KLSE: MASTEEL (5098)       MALAYSIA STEEL WORKS (KL)BHD MAIN : Industrial Products
Last Price Today's Change   Day's Range   Trading Volume
0.37   -0.005 (1.33%)  0.37 - 0.38  3,878,900
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Market Cap: 251 Million
NOSH: 679 Million
Avg Volume (4 weeks):5,855,863
4 Weeks Range:0.32 - 0.395
4 Weeks Price Volatility (%):
52 Weeks Range:0.29 - 0.395
52 Weeks Price Volatility (%):
Average Price Target: 0.40
Price Target Upside/Downside: +0.03
Stamp duty exempted for year 2024

Financial Highlight

Latest Quarter | Ann. Date 31-Mar-2024 [#1]  |  31-May-2024
Next QR | Est. Ann. Date: 30-Jun-2024  |  30-Aug-2024
T4Q P/E | EY: 51.42  |  1.94%
T4Q DY | Payout %: 0.00%  |  - %
T4Q NAPS | P/NAPS: 1.2666  |  0.29
T4Q NP Margin | ROE: 0.22%  |  0.57%


Date Subject
15-Jun-2024 MASTEEL - The Steel Stock Primed for Data Center Growth (KingKKK)
05-Mar-2024 Masteel Appoints JCorp President Syed Mohamed as Chairman
05-Mar-2024 PublicInvest Research Headlines - 5 Mar 2024
05-Mar-2024 Daily Market Commentary - 5 Mar 2024
05-Mar-2024 Mplus Market Pulse - 05 Mar 2024
15-Jan-2024 Daily Market Commentary - 15 Jan 2024
15-Jan-2024 Mplus Market Pulse - 15 Jan 2024
18-Dec-2023 Technical View - Malaysia Steel Works (KL) Bhd
28-Nov-2023 Malaysia Steel Works Cuts GHG Emissions by Almost Half
16-Nov-2023 Steel Counters Rise After Miti Announces Industry Moratorium
10-Nov-2023 Daily Market Commentary - 10 Nov 2023

Business Background

Malaysia Steel Works (KL) Bhd Shs engages in manufacturing of steel bars and steel billets. The company also has an associate company which is a Bio Nexus certified company that manufactures radioisotopes which are used by hospitals for cancer imaging. The group is primarily organised in one business segment which is the manufacturing of steel bars and billets. The firm's main activities areas are the Malaysia and Outside Malaysia. The company's factories are located strategically at Petaling Jaya and Bukit Raja, Klang in the state of Selangor. It generates most of its revenues through the manufacturing of steel bars and billets in the Malaysian market.
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  18 people like this.
stncws accumulating take place now.
01/04/2024 12:43 PM
WiraBoleh Masteel akan naik tinggi pd suatu hari 🙂
09/04/2024 9:14 AM
Mini2021 Gold, Copper, Silver up to historical high..... Next Steel...
15/04/2024 7:49 AM
WiraBoleh Pembinaan LRT ni akan mendorong permintaan keluli
24/04/2024 1:42 PM
stncws bursa 1604 point, will hit high
07/05/2024 10:32 AM
WiraBoleh Steel industry masih belum naik lagi ...
09/05/2024 7:07 PM
Mini2021 A mandatory review of the Section 301 tariffs on imports from China concluded May 14 with recommendations to increase some tariffs on $18 billion worth of Chinese goods, establish an exclusion process for a limited number of products, and make other changes. A Federal Register notice soliciting comments on the proposed changes is expected next week.

The recommendations are included in the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative’s report on its review of the tariffs, which were first imposed in 2018 in an effort to persuade China to modify its “harmful technology transfer-related acts, policies, and practices.” USTR Katherine Tai said that while the tariffs have been somewhat successful in that regard, “further action is required.”

USTR also downplayed the impact of the tariffs on U.S. businesses, saying they have had small negative effects on U.S. economic welfare, prices, and employment and that these impacts are “particularly associated” with China’s retaliatory tariffs on U.S. exports. In fact, USTR asserted, the tariffs have helped to increase U.S. production in the most-affected industrial sectors, reduce imports from China, and increase imports from alternate sources, “thereby potentially supporting U.S. supply chain diversification and resilience.”

USTR is therefore proposing to maintain all existing Section 301 tariffs on Chinese goods and to add or increase tariffs on the following products.

- battery parts (non-lithium-ion batteries) – from 7.5 percent to 25 percent in 2024

- electric vehicles – from 25 percent to 100 percent in 2024

- lithium-ion electrical vehicle batteries – from 7.5 percent to 25 percent in 2024

- lithium-ion non-electrical vehicle batteries – from 7.5 percent to 25 percent in 2026

- medical gloves – from 7.5 percent to 25 percent in 2026

- natural graphite – from 0 to 25 percent in 2026

- other critical minerals – from 0 to 25 percent in 2024

- permanent magnets – from 0 to 25 percent in 2026

- personal protective equipment – from 0-7.5 percent to 25 percent in 2024

- semiconductors – from 25 percent to 50 percent by 2025

- ship-to-shore cranes – from 0 to 25 percent in 2024

- solar cells (whether or not assembled into modules) – from 25 percent to 50 percent in 2024

- steel and aluminum products – from 0-7.5 percent to 25 percent in 2024

- syringes and needles – from 0 to 50 percent in 2024
15/05/2024 6:58 AM
Mini2021 Malaysia Steel will up up up...
15/05/2024 6:58 AM
stncws Steel will be very sales for malaysia. Buy all..good future
15/05/2024 1:12 PM
djibaok Boom boom pakk... boom boom kepakk....
15/05/2024 3:12 PM
stncws masteel leads the Q , ok...will benefit from tax hike on China product
15/05/2024 3:20 PM
djibaok Quick get on board!!
15/05/2024 4:29 PM
WiraBoleh masa untuk industri keluli terbang
17/05/2024 5:04 PM
AlexChiaWS https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/17/china-pledges-billions-in-measures-to-support-struggling-property-sector.html

Finally, China government announce support for property developer.
More project can be finished, steel price shall be stabilize.
19/05/2024 5:36 PM
WiraBoleh Malam ni Masteel punya keputusan keluar?
29/05/2024 5:34 PM
djibaok Latest Profit:
QoQ- UP 350.84%
YoY- UP 382.03%

Kasi angkat masok dalam tong...
05/06/2024 8:59 PM
monetary 3 mil profit is a good start.
07/06/2024 9:55 AM
bullrun168 Walaoeh, what happend ?
Masteel super damn hot man today !
Now Masteel was traded at @0.345 (+0.02) (+6.2 %)

Heng ah, Ong ah, Huat ah !
07/06/2024 10:01 AM
EngineeringProfit I'm back.................
07/06/2024 10:01 AM
stncws leader of steel industry...
07/06/2024 10:02 AM
monetary 3Q20 stated with 3.6m Pat when it turned to black. It slowly improved to 13m QoQ
07/06/2024 10:09 AM
monetary meanwhile, local steel price stay steady at 3k per ton for almost 3months already.
07/06/2024 10:11 AM
stncws today will closed higher
07/06/2024 4:13 PM
ambuyat Omnommmnomm
07/06/2024 4:46 PM
Whiteevoque Looking good for wave 3. Construction sector has started to be in bullish trend, next is steel!!! Masteel + sendai both in wave 3!!
08/06/2024 7:06 PM
Michael Kwok Post removed. Why?
08/06/2024 8:16 PM
Sslee https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/steel

Look at rebar price trend and you will know next quarter result will not be good.
09/06/2024 7:32 AM
monetary Those probably is cq grade. In Malaysia only bs grade is accepted by jkr. All mid to large scale private project also use bs grade. Currently bs grade rebar is 3k per tone.
09/06/2024 11:54 AM
monetary Only 14% revenue is from export. Mostly export to Singapore, I think. Unlike glove, steel doesn't compete with China in global Market.
09/06/2024 1:10 PM
daretocutandchange hopefully is steel sector turn right now,watch out mycron dare to play.......
09/06/2024 2:24 PM
stncws 3500 to 3800 ok
09/06/2024 8:40 PM
WiraBoleh Tema keluli bermula
10/06/2024 2:58 PM
Icon 888 Perhaps the best Steel company in Big 4
11/06/2024 1:44 AM
stncws needs 2 days to clear contra.
11/06/2024 12:15 PM
stncws im back again...
14/06/2024 10:26 AM
stncws steel protection again.. or selling price improve...more construction jobs in Johor, JCORP
14/06/2024 11:03 AM
stncws today slow slow collects....
14/06/2024 11:59 AM
newbie9893 steel sector will be next theme to play..buy now to be rewarded very soon
14/06/2024 12:05 PM
stncws very soon...
14/06/2024 12:33 PM
stncws 350 stop 370 stop....next push ....400
14/06/2024 3:51 PM
KingKKK MASTEEL - The Steel Stock Primed for Data Center Growth (KingKKK)

15/06/2024 9:04 PM
speakup amboi! apa pun relate to data centre. toilet paper pun boleh, more DC workers berak at DC need use more toilet paper
15/06/2024 9:50 PM
StartOfTheBull Data centers are not kilang kasut, why need so many workers? 🤣
15/06/2024 10:07 PM
BountyOfTheBourse well, could be worth a little trial play
16/06/2024 2:35 PM
ambuyat seat belt longgar. kasi ketat2
18/06/2024 10:23 AM
stncws change ship...please
18/06/2024 11:23 AM
dajonewbie not a theme yet for steel. Construction and tech theme!
20/06/2024 9:20 PM
djibaok Kasi angkat 2 - 3 tong....
01/07/2024 10:06 PM
bullrun168 Walaoeh, what happend ?
Super damn hot man Masteel today !
Now Masteel was traded at @0.37 (+0.01) (+2.8 %)

Heng ah, Ong ah, Huat ah !
02/07/2024 9:26 AM
bullrun168 Wow, Amazing !
Now Masteel was traded at @0.38 (+0.02) (+5.6 %)

Heng ah, Ong ah, Huat ah !
02/07/2024 3:53 PM

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