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189 comment(s). Last comment by Coldrisks 2015-05-25 16:52


855 posts

Posted by tpchuayap > 2014-06-23 10:29 | Report Abuse

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and wealth . Most people should bench mark your leadership on this.

Posted by Jonathan Keung > 2014-06-23 10:42 | Report Abuse

everybody know of somebody son(s) or daughter(s) either migrated or is working abroad leaving behind their aged parents or young one(s). this is a common scenario in our society. where everybody is looking for better prospect or better career advancement. the question is ??? our country blessed with abundance of resources but the people ( especially the non malays ) are forced to seek better pasture in other countries.


205 posts

Posted by lohman > 2014-06-23 10:43 | Report Abuse

I have 3 children, 2 working in Sydney and Singapore with 1 still studying in HK. All are well educated at my expense from hard earned funds, as was my own education. None, however, will stay back in Malaysia to 'rot', as the youngest succinctly put it. She is very outspoken. I don't have a successful business or professional practice for them to come back to, like some of their more fortunate friends. Although they can be comfortable here, they choose to struggle to make good where they have settled. They have seen enough here to reject a lopsided system that can only result in eventual failure. As a parent, I am pleased to see that Mr Koon has some hope left for change. Frankly, I have none, at least during my lifetime. I see the children perhaps once a year and it is a rare occasion that the whole family can gather together. This is the price we pay as parents when our children leave our shores. This price we pay is not included in our GDP.


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2014-06-23 10:50 | Report Abuse

Ya this is the price we pay for, but the tongkat people still wasting their time fighting for the word A**ah not to be use in Christianity.


1,305 posts

Posted by sosfinance > 2014-06-23 10:58 | Report Abuse

The government spend RM7.2billion on consultant for the education blueprint that cannot be executed (instead of and entered into a RM6 billion computer contract for students in all schools which is not functioning effectively or not working at all. Such a wastage. NEP has been replaced by a whopping allocation of RM31billion to a new Bumiputra economic power plan. The last I check Malaysia comprised of about 65% bumi and 35% no-bumi. Can the government be transparent about the scholarship given out, how much and how many to bumi and non-bumi for past 10 years. Is this a secret? Are we really that equitable? Can we list down how many ministers/deputy ministers send their kids to local tertiary education?


2,118 posts

Posted by Kukuman > 2014-06-23 10:59 | Report Abuse

How come like that? Simple. Malaysia have too many top achievers. And Malaysian government cannot afford to sponsor all of these top achievers. Malaysian government knows that the rich Singapore with three times our GDP per capita will chip in to help out. Win win situation. Malaysian government have to concentrate to help the poor students and there are many of them. The best students have no problem getting scholarship abroad. In short, 90% of the resources allocated to help the many poor students and only 10% of the resources allocated to help the top achievers. If you are not in the lucky 10%, never mind because you have no problem getting scholarships. Singapore takes you in easily and willingly.


2,248 posts

Posted by sunztzhe > 2014-06-23 11:06 | Report Abuse

Why not attract the smartest brains to come in besides using Malaysian brainpower?


2,118 posts

Posted by Kukuman > 2014-06-23 11:13 | Report Abuse

No need to attract smartest brain. We have enough here. judging from reading the comments posted in i3, there are enough educated brains around


15 posts

Posted by anwarib > 2014-06-23 11:29 | Report Abuse

Chineses in Malaysia will forever be treated as 3rd class citizen and view with much suspicion by malays. This is the fact that we cannot change. As for further education in public universities, Mr. Koon got it wrong. The problem with chineses students are, they come from vernacular schools and many of them with A's have no interest in school curriculums and sport activities, and they are known as bookworms. Do you need bookworms in public universities? Even if they are given the chance to be assessed by public universities facilitators, many seen as reclusive, unable to speak in bahasa, and cannot articulate themselves, so how do you integrate these chinese students who will not mix with other races except themselves? And these is what happening in public universities today. Chineses are known as race that do not integrate themselves with other races in fact malays are much more multicultural with many mix blood compare to 100% chineses in Malaysia who remain 100% chineses despite over 100 years living as malaysians. This is shocking case of not wanting to be part of bigger Malaysia can hinder toward truly Malaysia.


235 posts

Posted by Alphabeta > 2014-06-23 11:35 | Report Abuse

Don't worry Mr Koon, they have talent corp program. Poaching is cheaper than grooming talent, especially when you are in a hurry to become a high income nation but lack of talents.

Singapore lack of natural resources forced them to rely on human capital to prosper. Malaysia still can afford to muddle along till the natural resources dry up. By then, without anything to fall back on, it is your ability to compete and survive that matter most.

A smoker will not change its bad habit until he is being diagnosed with terminal illness.


33 posts

Posted by aatzer > 2014-06-23 11:36 | Report Abuse

Agreed. I was told many top and senior executives in Singapore corporations are from Malaysia. Recently most them have given out Malaysian citizenship due to current social, religion and political development in our "beloved" country.


2,118 posts

Posted by Kukuman > 2014-06-23 11:36 | Report Abuse

anwarib, your first post is here! why? why don't want to use your regular ID to post comment here? why so worry to use your regular ID?


2,118 posts

Posted by Kukuman > 2014-06-23 11:44 | Report Abuse

Just learn to live as one country. complain this complain that what for. The majority decides. Isn't this is called democracy!


2,248 posts

Posted by sunztzhe > 2014-06-23 11:48 | Report Abuse

anwarib, What you had espoused are the symptoms. So what are the root causal factors for these symptoms?


42 posts

Posted by hsbm > 2014-06-23 11:49 | Report Abuse

you said "in fact malays are much more multicultural"

haha, Chinese can speak their language, eat their food, who is more multicultural?


2,118 posts

Posted by Kukuman > 2014-06-23 11:50 | Report Abuse

hsmb. another one with first post. why so coward not to use regular ID


639 posts

Posted by benson911 > 2014-06-23 12:03 | Report Abuse

Totally agreed. Being professional myself, I notice many of my friend working oversea as well particularly Singapore. Data provided by Pemandu, which is the special government agency tasked to drive Malaysia to high-income status by 2020, show a sobering fact – about 80% of households in Malaysia are currently earning less than RM4,000 per month.


15 posts

Posted by anwarib > 2014-06-23 12:04 | Report Abuse

One can easily find malays with arab, caucasian, indian etc. But you cannot find chineses with similar mix blood. And many chineses cannot speak in bahasa fluently like Mr. Koon. In fact you can find majority elderly chineses who only speak in chinese. Can you blame the government for trying to intergrate all races under one primary and secondary schools. Or it is the chineses who insist separate themselves from other races?


2,248 posts

Posted by sunztzhe > 2014-06-23 12:08 | Report Abuse

So being a Malaysian with an educated mind, how do you see that this situation can be further improved upon?

Posted by Koon Yew Yin > 2014-06-23 12:12 | Report Abuse

anwarib? are you the real PK opposition leader?

I do not agree with you that Public Universities do not accept the Chinese because they are good in sports and Bahasa. Moreover they are not interested to integrate with the Malays. All the readers in this forum know what you said is not true and they will shoot you down.

I do not believe you are the real Anwar Ibrahim, the PK leader. He is not so stupid to say such things here.


15 posts

Posted by anwarib > 2014-06-23 12:13 | Report Abuse

Mr. Koon, you can choose hold to your own bigot ideas.


2,118 posts

Posted by Kukuman > 2014-06-23 12:16 | Report Abuse

there is some true in some of anwarib's statement. some but not all. half true but not all


15 posts

Posted by anwarib > 2014-06-23 12:17 | Report Abuse

And i am sure all your children will marry same race even if they have been in Kanada for over 100 years. And this issue of brain drain will crop up in Kanada too. It is called race supremacy bigotry.


42 posts

Posted by hsbm > 2014-06-23 12:20 | Report Abuse

Kanada? Which country is that?


2,248 posts

Posted by sunztzhe > 2014-06-23 12:41 | Report Abuse

anwarib, Have you asked yourself why you have this perception? Does anwar ibrahim the opposition leader share the same perception as you had just espoused earlier on in this forum?

Posted by Koon Yew Yin > 2014-06-23 12:47 | Report Abuse

The main reason why Chinese cannot integrate with the Malays is the Mulim religion. If a Chinese marries a Malay, he or she has to be converted to accept the Muslim Faith. Even all the children will automatically become Muslims.

The Chinese in Thailand are quiet happy to marry the Thais because the Buddhist religion is more acceptable. As a result, you cannot tell the difference, because everybody speaks Thai and they all have Thai names.

Now we all know anwarib is not the real PR opposition leader. He cannot use the real Anwar Ibrahim's name in vain.


15 posts

Posted by anwarib > 2014-06-23 12:56 | Report Abuse

Mr. Koon, what you trying to say is that majority malays are wrong to choose the way of life suit them. They need to change to suit yours. So you are trying to say, we cannot have single stream schools for all malaysians because chinese must be national language.


639 posts

Posted by benson911 > 2014-06-23 12:56 | Report Abuse

I not understand why if Chinese marries a Malay, Chinese need to automatically convert to Islam. Why not give the Chinese freedom to choose, forcing someone is really irrational. What will happen if we force the Malay girl to convert to Buddhist?


15 posts

Posted by anwarib > 2014-06-23 12:58 | Report Abuse

Mr. Koon your children in Canada will marry another chinese regardless of religious freedom. You can always find new excuses for not integrating into bigger society.


15 posts

Posted by anwarib > 2014-06-23 13:01 | Report Abuse

Public universities need to change their selection basis to suit Mr. Koon or chinese community. They need to do away with the fact that malays are majority race. Public universities must use English and not Bahasa. They need to follow Mr. Koon or chinese community needs. Public service need to accomodate chinese, and requirement must include ability to speak and write mandarin only. Bahasa is optional. So you see, bigotry is never ending wants.


2,248 posts

Posted by sunztzhe > 2014-06-23 13:03 | Report Abuse

anwarib, In ones journey through life, one will see the environment a lot more than previously and have access to lots of information no doubt and in the process gain better understanding of the society and social/political environment that we all live in .

However a thinking person with an open mind will have the mental capacity and competency to differentiate between truths, half truths and absolute lies. It is important that one pursues the truth and discard the lies and understand root causal factors for the half truths so that it wont become half truths forever till you die.

The path towards better understanding and improved awareness lies with the individual as all of us here in i3 forum have the capacity to differentiate between truths, half truths and lies.

Don't you agree with what I have just stated?


15 posts

Posted by anwarib > 2014-06-23 13:06 | Report Abuse

Sunztzhe, you are talking about one sided opinion. Government has been trying to integrate all races via single stream schools. Children need to learn to trust each other despite different races. You cannot force feed divided races by giving into minorities wants. Don't you agree with what i have just stated?


2,248 posts

Posted by sunztzhe > 2014-06-23 13:09 | Report Abuse

anwarib, I do not understand what you meant by "You cannot force feed divided races by giving into minorities wants". Please elaborate. Thank you.


15 posts

Posted by anwarib > 2014-06-23 14:12 | Report Abuse

Many getting tired of bigotry articles especially from Mr. Koon. Malays did want just governance by voting for PKR. But malays did not vote for minorities to abolish their special rights and Islam as official religion. In fact daily bigotry articles have distant malays from just governance to defending their rights. Now malays are in defensive mode, wanting to remain dominant, even to a point voting for UMNO or PAS. Mr. Koon lack of understand toward majority malays will spell gloom future for multiracial harmony.


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2014-06-23 14:13 | Report Abuse

Anwarib is a completely crony. He is why many malays are lack behind.


3,861 posts

Posted by AdCool > 2014-06-23 15:07 | Report Abuse

Race supremacy is an outdated and barbarian thinking. Only ppl with limited exposure and knowledge who continue to live under his/her own coconut shell, would continue to shout about their own race supremacy. Our ancient paraphrase such as "Macam katak di bawah tempurung" really hold truth until now. No doubts our ancestors are way smarter and intellectual than the generation now. FYI, Malacca Sultanate has a long history of diplomatic ties with the China Dynasties.

I strongly disagree with anwarib saying that the government has been trying to integrate all races. Just look at the BN components, UMNO, MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PPP, etc all are race based. If the BN government is really serious in this integration, close all the national type schools, agama schools and establish a National School that offer all kind of curriculum and Languages such as BM, Tamil, Mandarin, English, French, German, etc...We don't need to wait for 57 years to do this.

Btw, my grandpa era was even more integrated than now. So I would say that someone somehow is actually working hard to disintegrate the society. Divide n rule, remember? And who are actually ruling now for so many decades? It's not Chinese or Indian or others. It's the Elite Malay from UMNO. Use your brain and mind to think for yourself, anwarib.

The education blueprint is nothing more than a paper exercise as well as money burning exercise to enrich some hidden contracts. Whoever think that it is for the good of the education and country, please do me a favor, get yourself a CTSCAN at the hospital. Maybe you got some blood clot in your brain that is stopping you from thinking logically and rationally.


50 posts

Posted by mukah > 2014-06-23 15:10 | Report Abuse

First of all, our education policies are not moving in the right direction that it should be. Many Chinese are shunning Sekolah Kebangsaan simply because of the education standards. The discipline standards as well. Many years ago, say in 1970 to 1980, majority of Chinese families will most likely send their children to Sekolah Kebangsaan because of its English and discipline standards while the Chinese families staying out of town or from the lower income group would send their children to Chinese schools. The discipline of the Chinese schools then were poor. However, things changed drastically after mid-80s when the English standards in these Sekolah Kebangsaan dropped. Most teachers were not conversant enough in English themselves. The Chinese schools caught up with their standards (unfortunately not in English)and started attracting more Chinese families to send their children to their schools. This, over time, created a disparity between the Chinese and Sekolah Kebangsaan schools. Today, 90% of Chinese families send their kids to Chinese schools.

The Malays who continue to study in Sekolah Kebangsaan do not mix much with the Chinese as a result. Similarly, the Chinese would not be able to completely understand or grasp the Malay cultures.

The Chinese education guilds do not support Sekolah Wawasan which I think would be a good platform for children to mingle. The Sekolah Wawasan was a flopped as a result of non-cooperation attitude of these guilds. Unless and until, something is done to mend the gap, I am afraid that the divide between races in Malaysia will continue to drift along wider.

This is a fact which we must reconcile with. Politicians of both camps must sit together and sincerely draft out plans in order to move forward. But, sincerely I think this will remain a dream.


50 posts

Posted by mukah > 2014-06-23 15:16 | Report Abuse

Affluent Chinese and Malay families are now sending their children to private schools and colleges. Please refer to premium private schools in Kuala Lumpur and you will concur with my observation. Similarly, smaller cities like Ipoh where Mr. Koon is residing saw a surge in the intake of Chinese children. More and more private schools are being set up or in the process of being set up all over the country. The reason(s) as to why these schools are being set up and despite the high fees, was because affluent families were no longer interested to send their kids to government aided or semi aided schools. English is an important language where all of us must command but schools in Malaysia are grappling with numerous issues on this subject simply because the teachers themselves are not good in English. But again, children in private schools and colleges must learn to be independent and street smart in the real society as I find them too pampered. For example, I was shocked to learn that the teachers in private schools will hug the child when they do something wrong. This is not right as spare the rod and you will spoil the kid.


2,248 posts

Posted by sunztzhe > 2014-06-23 15:22 | Report Abuse

Quote Adcool:
If the BN government is really serious in this integration, close all the national type schools, agama schools and establish a National School that offer all kind of curriculum and Languages such as BM, Tamil, Mandarin, English, French, German, etc...We don't need to wait for 57 years to do this.Unquote

Well said Adcool. We need not wait further. Make it mandatory that every Malaysian school leaver must be able to read, write, converse in English, Malay, Mandarin, Tamil before they can qualify for the exam certificate.


50 posts

Posted by mukah > 2014-06-23 15:24 | Report Abuse

Dear Adcool,

I may have to correct you as the government planned to establish Sekolah Wawasan during Dr. Mahathir's regime. However, it was vehemently objected by Dong Zong and many other Chinese educational guilds. They claimed that the HM of the Sekolah Kebangsaan will be the commanding HM while the HMs from the Chinese and Indian schools will play second fiddle. They have also officially expressed a host of other reasons as to why they disputed on the concept.


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2014-06-23 15:33 | Report Abuse

If you guys are lacking behind please admit. Still need tongkat means what? No need to give me flag WAN.


2,248 posts

Posted by sunztzhe > 2014-06-23 15:34 | Report Abuse

If the quality and creative teaching standards cum variety of linguistic and other subjects offered in government schools had been maintained or even improved further upon, all Malaysian parents will have send their children to government schools. The root causal factor is the standards of the Education ministry and Malaysian schools had deteriorated over the years and consequently parents who wanted a better education for their kids were exasperated but had to send their kids to other school type.

This is itself an additional indirect tax on the pockets of Malaysian taxpayers.


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2014-06-23 15:45 | Report Abuse

Also the schools teach subject that changes the history of malaysia. How you cronies expect people to believe you!


2,248 posts

Posted by sunztzhe > 2014-06-23 16:01 | Report Abuse

The path forward is open mindedness, flexible mindset, knowledge seeking ,mutual respect, co-existence and working together for a better life and for a better future.

Race supremacy, apartheid are archaic ideology that favored the political leaders who introduced such ideologies to keep themselves in power and to enrich themselves, their families, their cronies but impoverished everyone else in the process.


15 posts

Posted by anwarib > 2014-06-23 16:38 | Report Abuse

So you see how even sending children to school are based on race. How do you suppose to unite various races when they grow up without interaction with other races. We all are product of these race based upbringing. We don't even have a party that cater to all races. PKR? DAP? PAS? No need to mention Bee End, it is finished.


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2014-06-23 16:47 | Report Abuse

anwarib, it is a total shame of you to be able to know english and yet you let your own race rot. just because you are a crony.


3,861 posts

Posted by AdCool > 2014-06-23 16:55 | Report Abuse

As long as political interests remains in the education, we all could continue to dream on. An international standard, competitive and objective education system which is to promote nation building and knowledge accumulation / sharing will continue be something we want to achieve but would never get there. It would remains a dream.

Don't make a big hoo-haa when employers commented that our local graduates aren't employable or our universities did not get into the list of 100 top universities and whatever international assessment citing that Malaysia students aren't faring averagely in Math, Science and Critical Thinking.

Maybe we can start to send our Pakcik and Makcik from the 50's,60's and 70's eras to take those assessment. Perhaps we would have a better chance to score fairer.


2,248 posts

Posted by sunztzhe > 2014-06-23 17:04 | Report Abuse

Do not worry and always develop and maintain a "Can do, Nothing is impossible positive mindset".

It may get a bit darker in the future but rest assured it is possibly approaching the darkest hour before dawn appears as Malaysia's neighbours, regional and global business competitors are fast forging ahead already. The dire situation itself will throw up visionary leaders to come forth to lead and its gradually but surely happening now.

The likes of anwarib, andychucky28, mukah, adcool,benson911, hsbm, kukuman,benson911, aatzer,alphabeta,lohman, jonathan keung, sop, sosfinance, Mr koon etc will come together to play positive roles in shaping a new competitive Malaysia.


3,861 posts

Posted by AdCool > 2014-06-23 17:06 | Report Abuse

Hi Mukah,

I don't believe in excuses but solution. If Dr M was serious about it and had the strong political will to implement it, who was Dong Zhong and other Chinese educationalist to object? There were no ones back in Dr M's era. He ruled with iron fist and these kecil fella were nothing in comparison back then.

Just see what have Dong Zhong achieved so far if not for more internal bickering and other internal problems.

Personally, there was no political will to change the status quo because it means unpopular move and definitely won't goes well with all the "warlords" out there from all the respective ethnics.

At the end of day, it's about the elites above the poor, the uninformed, and the marginalized. Proper education will empower and integrate the society and community. That totally goes against the strategy of Divide and Rule. It just won't happen in Malaysia if we expect the Elites will change and strive for the goodness of every Malaysian. I rather place my hope on the cow to come home than to wish for the Elites to change. FAT CHANCE!


15 posts

Posted by anwarib > 2014-06-23 17:17 | Report Abuse

Dong Zong is a very wealthy and powerful organisation. It receive sponsorship not only from wealthy malaysian chineses but also from other wealthy oversea chineses. Dong Zong was the key hindrance toward vision school. They could have compromise instead of putting up with demands via 'sin qui.

No doubt UMNO is rule by corrupted leaders and the reason for malays such as myself voting for PKR. But the bigotry display by DAP for wanting dominant role in politic but disregard unity among races. Adamant to abolish malay special rights and stepping on Islamic issue are taboo for malays. Malays never step on Chinese rights on their vernacular schools or doing unislamic businesses. Malays have tolerance haram way of life and only request mutual respect from their Chinese citizens. Just governance is want all malaysians would like to see, but not supremacy of minorities. If Chinese leaders are serious about political change, they should make vision schools a reality instead of continuously holding power to own race.

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