KLSE: MEDIA (4502)       MEDIA PRIMA BHD MAIN : Telco&Media
Last Price Today's Change   Day's Range   Trading Volume
0.465   -0.02 (4.12%)  0.465 - 0.465  5,200
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Market Cap: 516 Million
NOSH: 1,109 Million
Avg Volume (4 weeks):189,215
4 Weeks Range:0.455 - 0.49
4 Weeks Price Volatility (%):
52 Weeks Range:0.405 - 0.49
52 Weeks Price Volatility (%):
Average Price Target: 0.40
Price Target Upside/Downside: -0.065
Stamp duty exempted for year 2024

Financial Highlight

Latest Quarter | Ann. Date 31-Mar-2024 [#3]  |  29-May-2024
Next QR | Est. Ann. Date: 30-Jun-2024  |  30-Aug-2024
T4Q P/E | EY: 14.30  |  6.99%
T4Q DY | Payout %: 3.23%  |  46.14%
T4Q NAPS | P/NAPS: 0.6228  |  0.75
T4Q NP Margin | ROE: 4.11%  |  5.22%


Date Subject
07-Jun-2024 Media U - Earnings Outlook Still Cloudy
31-May-2024 Media Chinese May Shrink Workforce by 44% — Kenanga
30-May-2024 Media Prima - Balanced Risk-Reward
30-May-2024 Media Prima - Divergence With Industry Adex Trends
29-May-2024 MQ Market Updates - 29 May2024
29-May-2024 Star Media Posts Slim Net Loss in 1QFY2024, Appoints Three New Board Members
19-Apr-2024 Media - 1QCY24 Adex: Recovery in TV Adex
17-Apr-2024 Media - Testing Times
26-Mar-2024 MEDIA - Topline Remains Under Pressure
05-Mar-2024 Media U - Adex Rout Weighs on 4QCY23 Results
05-Mar-2024 Kenanga Today Highlights - 05 Mar 2024
29-Feb-2024 Media Prima - Persistent Struggles
29-Feb-2024 Media Prima - Adex Remains Sluggish
29-Feb-2024 Kenanga Today Highlights - 29 Feb 2024
28-Feb-2024 MQ Market Updates - 28 February 2024
30-Nov-2023 Media Prima Berhad - Adex Remained Subdued
30-Nov-2023 Daily Market Commentary - 30 Nov 2023
30-Nov-2023 Media Prima - Subdued Adex and Margin Pressure
30-Nov-2023 Media Prima Berhad - Lifted by Lower Cost
30-Nov-2023 Media Prima - Decline in 1qfy24 Revenue and Margin

Business Background

Media Prima Bhd is a Malaysian integrated media company. It is engaged in commercial television and radio broadcasting, publishing, editorial services, provision of internet based online services, general media advertising, provision of advertising space and related production works, sale of programme rights, cable and streaming rights, content production, property management services, procurement services and other media industry related services. The company owns free-to-air television stations namely TV3, 8TV, ntv7 and TV9. It manages its business in seven segments namely Television Networks, Radio Networks, Outdoor Media, Print Media, Digital Media, Content Creation and Corporate. The company's majority of the revenue is generated from Television Networks and Print Media business.
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  4 people like this.
MaluNegaraKu Terjunam ke gaung - GLC
08/07/2022 4:42 PM
PenditaAlam Post removed. Why?
28/07/2022 2:15 PM
NolanYang https://www.thesundaily.my/home/asia-media-in-good-position-to-exit-pn17-status-FB9524788
01/08/2022 5:22 PM
NolanYang Is me again. Not posting wrong place, just sharing .....
01/08/2022 5:23 PM
8888_ 90 sen to RM 1 Media Prima by GE15 I can support govn.
03/08/2022 11:51 AM
8888_ Why 90 sen TP needed? Before BN lost GE14, Media Prima never drop below 80 sen if someone read the last Stock Performance Guide published by Dynaquest Sdn. Bhd.
03/08/2022 11:55 AM
8888_ Why Media Prima so important? Who/which company product can show our PM face to rakyat?
03/08/2022 11:57 AM
PenditaAlam 25 sen coming soon. Media bangsat dibangsatkan oleh bangsat-bangsat yang terbangsat.
05/08/2022 9:44 AM
8888_ Profit up YOY and QOQ. Min 2 sen dividend in 2023?
25/08/2022 10:39 AM
winlast time to buy, going up
26/08/2022 11:04 AM
winlast yeah, it is going up higher to 50 cents
26/08/2022 11:33 AM
DickyMe10 23 sen coming soon!
30/08/2022 11:45 AM
MaluNegaraKu Hari Hari jatuh
Macam pm kita
21/09/2022 9:35 AM
MaluNegaraKu Naik sikit Tapi Turun macam jatuh tower klcc
27/09/2022 10:08 AM
ming election play~
06/10/2022 4:26 PM
8888_ GE15 stocks?
11/10/2022 9:34 PM
thesteward Got potential big spike this week
14/11/2022 2:42 PM
thesteward If can break 46 with huge volume will big spike fingers crossed
16/11/2022 4:26 PM
DickyMe 23 sen coming soon!
22/11/2022 9:27 PM
Kedahan 43.5-44 sen collect more. Goreng to come sooner or later?
06/12/2022 9:59 AM
DickyMe Saluran penjilat!
09/12/2022 4:39 PM
tv3_ 2023 Media Prima CEO must go if manpowers no cut.
25/12/2022 6:51 AM
Fat_tat Rabbit year every1 huat?
25/01/2023 11:00 AM
5354_ EPF, KWAP why cannot buy? TV programme not considered ESG?
07/02/2023 10:54 AM
Mar2083 Potentially may rebound today
14/04/2023 6:31 AM
5354_ Star >60 sen can why Media Prima cannot?
26/04/2023 9:32 AM
5354_ Nobody want should add more?
26/04/2023 9:33 AM
nicholas99 because no one goreng. lol.
26/04/2023 9:34 AM
5354_ NST, Berita Harian nobody read like Star?
26/04/2023 9:53 AM
5354_ Star fly 100% in April 23 why Media Prima cannot? Must fly to 80 sen?
26/04/2023 10:12 AM
fregend still sleeping Media prima
26/04/2023 11:30 AM
5354_ Star 1 sen dividend let it jump to 60 sen why not Media declare 1 sen dividend?
27/04/2023 9:17 AM
fregend Better trade other counter, nobody want to push this old stock
27/04/2023 9:45 AM
5354_ RM 1 price different between NST and Star more people will buy NST like myself?
27/04/2023 10:37 AM
5354_ PE only 9 for Media Prima compare to Star 63 why not switch stocks? If Media go to 60 sen you gain 35%.
27/04/2023 10:49 AM
I_like_dividend QR for 15 months reported? Why dividend not announced? Even 1.5-2 sen dividend can make Media jump to 60 sen not good?
25/05/2023 9:24 AM
Hidup_Anwar Anwar ialah Abang SM kenapa Media Prima tak terbang?
23/06/2023 4:39 PM
5354_ Bullish breakout?
18/07/2023 11:22 AM
limkiankok People do digital media, revenue fly but mediaprima revenue is skrinking, lousy managment??!!
08/08/2023 4:17 PM
5354_ Johari Abdul Ghani better replace Zahid Hamidi as UMNO President to revive UMNO?
14/08/2023 10:26 AM
msg232 Johari will be in the cabinet soon?
21/08/2023 11:54 AM
limkiankok listen on BFM
No plan, no idea,
if media prima lead by current uncapable management, the share price will rocket to the bottom of the sea.

12/09/2023 8:44 AM
5354_ Sleeping giant finally wake up?
18/09/2023 12:30 PM
5354_ If rice face shortage who can help government?
18/09/2023 2:02 PM
nelsonlim why rice shortage can do with media
18/09/2023 2:03 PM
5354_ Johari Abdul Ghani a minister in PM-X reshuffle Cabinet?
02/10/2023 11:12 AM
DickyMe "5354_

Sleeping giant finally wake up?

2023-09-18 12:30"

Lama sangat nak bangun..berbulan-bulan. Pemalas kot?
18/01/2024 2:49 PM
rlch Media Prima GMD Rafiq Razali appointed chairman of CMCF
01/02/2024 9:44 AM
5354_ Rice shortage until need to eat ubi kayu(suggested by Speaker Dewan Rakyat Johari Abdul)? Once in a while(Raya) eat ubi kayu ok but not every day? Those wondering why rice shortage got to do with Media Prima is rice(owned by Bernas) and Media Prima biggest shareholder is Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Albukhary.
12/04/2024 2:30 PM
5354_ You help me(buy Media share) or support Media Prima financially more I(Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar) help government overcome rice shortage(Bernas).
12/04/2024 2:43 PM

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