Sslee blog

HENGYUAN: First week update on Notice of Requisition received.

Publish date: Sat, 31 Mar 2018, 06:24 AM
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This is my blog

Dear Hengyuan Shareholders,

Good morning it’s a beautiful Saturday morning. Month of March had come to an end with many shares listed in Bursa Malaysia had it worst performance month. Sifu Mr. CPTeh has a very busy and difficult time in keeping up with waterfall/stock alert/new lows list. The tension of war in Korean Peninsula had subsided as Mr. Kim of North Korea had visited Mr. Xi of China and will now meet Mr. Trump of USA later. The trade war announced by Mr. Trump that had cause havoc in world stock market will eventually blow over and hopefully stock market will resume its bullish run.

Hengyuan Corporate Affairs Department had received 29 Notices of Requisition as of yesterday afternoon. (Our first week of mobilization) We are still short of another 21 Notices. I would like to take this opportunity of a beautiful Saturday morning to thank all supporters for sending in their Notices of Requisition and urge who has yet to do so please send in your notice this weekend. (Just need to hold 1 lot to qualify as voting member)

The Notices of Requisition is not about me or you or whether the resolutions will be voted for or against by major shareholder. It is everything to do with exercise our collective minority shareholders right and change the current culture/mindset where major shareholder with the control of the board can do whatever he like and not answerable to the shareholders.

Together lets us make history as the first group of minority shareholders successfully makes a Requisition and vote on our proposed Resolutions in the AGM. I thank you and have an enjoyable weekend. Time for my morning jogging.

To many friends in Hengyuan forum who love poem and pantun. My little contribution, hope to lighten up your weekend.

  • Harap pagar menjaga padi
  • Pagar yang memakan padi
  • Harap orang memberi budi
  • Rugi rugi yang terjadi


  • Dua tiga kucing berlari
  • Manakan sama sikucing belang
  • Dua tiga boleh ku cari
  • Manakan sama siHengyuan “Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang”


  • Harap pagar menjaga padi
  • Pagar yang memakan padi
  • Harap orang tak jadi
  • Harap sendiri pasti jadi


  • Dua tiga kucing berlari
  • Manakan sama sikucing belang
  • Sudah lama aku mencari
  • Hengyuan pasti beruntung “Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang”


Thank you

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2 people like this. Showing 15 of 15 comments


Good job! Many r watching . Wish u great success.

2018-03-31 09:07


siakap senohong gelama ikan duri
Bercakap bohong lama-lama mencuri

siakap gelama ikan duri ikan senohong
sesudah curi tidak henti-henti cakap bohong

2018-03-31 09:58


Seikhlas jiwa saya menanti
Selagi kami sejiwa hati

Just popping by aftr reading a good poems..

2018-03-31 12:02


Post removed.Why?

2018-03-31 12:51


Do it first thing on Monday morning at your office if you do not have a printer with scanner.

2018-03-31 12:51


Janji bergerak sejiwa sehati
Kesenangan pasti menanti besuk hari
Sama-sama lah mengikut jejak langkah Saudara SsLee!!
Syabas para ahli forum

2018-04-01 16:53


Bagus! terima kasih

2018-04-02 06:24


Hi Probability, Thank you to your proactive action taken on Hengyuan Company. I had just spoken to some dealers and they are very keen to assist their clients to submit the requisition forms. If they can gather at least 5- 10 clients to submit, how do you keep track of the number of forms submitted and when is the last date of submission of the said forms? Also, who will do the follow-up and how do we get the update on this issue? Appreciate your helps.

2018-04-02 12:44


Grace663663, please divert all your queries on this to SSLEE....he is the initiator and has direct phone communication with HY company secretary...

anyway..he will answer your queries..

2018-04-02 12:48


quickly just email requisition form as posted....dont change track coordinate left right later tak sampai....miss the boat....faster just email to hrc email...sslee ady confirmed hy will send acknowledge receipt....this week pray can get 50 lor...... jia you....

2018-04-02 12:50


who want support just do quickly....lar....

2018-04-02 12:51


jia you...

2018-04-02 13:10


Hi Sslee
Please SMS me at 0105532552 for our group to contact you on the requisition procedures and status. Thank you.

2018-04-04 16:33


Dear all,
Sorry for the late reply as I was not looking in this blog for the past two day. I was very upset with the behavior of qqq3 and also trying my best to reply to Dear GoodCompanies on the below blog. I can only do my reply after office hour, during lunch break or during off day.

The last count is we have the numbers but Ms. Gene (Corporate Legal Department) cautions me not to break the news yet as this numbers had to go through the venting of Company Secretary with the share registry on the true ownership of the share. (Previously they received multiply Notice from the same sender hence they decide to send acknowledgement “Your e-mail is received”)

I had taken the opportunity to ask Mr. Surya on the upcoming turnaround and upgrading schedule on Aug 2018. Below is his WhatsApp reply:
Hi Mr Lee,
The major turnaround (MTA) will start in August. We will halt production for 45 to 90 days max but business will still be operating as usual.
Please note that we are with 11 crude oil tanks, 78 refined product tanks & our own jetty to ensure continuation of supply that we have booked at a preferred rate to ensure our margin are protected during the period.

Dear LSue,
Thank you for your support, please refer to comment from probability above: 5 STEPS ONLY………take 5 minute with a printer connected to your PC! (On the requisition procedure)
Please continue send in your Notice of Requisition even though we unofficially have the numbers but you must at least hold 1 single lot during the venting process with the share registry.
I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your overwhelming support and trust given to me.

Thank you.

2018-04-04 20:09


Hello Mr Lee, thank you once again for proactively updating us minority shareholders on your communiques with Heng Yuan's Legal and Corporate Affairs Department. Although yet to be confirmed, it is most re-assuring to know that the target of 50 requisitions has been met. I do hope that the final count is far ahead of this figure to prove to the company's management that they need to start listening to the minority shareholders too. With regards to the upgrade and its impact on the financials, Mr Surya confirms what we all have already known i.e. the company has indeed hedged its forward risks. On the matter of the prevalence of negative comments in this forum, don't be disheartened as there must be an ulterior motive behind these people trying so hard to dispel the true picture of the company's future. Keep pushing on as we are all right behind you. Thank you again for all your efforts spearheading this initiative.

2018-04-04 22:51

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