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15,107 comment(s). Last comment by wallstreetrookie 2020-04-18 11:57


144 posts

Posted by cindylim > 2014-04-13 22:27 | Report Abuse

The international community should take control of the Black box.We are not opening a nasi lemak packet. We are not only competent but our international credibility is clouded.

Posted by ChanKengChungKuantan > 2014-04-13 22:29 | Report Abuse

The Black Box must never ever fall into the hands of the conspirators who always cover up and twist facts.. If it does, then there will be a massive cover up of what actually happened in MH370. Its best UN takes over custody of the Black Box and copy the contents for safe keeping.


219 posts

Posted by JENNY6888 > 2014-04-13 22:29 | Report Abuse

We just send a clown ... will be another international joke like the bomoh and mangosteen

Posted by betulbetuicakap > 2014-04-13 22:30 | Report Abuse

PLEASE DON'T GIVE IT TO PATAIL! And, I wager that d CNN & NST reports r true!

Posted by curtlee1980 > 2014-04-13 22:31 | Report Abuse

For heavens sake make sure that all data is retrieved and safely downloaded by the Aussie, UK or US authorities before handing the black box over!!! Unprecedented things can happen!!!

Posted by Fortuneball > 2014-04-13 22:32 | Report Abuse

Why the concern for custody of the black box that require the need to go to UK at taxpayers' expense ? Need to erase something ?

Posted by joeylee2013 > 2014-04-13 22:33 | Report Abuse

the laughing stork flying to UK at the expense of Malaysians, Why so urgent???????.

Posted by jordanravindran > 2014-04-13 22:34 | Report Abuse

As the UMNO government is a potential party to negligence and criminal suits, the black box ownership should not be given to UMNO. UMNO is capable of tampering with evidence and producing fake data, as it unsuccessfully tried to do in the Pedra Branca, Pulau Batu Puteh case with Singapore in the ICJ.


274 posts

Posted by Kannibu > 2014-04-13 22:36 | Report Abuse

Most Malaysians do not trust this AG fellow who works solely for his UMNO masters and orders his lawyers to lick UMNO's boots for cheap money gained by lying and cheating on innocent people and dirty cases. The black box should be under the control of Australia and UK who are really working hard to get the black box. Gani Patail can just stand behind them to listen because he won't understand the real things being said and don't even have the credibility to do.


367 posts

Posted by keithchan > 2014-04-13 22:37 | Report Abuse

Attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail has no time to do his job as he had outsourced many departmental legal duties to a private lawyer, Muhamud Shafee and yet he wasted no time to fly to UK to discuss on the ownership of the MH370’s black box. Why the hurry? Hey, the box has not been found yet and may never be found at all. Wouldn’t it be a waste of public fund and time to talk on custody of something when that object of contention has not been recovered? That brings us back why is the trip is necessary. Is it in UK? Yes, I know UK is a nice place to visit – cool weather at present. The mouth-watering crucial football game of EPL game between Liverpool and Manchester City is on today. How I wish I could follow Gani Patail to UK for this trip. Seriously, I am a loyal Malaysian and proud to be a Malaysian.

But I am sad to say that I don’t trust our BN government and therefor don’t want them to hold the sole custody of the black box, if found. Otherwise truths would be twisted and never be told. We expected cover-ups. We have been there before – far too many times. The families of the passengers and crews will thus be denied of being given the answer on what had actually happened. I guess it is the expected massive insurance pay- outs that our Malaysian government is afraid of. Malaysians, expect another round of increase in tax to pay for such loss as bailing out MAS out of its financial bankruptcy is a foregone conclusion.

Posted by kashinglim50 > 2014-04-13 22:38 | Report Abuse

Why the urgency to claim ownership..fishy..fishy.


548 posts

Posted by kkanagasg > 2014-04-13 22:39 | Report Abuse

If he can sell an island,Watchout this Gani Petai fellow.Dont know what else he can sell.


120 posts

Posted by Lembusial > 2014-04-13 22:41 | Report Abuse

Why travel to UK to discuss about black-box? When you buy an aircraft, you should know the answer by means of sale or by international convention. Rakyat has to sponsor him with first class air travel, subsistence allowance and lodging. If he has to be there for 7 days including travelling days may cost the rakyat money RM25K (economic class with limited hotel room type) and for sure the costs are more if travel 1st class with luxurious hotel rooms.

Posted by loganathanrhb > 2014-04-13 22:42 | Report Abuse

The primary aim is to find out what transpired within the last moments in MH370 as recorded in the BLack box and not to fight for custody or ownership. If it is handed over to Malaysian Government without strict authentication, verification and complete transparency with all nations who have victims in the crash, then I would not believe a word of it at all. Sorry, I dont trust them at all.

Posted by naughtygirl > 2014-04-13 22:43 | Report Abuse

The last time we sent this guy out to do some legal work, he tried to photoshop some photos and mislead the ICJ and we lost the White Rock Islands.


25 posts

Posted by robertl > 2014-04-13 22:44 | Report Abuse

They are so scared of the blackbox falling into the hands of the free press because they have so much to hide that AG is sent ahead ton UK to claim it before even it is found. Umno warlords better not get their hands on it or it will be classified under OSA forever. They do not want their true "mangosteens" story to be told to the world.


1,568 posts

Posted by sangharimau > 2014-04-13 22:45 | Report Abuse

Gani Patil may be powerful in this nation but now this is an international situation. There are bigger and powerful forces who want to know actually what happen to flight 370 for example China and Boeing. With the many mishaps from day one of our handling the situation. what trust will they have in us with handling the black box. Will we be ever informed if found or informed after all the necessary information had being analyzed by certain parties with vested interest.

Posted by savetheparty > 2014-04-13 22:46 | Report Abuse

The clown seems to be showing to the world that Malaysian government has something to hide. The data in the box, if found, should be analysed by an independent international team.

Posted by simonfoo0123 > 2014-04-13 22:47 | Report Abuse

Why talk about ownership of the blackbox? It is more important whether we have the competency and experiences to analyze the blackbox recording. Typical siege mentality of fighting ownership rather than who have the capability and competency to fully understand what had happened just like who owns Malaysia;- Malay, Chinese or Indian rather than Malaysian - Height of insanity.

Posted by StanleyTJLim > 2014-04-13 22:48 | Report Abuse

Why are we in the hurry to take possession of it? Would the contents in the black box eventually affect liability and insurance claim. I think all parties, MAS, Boeing, Rolls Royce, and whoever who found it should jointly take ownership of the black box and have the duplicate made.

Posted by talkrealreal > 2014-04-13 22:49 | Report Abuse

For transparency, recording in the blackbox should be duplicated for safekeeping and analysis. Eliminate foul play. So much is at stake for the justice of those affected and their families.


251 posts

Posted by TanSriDato > 2014-04-13 22:50 | Report Abuse

The AG , must be free to go to London to get advise. I think we are in primitive age . No telephone , internet , or management delegation. The director general of tourism was so free to go to SWEDEN to watch the trial of his staff. We watched the great performance of KETUANAN MELAYU 's government, IGP , DCA, AIR FORCE GENERAL, MAS CEO, IMMIGRATION of course the acting minister transport. Semua MELAYU , no East Malaysia BUMIPUTERA or chinese & Indian. We have to put up with the racist government drama.


11 posts

Posted by utaibesai > 2014-04-13 22:51 | Report Abuse

Find the black box and let the international experts check it instead of returning to MH . Why te hurry to UK, are we still their colony or Malaysia Government has something to hide hence the black box must be returned.

Posted by wahidpenang > 2014-04-13 22:52 | Report Abuse

Whatever the International Law may be with regards to its ownership, in all fairness, its content belongs to all the demised passengers' next of kin. It must be opened and its content deciphered in the presence of all nations having its people on that ill fated flight. After all, justice must not only be done, but also seen to be done.


324 posts

Posted by wikileaks > 2014-04-13 22:55 | Report Abuse

unless Malaysia has something to hide, why bother who get the black box. Is there something that can implicate Malaysia. Even Malaysia has the right to the black box, we do not have the technology to read what is inside the box. Only the manufactrer would have the capability to analyse the black box. Why the haste is securing the black box, it may take 2 or 3 years to get and retrive from the ocean floor. One wonders the haste in which the Malaysia is securing the black box. Malaysian remember the same A.G.went to Uruguay to retrive the jet engines which was stolen by an armymen not too long ago and we have no news about the army personnel and the jet engine. We hope the same does not repeat here.

Posted by aaronlee9011 > 2014-04-13 22:56 | Report Abuse

oh no Gani again,this guy can or not ? remember Batu Putih case ? or just sub to most well paid lawyer Shafee.

Posted by alwong1111 > 2014-04-13 22:57 | Report Abuse

hy physically go to U.K. We can write or email to request or use the dipolmatic channels or use Shafie Abdullah here itself, if wants to know who has the right of pocession.One can use all the resources which is available online to study maritime laws and international laws. Do not waste raayat's money at your whims.


3,282 posts

Posted by saltedfish > 2014-04-13 22:59 | Report Abuse

This highly incompetent buffoon would have saved him time to travel to UK had we had casted the 1Malaysia logo on the black box! By right, the box ownership issue needs to be clarified but not the content. ICAO should rule that content of the recording should be shared by ALL. It really smells fishy to me about actions by the various Malaysian governmental agencies they are hiding something.


180 posts

Posted by ganneeneh > 2014-04-13 23:01 | Report Abuse

It is important that the full content of the black box is made public so that the family members of the victims on board that flight along with the international community that helped provide assistance to find the black box and those individuals all over the world that expressed their concerned about MH 370 will be able to find out what happened that lead to the downing of that jet. My concern is if the black box is given the Malaysian gov't to analyze it, they may goof it up just like they have consistently goofed up on every part of this missing MH 370 flight ordeal right from failing to act when the flight disappeared from radar, not act when the military radar detected the jet had changed flight direction and giving the infamous confusing and conflicting press statements on SAR plans.


11 posts

Posted by utaibesai > 2014-04-13 23:02 | Report Abuse

Last time in the pulau batu putih case this ass made a clown of himself. Now it is round two. I just can't wait.

Posted by naughtygirl > 2014-04-13 23:03 | Report Abuse

If ever the black-box is found, there maybe nothing left to analyse. Another case set to join a long list of dinosaurs.


74 posts

Posted by rajaumnok > 2014-04-14 04:26 | Report Abuse


A BIG THANK YOU to "UMNO/BN" supporters and the 47% RETARDED IDIOT voters here in Malaysia!

Thank you very-very much!


74 posts

Posted by rajaumnok > 2014-04-14 11:09 | Report Abuse

MH370: Malaysia caught in the US-China 'Cold War'?

Just what is the Malaysian government hiding by keeping the missing MAS jet cargo manifest "Top Secret"?

Was there some "super sensitive cargo" in MH370? Something that interests the world super powers – namely the US and China – in their quest for world supremacy?

MH370, which was ferrying 239 passengers and crew, vanished from commercial aviation radar screens at 1.07am on March 8.

At 10pm on March 24, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced to the world that "MH370 had ended in the southern Indian Ocean".

The multi-national Search and Rescue’s (SAR) operation focus was immediately shifted to 2,500km south-west of Perth after Australia announced that two pieces of "credible debris" were captured by satellite imagery earlier in the morning.

Till today, no such "credible debris" has been found by the Australian-led SAR in the Indian Ocean to link the missing MAS Boeing 777. Now the SAR team is scouring another area up north, acting on "pings" it believed came from the jet's Black Box or flight voice recorder.

What is amazingly strange is this: A day after Najib's announcement, Australia had asked the Malaysian authorities to release the full cargo manifest to help in the search for debris that could be linked to MH370.

Australia never got the manifest; Malaysia is still keeping it "Top Secret". There is not even a whimper from any nation over this.

Aren’t Australia, the US and China curious to know what was in MH370's load?

Even the militaries of the nations in the South China Sea, the Straits of Malacca, Andaman Sea and India Ocean don't seem to be forthcoming in their radar records in the first 24 hours of MH370's disappearance.

Do they really want to know, or perhaps they already know, what MH370 was carrying? Do they really want the aircraft to be found?

Did Australia help Malaysia divert the SAR focus away from the South China Sea where the ill-fated MH370 might have actually crashed instead?

Why did it take Malaysia five hours before announcing that MH370 had gone missing?

These are not speculations but mere logical questions that the SAR authorities have failed to address.

As long as no tangible evidence is found to confirm that the MAS jet had crashed, no one, especially families of those aboard MH370, is convinced that the aircraft had crashed.

With today's advanced aviation and SAR technology, no one believes that a jet of that size could fly for some seven hours without detection from any military and aviation surveillance.

Neither can anyone believe that not a single piece of debris linked to MH370 can be found. The SAR has been looking in the wrong location?

There have been many conspiracy theories reported globally by the print media, TV news networks and in cyberspace.

Some appear to be hopelessly ridiculous and some perhaps plausible based on common sense.

In the absence of tangible evidence that MH370 had crashed, killing all aboard, reports attributing Russian intelligence accusing the US of being responsible for the missing jet are getting believable to many by the day.

The reports claim that the MH370 saga is part of a "Cold War" conspiracy between the US and China.

After all, the majority of the Beijing-bound MH370 passengers are Chinese nationals.

What was in the cargo heading for Beijing? The reports cited Russian intelligence as describing "suspicious cargo" was loaded on to the MAS jet.

If so, obviously the US, China and Malaysia know what was aboard the jet? Perhaps, now, for political and "Cold War" expediency, both the US and China want the missing MH370 to remain a mystery?

Those who subscribe to the "Cold War" conspiracy theory have pointed out the US' growing concern of China's regional and economic influence in Asia and Southeast Asia.

The US is said to be discreetly "upset" that China has significantly consolidated its economic interest and influence in the region through a highly strategic presence in Myanmar's brand new Dawei Sea Port.

Dawei is a city in southeastern Myanmar, located at Tavoy on the coast of the Andaman Sea and the Indian Ocean, about 610km south of Yangon and 350km west of Bangkok, Thailand.

According to, Dawei became connected to the rest of Myanmar by railways and roads only recently, but is now the location of a new deep-sea port and special economic zone.

The 250km square (61,775-acre) port development costs about US$58 billion (RM189 billion) featuring facilities such as a deep-sea port, a heavy industrial park, power plants, and tourism facilities.

Japan is supporting the project and Thailand is reported to have tremendous interest, as Dawei will give Thailand more direct access to international trade routes and markets in India, Europe and Africa, bypassing the Straits of Malacca.


74 posts

Posted by rajaumnok > 2014-04-14 11:10 | Report Abuse

It will also become a source of power generation for Thailand. An eight-lane highway and railway will connect Dawei and Bangkok, and a railway to China's Kunming is also in the development plan!

Also in the design phase, the zone will incorporate the current Shwe Gas and China-Myanmar Corridor Projects, under construction to supply China with natural gas via overland pipeline across Myanmar!

An 800km railway and highway from Kyaukphyu to Muse, China, will connect China to the Bay of Bengal.

The deep-sea port is under construction on Maday Island, east of Kyaukphyu where the port will berth 300,000-ton oil tankers and become an important link for China to petroleum from the Middle East and other international markets.

Although China will receive many benefits from the development, the advantages to Myanmar in terms of economic growth, employment and improved infrastructure are significant.

Besides Dawei which is now at the tail-end of construction, Myanmar has six existing deep-sea ports along the coast and is constructing another two.

And, throw in this: The media in China has started publishing stories on a decades-old proposal to build a canal at Kra Isthmus, Thailand, thereby bypassing the Straits of Malacca, Malaysian and Singapore ports.

The canal, if realised, will save shipment costs and time as the route is shortened by 1,000km.

China’s huge state-owned LiuGong Machinery Co Ltd and XCMG, and private Sany Heavy Industry Co Ltd have taken the lead to set up a preparations group for the construction of Kra Isthmus Canal.

The 100km artificial link to the Indian Ocean will benefit not only China and Asean, but also Japan and other countries’ world trade.

Now, doesn't this piss off the US even more with its military presence in Singapore and the Philippines?

Malaysians can only imagine the impact on Malaysia's ports and trade when the shipping volume is cut down drastically by the development of its neighbours up north.

Of course Singapore's port would be affected but the island republic has already invested in foreign ports to avoid putting all its eggs in one basket, so to speak.

Singapore has since 2010 invested S$11.5 billion (RM30 billion) to expand and upgrade its port after Shanghai edged the tiny island nation out as the world's busiest harbour.

What is interesting is Singapore's investment in Myanmar totalling US$1.3 billion or RM4 billion!

Singapore's economy has been ranked as the most open in the world, least corrupt, most pro-business, with low tax rates (14.2 per cent of gross domestic product) and has the third highest per capita GDP in the world.

Its economy is described as a major foreign direct investment (FDI) outflow financier in the world.

What is Malaysia?

...How true is this??????

Posted by camrybenz88 > 2014-04-14 11:22 | Report Abuse

Why the rush to own black box, something to hide?

YOURSAY 'The truth is more important than ownership. Why is the AG so keen about it...'

Gani Patail in UK to discuss black box ownership

LifeFlier: The truth is more important than the black box ownership. Why is attorney‑general Abdul Gani Patail so keen about it even before the black box is found and confirmed?

Is the truth just owned by the BN/Umno government? What is the government trying to do, hide the truth?

Ksn: Does it matter as to who owns the black box from MH370? What Malaysians and in fact the whole world wants to know is the truth in the contents of the black box. Why is our government. sending the AG to discuss the ownership? Has our government anything to hide if the contents are made known to the world, the truth? I wonder.

Real Truth: Why physically go to UK? We can write or email to request or use the diplomatic channels, if one wants to know who has the right of possession. One can use all the resources which is available online to study maritime laws and international laws. Do not waste the rakyat's money at your whim.

Unless Malaysia has something to hide, why bother who gets the black box. Is there something that can implicate Malaysia? Even if Malaysia has the right to the black box, we do not have the technology to read what is inside the box. Only the manufacturer would have the capability to analyse the black box.

Why the haste is securing the black box, it may take two or three years to retrieve from the ocean floor.

One wonders the haste in which the Malaysian government is trying to secure the black box. Malaysians remember the same AG went to Uruguay to retrieve the jet engines that were allegedly stolen by an army man not too long ago, and we have no news about the army personnel and the jet engine. We hope the same thing does not repeat here.

Hearty Malaysian: Find the black box and let the international experts check it instead of returning to it to MAS . Why the hurry to rush to UK, are we still their colony or has the Malaysian government has something to hide, hence they insist the black box must be returned?

Mytwosensworth: Whatever the international law may be with regards to its ownership, in all fairness, its content belongs to all the MH370 passengers' next of kin. It must be opened and its content deciphered in the presence of all nations who had its citizens on that ill-fated flight.

After all, justice must not only be done, but also seen to be done.

Angel: Why does the AG want the black box? Want to hide something that you know?

KSD: Just what is this government trying to hide?

Anonymous$&@?: Yes, what is there to discuss in the UK? We have already acknowledged that we don't have the skills to deal with the black box. Unless the black box will expose more of Umno's incompetence for the world to see.

Those Idiots: By right, the box ownership issue needs to be clarified but not the contents. The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) should rule that contents of the recordings should be shared by all.

It really smells fishy to me these actions by the various Malaysian governmental agencies lately- it's like they are hiding something.

Swipenter: The cost of the search and rescue (SAR) operations stands at USD44 million to date already, twice the amount incurred to salvage the black box and debris of the Air France disaster and it is going up every day until the airplane/black box is found.

Firstly does Bolehland have the expertise to open and recover the data from the black box? Secondly who is going to foot the bill of the SAR operations? Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, we would like you to answer these two questions first before you talk about the custody of the black box if found.

AntiRacial: Malaysia does not have expertise even to read and analyse radar data, what do they want to do with the black box? To cover up something so that MAS and the Malaysian government don't need to pay very high compensation to the passengers' families?

Paul Warren: I will advise the world not to trust the Malaysian Umno-led government with the custody of the black box before it is first read and recorded by some other authority like Boeing or any other country.

I am saying this on the basis of our experience and expertise of making things disappear. Like how murdered Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu was not in the country when she was murdered and blasted with C4 not too far from KL.

Or the destruction of a videotape of a MIC/BN politician's sexual misconduct. And many more such cases presumably. The world will be so silly to accede to this claim being put forward by none other than our attorney general.

Why is this so important even before they even find the plane? What are they so scared of?

Posted by camrybenz88 > 2014-04-14 11:23 | Report Abuse

Doc: It is important that the full contents of the black box is made public so that the family members of the victims on board that flight along with the international community that helped provide assistance to find the black box and those individuals all over the world that expressed their concerns about MH 370, will be able to find out what happened that lead to the downing of that jet.

My concern is if the black box is given the Malaysian government to analyse, they may goof it up just like they have consistently goofed up on every part of this missing MH370 ordeal right from failing to act when the flight disappeared from radar, and not act when the military radar detected the jet had changed flight direction and giving the infamous confusing and conflicting press statements on SAR plans.

Tangan Kirimu: Oh no, Gani again? Can this guy be trusted or not? Remember the Batu Putih case?

Changenow: In all fairness to all foreign passengers, the box should be handed to an international tribunal. Even if Malaysia takes custody and reveals its contents, nobody will believe it due to past inefficiencies.

Retnam: If the black box goes to another country, all the secrets will be exposed.

Posted by camrybenz88 > 2014-04-14 12:05 |

Post removed.Why?

Posted by camrybenz88 > 2014-04-14 12:13 |

Post removed.Why?

Posted by camrybenz88 > 2014-04-14 13:55 | Report Abuse

Saifuddin: Implement hudud in Terengganu

In response to Umno’s cheering on of PAS to implement hudud law in Kelantan, PKR has urged Umno to watch its own house by implementing hudud law in Terengganu.

PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution said this in response to Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of Islamic affairs Jamil Khir Baharom, who declared his support for PAS to table a private member’s bill in Parliament to remove federal obstacles to hudud law.

Full story:

Posted by camrybenz888 > 2014-04-14 14:00 |

Post removed.Why?

Posted by camrybenz88 > 2014-04-14 14:14 |

Post removed.Why?

Posted by camrybenz888 > 2014-04-14 14:16 |

Post removed.Why?

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2014-04-14 14:18 | Report Abuse

When the Tunku was PM rules were followed by UMNO but along came Mamak Kutty with his UMNO Baru and the rules went into the trash bin.

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2014-04-14 14:20 | Report Abuse

Otak udang Ahli Parlimen UMNO?

Posted by umno2hanguus > 2014-04-14 14:20 |

Post removed.Why?

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2014-04-14 14:22 | Report Abuse

Ini dia...

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2014-04-14 14:24 | Report Abuse

This picture says it you understand

Posted by umno2hanguus > 2014-04-14 14:24 |

Post removed.Why?

Posted by umno2hanguus > 2014-04-14 14:25 |

Post removed.Why?

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