My Trading Adventure

Election is nearing?

Publish date: Tue, 26 Mar 2013, 08:47 AM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
KLCI closed 17points higher ... now we shall see 1650 level again ... that is how volatile markets could be. What is the downside from current level? 1550? 1500? 1450? ... or 1200?

It is everyone's guess ... but yesterday, there are funds buying into big-caps counters, pushing KLCI strongly higher ... IHH broken to new high ... and we are seeing the brighter side of markets ... or are we still grip by the election fear?

Personally, I prefer to wait-n-see ... and more in bearish camp. I do not wish to be caught off guard and the stocks dive ... due to election. Many things are going on ... bargain-hunting should be after the dust is clear ... and yes, we shall see KLCI to break 1700 after that. In long run, markets are moving higher. But, in short term ... it is everyone's guess.

Assuming that we think KLCI will go lower from the current point next month or so, what is our preparation? One of the way I could think of is to short-FKLI but FKLI is very volatile ... and losses could be large if we get it wrongly. Liquidate our equities ... and wait with a shopping list.

What will be the theme for this year? Oil-n-gas? Constructions? Properties? ... or perhaps the abandoned plantations? How about tech-stocks? Getting the sector right is also important for us to ride on the trend.

That is what we should be busy doing ... preparing a shopping list. Getting ready the bullets, and buy hugely into few stocks that we like. If one could take the risk, go for warrants ... and some call-warrants may reverse strongly too.

This could not stay depress for long ... or those good laggards would come back, reverse strongly. We just need to be patient ... very patient to wait.

The depressing steel-counters too ... perhaps worth a second look. It has been abandoned for a while now.

Election is nearing ... there is no question about it. Be prepared.

As I m seeing BN to win, market will be bullish once again ... and capturing that right moment, right sector ... and the right stock could give us good profits.

Trade cautiously till election is over ...

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If you are given a job contract for 5 years, you must be really thick skin to stay on after the contract.

2013-03-26 10:39


haha... no need to tell us la... we know we been there b4... even newbie can see that
all you are trying to do is working hard to attract more readers + more FRESH MEAT to slay in your cohort tratle... there is no sincerity from your end.... Lets face that Mr. Teh.

2013-03-26 11:33



2013-03-26 11:41


Of course election is nearing.

2013-03-26 11:56

Peter Lee

after new high the index will hit new low,do study 2008 ge12 case study

2013-03-26 18:48


This time will be unique.
If BN wins, stocks will fly.
If PR wins, stocks will be stunned for a while, then they will fly.
Worst case = hung parliament....

2013-03-26 19:36


tptan45...Perhaps, YES agreed...

2013-03-26 19:39


Fully agreed

2013-03-26 20:06


There are 14 question marks "?" in this article, how can an expert comment on the market with so many question marks one.. haha by the way, 14 in cantonese means what.. so evil.. scare scare eh this guy..

2013-03-26 22:09


For the benefit of those don't understand cantonese, 14 means sure die .. evil rite.. so coincident huh... quick quick go bed after tonite ghost come out ..

2013-03-26 22:17


Im waiting for the big sales to come..

2013-03-26 23:05


this cikgu write from heart one rite .. really want to pui him.. a human with no human values.. i think all this while he talk nonsense, complain or criticise for the sake of complain or criticise..

He said, "As I m seeing BN to win, market will be bullish once again ..."

i actually dont understand you know what malaysia debts he is talking about as he predicted who will win..

2013-03-27 21:58


His rantings are based on what he perceived the situation to be. His opinion may not be platable to you. As the current market situation is fluid. For instance, why did JP Morgan make a buy call of 10 top Malaysian stocks? Obviously, whoever wins has to fix the economy for the better, so the foreigners perception has changed for the better, period. Then next week the perception may not be that positive as this week, there goes the cycle as the goal post shifts.

2013-03-27 22:04


Bingo... where are you ?

2013-03-27 22:05


sorry alenac, not questioning which side he is supporting.. jus doubt on the values he teach as he claimed he is a teacher.. he can switch now he can also switch later depending on situation.. rite :)

2013-03-27 22:16


Oh sorry, I dun know him, maybe by posting here he exposed himself to a barrage of critical questions or is he just provoking all of you.

2013-03-27 23:02


Haha I think like that too... he is so unfortunate cuz I cannot provide him the answers, so sad we have this type of teacher teaching in Taylor college :( however I still wish to know the values he got as he claimed he is a human.. I'm glad too, see more ppl are more educated than the teacher :)

2013-03-27 23:20


cheers then.

2013-03-27 23:21


hahahaa.... this type of teacher want to sailang market want to teach people how NOT to lose money in market??? hahahahaha...the biggest Joker of the year... even Chua Soi Lek lose to Mr Teh... still people are so dumb to go to his cohort tratle class...

2013-03-27 23:23


Aiyah AlbertLIM, schools only teach theory lah, like efficient market hypo. So we must be cautious in our trading as all market are semi efficient, so there is element of manipulation. The most efficient market though is the international forex market, close to efficient but may not be totally depending on the currency pairs.

2013-03-27 23:32


Dont worry ...this election market talak jatuh punya. If billions of money spent by giving money to people to buy their votes, taking care of stock market index is peanut lah. Even tomorrow parliament will be dissolve and market still up 50 points. Again dont worry...keep on buying...this is boleh land...malaysia boleh....beli boleh untung punya ???????????

2013-03-27 23:36

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