Icon8888 Gossips About Stocks

(Icon) Don't Worry About China's Stock Market Crash

Publish date: Tue, 28 Jul 2015, 01:06 PM
0 404
I follow the smell of money.



1. Introduction


Once I read an article about China's stock market. I asked myself why the Chinese Communist Party ("CCP") allows the existence of stockmarket in their country ?


The reason I asked that question was not because there is contradiction between communism and stock market. It is very clear to me that the CCP has thrown communism out of the window. The CCP is a staunch believer of capitalism, no matter what they call it. Period.


The reason I asked that question was because I have long noticed that the CCP is a CONTROL FREAK. They operate under a siege mentality. Whenever they look out of their windows, they saw themselves being surrounded by enemies, imaginary or real, waiting to introduce chaos into their system, destablise them, subvert them.


Everything in China exists for a reason, nothing is taken for granted. The Special Economic Zones, the limited convertibility of Renminbi, censorship of internet, etc, all are carefully designed with one thing in mind - how to insulate the system from exogenous shocks and preserve the rule of the CCP. Among all the things, stability is of paramount importance.


Having been through the 1997-1998 Asian Financial Crisis and witnessed the chaos brought about by the collapse of the stockmarket, it is only natural for me to wonder why the CCP is not afraid of the same thing happening to them ?    


I pondered about the question and finally figured out some useful points.




2. What Actually Happens In Stockmarket ?


Have you ever wondered why you can make money from stockmarket ? When the stock market is bullish, EVERYBODY makes money. How can that be possible ? Where does the money come from ?


I can understand if I make money in casino. The guy next to me lose his money to me. I am richer because his money becomes my money.


What actually happens in the stock market ? Whose money makes us richer ? Let me explain.


During normal time, money exists in the form of cash (fixed deposit in banks). Cash is a type of asset that has a tame personality. The ownership of this asset does not make you "high". Many people have it and they barely notice it. Everyday, people are busy with their works, their kid's school results, their health, etc. Nobody will flip open a newspaper after dinner to read about fixed deposit.


However, things get interesting when a country's economy is perceived to be doing well. The feel good factors will induce money to flow from the humble fixed deposits to something called "stocks".


Stocks has a very different personality. It makes you "high", like what illicit drugs do to you. When stocks fly, you feel you are a ten feet tall giant. You grow super confident. You mock and laugh at your fellow members in i3. You pull out your wallets and start spending. You buy new cars. You donate more to charity.


Other than that, NOTHING has changed as far as a country's economy is concerned. There is no addition of wealth even if many people have "become richer". Unlike in a casino, NOBODY lose either. The only thing that has happened is that wealth now exists in the form of stocks instead of cash.


The same is true when a market crashes. There is no destruction of wealth. It is just a matter of money flowing back from stockmarket to fixed deposit. Everybody wakes up with a huge overhang. Other than that, all are very much alive and kicking.


Being a control freak, the CCP probably has gone though the same thought process as me. Once they figure out those points, they realise that IT IS OK TO HAVE A STOCK MARKET. There is no risk that a stockmarket will make a country bankrupt.


But the story does not end there yet. They are still some loose ends to be tied up.




3. Open vs. Closed System


In the section above, it was establish that a stockmarket is a harmless creature. It merely moves wealth around within a system. No matter how bad the market crashes, it will never pose an existential threat to a country.


However, that is only true if it is a closed system - a system without foreign participation. 


In an open system, foreign funds are allowed to particpate in the stock market.


Then it is a slightly different story.


If those funds are good market players, when they exit, they will bring huge amount of profit wih them out of the country. The leakage of such huge wealth will have a tremendous negative impact on the host country's financial well being. It is like your family suddenly lose RM5 mil in a business venture, you will immediately feel the chilling effects of wealth reduction. Many things that you can do previously, you cannot do now. 


India is probably a good example of an open system. I briefly studied the country before. Unlike Malaysia, China and several other East Asian countries, India does not have huge trade surplus. As a result, it relies quite heavily on foreign portfolio inflow to finance its economic activities. Whenever foreign funds leave the country, there will be a noticeable effect on interest rates. This will in turn has a negative impact on many sectors of the economy.


(Malaysia allows foreign funds to invest in Bursa. However, due to our healthy external position, we have abundant liquidity in the system. As such, our financial system rarely feels anything even if there is an exodus of foreign funds, as what happened recently. In a certain sense, our system is not exactly "open", it is quite insulated from external shocks)




4. Concluding Remarks


These few days, the volatlity of Shanghai Composite Index made many equity investors jittery. 


In my opinion, there is no need to be unduly worry about that.


China allows very limited foreign paticipation in its stock market. As such, any crashes will only affect the economy slightly as negative wealth effect dampens consumers' sentiments.


Other than that, there will be no lasting effect on the health of its financial system and economy (which is one of our largest trading partner).


Don't worry, party on. The night is stil young.




3 people like this. Showing 26 of 26 comments


Where the money go now???? hahahaha just somebody 'steal' the money from china investor la...now people who borrow money to give those people who 'steal' going to pay the debt for rest of their entire life.....

2015-07-28 13:29


The night just start for me ...wakakakka

2015-07-28 13:30


Agreed with u Icon8888,,,,but can the market handle the bearish selling sentiment...

2015-07-28 13:37



how actually bursa limited foreign funds investing in Malaysia?

2015-07-28 14:38


I don't think Malaysia limit foreign funds from investing in market. We do regulate their entry and exit. When they want to go out, they need BNM approval. Unless prior approval has been obtained

2015-07-28 14:47


i hold contra view with u, Icon. Zhonggong is using bruteforce to save the market.

Would u be happy if u cannot sell ur shares when the market crashed?

they are like single palm cover the sky, allow u to join the market but donot allow u to take profit.

they hv disturbed the free market system, no wonder western funds donot wn to take part the bull run of China.

Im waiting for the next rebound than buy A50 put warrant.

2015-07-28 18:21


it is like if Genting set rule:"welcome u to play, if u win u cannot chow, play until u 输到 latfu only can chow"

would u visit Genting enymore?

2015-07-28 18:54


stock crash is like roulette hit the green color zero..... the dealer sapu semua for this round and all continue to place your next bet...... ha...ha....

2015-07-28 19:06


kakashit this is big improvement already. Last time Uncle Mao's time, if you sell your shares, they will shoot you. Ha ha

2015-07-28 19:16


uncle mao's time got stock market demeh?


2015-07-28 22:06


Got, one stock listed there only. Mao Do Do Bhd

2015-07-28 22:08


Posted by duitKWSPkita > Jul 28, 2015 10:34 PM | Report Abuse X



2015-07-28 22:40



2015-07-28 22:42


Dun talk cock duit! Ur stocks all laosai

2015-07-28 22:42



my stocks all laosai? which one? good...got room for improvement... I am here to learn indeed... I was badest... my stocks drop more than 70% now.

2015-07-28 22:44


Post removed.Why?

2015-07-28 23:30


Relax sochai

2015-07-29 05:07

Frank Soweto

I'm not worried about China. I'm only worried about Bolihland especially now that looks like Ah Cheat Gor is consolidating his position with all his inner circle of thieves led by gangsta Z as his deputy in yesterday reshuffle. looks like he will also kao tim the IMDumBo investigation with the sacking of the useless Guni fella n the promotion of the PAC Bee End bargers n looks like the plundering will continue until there's no more to steal. The foreigners are chabuting daily ,the ringgit will continue to fall like the zimbabwe banana currency n later we will be sending our young people to work in Indo,Bangla, Nepal n Myanmar while Ah Cheat Gor n the 'lovely' Aunty Rosie will continue to enjoy spending 1200 on the Semi Value hairstyle,jetting to NY n Paris on the new Gov jet buying the latest Birkins n pink diamonds n his step son continue buying hundred of millions properties while the poor rakyat continue to struggle to survive with the forever rising cost of living no thanks to these robbers.
will bursa becomes Bursuk :(

2015-07-29 06:53


I rode through the up and down recently, and surprised, i made good money. It is not risky buying china, if you buy good companies!
Currently i am fully invested in HK/China

2015-07-29 10:17

Lollipot Anison

china = manipulated market where government control all the policy.
How far can it sustain?

2015-07-29 10:25


Refer to what actuall happens in stockmarket - Risk-Seeking or are you refer to this groups call them speculator,scalper, momentum traders or swing traders. This group of participant may hold their position for a few minutes,a couple of hours or even entire lenght of the trading day or longer.Risk-seeking, they are rarely selective about it. Risk-Aversion participent are valuation control for long- term return. The higher the price you pay today for each dollar you expect to receive in the future, the lower the long-term return you should expect from your invesment,or yuo call them value investor.

2015-07-30 15:17


Refer, Don't worry about china's stock market crash. The difference between an overvalued market that becomes more overvalued,and an over valued market that crashes, has little to do with the of valuation and everything to do with the attitude of investors toward risk.

2015-07-30 15:38


China may be a close system but the stock market is not a fair system. Money has being transferred from the ignorant masses to professionals who may know how to make money but do not know how to spend it. This is why I think consumption in China will suffer going forward.

2015-09-02 06:31


But the money will remain in the system in the form of deposits

The banking system will remain liquid

To avoid a systemic risk, the lifeblood of commerce is the most important element

Consumption pales in comparison

That was my message

2015-09-02 06:51


Sailang again??

2015-10-18 17:05


Sailing I am sailing home again cross the sea

2015-10-18 17:27

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