 18:49 | Report Abuse


Guan Eng: Pekerja MRT2 boleh dapat kerja semula lepas kontrak baru
9 Okt 2018, 6:30 petang (Dikemaskini 9 Okt 2018, 6:35 petang)

Menteri Kewangan Lim Guan Eng berkata pihak yang terlibat dalam penggantungan sementara projek bawah tanah MRT2 boleh diambil bekerja semula selepas kontrak baru projek itu diselesaikan.

Bercakap kepada pemberita di Kuala Lumpur hari ini, Lim juga menjelaskan bahawa kerja-kerja bawah tanah projek itu akan diteruskan seperti dirancang, maka pekerja dalam sektor itu tidak terjejas.

"Jika projek itu diteruskan nanti, ramai pekerja boleh diambil bekerja semula selepas kontrak itu dianugerahkan [....] projek itu diteruskan, dengan harapan pada harga yang lebih murah. Gamuda Bhd atau syarikat lain boleh saja jadi pihak yang menang bidaan.

"Mereka (Gamuda) juga perlu mendapat peluang yang sama [....] perlu diingat, kerja atas tanah masih diteruskan, jadi anda tidak boleh kata semua orang akan terjejas. Mereka masih diperlukan untuk menyiapkan kerja di atas tanah," kata Lim.

Semalam, Gamuda mengeluarkan kenyataan media mendakwa bahawa pembatalan kerja-kerja bawah tanah projek MRT2 akan menyebabkan 20,000 pekerja terjejas.

Kerajaan sebelum ini merundingkan semula projek MRT2 dengan pihak pelaksana projek MMC-Gamuda. Kontrak berkenaan dianugerahkan ketika di bawah pentadbiran Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Di bawah perjanjian baru, kos kerja-kerja bawah tanah projek itu akan kurang RM5.22 bilion, iaitu penjimatan sebanyak 23 peratus.

Bagaimanapun, MMC-Gamuda dan Putrajaya gagal mencapai kata sepakan berhubung kerja-kerja bawah tanah projek itu yang kini berada pada tahan 40 peratus siap.

Menurut Gamuda, kerja-kerja yang belum disiapkan bernilai RM9.6 bilion dan MMC-Gamuda telah menawarkan untuk menurunkan harga sehingga 24 peratus namun tidak diterima kerajaan persekutuan.

Ditanya jika kerajaan persekutuan masih terbuka untuk merundingkan semula projek itu dengan MMC-Gamuda, Lim berkata sesiapa saja boleh menyatakan pendapat sehingga proses tender baru dibuka.

"Mereka ada buat tawaran. Tapi kami dapati tawaran itu tidak cukup. Perkara ini bukan hanya untuk kerajaan, tapi juga negara. Ia adalah tender antarabangsa," kata Lim.

Ditanya sama ada projek itu akan disiapkan seperti dijadualkan, Lim menggesa pemberita menunggu pengumuman rasmi.

Pada 2015, Putrajaya memperuntukkan RM23 bilion untuk projek itu. Kos keseluruhan, sebelum dirundingkan semula, adalah RM56.93 bilion.

Posted by J For Janice > 2018-10-09 18:49 | Report Abuse

funnny analyst,bad news still got high target price,ha


529 posts

Posted by sjwee3 > 2018-10-09 18:53 | Report Abuse

MMC Gamuda just tabaolah. So embarrassing.


529 posts

Posted by sjwee3 > 2018-10-09 18:54 | Report Abuse

At the end still lossing the contract.


14,460 posts

Posted by probability > 2018-10-09 18:54 | Report Abuse

If foreign company gets the job...there is an outflow of money (value) from Malaysia.

It defeats the whole purpose....


529 posts

Posted by sjwee3 > 2018-10-09 18:56 | Report Abuse

No foreign company must have joint venture with local.

Victor Yong

8,271 posts

Posted by Victor Yong > 2018-10-09 18:57 | Report Abuse


Menyesal undi Pakatan, kata pekerja MRT2
Dikemas kini 1 jam yang lalu · Diterbitkan pada 9 Oct 2018 5:30PM · 0

Bahagian terowong bawah tanah adalah bukti kemampuan Malaysia mengendalikan projek kejuruteraan mencabar, pembatalannya mengecewakan banyak pekerja yang selama ini berusaha keras. – Gambar EPA, 9 Oktober, 2018.

PEKERJA projek Transit Aliran Massa Jajaran 2 (MRT2) meluahkan kekecewaan mereka di media sosial susulan keputusan Putrajaya membatalkan bahagian bawah tanah projek tersebut dan memulakan proses bidaan tender baharu.

Malah, ada antara mereka berkata menyesal mengundi Pakatan Harapan (PH).


529 posts

Posted by sjwee3 > 2018-10-09 18:57 | Report Abuse

This is the precondition, but won't be given back to cronies.


14,460 posts

Posted by probability > 2018-10-09 18:57 | Report Abuse

It becomes the same story of Najib then...

just to satisfy the government's need of money, they are willing to reduce the economic value addition of the country by outsourcing (foreign company).


1,064 posts

Posted by Pilotsport > 2018-10-09 18:58 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow short lah


529 posts

Posted by sjwee3 > 2018-10-09 18:58 | Report Abuse

How can you compare Najib with current Govt.


14,460 posts

Posted by probability > 2018-10-09 18:59 | Report Abuse

of course cannot compare in terms of magnitude...but we are talking about the key principles.

Posted by sjwee3 > Oct 9, 2018 06:58 PM | Report Abuse

How can you compare Najib with current Govt.


907 posts

Posted by feimah > 2018-10-09 19:00 | Report Abuse

Yaloh. LGE is holding an elephant gun ma.. He will shoot at his will if he doesn't like it.


14,460 posts

Posted by probability > 2018-10-09 19:01 | Report Abuse

it becomes more of an action by PH due to hatred on BN cronies then...without any economic benefit to rakyat (which should be the bottom line objective)


529 posts

Posted by sjwee3 > 2018-10-09 19:01 | Report Abuse

Najib principal is bankrupted already.

Victor Yong

8,271 posts

Posted by Victor Yong > 2018-10-09 19:04 | Report Abuse


An Open Letter to Tun M @chedetofficial
By Justin Chin Jing Ho

My name is Justin Chin Jing Ho and I am (or soon to be, “was”) a Malaysian tunneller working on the KVMRT Line 2 underground project. I graduated 6 years ago with a 1st Class Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering from one of the best engineering universities in the world near the top of my class and despite receiving some lucrative job offers, I decided to drop all logic and follow my heart to come back to serve my beloved country Malaysia and participate in building this nation I call home. I chose not to be another number contributing to Malaysia’s brain drain statistic.

I will write this letter in a single pass without any editing or curation as I want the tone to be as raw as possible and to reflect my emotions and thoughts as I am lying in my bed at 4am wide awake trying to come to terms with the Government’s decision to terminate MMC Gamuda as the KVMRT Line 2 Underground Works contractor.

I cannot sleep not in fear of losing my job; but because I have witnessed and experienced too much pain since the big announcement and am having trouble processing it all. Alongside the thousands of Malaysians I have worked with building KL’s MRT lines for the past 6 years, many of us have worked in excess of 80 hours a week and over 300 days a year pouring out our hearts and souls in the name of making Malaysia better, and of course providing for our families.

On Sunday evening alone, after the news broke, I received over 30 calls and messages from my colleagues and comrades and over 30 more on Monday. All of the conversations differed from the others but the underlying messages were the same.

One of my foremen, big, strong and heavily tattooed, put on a brave face and asked “Boss, what will happen to the boys? Will they be okay? What do I tell them?” I didn’t have a good answer. All I could do was to put on a brave front and tell him that everything will be okay (but will it really?).

A single mother of 3, with 2 of her children in college, called up and asked, “What will happen to us now?” I didn’t know what to say to her.

One of my TBM operators, whom I have a very strong connection with after having carried him out of the dark depths of hell (also known as a TBM cutterhead) nearly 5 years ago when he got stuck and came close to drowning, put his daughter through medical school because of the opportunities presented by this project. Now he is wondering if he will have a job tomorrow and if he will have to leave his family to go overseas in search for work when he is now over 50 years old.

What do the three people above share in common? They all voted for you. They all voted for a new, better Malaysia; a Malaysia Baru. And today they went home, blaming themselves for voting for you because perhaps tomorrow, they will be out of work and will not be able to put food on the table for their families. This is most certainly not what they voted for.

We don’t need a third national car to build and grow world class engineers; I believe we have long missed the boat to be a world class car manufacturer. However, we have on hand another channel to do just that: the MRT lines in Kuala Lumpur. The Malaysian team working on KVMRT Line 1 and Line 2 have achieved groundbreaking stuff and received international recognition and accolades from the international tunnelling community for our good work here. The Variable Density TBM that we pioneered and use to tunnel through Kuala Lumpur’s extremely challenging geology was accorded the Technical Innovation of the Year Award. One of my dearest friends, Derek Eng, recently won the coveted Young Tunneller of the Year Award from the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association beating out competition from all over the world. Just a month ago, we successfully trialled the world’s first self-driving TBM which tunnelled under the 14-lane Jalan Sungai Besi without any incidents. We hope that this too will win a number of awards in the near future. The engineers who worked on the AI algorithm for the self-driving TBM had an average age of 26 which was no mean feat!

All these engineering achievements and milestones were made possible because of the opportunities presented to the young and vibrant Malaysian team working on this highly complex and challenging project. It has given us room to grow, to build, to innovate, to dream. And soon, we will be robbed of all of this.

In my simple mind, I cannot comprehend the logic of how retendering of the remaining works and awarding them to a foreign contractor can bring greater value to the nation or for the taxpayers’ money once the abortive costs, idling costs, compensation, etc are taken into account and considering other factors like unemployment and capital outflow. I guess I’m not smart enough to run the country or to see the logic behind this decision; I can only contribute to building it.

So now I choose appeal not to your logic but to your humanity and

Victor Yong

8,271 posts

Posted by Victor Yong > 2018-10-09 19:05 | Report Abuse

So now I choose appeal not to your logic but to your humanity and to your love for the rakyat of Malaysia. Don’t crush the hopes, dreams, futures and livelihood of 20,000 working class Malaysian employees who have toiled to build this nation. 20,000 jobs, 20,000 families, and countless hopes and dreams. I have heard people saying that there must be pain before there is gain. But not this pain; this is pure, outright injustice to the 20,000 who have done nothing wrong but to give their lives and time to serve this beautiful nation. The blood will be on your hands. #demirakyat #prayforMRT2 #save20000jobs #save20kjobs

Aged 28, Justin Chin Jing Ho is a top-flight engineer and one of the key faces of MMC-Gamuda. He is the epitome of brain drain recovery in Malaysia.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of the page owner.

P/S: My brother Justin doesn't have a FB account thus he requested a brother in need like me to assist.


529 posts

Posted by sjwee3 > 2018-10-09 19:07 | Report Abuse

The immediate benefits is the deficit reduce, forcing the incompetent cronies to change their function.restucture all the unneccessary project.


1,773 posts

Posted by hooi > 2018-10-09 19:08 | Report Abuse

some sacrifice is needed to build back the nation.
some are lucky, and some are not. This is life.
It is not end of the world.


174 posts

Posted by eklim65 > 2018-10-09 19:08 | Report Abuse

I am more interested in what's the compensation Gamuda-MMC will get from government. I believe this agreement should have some "exit or early termination" clauses to protect both parties.

Victor Yong

8,271 posts

Posted by Victor Yong > 2018-10-09 19:09 | Report Abuse

During these trying times we need a cool heads, let's sent in an appeal and a dialogue session with MOF how this can be salvaged for the benefit of the workers at large. Pretty sure a solution can be archived but the matter must be pressed on and addressed orderly.
Posted 46 minutes ago by Teruna Kelana

Victor Yong

8,271 posts

Posted by Victor Yong > 2018-10-09 19:09 | Report Abuse

Me too don't understand why they have to cancel this. If there are elements of corruption or abuse of power in the award of this contract, resulting to the increase of costs, then get MACC to investigate. Why cancel?
Posted 31 minutes ago by Yoon Fatt Ng

Victor Yong

8,271 posts

Posted by Victor Yong > 2018-10-09 19:11 | Report Abuse


Angry MRT2 workers regret voting Pakatan
Updated 1 hour ago · Published on 9 Oct 2018 5:30PM

WORKERS on the Mass Rapid Transit Line 2 (MRT2) are venting frustrations on social media against Putrajaya’s decision to scrap the underground portion of the project and issue a new tender, with one saying his colleagues now regretted voting for Pakatan Harapan.

In an open letter to Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, engineer Justin Chin Jing Ho, 28, said he feared losing his job and also did not know how to comfort his colleagues.


1,563 posts

Posted by TrippleZ > 2018-10-09 19:11 | Report Abuse

PH only want to destroy BN cronies. The only way is to cancel all projects.

Posted by geoffrey85 > 2018-10-09 19:12 | Report Abuse

Dr Mahathir will review the decision call


529 posts

Posted by sjwee3 > 2018-10-09 19:12 | Report Abuse

Don't be childish. They are all adult already.

Posted by geoffrey85 > 2018-10-09 19:12 | Report Abuse

Tmr price will go up


529 posts

Posted by sjwee3 > 2018-10-09 19:14 | Report Abuse

What for price go up?


529 posts

Posted by sjwee3 > 2018-10-09 19:14 | Report Abuse

To cover the hole?


3,256 posts

Posted by chinaman > 2018-10-09 19:14 | Report Abuse

Govt. also shorting to increase revenue ma. after earn enough, it reverse decision. have seen many times flip flop this new Pakatun govt. wakaka


907 posts

Posted by feimah > 2018-10-09 19:15 | Report Abuse

@Victor, pls post the open letter at i3 blog headlines


529 posts

Posted by sjwee3 > 2018-10-09 19:21 | Report Abuse

Actually I felt pity for those young engineer and lose incurred investor. Im not mean to hurt. But to recognize the reality.

Posted by geoffrey85 > 2018-10-09 19:23 | Report Abuse

Gamuda share price


3 posts

Posted by venteck > 2018-10-09 19:24 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 9 — Putrajaya will discuss the decision to terminate MMC-Gamuda as the underground contractor for the Mass Rapid Transit Line 2 (MRT2) project, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today.

This comes amid claims that 20,000 employees and 600 other local companies’ source of income is at stake as a result of the termination.

The prime minister also acknowledged the possibility of mass unemployment following the government’s decision to re-tender all the unfinished underground work of the project.

“I know, we will have to discuss this,” he said briefly to reporters on the sidelines after delivering his closing address at the Khazanah Megatrends Forum 2018 here, today.

MMC-Gamuda, in a statement yesterday, said the move by the Finance Ministry would trigger 20,000 job losses, of which over 3,000 were MMC-Gamuda joint-venture staff.

Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng said the government was committed to lowering the costs of the project through a re-tendering exercise.

Lim recently said that the MRT2 project was expected to save RM5.22 billion or 23 per cent of the original cost for the above ground portion of the project, following the open tender exercise.

However, both the government and MMC-Gamuda failed to reach an agreement relating to the underground portion of the construction project, he said, adding that as a result, the Cabinet decided to terminate the underground contract.

Following that, Lim had said that the workers would not be out of jobs as they would be re-employed upon continuation of the project.


12,634 posts

Posted by tksw > 2018-10-09 19:26 | Report Abuse

may be there are some kenot-tell cost marked-up in the previous tender, now those cost dun need pay cos MACC is catching ppl. no re-tender than the company will earn big big...


652 posts

Posted by jolow > 2018-10-09 19:29 | Report Abuse

the young engineers in gamuda are very high pay. They can get more than 10k per month for young engineers below 30 year old.
No wonder the project cost is damn high.


529 posts

Posted by sjwee3 > 2018-10-09 19:32 | Report Abuse

10k out of nothing? Damn shit.


2,370 posts

Posted by trulyinvest > 2018-10-09 19:35 | Report Abuse

The,stafs r shivering now. Waiting for retrenchment. Kikkkki

Posted by optimusprimeXV > 2018-10-09 19:35 | Report Abuse

Kwsp buying still why you all panic


2,370 posts

Posted by trulyinvest > 2018-10-09 19:35 | Report Abuse

Tomorow touch rm2


529 posts

Posted by sjwee3 > 2018-10-09 19:36 | Report Abuse

If they leverage their salary in buying house or expensive. Then shit Loh.

Lucas Chan

1,674 posts

Posted by Lucas Chan > 2018-10-09 19:38 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow will back to 2.6!!!


652 posts

Posted by jolow > 2018-10-09 19:38 | Report Abuse

dulu those engineers goyang kaki saja, dapat gaji buta. Hanya suruh bangla kerja kuat-kuat , sendiri pergi goreng share diam-diam.
Sikalang sudah mahu panic.

Mahu kesian, kesian itu bangla, uncle yang hands-on kerja saja.

Lucas Chan

1,674 posts

Posted by Lucas Chan > 2018-10-09 19:39 | Report Abuse

Tp for gamuda at least 3.0

Victor Yong

8,271 posts

Posted by Victor Yong > 2018-10-09 19:41 | Report Abuse

just renegotiate to settle it. last time, the contract was awarded through open tender too with few international bidders but won by mmc-gamuda with the lowest cost, etc. if there was fraud, corruption, etc, then let MACC to handle it, why cancel the contract already awarded and signed? :)


3,694 posts

Posted by hollandking > 2018-10-09 19:42 | Report Abuse

I give an analogy, is better for 1 person to die than everyone dying. U get what i mean. Don't be selfish and drag whole country with you.

Lucas Chan

1,674 posts

Posted by Lucas Chan > 2018-10-09 19:42 | Report Abuse

Those negative losers will become demon in future!!! Hahaha


529 posts

Posted by sjwee3 > 2018-10-09 19:44 | Report Abuse

Main share kena diamdiam ke? Why....They buy a lot Gamuda?

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