My Trading Adventure

New Year resolutions : Part I

Publish date: Sat, 23 Nov 2013, 06:45 AM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

DOW closed higher ... 16,065. That is a record high ... as economic data pointing to improving of US economies, and they are talking about possibilities of QE tapering again ... that will bring volatility in our market.

KLCI has been down for three days ... perhaps a short profit-taking correction after a huge surge the other day.

Good morning ... I am back in my blog. It is around 5.40am now ... the nearby surau sembayang-Fajar. This is my normal time I am awake, checking on markets. Then, I will take a short while to jog. Yes, I have not been exercising as I should have for years since I came back to KL ... busy-busy-busy has been the main excuse. I am slowly getting back into jogging .. hope to be able to run a 10k-run in coming months, and complete it. I could not finish a 200 meter jog at the moment. Haha.

While I do read many books to learn since I was involved in trading markets, I will encourage newbies-novices to read some books, to grab some concepts in trading. I think the MINDSET related books are good ... for the start. Understanding that market is emotionally driven(rather than FA or TA) ... controlling our decisions(of buying and selling). Those books that will keep us motivated, keep us in up-mood even tho when we are being in challenging positions ... and showing us few ways where we could maintain our positivism!! We do need to be able to push ourselves further when we are learning to trade as it is THAT challenging.

I do like a book by Jerome Tan "From bankruptcy to multi-million". Simple thin book to bring along, easy reading kinda book ... where we could be reminded of many things we are doing ... may need some changes.

Another good book to change our financial mindset is by late Dennis Ng. It is sad that such a nice man passed away at age 43. RIP. Well, in page 47, Dennis written that 'Stocks without dividends are liabilities'.

Yes, I am motivated again to change ... with 2014 nearing, new year resolutions time, yet again. I do not believe much about those year-end resolutions making, as majority of us could not maintain the pace for a year. Planning for monthly basis, quarterly basis .. half-yearly basis is more practical. Many of us do plan in weekly basis ... or in daily basis.

I bought myself a new 'organiser planner'. 2014. Haha ... not that have a nice organiser will make me be more organised, but well ... we all 'lied' to ourselves many of times. One of the way to motivate us to some of work we needed to. That is my wireless mouse, first time using such a device. 

So, now ... I am back in my own blog ... doing what I do like to do. Blogging. Haha ... 

I have been blogging in daily basis since 2008 Aug, but then as I got myself busier, so much more things to cope ... I could not find the time to do what I like to do, or supposed to do ... to make myself HAPPIER. It is new-year resolution in a way, that I will want to find time to do what I think I should be doing ... blogging, instead of hanging too much of my time in facebook. I prefer to hide here in my own cyber-space, sharing words or thoughts with some readers(I recognised that I do have followers now ... and I still prefer back in 2008-2009 when I have only 30-50 unique readers). 

Anyway ... what are my resolutions so far?

1. To run and finish a 10k-run
2. To be back to blogging
3. To be organised.
4. To form a charity-fund

The third one ... hmm ... it has been my yearly newyear resolution. I am so disorganised with so piles of papers, books stacking everywhere ... so, I m thinking of getting myself a new electronice organizer, instead. Being such an uncle, IT-illiterate ... err ... it is a challenge for me to use it. Haha. I dont know how to use my smart-phone(outsmart me, obvoiusly) ... so, buying a Samsung Note(two) will be ... a waste? But, I do know I need to learn to use these devices. It could help me in a long way ... and perhaps ... in 2015, I do not need to write the point 3 again as my years resolution? Hmm ... ok. Note-2, then. Anyone good enough to help me?

Charity : This is something I have been doing with my tratles-group. But, recently ... I found a new charity organisation where they do help many charity homes. They have donation drives etc etc ... great. This is a must, at least once a month for me ... where I could contribute a little money and energy into helping them. I am still adopting the Rawang's orphanage ... and that will stay, till I could highlight their plights to those larger organisations. 

I admire KYY as he is donating large portion of his wealth to charity ... great man, indeed. 

I am attending another talk today : Value-growth Investing. Yes, this is for FA-kaki. I do still believe in buying good fundamental stocks. Looking into longer time frame, learning to invest wisely. Will write about it ... and this is the 'closest' to the chapter, a book I bought some time ago.

Well ... I have used my one hour to blog ... and that should be ok, as I enjoy it. 

Time to jog before the sun is out.

Have a nice weekend. 


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1 person likes this. Showing 4 of 4 comments


tq for sharing,we really learned a lot so far.

2013-11-23 07:42


Well said, waiting to read your part II. I like your selfless contribution to the Rawang orphanage, salute to you.

2013-11-23 08:37


Mr.Teh, appreciate your sharing with your 2014 resolutions. May i know how can i find TA and FA courses in KL?

2013-11-23 08:44


... the nearby surau sembayang-Fajar. This is my normal time I am awake, __________Think about it, you will not regret Bro.

2013-11-23 11:20

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