Sslee blog

An open letter to Mr. Koon: Friendship and what will matter?

Publish date: Fri, 03 Jan 2020, 12:46 PM
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This is my blog

Dear Mr. Koon,

I’m writing this open letter to express my sadness on your recent article, openly critisice Mr. Ooi (your trustful friend and personal investment consultant) for his JAKS buy call. As a respectful elder and mutual friend, previously you had advised Desa not to openly criticize Mr. Ooi if he does not like Mr. Ooi’s method.

So please pardon me for publishing the below private email in this blog:

Dear Friends,

I wish Desa and Ooi Teik Bee stop washing dirty underwear in public. You must know that no one can win an argument because each of you will find something to counter the other. Eventually, you expose more shit in public to spoil whatever respect you already have.

You must realize we are all trying to make money from the stock market. Mr Ooi has his method of making money which he has been practicing successfully for many years and many people pay to learn his technique.

Desa is an individual and he must have his method of making money. If he does not like Mr Ooi's method he is not obliged to follow but he should not openly criticise Mr Ooi.

I hope Desa and Mr Ooi take my advice and live happily from now onwards.

Koon Yew Yin 

Mar 12, 2018 at 5:58 P

In my writing to Tun Mahathir’s Blog below, I wrote:

At the end of the day, we need to let go. Letting go is the hardest decision everyone had to make because it means letting go control of every aspects of your past and your wish lists. It also means letting go of your expectation of how things should have been or will have to be/ego, it hints of being wrong and allowing someone else to be right. But exactly what is right and what is wrong? Only time will tell.

So what will matter?
Ready or not, someday it will all come to an end.
There will be no more sunrises, no minutes, hours or days.
All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten, will be passed to someone else.
Your wealth, fame and temporal power, will shrivel to irrelevance.
It will not matter what you owned, or what you were owed.
Your grudges, resentment, frustrations and jealousies will finally disappear.
So too your hopes, ambitions, plans and to-do lists will expire.
The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away.
It won’t matter whether you were beautiful or brilliant.
In the end it won’t matter where you come from, or on which side of the track you lived.
Even your gender and skin colour will be irrelevant.
Then, how will the value of your days be measured? So, what will matter?

In your blog article 5 regrets of a dying person:

I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

As we grow older, our circle of old friends get smaller so please treasure every friendships (new and old) and do not take friendships for granted.

As of me, I think I’m guilty of: Worked too hard and not spending more time with my family.

I missed my children’s growing up and my wife’s companionship. I feel sorry that I need to spend so much of my lives on the treadmill of a work existence because I want my children to have a better life, education of their choice and need not go through the same hardship as I did. I shall from now on make conscious choices and creating more space in my life to become happier and more open to new opportunities and spend more time with my family.

Thank you.

P/S: Family Holiday Trip To Hokkaido

2 people like this. Showing 50 of 52 comments

PureBULL .

1st thing 1st we must know if we r dealing w local engineers. They r all amongst the brightest in the country in their academic yrs. they r all so good YET they have the highest soft skill weaknesses.
I should know well, all my laupengyu r super smart engineers. that whatsapp group I have is the fastest way to DEEP DEPRESSION ! It's so TOXIC !

Smart uncle KYY should never use that word SITUPEED.

"They r stupid if not there will be so MANY kyy"

Paraphrased from A. Lincoln, known for super COOL n PROFESSIONAL.
STORY: For yrs, his wife shouted stupid to their maids.
Then 1 fine day, the pres rebutted,
of course they r situpeed, if not she's my wife!

The 1st lady became a wonderful woman there after n ever laughter...

2020-01-03 14:24


kyy is passing down his hard learned life lessons to us so that we all

no got to learn them the painful ways.

Thanks kyy.

2020-01-03 14:28


Posted by Tan Sri Rick Walker > Jan 3, 2020 12:58 PM | Report Abuse

Well, i never met Mr Koon but i can guess it's not easy been his friend! He is boastful and i am not surprise most of the conversation is about him, him and him!
To me, listening to others brag about themselves is okay as long as the meal in front of me paid by the bragger! But i will not friend such person who will bad mouth you after you contribute or help him in the past!
My advise to Mr Ooi, cut your ties with Mr Koon! It's better to be honorable than to be insulted by your 'friend'!

Ans :
Thank you for your advice, noted.
Thank you.

2020-01-03 15:24


I look down on people that lies

KYY constantly lies

That is a fact

2020-01-04 06:21


Yes KYY is an old fox

2020-01-04 06:28


kyy heart pain as he cut loss jaks on low price.

2020-01-04 07:45


Post removed.Why?

2020-01-04 08:27


i am still positive that Koon is flexible and ego...when it comes to stocks...

as such its still very possible that he will buy back JAKS

we just need to enlighten him more on Mong Duong 2 where as per sslee the FCF QTD (3 qtrs) 2019 is about RM 414 Million annualized. This translates to RM 244 Million for JAKS at 30% stakes of the identical power plant it has.

the above is at very low utilization rate, at utilization rate of vinh tan 1 level it would be way much higher

2020-01-04 08:45


knowing that the date for placing power to the grid is very very close

its absolutely zero risk now in terms of construction completion (not talking about management which is highly subjective) and that there is a minimum guaranteed profit which easily justifies a price above RM 2

2020-01-04 08:53


Simply put and it has been a norm. If one agrees with us, he is a true friend and deemed the smartest person. The opposite takes place if one did the otherwise

2020-01-04 09:18


If events panned out not as per projection is considered a lie, then many big Sifus fall into this category.

Not matter what figures or facts you deploy to defend your projection of future share price for a stock, it is still a guess game.

2020-01-04 09:26


Ya...its head or tail guessing game like casino here...
And you make money without any prior guessing from your mind..

Serah kpd takdir allah aje lah...

2020-01-04 09:43


The more mr koon criticize jaks, my assumption on him wishing to buy cheap stay rigid.

2020-01-04 11:10


if Koon can listen to Desa...would it be that hard for him to listen to OTB? If not now (giving the benefit of doubt) about when the power gets into the grid?

we always need to see through...beneath what is apparent in i3

2020-01-04 11:34


when it comes to Koon - especially

2020-01-04 11:37


Yes, possibility is there as he has indicated that he is looking to diversify away from Dayang and up to today , has not found a stock which is as good as Dayang basing on his own stock selection criteria .
He is not looking at Jaks at the moment becos of certain exceptional reasons which all of us know.
After all,at the end of the day ,it is all " making money that matters " .
Posted by probability > Jan 4, 2020 8:45 AM | Report Abuse

i am still positive that Koon is flexible and ego...when it comes to stocks...

as such its still very possible that he will buy back JAKS

we just need to enlighten him more on Mong Duong 2 where as per sslee the FCF QTD (3 qtrs) 2019 is about RM 414 Million annualized. This translates to RM 244 Million for JAKS at 30% stakes of the identical power plant it has.

the above is at very low utilization rate, at utilization rate of vinh tan 1 level it would be way much higher

2020-01-04 11:55


Post removed.Why?

2020-01-04 12:00

筹码~ 我筹够了

OTB sir.


失败的人会变得很humble. 常胜军一定是高高在上的姿态。一个人过了80岁以后呢,如果她还是很清醒的话。一定把他成功的一套变成所谓的"真理",所以很难与其它意见妥协。



2020-01-04 12:12


Posted by 筹码~ 我筹够了 > Jan 4, 2020 12:12 PM | Report Abuse

OTB sir.


失败的人会变得很humble. 常胜军一定是高高在上的姿态。一个人过了80岁以后呢,如果她还是很清醒的话。一定把他成功的一套变成所谓的"真理",所以很难与其它意见妥协。



Dear 筹码~ 我筹够了,

寧可天下人負我, 休教我負天下人

I remember the person who helps me for life.
I will be grateful to him even he attacks or bad mouth me.
I am a typical China man, I am from Chinese school.
I drink water, I must remember the source of water.

Thank you.

2020-01-04 12:38

钱赚筹码~ 筹码换钱

OTB sir,

Larry williams article for your pleasure reading..

wishing everyone healthy always.... I am residing in Oversea for years already. Hope Malaysia become more & more civilised in handling National matters

2020-01-04 12:41


I believe Jaks will do well without kyy
Do not have to behave like a begger to beg kyy to pump his money here
We should convince him like Dk66 had convinced us
Just focus on what we do
Do with a good reason
Big money will join us later

2020-01-04 13:05

钱赚筹码~ 筹码换钱

I believe Aseng's Hangseng timing

2020-01-04 13:18


Posted by Aseng > Jan 4, 2020 1:14 PM | Report Abuse X

I believe otb timing
I believe Dk66 calculation
I strongly believe what I believe is right
I do not need you to prove me wrong
Because I had given you more than a year to do that
But you fail
So invest some of the money in jaks now is right
You should not take too long for "wait and see"
That is the enemy of a big money winner
I am a lazy investor
I do not know how to write a good investing report
But after many years of reading other people reports, many success and failure following sifu buy calls or sell calls,
I had gain some insight how to take care of my money
If it is gam-key , I will follow without any hesitation
But sifu is still sifu, other is still other
You are still yourself
At the end you will agree you will do well playing the game in your own way. More disciplined more confident.

2020-01-04 13:21


Yes, you are right
Last year the biggest part of my return is from Hong Kong

Posted by 钱赚筹码~ 筹码换钱 > Jan 4, 2020 1:18 PM | Report Abuse

I believe Aseng's Hangseng timing

2020-01-04 13:24

钱赚筹码~ 筹码换钱

yes.... Aseng is the most difficult to master... but once master the most great signals to earn money....

2020-01-04 13:25


But I never persuade anyone to invest in HSex
My success here doesn't mean will bring you success also
You are not me

2020-01-04 13:27

钱赚筹码~ 筹码换钱

Aseng...I also never share my failure stories to other... because my failure does not mean will bring other fail also....

2020-01-04 13:30


BELIEVE SYSTEM is PROBLEMATIC. Believing in something is FIXING the mind on how something functions. This believe system, limits expansion of the mind to explore VAST UNKNOWNS and various method or solutions to a situation.

What is known is just a glitter of light and the unknown is the vast DARKNESS yet to be discovered.

2020-01-04 13:30


Am I promoting jaks here


I am just saying I believe
OTB timing and DK66 calculation

They can wrong also

But i believe the probability they are wrong looks very small

It is good enough for to put in some money and "wait and see"

Be a man

Never beg KYY to pump his money here

Do not behave so low class

2020-01-04 13:33

钱赚筹码~ 筹码换钱

Can I openly beg KYY on his promoting stock???

Then I will avoid buying anything he ride on... For me, I must try to avoid his call .......

2020-01-04 13:46


You are wrong
You should not avoid his call
His big money can create wonder
You must learn from others mistake
You shoukd be the first one to run when the price gone crazy
You must always tell yourself
Let sifu earn 100%,
You are happy with the 50%or 60 the most 70%
Because you can not blame the sifu if he doesn't treat you like his son
You are not his son
He is not your kind father

2020-01-04 15:28


Remenber, nobody owe you anything
You may be a fail investor
But you must not be a fail man
You children have a choice, I believe they will choose you fail as a good investor rather than you fail as a man. What more a father

Quietly tell you, do not tell anybody
If there is no naysayers, then there is no motivation for the sifu to work harder to prove the naysayers wrong, then lazy investor like Aseng, will have less useful information to help him to make money.
Now a days, the forum has become too commercial, hardly you can find a sifu who his willing to share with you free his research.
DK66 indeed a rare species.
Thank you Dk66

2020-01-04 15:43


There is no "sure win" in shares trading
There is only "can win"
If you dare not take the risk,
Then there is always a reason it is not a good buy
Follow you own reason to invest or not invest
Then your imperfect small world will be a little more perfect

2020-01-04 15:50

PureBULL .

Many here had bought into JAKS.
After u bought it, the RISK begins .....
If ur entry pt (x1, y1) is super LOW, then 0 worry.

JAKS is into a super GOOD foreign giant IPP biz but JV.
All the projected #s r so v GOOD on paper now , n to be confirmed in just days n weeks to come going forward...

Expect the Unexpected is the MAIN concern:
JV RISK: 30% stake is NOT controlling !
i. If not making money, LOSS 30% is a certainty
ii. IF making money, will jaks enjoy the perfect 30% sharing immediately!

Every problem has a solution:
In this case, the price movement of jaks is the determinant.
Use DARVAS box theory:
Nicholas Darvas was an international dancer. This dancer taught wall.street that all financial prices or particles r fighting in a box between the floor n the ceiling.

for jaks:
ceiling = 131
floor = 121 then 114
Pray that any Friday is > 131 = good future ahead = 2 bags or 3 bags n MORE

Watch the floor at ALL TIMES.
Wear spike shoes n BE PREPARED always like scout if need to !

2020-01-04 15:54


How do one know whether KYY has not been buying n selling jaks all along??? hes got so many brokers wit margin accounts or for dat matter he could b just trading/shorting jaks all this while????

2020-01-04 15:54

Haw Liao

tun m, ahjibkor and dsai used to be friends with mutual benefits...

look what happened now...


got any law says friends cannot fight meh

friend until got conflict of interest

2020-01-05 09:18

Haw Liao

the key is conflict of interest...

all comes to this rule

2020-01-05 09:19


it is not difficult to see Mahathir wants Bersatu to replace Umno
Mahathir want Bersatu to become the biggest malay party in the country
so that his gang will remain in power forever
I do not think his dream will come true
majority of the Malay will not support Bersatu because they can not acceppt DAP in the coalition
the chinese will not support PH because Najib can run the country economy better than Mahathir
and Khairi Jamaluddin is the best moderate Malay leader to be the next prime minister of Malaysia after PR15

2020-01-05 12:00

Choivo Capital

If not for OTB (and to an extent KCCHONG), who is KYY?

Some guy who made some money in hong kong crisis, and would've lost it in Bursa.

Oh yeah, and also, IJM, Gamuda and Mudajaya founder as he will always remind you.

2020-01-06 14:23


Post removed.Why?

2020-01-06 14:44


Post removed.Why?

2020-01-06 20:31


Post removed.Why?

2020-01-06 20:37


After kyy pushed up jaks price using full margin to rm1.50 he invited otb to fly to vietnam to visit the plant n mayb kara oke sections at night..however otb refused to help to promote for reasons only he knew then...

Not long after oldman kena margin call due to political pressure (?) N After kena played by kena forced sell all the way to rm0.50+ n had to sell lands sell underwear etc...initial i estimated his lost in jaks was below rm50m but then somebody said is much higher than that n was kyy's biggest loss in stock mkt

Last nov/dec OTB came out to give his call buy when jaks was around rm0.70+...

So if u were oldman how would u feel? Do u want to join this game again?

Or would u feel betrayed n backstabbed by somebody?

2020-01-07 19:12


CharlesT know the oldman very well.

2020-01-07 19:24


I m more interested to know after oldman managed to recover some of his 2018 losses in 2019 will he became very confident again n wanna sing the song 'my way' again in 2020?


2020-01-07 19:30


The only thing I do not understand is why when he had more than 10% he should had gave notice to BOD to call for EGM immediately after the AGM to appoint his nominees to the board.

2020-01-07 19:31


Dunno what actually happened between them...

But dangerous to hold such a big position in a small cap...liquidity issues

Mayb they had some consensus intially..but things turned sour...i dunno

2020-01-07 19:33


Until now kyy keeps repeating dayang dayang dayang...not yet find a new target?

2020-01-07 19:36

钱赚筹码~ 筹码换钱

If not shout dayang how to dispose so many shares???? Who willing to sambung from him

2020-01-07 19:42


You can keep watching OTB's 2020 list hopefully one will be his new target.

2020-01-07 19:43

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