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200 comment(s). Last comment by murali 2015-04-27 10:49

Posted by truthseeker1 > 2015-02-22 12:10 | Report Abuse

Fry up due to KYY buying? Want to con us to buy so that he can sell? Already learn his trick in Jtiasa.


3,721 posts

Posted by ks55 > 2015-02-22 12:20 | Report Abuse

Buy good share cheap. Why want to chase?
Yes, VS can go to 10 ringgit, so what? What is the probability?
Likewise, VS can come down to 2 ringgit. Is it possible? Answer in affirmative!
Instead of chasing stock already gone up in price, why not scout around for a better buy?


914 posts

Posted by veln82k6 > 2015-02-22 12:53 | Report Abuse

Kyy ask us buy his shares..


30 posts

Posted by antikoon > 2015-02-22 12:55 | Report Abuse

Old man and his bad intention. He will call his victims to buy now, he is going to dump Latitud and VS. We already victimize with Mudajaya and JTiasa. Once beaten


730 posts

Posted by Hotrod > 2015-02-22 13:08 | Report Abuse

Hmm ... coincidentally KYY and OTB are promoting the same stocks.


3,721 posts

Posted by ks55 > 2015-02-22 13:10 | Report Abuse

No harm to promote good share at good price. To promote at present price is to invite people to commit suicide. Things not done in good faith !!


3,721 posts

Posted by ks55 > 2015-02-22 13:11 | Report Abuse

Please take note OTB is the "fund manager" for KYY.

Posted by truthseeker1 > 2015-02-22 13:37 | Report Abuse

If KYY is sincere he should promote VS when it is RM2-3.


30 posts

Posted by antikoon > 2015-02-22 13:39 | Report Abuse

VS and Latitud already gone up 100%. Only now what to promote? Or the real intention is to sell to new victims


724 posts

Posted by moven00 > 2015-02-22 14:41 | Report Abuse

not really a good idea to promote it now. At current bloated price.
That left a big question mark on KYY intention.


480 posts

Posted by chonghai > 2015-02-22 14:49 | Report Abuse

I already have a heavy position in VS , average price of around RM3. Let us see who is smarter, MR Koon or the anti-Koons. Personally I believe business for VS will just get better and better. Business for OEM are shifting from china to south east asia.


30 posts

Posted by antikoon > 2015-02-22 14:49 | Report Abuse

What go up will go down but with KYY dumping, you can buy 60% cheaper and further 20% cheaper after force margin sell. KYY ego


1,964 posts

Posted by kk123 > 2015-02-22 15:43 | Report Abuse

Let him stuck at high price .. Rest of u I hope don't give chase to a stock that has risen so much

Ooi Teik Bee

11,178 posts

Posted by Ooi Teik Bee > 2015-02-22 15:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by ks55 > Feb 22, 2015 01:11 PM | Report Abuse

Please take note OTB is the "fund manager" for KYY.

Ans : I recommend to buy VS at 3.55 or below. I still recommend to buy around 3.57 in I3 when the price rebounded.
The price is at 4.14 now, please decide yourself. Final decision is yours.
Please do not blame me.
Thank you.


844 posts

Posted by nklye > 2015-02-22 15:50 | Report Abuse

I hv read several articles by Mr. Koon. I like to beilieve some of his analysis of the stocks he has involved with. If I have the money I might have bought some of these stocks and might hv been making huge money along with him.. the most recent now are VS and Latitude. As for VS, he predicts it can move up to RM7. I also think so. I may sold my other stocks and shift to buy VS. These stocks I hv bought them at the turn of the year with the price near to the price of VS at that time. But VS has moved up more than double but my stocks only moved up 10 sen...
Am I right Mr. Koon.


1,440 posts

Posted by apini > 2015-02-22 15:53 | Report Abuse

are you KYY???I very much hope that this is not the KYY I know. please lah mr koon, stay side line and buy diam-diam and donate more. you keep on boasting your success then it is hard to make me not to believe you are not pump and dump. Please... lah.. Mr Koon, you are 82 already, satisfy your own ego is it really that important to you?????
my respected philanthropic Mr koon, not everybody can fish like you, we are more good at following, so invite us to fish right at the beginning rather than teaching us how to fish after you have already caught a lot of fishes.
I like to help people and I support PR, you also like to help people and also support PR. if people curse us then PR also kena you know? so for PR sake do not act so unworthy, please......
if you are willing to talk privately with me I am willing to create an email to communicate with you. but frank and sincere is the pre-condition


844 posts

Posted by nklye > 2015-02-22 16:41 | Report Abuse

Seems some forummers here are quite angry with Mr.Koon. May be they have lost in TJaya and MJaya which Mr.Koon has recommended very much earlier. Many seem not to believe what he is telling now. There are many perhaps that play in my mind why these people are angry at him and lost their money whilst he made huge money
But what I like about Mr.Koon is the money he made in his investment is channelling back to society through the scholarship he is giving away, especially to those poor student.
But I would like to make a suggestion to Mr.Koon, the most unfortunate students are those from lower middle class parents whose earning is in the range of 6K to 10K but with several children to support, especially in education. The capable children of these parents are usually left out in terms of financial support to study in a better education institutions or to further their study oversea because their parents are perceived to be capable to finance their children's education. Actual fact it is not the case. In the end these children are left to study in the lower standard / cost institutions suite to financial capability of their parents. Usually the parents of this group have not much problem to support one of the children to study in a better education institutions or oversea but not the second and so on. What usually happened is these children could not secure any scholarship to further their study in institutions parallel to their academic achievement, either through public or private funding/scholarship because they are not in the category of poor students. And they are also not in the category of rich whom their rich parents can support everything. So these talented children are stuck in the middle.
Perhaps Mr. Koon can adjust to the criteria or terms and conditions of giving scholarship to needy students that suite to the situation I have mentioned above. Perhaps Mr. Koon can do a study on the students who apply to your scholarship based on their achievement (like first or second class upper) their ambition, attitude, number of siblings who are still studying and desire to success at a better enviroment of study but was limited by their parents capability of full finsncial support.
Beside we help those really poor students to further their study, don't forget those students who are talented but could not get enough finsncial support from their parents who are not rich nor poor to achieve their ambition to study at a higher level to fulfill their potential.


1,403 posts

Posted by paperplane > 2015-02-22 16:51 | Report Abuse

Obviously, the call on jtiasa, mudajaya is bad....for now


7 posts

Posted by haahaa > 2015-02-22 17:30 | Report Abuse

The people of today is very lucky, there are many financial institutions whereby the students are able to borrow at a low rate, isn't it?


3,721 posts

Posted by ks55 > 2015-02-22 17:32 | Report Abuse

Ooi Teik Bee -- What is that to blame you. Did I mention any where you should be blamed? I am just commenting on Hotrod's post " Hmm ... coincidentally KYY and OTB are promoting the same stocks."
Any reader should buy based on his understanding of the counter and not asking for free lunch!!

Posted by OptimusBig > 2015-02-22 17:33 | Report Abuse

Aiyoyo. Laugh me die liao


1,440 posts

Posted by apini > 2015-02-22 17:56 | Report Abuse

I believe, you may not agree, for any investment we still need 30% of luck to success. Mr Koon has done that very well to by helping the poors. well done Mr koon.

but I feel a bit un-understandable why he need to be so frank here , a public forum, sharing his successful investment stories amount to hundreds million, doesn't he know that this would invite jealousy and do more harms than good to himself.

may he is too old already and has gone back to his childlike innocent. very un-comprehensible, almost can be describe as 变态 if I need not be polite.


18,658 posts

Posted by Icon8888 > 2015-02-22 18:00 | Report Abuse

He owns 15 mil shares

What happen if he unload on forumners when they got excited about VS ?

That was exactly what happened during jtiasa


5,723 posts

Posted by murali > 2015-02-22 18:01 | Report Abuse

Rsawit,jtiasa,mudajaya....luckily not many idiots follow his call of xinquan

Posted by OptimusBig > 2015-02-22 18:02 | Report Abuse

Same bollywood play again


30 posts

Posted by antikoon > 2015-02-22 18:10 | Report Abuse

After gone up 100% only now KYY koon us to buy. Same old trick. Never again be koon by KYY


1,964 posts

Posted by kk123 > 2015-02-22 18:33 | Report Abuse

For Those who are new to koon tricks
Dont be surprise if Koon may start offload even at 4.50, to get that "little profit" , say his cost is 3.90, he still make 60 sen a share .. So do the Maths ( for those on his scholarship shld know how to do Maths) :
0.60x 15 million shares is still a tidy profit of $9 mil for him
I never trust this 82 year old geezer as not sure what is his motif or agenda
So those new better be careful


30 posts

Posted by antikoon > 2015-02-22 18:41 | Report Abuse

Those new to KYY koon tricks. Don't be surprise if you buy now you will suffer 60% loss


30 posts

Posted by antikoon > 2015-02-22 18:47 | Report Abuse

Where are all those KYY supporters? So quiet

Chan KS

57 posts

Posted by Chan KS > 2015-02-22 20:02 | Report Abuse

welcome back.


5,723 posts

Posted by murali > 2015-02-22 20:07 | Report Abuse

Koon Yew Yin :arv18 and other abusive commentators, if you want to ask questions about Xingquan or any thing, you don't need to be so abusive. Someone even said that I was a fake and asked if any reader have seen face to face? You have forced me to blow my own trumpet.

You can know more about me if you type on google search.

I was a founder of IJM, Gamuda and Mudajaya. I gave Dato Lin Yun Ling, Gamuda CEO, Ng Ying Loong, former Mudajaya CEO and Dato Richard Fong, Glomac Dy Chairman their first employment.

I am a Chartered Civil Engineer and I was a member of the Malaysian Board of Engineers and SIRIM for drafting the Malaysian Standards for Cement and Concrete , the highest professional achievement for any Engineer.

I was the Secretary General of the Malaysian Master Builders Association for 9 years when Tan Sri Yeoh Tiong Lay was the President.

Fobes selected me as one of the 4 philanthropists from Malaysia. Now I am a member of the Penang Institute, an advisory think tank for the Penang Chief Minister and also a member of the Penang Future Foundation.

I have interviewed hundreds of engineers, lawyers, accountants etc and I know how to judge people specially people like arv18.

My reason to engage Ooi Teik Bee, Peter Yang and KC Chong is because they have some special knowledge which I do not have. They have bought some shares which are new to me.

As far as Xingquan is concerned, there are so few buyers and whenever I try to sell a few lots, the price comes down. That is why I have decided to give most of holdings to my children and grand children so that they can wait.

I have visited the factory twice and I am very impressed with their operation. They have hostel accommodation for more than 3,000 workers and huge multi storey factory buildings. I understand they got the land from the government for a song.

Moreover, the senior partner of Foo, Kon Grant Thornton, the auditors is my cousin who is also about 80 years old. He is a chartered Accountant and I believe the audited accounts. The company has been generating lots of cash since its IPO.

I just spoke to Ooi Guan Hoe, a Malaysian Director, about giving out dividend. If they do not give dividend, investors do not believe their accounts. He said that he would bring this up in their next board meeting.

My wife often tells me not to lower myself and waste my time writing on this forum. I will take her advice. This is my last posting.
14/07/2014 17:20


5,723 posts

Posted by murali > 2015-02-22 20:09 | Report Abuse

KYY's last posting in I3 in July 2014....Why he wanted to lower himself again and come to I3 to promote VS and Latitude today after disappeared for abt 7 months?


5,723 posts

Posted by murali > 2015-02-22 20:13 | Report Abuse

There could be several possibilities.....1) He has noble intention again 2) He got a lot of time to waste 3) He really want to lower himself so as to stay with us 4) He wanna sell his million shares of VS and Latitude now....or feel free to suggest any other reason....


1,575 posts

Posted by cpng > 2015-02-22 20:34 | Report Abuse

I pick 4,he want to uploading his millions shares to retailers.


30 posts

Posted by antikoon > 2015-02-22 20:40 |

Post removed.Why?

Posted by afiqbull91 > 2015-02-22 20:47 | Report Abuse

I'm new but hey thanks for the heads up of this Mr. Koon's tricks thing. ;)


911 posts

Posted by feiloh > 2015-02-22 21:12 | Report Abuse

Can anyone delete his post on vs and latitude...
pls lah don't spoil the momentum of these 2 counter....
Really pariah posting one day before market open....


1,065 posts

Posted by pisanggoreng > 2015-02-22 21:34 | Report Abuse

I am so disappointed to know that OTB is working for KYY, so your call to ask your followers switch to buy VS any correlation with KYY


278 posts

Posted by miapancho > 2015-02-22 21:36 | Report Abuse

Yes the admin on i3 site should remove all of koon s postings, are we going to wait n see many newbies falling in traps created by him????


1,440 posts

Posted by apini > 2015-02-22 22:17 | Report Abuse



30 posts

Posted by antikoon > 2015-02-22 22:29 |

Post removed.Why?


19 posts

Posted by manhar > 2015-02-22 22:46 | Report Abuse

I was trapped with Kulim.


1,671 posts

Posted by ganasai > 2015-02-22 23:02 | Report Abuse

kikiki, need someone buy when sell. This prove that how the forum should be use.


1,671 posts

Posted by ganasai > 2015-02-22 23:04 | Report Abuse

not kind people kikiki. Earn so much then only promote here kikiki. U should promote before u earn. Then this is what we call "charity".

Ooi Teik Bee

11,178 posts

Posted by Ooi Teik Bee > 2015-02-22 23:27 | Report Abuse

Posted by pisanggoreng > Feb 22, 2015 09:34 PM | Report Abuse

I am so disappointed to know that OTB is working for KYY, so your call to ask your followers switch to buy VS any correlation with KYY

Ans : Please be fair to me. You mean I cannot friend KYY because KYY is not your friend.
VS is one of my 2015 stocks pick. I told all my subscribers and also i3 readers here to buy when the price of VS is 3.55 or 3.57.
Is it also wrong to tell them to buy at 3.55 or 3.57 ?
Please talk with facts and figures.
Thank you.


1,065 posts

Posted by pisanggoreng > 2015-02-23 00:12 | Report Abuse


can I not suspecting ???

if you conscience is clear, win or lose, what to blame. our nasib

I still hope that OTB is still the OTP most forumist have trusted and relying on to earn some extra money for a living


3,721 posts

Posted by ks55 > 2015-02-23 00:20 | Report Abuse

1. Buy high sell higher -- what is the probability?
2. Buy high sell low -- what is the probability?
3. What is the probability that you will make 10% with current entry price?
4. What is the probability that you will lose 10% with current entry price?
5. If 50-50, you might want to go up Genting to try your luck with 大小 !!


1,065 posts

Posted by pisanggoreng > 2015-02-23 00:20 | Report Abuse

I have a dream, a beautiful dream , to wake up I am reluctant , to continue dreaming it is now fading, what should I do? what should I do? when can I have another another datasonic sweet dream?

Ooi Teik Bee

11,178 posts

Posted by Ooi Teik Bee > 2015-02-23 00:26 |

Post removed.Why?


724 posts

Posted by moven00 > 2015-02-23 00:30 | Report Abuse

I personally attended Mr KYY seminar when he was giving it free.
I make some money from Jtiasa.
But I am very septical once he started to encourage people to use margin for investment.
Then he started his nationwide stock promoting. Even charges a fee for his seminar.
I really felt something is wrong.
Anyway, I take all this episode positively. In the sense that I was lucky I didn't get caught and be responsible for every decision that you make in life, there is no free lunch.

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