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Last Price
Today's Change
0.00 (0.00%)
Day's Change
0.285 - 0.29
Trading Volume
Market Cap
141 Million
496 Million
Avg Volume (4 weeks)
4 Weeks Range
0.285 - 0.30
4 Weeks Price Volatility (%)
52 Weeks Range
0.28 - 0.415
52 Weeks Price Volatility (%)
Previous Close
0.285 x 32,900
0.29 x 15,000
Day's Range
0.285 - 0.29
Trading Volume
Latest Quarter | Ann. Date
30-Sep-2024 [#3] | 20-Nov-2024
Next QR | Est. Ann. Date
31-Dec-2024 | 28-Feb-2025
T4Q P/E | EY
39.65 | 2.52%
T4Q DY | Payout %
5.16% | 203.98%
0.38 | 0.75
T4Q NP Margin | ROE
1.68% | 1.89%
Subsector: SOFTWARE
Subsector: SOFTWARE
Willowglen MSC Bhd is principally engaged in the research, development, and supply of computer-based control systems. Its service line consists of supervisory control and data acquisition, integrated security and information communication solutions. The company classifies its business in the various geographical segment that are Singapore, which design, supply, engineering, implementation and maintenance of computer-based control systems; Indonesia, which is involved in trading, hardware, and software consulting services; Malaysia; and Others, which is an investment holding. The Singapore geographical segment generates maximum revenue for the company. Contract revenue generates maximum income for the company.
The RSI , Stoch , Trix , AO, Chaikin Osc & MA Cross apparently moving +ve mode .
2022-04-24 08:10
look at latest 2021 annual report:
Revenue from Malaysia rm50mil, revenue from Singapore rm120mil ! Singapore biz contributes 2.4X Malaysia biz. And now Singapore dollar highest vs Malaysia Ringgit currency, Willow profit will SOAR!
2022-04-29 09:42
Net cash rm76mil, total shares issued 496mil
meaning 38% of share price is represented by CASH!
2022-04-29 09:47
PE only 12x! Revenue mostly from Singapore (2.4x more than Malaysia)
If I were major shareholders, I would privatize Willow and relist in Singapore for higher valuation, easily double the current PE.
2022-04-29 09:55
I agree, this Willowgreen is a fantastic investment especially if u want to manage your assets against depreciation of ringgit.
Quite similar to Pintaras Jaya .
The ability to win contracts in singapore consistently shows extremely good world class competitive management .
2022-04-29 10:18
dont be too overconfident, share price keep dropping for a reason, which you may have overlooked.
2022-04-29 16:14
lol dividend receive, but share price sink few c :D if buy 1 day b4 dividend x dae, u r still losing few c
2022-05-18 16:34
Dear Bullrun;
It's a very subjective question. No investors here can give a perfect answer.
You have to ask yourself money that you have invested is spare money or you need to use that in the near future.
Sell, if you need that in the near future.
Personally, I am still holding. In fact, I will slowly top up more. As the company fundamental didn't change.
2022-10-14 20:24
Wow! Willow is doing really well, PE ratio only 9.5, super undervalued!!!
2022-11-16 18:52
Operating profit drag down by associate in Canada.Balance sheet still looks healthy though.
2024-05-21 21:33
Many uncles auntys pakcik makcik trapped, waiting for syndicate to free uncles auntys pakcik makcik
2024-06-03 22:10
Fundamentally good co but price not moving.
Need strong catalyst to push it
2024-07-17 14:04
In 2023, the Group has secured a project for the provision of Extra Low Voltage (“ELV”) and security systems for DATA CENTERS. Q1 2024: Revenue from Malaysia operations has increased by 91.63% compared to the corresponding quarter of last financial year.
2024-07-23 10:31
wonder if they will ever release their new software they've been working on for years now. Lost track of how many years delayed.
2024-08-03 21:29
One of the highest contract in term of value in past 2 years. Looking good for the future with its strong technical fundamentals to win the contract.
2024-08-08 12:09
ITMAX is also doing identical job as WILLOW and it is trading above RM3 bil market capitalisation. WILLOW on the other hand is only 174 mil. The latest quarterly profit margin of ITMAX can be as high as 40%. Imagine if WILLOW can raise their profit margin from a single digit to 15 to 20, the share price will be more than double of existing price. Time to ponder.
2024-08-16 16:12
This company is owned by a relative of OSK boss. They filthy rich already so have no ambition whatsoever to grow Willow like Itmax
2024-08-16 17:02
Question to ponder is when the Canada unit (exploring new business) will see light at the end of the tunnel ? Few more losses may cause people hit the panic button.
2024-08-16 20:18
Mgt shld consider to divest the Canada business if it cannot have effective monitoring
and continous incurring of losses will drag the group down .
2024-08-17 16:26
Originally Willow was a Canadian company. Osk family member bought it, expanded it to Malaysia and Singapore. Then listed it in bursa.
It started in Canada, not the other way around.
2024-08-17 17:40
Correct me if i am wrong. Thought they bought only the Singapore operations fr the Canada co . The business then expanded to Malaysia and sought listing in 2002.
The current investment in Canada co was made in 2015.
2024-08-18 11:11
Singapore before Malaysia or Malaysia before Singapore I not sure. I only know Canada was the original
2024-08-18 16:59
The most recent secured contract, valued equivalent to approximately RM42,840,000 by Ministry of Education, Singapore for the Design, Supply and Installation of Security Systems.
2024-08-30 21:16
Price have not drop to so low since about ten years ago...if not mistaken😞
2024-09-12 15:22
If the selloff is without the base, expect management to be more aggressive in buying back.
2024-09-20 14:41
coming QR is critical.. Would it be a 3rd consecutive profit loss? It is hard to believe a company that won contracts from Singapore government not making a profit.
2 months ago
Israeli strike kills Hezbollah spokesperson as group prepares response to fresh ceasefire proposal
Tamara Qiblawi Hamdi Alkhshali
By Tamara Qiblawi, Allegra Goodwin, Ibrahim Dahman, Abeer Salman, Hamdi Alkhshali and Catherine Nicholls
5 minute read
Updated 3:33 PM EST, Sun November 17, 2024
2 months ago
Looks like Canada operations still bleeding. Will be prudent for Willow to start having some management control over the operations. Not wise to have zero management participation despite having a substantial stake.
2 months ago
Willowglen Services Pte Ltd has been awarded a contract valued equivalent to approximately RM79,200,000 by Public Utilities Board, Singapore.
2 months ago
Time to accumulate!
2022-04-14 12:02