My Trading Adventure

BREXIT .... markets tumbling

Publish date: Fri, 24 Jun 2016, 01:36 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

1.20pm : Noon ... reporting that Brexit wins ... markets dive and gold surging ...  good opportunities ahead.

Will be busy again tonight ... I shorted DOW yesterday ... and covered too early. What a test of patience if we want to earn huge ... and to BIG SHORT it? Nah ... one minor lot earn us 'small' but good for traders. I need to learn to short larger and hold longer. This is one of my practice and preparation for market-crash ... yes, that is why I m moving to US where we could short.

I see this as hiccup and opportunities to buy. Yes, I exited most of my stocks ahead of this uncertain times ... no joke, we don't know which way it could go, ok?

It is so difficult ... to go for BIG SHORT. In theory, it sounds great idea ... in reality, we are too small ... too naïve and too emotional.

I shall leave this post as a note that this is NOTHING ... we have yet to see the crash.

No worry ... we shall watch it together.

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1 person likes this. Showing 9 of 9 comments


Cpteh u r full of shits...twist n turn

2016-06-24 19:25


After seeing mkt drops at noon then u said u short futures...

2016-06-24 19:26


I think we need a button to flag blogs till it disappear..

2016-06-24 19:29


One thing we all kalah, his face skin so thick..

2016-06-25 14:05


Dear Mr. Teh,

Good afternoon and happy weekend. Taken your lunch, breakfast or early dinner? Hope you are doing well there.

I know each time after great event you will appear to update us on the head to tail of the great events. Actually, I was waiting for your article/blog/comment and fortunately I saw yours(this one) today. You are simply AWESOME! So proud of you to short the US index. You are my learning target as you could predict so well in the market.

Just to tell you it's wonderful thing to read your article as it always inspired me. We need your guideline to confirm the market direction such as you mention we shall wait together to witness the market crash. A VERY OBVIOUS ALERT TO US. Thanks you Mr.Teh.

By the way, could youplease share with us the damage or may be benefit to locaL AND international market? May be you can share with us which counters can focus to buy on pull back or to avoid paun sterling related counter? You are too qualified to share us and lead us from time to time.

Once again, thanks for your article and we hope to read more from you.


2016-06-25 14:49


Pay money to join Cohort 21....U want free tips ah?

2016-06-25 17:08


I think less than cheap

2016-06-25 17:08


If I were cikgu Teh, I would feel shameful after reading Duit posting....., who are you compared to our siifu Duit!!

2016-06-25 17:41


wei...CP The never meant his posts for someone with CP The's name stole his article and placed it in i3...

im sorry...he wont be seeing all your 60 over messages..
he is busy enjoying his life and doing BA + FA + TA + NA + etcs...

2016-06-25 17:55

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