My Trading Adventure

Year of Snake : Increase our income

Publish date: Sun, 10 Feb 2013, 09:13 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
Welcoming the year of Snake, 2013.

The quadrants that shared by R.Kiyosaki are planted in my head. I have managed to keep it in my mind, making sure that I am moving into the 'right' direction, financially.

As most of us are working ... we are 'employee', the E-quadrant. If our salary if high, say above RM10k, that is good as we could have extra to save ... and to invest. Well, my salary is on averagely low bracket ... so, not even enough for monthly commitments. Therefore ... an extra work needed to supplement my meager salary. Most of lecturers/teachers will be giving tuition to do that ... and that is the S-quadrant. S = self-employed ... means that we find extra works to do ... and most of the time, being paid hourly. For some of us, we do 'OT' ... and many in our college is doing that. Willingness to use our extra hours to work is necessary.

Assuming that our salary is below RM5k. Most of the teachers' salaries are below RM5k. How can we increase our salary?

One of the way is ... getting promoted. But there are limited 'spaces' up there ... and most of the time, the stress level up there is much higher. Is it worth the increment for the stress and hours spent? The answer is a big 'NO' ... no way a lecturer wants to be promoted into admin-positions as most of the time,  teachers like teaching!! And the salary up there is limited too ... can't even reach RM10k, ok?

So, logically ... majority of the lecturers will be giving tuition after working hours. It is necessary ... and for many of us, the income from this S-quadrant is more that our full-time E-quadrant. That is great ... the more we work, the more we get. Few good tutors are earning above RM10k. I do know these few of them.

Then ... while most of our time taken up by our full-time job and part-time job ... we hardly have time for other things, right?

Now we have created two ways(pipeline) for our income. Income is NOT equal to salary, as I illustrated here. Our fixed salary is fix monthly basis ... with 5% increment yearly, and bonus about 2-months ... it is not to shout about in our salary-package scheme. We do need the part-time income ... which could be substantial.

Saving = Income - Expenses.

I have also mentioned how important it is to be 'frugal' ... as frugal as we could be. That doesn't mean that we are stingy ... we just do not simply use money unnecessary. So, while we are trying to increase our income ... we should maintain our expenses ... or checking on the list of our expenses, to see if we could reduce it further. Believe me, most of the time ... we over-spent. we do buying items that we may not use ... or at times, impulsive  So, I have came out with a way to 'control' my needs of using money ... and when think logically, I no longer feel the needs to buy anything much ... at all. That is great too.

When Income increases in yearly basis ... and maintaining our expenses(if possible), our extras could go into our Savings.

Using our TIME to THINK ... and to read good financial books is very important. The people we mix with, the change of mindset about money(and lives) ... is essential.


Use our time to increase our knowledge on how to increase our income and reduce our expenses.

Do read.

I will write about what we should be doing with our extra money ... into investing. But, most of normal Malaysians are still struggling with the concepts of "earn more, use less". Without this planted in our head, the savings could not come. It is always excuses that money-not-enough to save. I don't mind sharing what I have been doing for past 7-years ... in my quest of learning more about personal financial, from a complete financial-idiot to a person ... who have little knowledge about money.

Today ... at least I do not have 'bad' debts ... and learning to increase my 'good' debts. Growing our wealth certainly needs time and effort. We need to be persistent, discipline and be patience. I am only 30% into my journey ... of my financial freedom.

Share with all this simple clip. Listen and try to plant it in our minds.

Think of the 8 C's shared in the clip.

May year of snake a good year for our investments.

I am in peace ... with myself.

Be happy.


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3 people like this. Showing 12 of 12 comments

Shane My

Well said bro!

2013-02-10 10:32


oh oh .. I don't quite agree with the teacher. hahaha. but not R.Koyasaki huh. See.. what a coincidence his salary was talked about prior to his writing on this subject.. it is just noise la.. hahaha. i don't understand why teacher think others may or should live in his dreams too. I'm not saying he is wrong, I just disagree only.

I think he is telling some truth now, money money money... my foot la, sharing is caring for him.

believe majority place priority on their kids education, that why most of us respect those that are teaching. but sometime I think respect is something need to be earned, not because he claimed is a teacher.

obviously, this teacher is teaching at private college, I tell you huh.. it is really not cheap sending our kids to good private schools or colleges. what ? their teachers are pay low ?

Recently, since the teacher keep promoting, so i do follow some of Mr Li articles, definitely he is smart, has his own ways achieving his dreams. I do learn quite a lot from those articles, like for example;

So why is your salary still low after so long ? teacher, do you think if there is something wrong in you ? haha

don't want to be promoted ? erh.. not worth it isn't it. too stressful and cuz you are unable do what you want or carry on with ur passion.. Oh, you can't adopt to change one meh ? Or u think ur paymaster should be an idiot continue to increase ur salary to allow you to carry on with ur passion. joker la... haha

You mean once promoted, can't contribute in education anymore.. come on teacher the leader.. probably what you do is plan by those at top la.. teacher the follower. are you passion in education or passion in teaching ? tell nicely la.

FYI.. what salary or pay package you get is base on ur capabilities and contribution to a company, not base on ur passion la.. I think ur mind is jus money now la..

do you know why some get low salary or some get high salary ? guess he sure know one, cuz he is going to be a businessman soon.. haha

okok, it is just nonsense what I said :)

2013-02-14 21:22


chipek teh's endless garbage.
n his no. 1 fan. Shirley

2013-02-14 21:33

Fat Cat Tim Buddy


2013-02-14 21:41


Post removed.Why?

2013-02-14 21:43


remember my call for KLCI at 1000... dont have to wait too long... soon.. very soon.. LOL.....

2013-02-14 21:46


but i guess then only i will be around.. you little people the sifus wont have the face to be here... LOL....

2013-02-14 21:47

Fat Cat Tim Buddy

if you still hold on gmsia.. losing lots money? that's going to be you, not me :D

2013-02-14 21:48


lol yeah i got gas malaysia lots of it.... bought at 2.57... losing sooo much la LOL

2013-02-14 21:49

Fat Cat Tim Buddy

not now, but in 2-3 months , your gmsia will going down. :P

2013-02-14 21:53


Teacher, let continue sunday bla bla .. from ur article i think you still a bit negative person.. haha. correct me if wrong huh..

I think we need to mix with diff type of ppl, doesn't matter they are negative or positive ppl, as long as they do nothing illegal. you are a teacher you know, how can you teach like that one ler.

don't be a fool confused by some of the motivational quotes, it does not work all the time for everyone.. those for you to talk to the "wall" one like ur FB, haha

when I was schooling or even pre-u, I'm always at good class one you know, like A class, B class and etc.. of course we never mix with C class or D class ppl one la, cuz we think they never make it to college or uni one.. next time go sell vege in wet market la, or go be carpenter la, go construction sites work la..

OMG, what we think really come true for some of them.. some of them become main distributors in wet market, some of them become developers or sub-contractors, and those carpenters help ppl to reno house.. some of them make more more money than me :(

Now huh, sometime also got no face to see them, cuz last time look down at them or never mix with them :( cuz last time I have stupid mindset like the teacher lor..

So now, I believe what Mr Li say, just waste some money, doesn't matter la, belanja ppl lim-kopi at starbuck or coffeebean la or makan la, who knows next time need a favor from those ppl or those negative ppl, or don't know how it happen, suddenly luck landed on them..

to be continue...

2013-02-17 11:09


Let continue woof woof.. and talk nonsense. are you really positive ? haha. if not positive, ppl going to get away from you liao. haha

ok la, agree with you, to kick off investment plan we need money, either we inherited the money or start working to earn it.

guess you read anything that dealing with money, even learn from video like from entertainer or joker like Chee Wah. not scare in one day, you become a slave to money ? if you sleep and dream money chasing you , will you run faster or catch them ?

Then you try to teach ppl what is money or even teach ppl how to live... maybe some base on ur past screwed life, by doing that you claimed you are positive ? if ppl does not wish to live the way you want, are they positive ? some more teach ppl how to increase their salary but you don't even know how to do it for urself and look like give up demanding, you call that positive.. joker like Chee Wah..

Let talk bout salary since you on this subject .. use some illogical thinking haha.. I know abit..

Maybe most of the teachers not getting high pay, but I don't believe none of them did not get above 10k or 15k salary, you cannot do it and you think others may not be able to do it... so negative man. maybe you do not have master or phd is it ? why you never try to get one and then demand after so long ?

you teach in private school hor. parents pay high school fees, maybe you try this.. you very good in math rite, award winning in math rite, you say good no use one.. must prove one la, like you help the college to make sure all the students score "A" in math, or maybe always top among the colleges la, maybe in 2 to 3 years, then try ask for promotion or higher pay.. see if work. you never even try, you already make conclusion, so are you positive or not ? or you cannot do it ? Haha

Tell you a joke, there is one top marketing guy knock his boss door try luck, say "boss, I need to change my car and buy a condo at mont kiara, I help you so long and make this much and so much for you, I need help financially". The boss say "ok, the company will buy for you". Shit the marketing guy regretted never ask for bangalow, of course he dare not to ask more, but he ask his boss "why you never say I am entitle to this". The boss say "you never ask". hahaha I laugh like mad.. anyone believe this joke?

2013-02-17 18:06

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