Publish date: Thu, 15 Nov 2012, 12:22 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Do the RIGHT things, without fear. Yes, I will continue to do things I know is right. We could not please everyone around, but at least we should be honest and do what we know is right.

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who is she? what she does to protect rohingya ethnic from been murdered? nothing. y? because she was fear... she knew it was wrong, but her fear, prevent her to do what is right..she is just a joke.. democratic fighter? dont think so...

2012-11-15 00:42

KC Loh

berid, you obviously don't know what is house arrest! :)

2012-11-15 01:24


haha.. please enlighten me..
anyway, now she is not arrested anymore ma... she is very influence person yet cant do anything? silent is the best solution?

2012-11-15 01:54

Kent Lee

the ethnic cleansing happened after she was released from house arrest. Wonder what she is doing about it? Is she a role model ?? dont think so...
if one of her own ethnic/ race is killed, pretty sure she will torch down the wall...

2012-11-15 02:17

KC Loh

Things are not always what it seems! Mahathir was once the second most powerful person in Asia. Yet in the ISA furore, the IGB was the de facto head of Malaysia according to him! Najib is the PM of the country but the diamond dangling wife is the de facto Home Minister! :)

Some things are easier said than done or assumed! Tell Thaksin that!

2012-11-15 02:33

PureBULL .

This is definitely RIGHT, words from 2,500 years old Confucius :

For a rich country to have poverty is shameful.
For a poor country to have filthy rich people is much more shameful.

This is the basic core principle to a meaningful government !

Amorr countries take it to heart n r practicing it.

Politicians all over r the sore 1 causing misery to the world !

2012-11-15 04:28


We should feel proud to know that every income tax paying malaysians has a part in some key assets overseas, as well as many Diamonds and Berkin bags which we alone cannot afford.
These assets and luxuries are currently being held in 'TRUST' by some people, but we ordinary Malaysians contributed to it.
Am I proud to be Malaysian!

2012-11-15 09:19

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