KLSE: HWANG (6688)       HWANG-DBS (M) BHD MAIN : Finance
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Market Cap: 666 Million
NOSH: 255 Million
Avg Volume (4 weeks):0
Average Price Target:-

Financial Highlight

Latest Quarter | Ann. Date 31-Jul-2017 [#4]  |  11-Sep-2017
Next QR | Est. Ann. Date: 31-Oct-2017  |  24-Nov-2017
T4Q P/E | EY: 18.61  |  5.37%
T4Q DY | Payout %: 0.00%  |  - %
T4Q NAPS | P/NAPS: 3.4  |  0.77
T4Q NP Margin | ROE: 63.93%  |  4.12%


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Business Background

Hwang-Dbs (Malaysia) Berhad is an investment holding company. It provides a range of investment and commercial banking, stockbroking, futures broking, management of unit trust funds and provision of fund management services, moneylending and the provision of related financial services. The Company also operates a commercial bank in Cambodia. The Company operates in six segments: stockbroking, which is engaged in stockbroking, share margin financing and dealing in securities; investment banking, which is engaged in debt capital markets, corporate banking, corporate finance advisory, equity capital market services and treasury and market activities; commercial banking, which is engaged in commercial banking activities; investment management, which is engaged in management of unit trust funds and provision of fund management services; moneylending, which is engaged in moneylending activities, and others include investment holding and other non-core operations of the Company.
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kaikai For the benefit of all, you can decide whether to accept or not to accept on the 20th July. The Joint Offerors shall announce any revision of extension of offer at least 2 days before the closing date - which falls on the 21st July.
12/07/2016 12:26 PM
Hk Wong revise offer
14/07/2016 3:54 PM
Desimondo i wont accept such a peasant amount for this, please revise offer. I have been a long term shareholder!
14/07/2016 8:13 PM
Won Wong When the payment will be send to those who had submitted the shares to the receiver?
18/07/2016 3:46 PM
asdf George

10 days after the first closing or after it becomes unconditional.
This was stated in their letter of offer.
19/07/2016 1:25 AM
nnMM kaikai.....when is the offer revision?
20/07/2016 12:06 PM
firehawk probably no offer revision!
20/07/2016 3:28 PM
15% to 20% Thanks Kai Kai for the info. But i would want to make it clearer on the 90%, it is not just hold more than 90%, it is the acceptance rate 90% (excluding offeror shares)..... . . . .

kaikai wisdow + hw0706 : if Hwang family holds 50+ percent and the company get delisted due to insufficient public shareholding spread . It would make their control over the company more difficult when it's a private company. "Compulsory Acquisition" in your terms can only be executed if Hwang's family shareholdings surpass 90%. Please read the offer document before commenting and confusing investors here.
05/07/2016 11:23

In the event the Joint Offerors receive valid acceptances of not less than 9/10 in the nominal value of the Offer Shares (EXCLUDING EXCLUDING EXCLUDING EXCLUDING EXCLUDING EXCLUDING EXCLUDING EXCLUDING EXCLUDING EXCLUDING EXCLUDING EXCLUDING EXCLUDING EXCLUDING HCM Shares already held by the Joint Offerors and the PACs at the date of the Offer), the Joint Offerors intend to invoke the provisions of Section 222(1) of
the CMSA, subject to Section 224 of the CMSA, to compulsorily acquire any remaining Offer Shares for which valid acceptances have not been received prior to the Closing Date.


Info: Based on annual report. DBS Vickers Securities (Malaysia) Pte Ltd 60,000,000 23.51%
20/07/2016 4:05 PM
nnMM As the public shareholding spread of HCM is less than 10% of its total listed shares (excluding treasury shares), pursuant to Paragraph 16.02(2) of the Listing Requirements, Bursa Securities shall suspend the trading of the securities of HCM immediately upon the expiry of 30 market days from the date of this announcement. The suspension will be effected on 2 September 2016, being the market day immediately following the expiry of 30 market days from the date of this announcement.

Once the suspension pursuant to Paragraph 16.02(2) of the Listing Requirements is effected, it will only be uplifted by Bursa Securities upon full compliance with the public shareholding spread requirement, where HCM must ensure that at least 25% of its total listed shares (excluding treasury shares) are in the hands of public shareholders, or as may be determined by Bursa Securities.

As of the date of this announcement, HCM has not taken any steps to increase its public shareholding spread to above 10% and neither has it formulated any rectification plan. Further, as stated in the Offer Document dated 13 June 2016, the Joint Offerors do not intend to maintain the listing status of HCM and do not intend to take any steps to address the shortfall in the public shareholding spread requirement of HCM.
20/07/2016 7:22 PM
nnMM suspension of trading....
20/07/2016 7:31 PM
Peggy Method What is DBS doing?
20/07/2016 9:44 PM
Liek Lim What would be happen and what are the options for those minority shareholders who still holding the shares?
21/07/2016 12:56 AM
wisdow_wy indeed very literate
21/07/2016 9:19 AM
asdf Liek Lim,
They become shareholders of a private company.
21/07/2016 11:22 AM
nnMM yup.......haiz ....i miss out the chance to receive RM2.65 cash.....
21/07/2016 11:28 AM
Liek Lim Thanks asdf!
21/07/2016 11:57 AM
wisdow_wy Thanks kaikai! very valuable lesson for illiterate normal person like me. i learn a lot from you.
21/07/2016 1:43 PM
kaikai IMPORTANT : For those who still want to accept you have until today (till 5pm) to complete the Bursa Depository Transfer Form (FTF010) at your ADA (your stockbroking house) and you can submit/courier the acceptance form to Agriteum Share Registration Services Sdn Bhd in 7 Days.
Address is 2nd Flr, Wisma Penang Garden, 42, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah 10050 Penang.
21/07/2016 2:46 PM
firehawk seemed DBS doesn't accept the offer!
21/07/2016 10:26 PM
wisdow_wy yes. dbs doesn't accept but still does not change the fact that those "who choose not to accept or sell" will be holding unlisted shares after 2nd of September.
22/07/2016 9:13 AM
asdf Asking price is now lower than 2.65
22/07/2016 9:33 AM
ganasai no need worry, company is still not private. they still need to publish out any announcement, and the agm still as usual. They cannot decide any big decision such as sell off asset or new business path.... alone, because this still need the vote from other holders such as dbs. They cannot treat the money as private. They still need to declare dividend fairly for every share holders if got dividend. In other words, they still not fully control the company. If want fully, please come out another offer price.
22/07/2016 12:53 PM
hw0706 not so soon and will end up with unlisted share
22/07/2016 4:06 PM
ganasai then see this family when want to full control. they take up so many shares also need money. but still not fully control. u can imagine, the situation now for them also same like last time. share got increase, but still not able full control. they cannot do what they want.
22/07/2016 4:34 PM
ganasai if take up now is 6x% means still got 4x% not satisfy (just major is not public holder) or not agree current offer. Let see the show.
22/07/2016 4:41 PM
firehawk stingy ppl want to take advantages from small shareholders :(
22/07/2016 4:42 PM
nnMM dbs willing to go private together with hwang family. they have been working together for 20 years and part of the IB success is because of dbs. they won't go hostile with hwang family.
22/07/2016 4:48 PM
nnMM this take over offer was well planned and strategized.
22/07/2016 4:50 PM
nnMM in fact dbs has board representative in hwang cap. if they want to make noise they already made earlier.....haizzzzzzzz....what to do...small shareholders :(
22/07/2016 5:00 PM
ganasai let see the good show lah. dbs is Singapore very well known organization. if they accept offer, they will follow on reasonable price and let the whole process visible to public. wont be diam diam private together.
22/07/2016 5:30 PM
ganasai besides, do u think family got enough cash to absorb the share or just using loan? how about using loan but still not fully control company? then how to pay back is using loan? use your brain.
22/07/2016 5:34 PM
ganasai those sell on 2.4, really.......
22/07/2016 5:36 PM
ganasai one word, stock market really tricky. Who can see the clear picture, he/she is the winner. Of course timing also an issue. u can hold how long, longer u can earn more.
22/07/2016 5:44 PM
nnMM not everyone can hold unlisted shares for long. what if they need cash?
22/07/2016 5:58 PM
ganasai This is question, for those use margin, then sorry lah. 2.65 price, then accept loh. different people, got different situation, as long as u still earn then ok loh. accept or not accept, justify yourself.
22/07/2016 6:04 PM
nnMM the family received RM2.625 cash dividend from 2014 until 2015 on their 30%++ shares. So meaning that the 34% they bought now can be paid using cash. They can easily do so by just reinvesting their dividend.
22/07/2016 6:04 PM
nnMM i am using my brain :)
22/07/2016 6:06 PM
asdf Keep watching till early Sept
26/07/2016 12:17 PM
nnMM square one
27/07/2016 2:46 PM
asdf Count down started
29/08/2016 12:15 PM
nnMM where's the good show talking about?
01/09/2016 1:02 PM
Desimondo hwang bought back my share
02/09/2016 10:02 AM
nnMM not waiting for the good show?
02/09/2016 10:45 AM
Teh_Invest What's the expectation?
03/09/2016 12:42 AM
Teh_Invest Anyone holding this share still? What can be expected?
26/09/2016 6:27 PM
asdf http://www.enanyang.my/news/20161011/%E4%B8%A4%E5%B8%AE%E8%82%A1%E4%B8%9C%E4%B8%8D%E6%94%BE%E6%89%8Bbr-%E9%BB%84%E6%B0%8F%E8%B5%84%E6%9C%AC%E7%A7%81%E6%9C%89%E5%8C%96%E6%96%99%E9%99%B7%E5%83%B5%E5%B1%80/

152点看 2016年10月11日











黄立德连同Hwang Enterprises私人有限公司(简称HESB),出价每股2.65令吉,献购所有还未持有的黄氏资本股权。



11/10/2016 4:36 PM
HBS Got dividend
01/11/2016 9:31 PM
smartInvestor1 7/4/2014 脱售产业 目前业务是金钱借贷和产业租借
22/01/2017 4:06 PM
firehawk guys, doesn't an new offer @2.94?

why no one talk about this?
07/07/2017 5:45 PM
Teh_Invest Is everyone entitled? Forced offer?
02/11/2017 4:57 PM

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