8 people like this.

117 comment(s). Last comment by izoklse 2015-04-17 00:30


7 posts

Posted by haahaa > 2015-03-31 15:17 | Report Abuse

Unity has to be backed by equality and fairness.


1,440 posts

Posted by apini > 2015-03-31 15:44 | Report Abuse

muhibah is lagu lama.can sing but no meaning, what we need is SEMBAYANG. sembanyang kuat for a true leader like Tengku to be born to unite us to save us


1,440 posts

Posted by apini > 2015-03-31 15:48 | Report Abuse

our problem is "shout 1 Malaysia but go different ways"


1,440 posts

Posted by apini > 2015-03-31 15:50 | Report Abuse


1 Malaysia and 1 way

Posted by SOP2 > Mar 31, 2015 03:44 PM | Report Abuse

how to earn our youngster's respect ?

Posted by murtadzashah71 > 2015-03-31 15:52 | Report Abuse

uncle koon, take a whole page ad lar to promote your political belief. Can't even hold to your own words and promises.


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2015-03-31 16:08 | Report Abuse

Singapore is proven a successful multi-nation country. Why can't malaysia? Because of some kind of ethnic group? Because of to much corruption? Can't even make inflow of foreign money. Only know how to day light rob it's citizen.

One more Jlow case and the debt will be 2 trillions.


1,440 posts

Posted by apini > 2015-03-31 16:17 | Report Abuse

Malaysia tanah air ku bertuah, diberkati Tuhan hidup bahagia
pemuda ini sesat jalan belum hilang akal
tentu satu hari muncul pemimpin iklas hidup 1 Malaysia

Posted by SOP2 > Mar 31, 2015 03:59 PM | Report Abuse

pening kepala bagaimana nak jelaskan dan menasihatkan pemuda sekarang. mereka sudah cacat perasaan penyayang.


5,231 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2015-03-31 16:27 |

Post removed.Why?


1,440 posts

Posted by apini > 2015-03-31 16:31 | Report Abuse

DAP bukan DAPig.

mana perginya rakan-rakan budiman Melayu ku ?


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2015-03-31 16:33 | Report Abuse

Ya, all my malay friends in Singapore and Malaysia is not like you! You are stuck bro.


2,118 posts

Posted by Kukuman > 2015-03-31 16:59 | Report Abuse

why complain non stop. should be thankful what you have now !


469 posts

Posted by nancytang > 2015-03-31 17:05 | Report Abuse

There is nothing to be thankful for whatever we have now ... we worked hard for it & owe nobody any damn thing !!!

Posted by profit profits > 2015-03-31 23:31 | Report Abuse

I read this post again and again and yet I could not find any part really talking on politic, neither could I find any statement criticize any race. KYY is merely compare S'pore to M'sia and make proposal to sell Kelantan sand in order to solve Kelantan recurring flood problem. What is going wrong ?


50 posts

Posted by cheahsk > 2015-03-31 23:36 | Report Abuse

I have said it many times. Singapore is blessed to have a LKY and Mlaysia is cursed to have a Mamatkhutty. LKY wept when singapore and Malaysia went its separate way. His wife was there to console him and told him itwas inevitable as "they" will never change and true enough you can see who are those making nasty remarks on LKY when the rest of the whole pay tribute to him. The lack of education has made "them" this way. Marlot the ex-ambassador to Malaysia has seen a lot of such people during is posting in Malaysia and he called "them" the useful idiots. I call them the malevolent. Just scroll up this list and you will see them.
are in a state of denial.


804 posts

Posted by saufi74 > 2015-04-01 00:00 | Report Abuse



159 posts

Posted by gopiwira > 2015-04-01 00:18 | Report Abuse

Look deeply and see what Singapore is. Malaysia is a better country.


50 posts

Posted by cheahsk > 2015-04-01 00:39 | Report Abuse

Tell me in which aspect. Education? The Judiciary? Corruption? The quality of our ministers? The education system? Crimes and un-solved crimes? The respect other countries have for us?. The quality of our current diplomatic corp? The competitiveness and language skill of our people? Just take a look at RTM. You got to pay me to watch their programmes. Obession with race and religion-day in and day out. We can be much much better but do you want to give every good and capable contryman the chance? Equal chance.


80 posts

Posted by madhas > 2015-04-01 00:56 | Report Abuse

Malaysia is following Singapore model right now what. Those talk much put them at the right places. Bravo Ma


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2015-04-01 01:02 | Report Abuse

Better country in terms of what gopi?

Posted by gopiwira > Apr 1, 2015 12:18 AM | Report Abuse

Look deeply and see what Singapore is. Malaysia is a better country.

Posted by profit profits > 2015-04-01 07:12 | Report Abuse

Gopiwira must be talking about chewing gum, littering and vandalism.


1,650 posts

Posted by skyz > 2015-04-01 11:14 | Report Abuse

Mr KYY, I normally disagree with your "buy calls" on stocks. but for this article, two thumbs up and agree with your stand. well written indeed


53 posts

Posted by Rajapetra > 2015-04-01 11:24 | Report Abuse

Even Samy Vellu once said that if not for the Malay vote he would not have won. He then raised his arm and said that he has Malay blood running through his vein, not meaning literally, of course.And that is true and does not apply to just Samy. Many non-Malay politicians depend on Malay (and Indian) votes, as do Malays depend on non-Malay votes as well. Hence unless the Malays, Chinese and Indians unite, both Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional will find the going very tough indeed.


235 posts

Posted by Alphabeta > 2015-04-01 11:24 | Report Abuse

It is a proven fact that children who have inherited the wealth from their super rich parent will most likely loose their ability to compete and earn on their own. Malaysia is fortunate to be rich in natural resources and it can a curse if we relied too much on them and fail to groom the human capital to sustain growth in future when the natural resources reserve dwindle over time.

Leaders who back up their words with actions will earn respect and support from the people as long as they deliver the results effectively for everyone to see. The present government do have strategies to promote growth but at what costs in delivering the results is also vital. Delay, leakages and mismanagement are just too glaring in the audit general reports. Lack of accountability will only allow these wasteful practices to perpetual unabated.

We should look at Singapore delivering system, how and why it can be so effective. Is it because the ecosystem that encourage competition by meritocracy? Is the education system encouraged critical thinking besides seeking knowledge?

We should adopt an open mind to learn and take corrective actions on our weaknesses. If we are still complacent with our wasteful ways of doing things in the past, the future generation will have to bear the blunt when the day of reckoning comes.


53 posts

Posted by Rajapetra > 2015-04-01 11:25 | Report Abuse

While the non-Muslims may be fed up with PAS and its Islamic agenda, the Malays are equally fed up with DAP’s anti-Islam agenda. And do not try to explain that you are not against Islam but just against Hudud because, to many Malays, Hudud and Islam come as a package. Hence if you oppose one then you oppose both.


53 posts

Posted by Rajapetra > 2015-04-01 11:30 | Report Abuse

DAP may still get 80-85% of the Chinese votes but with just about 60 of the 222 Parliament seats and only half the 56 Selangor state seats having a significant Chinese population, DAP will not be able to rule as well, other than probably just in Penang


53 posts

Posted by Rajapetra > 2015-04-01 11:31 | Report Abuse

The success of the opposition in the 2008 and 2013 general elections was not because the Chinese voted DAP and the Malays voted PAS. It was because Chinese, Malays and Indians voted across racial lines.


26,100 posts

Posted by speakup > 2015-04-01 11:32 | Report Abuse

jangan gaduh gaduh, mari sama sama nyanyi :


16 posts

Posted by alvin_tan > 2015-04-01 11:36 | Report Abuse

I bet a lot of Malaysians who say they'd rather be Singaporeans have never ever lived in Singapore before. They have this utopian, idealistic view of the city-state, and they even think that the high GDP per capita actually trickles down to ordinary folks like them (har har har). Then they cite how many Malaysians become Singaporeans instead of the other way round


16 posts

Posted by alvin_tan > 2015-04-01 11:38 | Report Abuse

The truth is that Singaporeans are stuck despite their strong Singapore dollar. They're STUCK:


16 posts

Posted by alvin_tan > 2015-04-01 11:38 | Report Abuse

1) Funding S$500,000 flats smaller than even the upstairs area of your terrace house... that they don't even own or have full control over the flat (for 30 years, I might add);


16 posts

Posted by alvin_tan > 2015-04-01 11:38 | Report Abuse

2) Begging for the government's permission just to own a car and are resigned to riding trains that break down so often yet keep increasing in price -- but it's a monopoly, so "boh bian;"


16 posts

Posted by alvin_tan > 2015-04-01 11:39 | Report Abuse

5) Resigning to their corporate jobs because their monthly commitments, even as singles, are just so expensive. Rent for a single room even far away from the CBD costs S$700 a month. Here in Los Angeles, I can get a studio apartment with kitchen and bathroom for that price;


16 posts

Posted by alvin_tan > 2015-04-01 11:40 | Report Abuse

6) Paying chunks of their income into a compulsory saving scam, I mean scheme, called CPF. CPF is very unlike your EPF, which you can withdraw as a lump sum upon reaching 55 years old. The CPF has a higher withdrawal age (65 now? Or 68?) and has a nonsensical "minimum sum" requirement that disallows Singaporeans from touching the money unless that arbitrary minimum sum is reached. By the way, when you finally CAN withdraw your CPF funds, it's done by installments. There are so many instances where even the heirs to dead people who failed to access their CPF funds during their lifetime also fail to access the funds of their parents, even after they died. Good jod, PAP -- what a Ponzi scheme you're running there.


16 posts

Posted by alvin_tan > 2015-04-01 11:40 | Report Abuse

And I'm just getting started with these... You don't have to deal with these in Malaysia, at least not to such extreme extents. You can buy one of those condominiums in Rawang that cost even less than RM50,000 if you want. You can buy a secondhand car for RM10,000 and own it for 30 years if you want. No one foreign is going to steal your rice bowl in the private sector; we don't have an insane immigration policy like Singapore. Our National Service is a walk in the park (3 months? 6 months?), and many have fond memories of it instead of cursing it. Our day-to-day cost of living is high, but at least the biggest things -- transportation and housing -- is more affordable. Hell, you can rent a room for RM250 in Kuala Lumpur; what more do you want? And lastly, our EPF isn't a Ponzi scheme to fund god knows what. You retire, you get your money. No arguments. You die, even if you die intestate, your heirs get your money. No arguments.


16 posts

Posted by alvin_tan > 2015-04-01 11:42 | Report Abuse

In return, they can only brag (read: rationalize) about:

1) Having clean streets (Who cares? What matters is that you live in clean homes, which is your personal responsibility.);

2) Having safe streets (sure, I agree);

3) Having a world-class education system (that you can't even gain access to, forcing many Singaporeans to study in Australia and England?);

4) Having an honest, efficient, and incorruptible government (Hahahahaha, good joke... The only one I can agree to is "efficient," and it's well-deserved.);

5) Having the strong Singapore dollar and greater spending power overseas (Yoohoo, you live overseas or what? You live in Singapore. You should be talking about the purchasing power of your currency, locally, not the absolute strength of it vis-a-vis other currencies! Zzz...); and

6) Having expensive Orchard Road malls and the fancy casinos that they can't even go into if they don't pay a S$100 cover fee or something (this only applies to Singaporeans).

I was offered Singaporean Permanent Residence in 2007. I tossed the letter into the rubbish bin. I had no intention of becoming a cog in the wheel to fund the CPF, Temasek Holdings, and your ministers' million-dollar salaries.


16 posts

Posted by alvin_tan > 2015-04-01 11:44 | Report Abuse

To those who brag how great Singapore is, I think they don't deserve to be Malaysians, they should immediately migrate to Singapore and throw Malaysia citizenship. Don't come back.


16 posts

Posted by alvin_tan > 2015-04-01 11:47 | Report Abuse

And most Chinese-Malaysians claim that Malay-Singaporeans have it much easier and better than them since you guys are given fair treatment and equal opportunities. Discrimination against Malays and Indians in Singapore is very real but less obvious. Most of them can't land themselves a job because it requires some mandarin speakers. So they would rather hire mainland Chinese for the jobs. My aunt who is an Indian mixed Portuguese is faced with such problem


16 posts

Posted by alvin_tan > 2015-04-01 11:48 | Report Abuse

i agreed with you. We malaysians can own few cars per family and houses/apartments for passive incomes and easier to establish business in here. Actually i have many sporean fellas are so envious of us


7 posts

Posted by haahaa > 2015-04-01 11:49 | Report Abuse

the above reasons is all because Singapore is a small island lack of space. why don't we look at their overall efficiencies and fairness of judgments in controlling crimes including professional crimes.


16 posts

Posted by alvin_tan > 2015-04-01 11:50 | Report Abuse

true to some extent.the pap import so many rich elite from over the world like china(they aim the passport) to replace singaporean.to some extreme ,one day you can recruit a toilet cleaner with double degree.u see what a waste keep upgrading their human resource pool.i maybe top student in singapore uni today but tomolo from somewhere they funding othet elite from maybe havard mit yele u name it,then i will fail the standard cope with outside.is this singaporean want?go malaysian to experience it.pap n umno have a myth in common , that umno to malay n pap to elite,thats not what a country with equalibrium


16 posts

Posted by alvin_tan > 2015-04-01 11:51 | Report Abuse

Singapore should stop calling itself "first world." First, real first-world countries don't call themselves first-world; it's one of those things that's for others to say, not yourself. Second, any country that's nudged between Iraq and Russia on the press freedom index just isn't part of the first world. Third, you're not even as rich as you claim -- many ordinary Singaporeans, despite the country's obscene GDP per capita, have lower standards of living than even Malaysians, who at least have real homes, cars, and arguably more disposable income. Malaysians don't need certificates to have a flat (marriage certificate), a car (COE), or even a spouse (university degree), nor do we have our CPF funds locked up indefinitely via outrageous withdrawal age and minimum sum regulations. We're also not the ones who have to suffer de facto prison sentences for 2.5 years during our prime years. As Singaporeans like to say, wake up your idea lah!


16 posts

Posted by alvin_tan > 2015-04-01 11:53 | Report Abuse

I, Alvin Tan, telling you the truth about Singapore. Not fantasy stories that you 'never been there' ungrateful minority that constantly complaint.


16 posts

Posted by alvin_tan > 2015-04-01 11:54 | Report Abuse

Singaporeans always say we are so much better than our neighbouring countries bla bla, trying to boast, when in reality we are not. The truth is Malaysians can retire early despite being a third world country says a lot about the bS from these kind of Singaporeans ... Wake up, think why you can't retire early - expensive homes and caught up in debts - expensive healthcare. All these could hopefully be resolved with a new government, we've given LHL too many chances already still nothing gets resolved. Don't want to vote for the oppositions and give them a chance? No worries things like home, healthcare etc. might be too expensive for our kids in the future and will force a lot of them to migrate.


16 posts

Posted by alvin_tan > 2015-04-01 11:56 | Report Abuse

why do you think they migrated to Australia, not Singapore? Your husband needs to work hard, because working hard is how people survive anywhere in the world, even here in the US, auntie. It's a question of relativity.

What do you get after working hard in Singapore? And what do you get after working hard in Malaysia? Now, what do you get after working hard in the US/Australia? How are you semi-retired anyway? Who gave you the HDB flat that you live in?

The truth is, if you stay in Malaysia, you're stuck, because: 1) you don't know how to drive, 2) you don't know how to speak Malay and Cantonese, and 3) you're too spoilt safety-wise and don't know how to be situationally aware and take care of yourself after living in Singapore for decades. Malaysia is not a safe playground; it's a place that calls for a lot of street smarts.

Also, outpatient medical consultations cost RM1 in Malaysia. I've never had the misfortune of seeing the doctor in Singapore, but I heard your polyclinics cost $8. I remember Khaw Boon Wan saying that he had surgery for $8. In Malaysia, even surgery can cost as little as RM100. As much as I hate the Malaysian government, their universal healthcare is a thing of wonder.


18,658 posts

Posted by Icon8888 > 2015-04-01 12:38 | Report Abuse

you are right, i3 got a lot of smart minds

hidden dragons crouching tigers

I am honour to be part of this community to benefit from the collective wisdom


159 posts

Posted by gopiwira > 2015-04-01 14:04 | Report Abuse

Singapore is more like a company


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2015-04-01 15:28 | Report Abuse

I believe you are now happy enjoy yourself in the States, Alvin Tan.

Ya, i must agree with you at some points.


1,440 posts

Posted by apini > 2015-04-01 23:48 | Report Abuse


a chinese name , should be a chinese, a minority here but...., you said

"Posted by alvin_tan > Apr 1, 2015 11:53 AM | Report Abuse

I, Alvin Tan, telling you the truth about Singapore. Not fantasy stories that you 'never been there' ungrateful minority that constantly complaint."

what do you mean by "ungrateful minority" ?

do you mean, being minority, you can only accept , you have no right to complain, you have no right to speak your mind?

then what do have talking so much nonsense here?

why not you compare KL with Kampung Cempaka?
in my kampung RM 50 , you rent house house bigger than any house in KL. but if I put you to live here, I think you can't even stand for 1 month. that why you talk with a big mouth but staying comfortably in US , not willing to come back Malaysia.

you said discrimination against Malays and Indians in Singapore is very real

what discrimination? can"t speak mandarin? do you know ,there are so many singaporean chinese can't speak mandarin. do not tell me you are not aware. and yet you used you mixed blooded aunt to support your racial discrimination claim, can't you have more convincing evident?

"Posted by alvin_tan > Apr 1, 2015 11:47 AM | Report Abuse
And most Chinese-Malaysians claim that Malay-Singaporeans have it much easier and better than them since you guys are given fair treatment and equal opportunities. Discrimination against Malays and Indians in Singapore is very real but less obvious. Most of them can't land themselves a job because it requires some mandarin speakers. So they would rather hire mainland Chinese for the jobs. My aunt who is an Indian mixed Portuguese is faced with such problem"

then about their cpf and our epf, I think you also you also have not presented you point fairly true?.since you know singapore so well, can you please kindly tell, how their CPF help their people in house ownership, education, medication.....

I will go through you writing again, as I am reading you long essay in a phone and very anxious to exchange view with you


1,440 posts

Posted by apini > 2015-04-02 00:26 | Report Abuse

"Posted by alvin_tan > Apr 1, 2015 11:44 AM | Report Abuse

To those who brag how great Singapore is, I think they don't deserve to be Malaysians, they should immediately migrate to Singapore and throw Malaysia citizenship. Don't come back."


see for yourself , what sort of mentality you are? stay USA but talk like kg cempaka


1,440 posts

Posted by apini > 2015-04-02 00:50 | Report Abuse

"Posted by alvin_tan > Apr 1, 2015 11:50 AM | Report Abuse

true to some extent.the pap import so many rich elite from over the world like china(they aim the passport)......


macam betul tapi tak berapa betul

they want elite and number is controlled , tapi we import non elite labour and number not controlled. now already more than the indian population here, may be someday will exceed the chinese population.

You said:
"pap n umno have a myth in common , that umno to malay n pap to elite,thats not what a country with equalibrium"

this I agree.
so UMNO being the backbone of our country, after 58 years, should be a party for all rakyat. 60 years ago the late Onn Jaffar , the founder of UMNO, had seen the necessity but failed to get the chinese support at that time . the chinese population at that time is more than 46% not incliding singapore

you said:
"one day you can recruit a toilet cleaner with double degree.u see what a waste keep upgrading their human resource pool.i maybe top student in singapore uni today but tomolo from somewhere they funding othet elite from maybe havard mit yele u name it,then i will fail the standard cope with outside.is this singaporean want?go malaysian to experience it."

this one memang tak logik. why? tak masuk akal

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