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15,107 comment(s). Last comment by wallstreetrookie 2020-04-18 11:57


367 posts

Posted by keithchan > 2014-04-09 23:22 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow, Nazri will visit China's Ambassador to Malaysia, Dr Huang Huikang, as a mark of respect over the fate of the Chinese passengers involved in the MH370 incident.

Last year, tourists from China made up the third largest group after Singapore and Indonesia, with a record 1.6 million people.

In conjunction with the 2014 Visit Malaysia Year, the government targeted 28 million tourists to visit Malaysia.


367 posts

Posted by keithchan > 2014-04-09 23:23 | Report Abuse

Its just not the Tourism Ministry..

The whole of Malaysia has taken a giant hit right from Finance to Defence..

MH370 has demonstrated to the world that we neither have the capability nor credibility...

This is going to affect Malaysia for a very very long time and that too more damage may yet come if details of the black box reveal even more damaging information.....


367 posts

Posted by keithchan > 2014-04-09 23:25 | Report Abuse

See that much damage you have done to the tourism industry of Malaysia.

The income and the reputation of the nation.

It will all be different if someone Bow and Apologise to show the sensitiveness, the humanity of the 239 missing and the seriousness & concern for the next-of-kin.

A reverse bow was done...I would say is too late now...sigh.


1,397 posts

Posted by xxxx > 2014-04-10 06:57 | Report Abuse

You talk as if MAS wants it to happen. Hogwash.

Posted by STRAWBERRY > 2014-04-10 08:35 | Report Abuse

No. MAS never intended for this to happen.
But this incident does give us an small insight into the maintenance of MAS aircraft.


1,566 posts

Posted by kkng0819kk > 2014-04-10 09:48 | Report Abuse

It also shows how conpetent ,capable and efficient our response to an emergency crisis can be!Under the watchful eyes of the world,we have to be extremely careful and responsible with what we say and do,after all we r aldeally 57 yrs old!


448 posts

Posted by Playboy > 2014-04-10 10:04 | Report Abuse

xxxx your has short but sharp and good comment..

Posted by betulbetuicakap > 2014-04-10 10:18 | Report Abuse

Aku merasa agak hairan juga tentang mengapa pihak kerajaan Barisan Nasional semacam ‘takut dan bimbang’ memberikan taklimat kepada pihak pembangkang sedangkan taklimat yang serupa telah pun disampaikan kepada penyokong kerajaan. Dan pihak kerajaan sentiasa melaungkan ke seluruh dunia mengatakan bahawa tidak ada apa-apa yang perlu disrorokkan mengenai kehilangan pesawat MH 370. Semuanya telus belaka. Dan sekiranya begitu keadaannya mengapakah ternampak semacam ‘takut dan bimbang’ untuk mengadakan taklimat berkenaan.


117 posts

Posted by carries > 2014-04-10 10:18 | Report Abuse

Malaysia's reputation has already received an undeserved "bruising" at an international level.

I personally believe that Malaysia has done the best that it can do under the circumstances. (It is sad to see that instead of being defended by it's own citizens, Malaysia is being defended by it's international partners.)

MAS is the national carrier and before this unfortunate and tragic flight, there have never been any questions about the flight safety record of MAS.

MAS has been around for a very long time and has provided employment to alot of people as well as opened up employment opportunities at a host of other supporting industries. I'm very sure that alot of us know or have relatives and friends who are still employed by MAS or who were employed by MAS at one time or another.

Don't the current employees of MAS deserve some support from their fellow Malaysians?

Whatever happened to national pride?

Posted by betulbetuicakap > 2014-04-10 10:28 | Report Abuse

Dan pihak pembangkang pula dituduh dengan berbagai tuduhan yang aku kira tidak wajar. Kononnya ada dikalangan pihak pembangkang yang seolah-olah mengkhianati negara. Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim mengatakan bahawa perbuatan sedemikian sebagai perbuatan tidak bermoral. Selanjutnya beliau mengatakan, "Dari segi moral ia sudah pasti tidak bermoral. Di mana bumi dipijak di situ langit dijunjung, Kalau sekiranya tempat kita makan, (dan) berak di tempat itu, (dan) kita mengotor tempat tersebut, itu perbuatan tak bermoral”.

Posted by betulbetuicakap > 2014-04-10 10:30 | Report Abuse

Dan beliau mengesyorkan agar persoalan yang sedemikian seharusnya dibincangkan di parlimen. "Kalau dari segi moral, ia paling rendah. Jika kita tidak puas hati tentang pentadbiran, kita berbincang dalam Dewan yang mulia ini," kata Shahidan dalam sesi soal jawab di Dewan Rakyat.

Posted by betulbetuicakap > 2014-04-10 10:36 | Report Abuse

Tetapi soalanya pihak kerjaaan seolah tidak mahu diajak berbincang mengenai kehilangan pesawat MH 370 ini. Sehingga kini belum ada lagi jawapan dari pihak kerajaan sama ada bersetuju atau tidak diadakan taklimat untuk pihak pembangkang. Hal sebegini juga dianggap pelik oleh negara luar dimana seolah-olah pihak pembangkang merupakan ‘orang luar’ dalam pentadbiran sebuah negara. Sepatutnya pihak kerajaan menganggap pembangkang sebagai ‘part and parcel’ sebuah pemerintahan kerajaan Malaysia yang sama-sama bergerak ke arah untuk memajukan sebuah negara. Ini seolah-olah tidak berlaku di Malaysia.

Posted by betulbetuicakap > 2014-04-10 10:41 | Report Abuse

Sudah berapa kali ‘dipohon’ kepada pihak tertentu agar diadakan taklimat untuk pihak pembangkang. Belum ada jawapan tegas lagi. Dan kesan ekoran dari keengganan kerajaan untuk mengadakan taklimat ini tentulah mencalarkan imej negara. Seolah-olah pihak kerajaan begitu takut untuk berhadapan dengan pihak pembangkang. Atau pun seolah-olah pihak kerajaan BN tidak ikhlas dalam usaha untuk menangai kemelut MH 370 ini bersama-sama dengan pihak pembangkang.

Posted by betulbetuicakap > 2014-04-10 10:46 | Report Abuse

Kenyataan YB Anthony Loke membayangkan tentang kekecewaan pihak pembangkang yang seolah-olah sentiasa ‘dipermainkan’ dalam hal berkaitan dengan kemelut MH 370 ini. “I am very saddened with Shahidan; he promised to have the briefing here in the Dewan but has not delivered his promise. The government, particularly the minister responsible for this affair, Hishammuddin Hussein, appears to be avoiding us and our questions….We wanted this closed-door briefing to ensure a meaningful and thorough dialogue takes place, and so that we can raise our questions to the minister…..This wasn’t supposed to be about the information already out there in the media, but the questions we raised in the Dewan that still remain unanswered.”


4,726 posts

Posted by necro > 2014-04-10 10:48 | Report Abuse

AMEDIA dah jual belom boloh???

Posted by betulbetuicakap > 2014-04-10 10:53 | Report Abuse

Pihak kerajaan sentiasa menegaskan bahawa mereka tidak pernah menyembunyikan sesuatu fakta yang berkaitan dengan pesawat MH 370 ini. Pendek kata semuanya telus. Tetapi YB Mahfuz Omar tidak berpuas hati dengan penegasan demikian. “If they are not hiding anything, then why the problem in briefing Pakatan MPs? If they can arrange a briefing for BN MPs, then they should be able to do the same for Pakatan,” kata Mahfuz. Sememangnya DS Hishamuddin Tun Hussein telah memberikan taklimat khas kepada penyokong kerajaan pada 18 Mac yang lalu. Lojiknya sekiranya taklimat sedemikian boleh diberikan kepada penyokong kerajaan, apakah taklimat yang serupa tidak boleh diadakan untuk pihak pembangkang?

Posted by betulbetuicakap > 2014-04-10 11:01 | Report Abuse

Tindakan sebegini pastinya ditertawakan dan boleh membayangkan yang kerajaan BN merasakan bahawa tanggungjawab terhadap negara ini hanya diserahkan kepada Barisan Nasional sahaja. Membayangkan juga bahawa pihak pembangkang ( Pakatan Rakyat) adalah merupakan ‘orang luar’. Apakah begitu tanggapan mereka? Tidak salah sekiranya YB Mahfuz Omar mengemukakan persoalan, “That’s why I want to ask the government: why are you avoiding the opposition?”

Posted by betulbetuicakap > 2014-04-10 11:07 | Report Abuse

Tentulah tidak adil rasanya menuduh pihak pembangkang sebagai ‘tidak bermoral’ apabila ada isu-isu yang dibangkitkan dianggap oleh pihak kerajaan BN sebagai ‘tidak bermoral’. Tidak ada langsung isu yang dibangkitkan memberikan bayangan yang pihak pembangkang dengan sengaja memburuk-burukkan imej kerajaan, sedangkan sekiranya diteliti dengan sehalus-halusnya seolah-olah pihak kerajaan sendiri cuba memalukan kerajaan dengan jawapan-jawapan yang kadang-kadang ‘flip-flop’ dan menggambarkan bahawa kerajaan Malaysia kurang bersedia dalam menyampaikan sesuatu taklimat.

Posted by betulbetuicakap > 2014-04-10 11:16 | Report Abuse

Pihak tertentu dalam kerajaan juga seharusnya berpendirian bahawa sebarang teguran dan kritikan terhadap kerajaan tidak pula bermakna bahawa tindakan sedemikian sebagai tindakan khianat dan memalukan negara. Sebenarnya itulah amalan demokrasi dalam erti kata yang sebenarnya. Dan sepatutnya apabila ada teguran yang sedemikian, maka yang seharusnya sedar dan bersedia untuk membaiiki kelemahan adalah pihak pemerintah sendiri.

Posted by betulbetuicakap > 2014-04-10 11:21 | Report Abuse

Terlalu banyak kesilapan dan kesalahan yang telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah kini sekiranya mahu dicatatkan satu persatu. Segala tindak-tanduk kerajaan yang nampak ‘jelek’ dan ‘hodoh’ sedang diperkatakan oleh rakyat terbanyak. Dan pihak kerajaan harus sedar bahawa mereka sedang berhadapan dengan ‘kritikan’ yang bukan kepalang dari rakyat kesan daripada berbagai tindakan kerajaan yang dianggap menyusahkan rakyat.

Posted by betulbetuicakap > 2014-04-10 11:26 | Report Abuse

Kerajaan harus ikhlas dalam menangani penderitaan rakyat kini dan kerajaan juga harus ikhlas dalam apa juga tindakan yang boleh memajukan negara terutama apabila berhubung dengan pihak pembangkang yang juga sentiasa memikirkan tentang kemajuan negara tercinta.

Ditulis di dewan menunngu MAS Golden Lounge, April 10, 2014

Posted by ThambiPower > 2014-04-10 12:27 | Report Abuse

I told you guys , Putrajaya leadership is weAk. Have a look at Australia PM coming out to make announcement ever so quickly.....


5,232 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2014-04-10 12:38 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Thambi...that from Malaysian Insider which is equal to UTUSAN la. SAMPAH only. Hehehehe read from Sampah will become equal to Sampah Masyarakat. Hhahahha.


1,474 posts

Posted by skybursa > 2014-04-10 17:19 | Report Abuse

I think Hishamudin present better than Our prime minister.


1,568 posts

Posted by sangharimau > 2014-04-10 18:23 | Report Abuse

How deep is deep? Imagining the MH370 search


1,568 posts

Posted by sangharimau > 2014-04-10 18:25 | Report Abuse

I do not agree that The Malaysian Insider is crap. Utusan is.


74 posts

Posted by rajaumnok > 2014-04-10 18:46 | Report Abuse

It was reported that the funds intended to feed the underprivileged children were used instead to buy meals such as nasi lemak, kuih and teh tarik to be served at meetings by Jerantut, Gua Musang and Kota Kinabalu district health offices.

these bastards, even money for the underprivileged children, they don't even care, they just sapu only. Hope GOD will punish them. damn.


74 posts

Posted by rajaumnok > 2014-04-10 19:12 | Report Abuse

Posted by sangharimau > Apr 10, 2014 06:25 PM | Report Abuse

I do not agree that The Malaysian Insider is crap. Utusan is.

110% correct. Utusan can write nonsense when it seems fit as it's an UMNO owned paper.


1,474 posts

Posted by skybursa > 2014-04-10 19:20 |

Post removed.Why?


1,566 posts

Posted by kkng0819kk > 2014-04-10 20:31 | Report Abuse

The chief editor of utusan will know very well whether its paper is repoting the truth stories or otherwise!Eventually the absolute truth will prevail

Posted by janetooi001 > 2014-04-10 23:51 | Report Abuse

美國有線新聞網絡報道,失蹤的馬航MH370客機正機長扎哈列(Zaharie Ahmed Shah),是最後一個人與空中交通管制員通話,說出「晚安MH370」的人。消息人士稱,他當時的聲音沒有異常,也沒有任何受壓跡象。



Posted by aaronlee9011 > 2014-04-10 23:59 | Report Abuse

現在又話係機長? 頂你,對話前條友冇表明身份先架咩? 真係屎啲航空水準


74 posts

Posted by rajaumnok > 2014-04-11 03:35 | Report Abuse

Ini dia...


1,149 posts

Posted by optimusprime > 2014-04-11 03:43 | Report Abuse

As expected. the pandas is not coming...





354 posts

Posted by tanyuethan > 2014-04-11 09:51 | Report Abuse

buy buy buy... this counter will surge

Posted by aaronlee9011 > 2014-04-11 10:10 | Report Abuse

The grand self-proclamation of “Malaysia, the Best Democracy in the World”, with its fantastic education system which rivals the British, American and German systems is a myth designed for die-hard Umno Baru supporters. This fairy-tale was shattered by the disappearance of MH370.

Posted by aaronlee9011 > 2014-04-11 10:13 | Report Abuse

Prime Minister Najib, like the prime ministers before him, has let down the nation, but the investigation into MH370 has trashed Malaysia’s reputation.

Posted by aaronlee9011 > 2014-04-11 10:19 | Report Abuse

We need a cull of the political class to regain our credibility as a nation. We should start with the following initiates of the ‘Hall of Shame’. Politicians head the list, then civil servants. If the civil servants were to be replaced before the politicians, the new ones would be corrupted by their political masters, who dictate to them.

Posted by aaronlee9011 > 2014-04-11 10:20 | Report Abuse

Malaysia has been on auto-pilot for several decades and the nation has been performing like a rudderless aeroplane. MH370 signals the beginning of the end of Umno Baru.

Posted by aaronlee9011 > 2014-04-11 10:30 | Report Abuse

Number One: Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak. Two words describe the MH370 “investigations”: Mismanaged. Mishandled. (MM).

MH370 may have been an unprecedented incident but the crisis management team was shambolic, with several people issuing contradictory official statements. Our confidence and trust has been shaken to the core despite all the big talk and the hundreds of billions of ringgits spent on military hardware and sophisticated equipment. We may have the best machinery that money can buy, but are monkeys operating them?

Posted by aaronlee9011 > 2014-04-11 10:32 | Report Abuse

In the first few days of MH370’s disappearance, Najib and his wife, the self-styled ‘First Lady of Malaysia’ (FLOM), sought to gain cheap publicity by “weeping with the families of the passengers and crew of MH370”.

Posted by aaronlee9011 > 2014-04-11 10:37 | Report Abuse

Did Najib make a premature announcement that MH370 had crashed into the Southern Indian Ocean, based on one mathematical interpretation by one company? The local press are conditioned not to ask awkward questions but foreign journalists demand answers.

Posted by aaronlee9011 > 2014-04-11 10:50 | Report Abuse

Number Two: Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein justified Malaysia’s mismanagement of the MH370 investigations by saying that history will judge Malaysia well.

People ask, “Who writes the history books if not the Malaysian cabinet and their proteges?”


74 posts

Posted by rajaumnok > 2014-04-11 10:50 | Report Abuse

We're not yet the worls'd laughing stock but unfortunately, we're getting there.

Security issued in Sabah, coupled with the disappearance of MH370 flight, will get us there sooner than we think.

Posted by aaronlee9011 > 2014-04-11 10:52 | Report Abuse

Hishammuddiin told the families of passengers and crew of MH370 that miracles do happen. The act of giving false hope is as bad as trading on people’s grief.

Posted by aaronlee9011 > 2014-04-11 10:54 | Report Abuse

Number Three: Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. His response to the stolen passport fiasco at KLIA is symptomatic of a sick nation. He told parliament, “Furthermore, Interpol’s information of lost (passports) may slow down the process of immigration checks at counters.”

Zahid prefers speed to efficiency and safety/security concerns. Interpol has since given Zahid a dressing down and said the checks take 0.2 seconds per passport.

Posted by aaronlee9011 > 2014-04-11 10:55 | Report Abuse

Malaysia is a hub for human trafficking and people have alleged that our police and immigration officials are involved. Will Zahid clean up his department?

Posted by aaronlee9011 > 2014-04-11 11:01 | Report Abuse

Number Four: Deputy Defence Minister Abdul Rahim Bakri. Abdul Rahim told Parliament that the RMAF “assumed” that Flight MH370 had been ordered to turn back by the civilian air traffic controllers.

Following a public outcry, he backpedalled and said that HE had made this assumption. So did the RMAF make this assumption or was Abdul Rahim forced to retract his statement. His U-turn is typical of the tactics of the government of Malaysia.


74 posts

Posted by rajaumnok > 2014-04-11 11:06 | Report Abuse

Otak udang Ahli Parlimen UMNO?

Posted by aaronlee9011 > 2014-04-11 11:08 | Report Abuse

Number Five: The Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) director-general Azharuddin Abdul Rahman. Azharuddin contradicted the statements of the home ministry and the inspector-general of polcie (IGP). More worrying than this is the lack of communication between the military and civil aviation authorities.

The MH370 investigation has lacked transparency and is mired in intrigue. This incident has reminded us of the question, by the opposition MP Nurul Izzah Anwar in June 2012, about the roles of the DCA and the Transport Ministry in the award of the contract for the supply of the RM128.4 million air traffic control system to a minster’s family through “closed tender”.

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