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1,332 comment(s). Last comment by Khatulistiwa1 3 weeks ago


1,750 posts

Posted by AlvinTSK > 2020-02-22 12:48 | Report Abuse

Be honest, how much you bought in ?? .680 onward ??


794 posts

Posted by W0099 > 2020-02-22 12:55 | Report Abuse

U mean me Alvin? I brought at 0.59 unit 180


1,750 posts

Posted by AlvinTSK > 2020-02-22 13:16 | Report Abuse

Do you like roller coaster ?? Because you are in for a ride ...


23,962 posts

Posted by Mabel > 2020-02-22 13:31 | Report Abuse

@W0099 That’s lovely sis Mabel! I’m still use bodyshop here and there cause I dont know what other lotion is better than body shop. Because I don’t like buy the product from Waston. Because it’s too cheap.. So I think body shop premium product for ladies. But IPO usually the price unstable! I will see what’s the market react on next will consider hold or sell.
22/02/2020 12:38 PM

Absolutely Wendy...

My boyfriend also said the same thing. He loves the smell of my body whenever I use Body Shop Products..



467 posts

Posted by bnmacai > 2020-02-22 18:44 | Report Abuse

i bought 0705 1200 lot. Cry also no tears come out. Please vote for BN next GE. I wanna recoup back my losses!!


258 posts

Posted by RMSB > 2020-02-22 20:39 | Report Abuse

Don’t worry be happy


3,192 posts

Posted by erkongseng > 2020-02-22 20:55 | Report Abuse

跟INNATURE 的管理层的简短Q & A

在大家疯狂MI(5286)的时候,我在昨天下午的时候趁机跟这家刚上市的公司联络了一下 想帮大家解答一些对于公司上市的疑问(管理层也很steady 啦,都尽量解答了我的问题 XD 希望不会嫌我烦!)

好,不废话了,接下来就直接进Q&A 的问答当中吧!

Q1. 在Prospectus 里面我们看到,开设一家新的店铺跟装修旧的店铺相差不大 只是 RM 100,000 而已,以你的经验,翻新 / 装修旧的店铺会增加该店铺的 SSSG 吗?以及通常装修的时候,downtime 会是多久?如果时间太长的话,设立新的 Point-of-Sale 会比较划算吗?

首先,不是所有的店铺都会在同时间内进行翻新 / 装修,通常是的当TBSI(The Body Shop International,也是公司的 Franchisor)的店铺有新设计时,管理层在小心的筛选了地点 后再装修。

Q1a. 那么TBSI 大约多久会翻新一次?

通常是 2 – 3 年一次,其实翻新店铺要看旧的店铺的情况,有些时候如果小型的装修的话,只是需要到 1 个星期左右就好了,但是如果大型的overhaul 则是需要 3 个星期乃至一个月(接近开设新店的时间),而翻新的目的是为了制造一个形象 “refresh” 的效果,保持对于新,旧客户两边的吸引力。

有趣的是,有些被翻新的店铺的资产会被转移去比较旧的店铺来控制成本,所以在Prospectus 里面提到的 RM 400,000 其实是中间点,有些更高,有些则是更低。

比如说位于OneUtama 的outlet,我们是选择在Chinese New Year 后才进行翻新,因为那时是人流量比较低的时候,对于Topline / Bottomline 影响较小。

至于SSSG 的话,通常不会看到显着的进步,如果装修时间长久的话会有微量的销量减少。

Q2. INNATURE 在28/11/2019 跟TBSI 的母公司,Natura Cosméticos S.A. 进入了另外一个新的代理Agreement,目前已经看到 Natura 产品对于公司的Topline / Bottomline 带来了效益了,管理层怎么看待NATURA 跟 TBS 之间两个产品呢?会有冲撞吗?还是Natura 会作为value-added 产品?

关于这个,管理层已经协调好Legal 方面的问题,关于Natura 产品呢,其实公司会跟TBS 走不一样的方向,Natura 主攻的对象是网络销售,或者更倾向于Social Selling(Online Direct Selling,管理层已在2019 Q4跟相关部门获得Direct Selling 的准证)

比如说,公司会找Social Media Influencer(我们所谓的红人啦~)进行affiliation 的方式进行合作,他们是不需要处理inventory,只要通过他们的平台出售,affiliate 就会获得一部分的收入。Datin Mina 也表示说,这个是给女性创业者一个做生意的机会啦!

*以我的角度来说,affiliate 是最低成本的marketing,因为只有在出售后才需要分盈利,不然的话早期是没有成本的。

而Natura 的定位则是为了增加整体Group 提供给顾客的价值,目前Natura 在Sunway Pyramid 已经有一个pop-up store,管理层预计在未来三年开设 6 家(一年2家),地点会在主要的城市,主要的目的是让客户群体验Natura 产品,比较像是showroom 类型的,而在今年,他们也打算设立一个跟TBS 类似的permanent store,提供客户产品体验,以及当场销售的服务!

Q2a. 那么Natura 公司会预计在未来的 3 – 5 年内,达到对于整体营业额 10% 的贡献吗?

这个也是我们未来的目标之一,而Natura 的breakeven point 因为涉及客户体验,showroom 的性质,被归类成brand building expenses,因此不能被capitalized 掉,而对于整个Natura segment来说,预计会在 2 – 3 年左右达到breakeven。
Q3. 从Prospectus 看得到,接下来位于柬埔寨的5家新 Point-of-Sales 需要到初始资金来进行inventory financing,但是位于越南的18家却不用,那么越南的inventory financing 是不是公司内部的资金支持?

是的,不过由于公司的IPO retail 以及institution 价格下调,公司一共集资RM 47 Million 左右而已,因此减少的部分是在working capital 方面,所以柬埔寨和越南的inventory financing 将会由公司的内部资金支持!
Q4. 介于马来西亚跟越南之间的文化差异,越南的high street store 会比马来西亚多,而马来西亚的则是比越南的Mall Stores 数量高(因为马来西亚比较热,所以shopping mall 比较多人),你可以分享一下在越南的市场状况吗?

目前越南的人口大约是本地的三倍(2019 年达到96 Million),而且Disposable Income 也在增强当中,对于公司 “Masstige” 的产品定位是有利无害的!

不过,很有趣的是越南从以前的high street mall 慢慢转换成趋向modern malls 消费,而接下来公司会开设的 18 家Point-of-Sales 也会专注于modern malls里面!

主要的城市是Hanoi,Ho Chi Minh City,Tà Năng 等,过往的历史是越南的商铺平均在一年内达到breakeven,甚至是获得盈利!

Q5. 明白,看来越南的成长会成为你们未来的growth catalyst,讲到IPO 价格,为什么公司会调低retail 和 institution 的价格呢?

其实公司调低IPO 价格是想维护投资者的权利,因为retail 方面公司被oversubscribed 13 倍,所以不是需求量的问题,而是管理层跟promoter 在考量市场波动性的问题后,决定调低至RM 0.640,给予投资者一个更高的获利空间。

Q6. 根据现在 INNATURE-TBSI 之间的合约,INNATURE 有绝对的权利(就是说,在马来西亚他们可以出售TBS 产品而已)在马来西亚出售,其中包括Penisular Malaysia,Sabah,以及Labuan,但是不包括Sarawak,管理层有兴趣从Sarawak 的Franchisee 手中拿过代理权吗?

有考虑过,其实是价格的问题。这个问题就要回到一开始TBSI 授权的时候,把Penisular Malaysia,Sabah,Sawarak,Labuan 分割出来,属于一个legacy 类型的问题。

Q7. 目前观察到的是,从机场retail 对于整体营业额占了 4.6%(FPE 2019),那么管理层预计COVD-19 影响会有多大呢?

目前机场的客户群是属于Mixed,并没有偏向于中国人,而这个病毒爆发是在CNY Eve 左右,所以现阶段还是很难说,需要等到Q1 结束后才可以下定论,不过,可以看回过往在 2009 年的时候,公司的SSSG 并没有减少,反而有少量的增加!

Q7a. 那么对于这个新冠形病毒,管理层有些什么计划呢?


Q8. 我很惊讶 2019年你们还可以持续成长,很期待FY 2020 的全年成绩!那么,目前公司的最大挑战是什么?是维持市场份额,还是达到成长?

对于本地来说,竞争非常的大,所以预计FY 2020 的成长会是呈flattish 形,而外国的销售量,比如柬埔寨跟越南成长空间则比较大。
Q8a. 那么我可以说,本地市场的focus 是在于维护市场份额,而同一时间会以外国市场的扩张来增加公司的Topline 和Bottomline 吗?

是的!公司接下来会配合omnichannel 的形式来发展业务,跟上面提到的一样,马来西亚的目标是达到较为低位的单数成长率(Low Single Digit Growth)。至于越南的话,还有很大的发展空间,相比于马来西亚网上销售多了很多!

当然,对于本地的话公司也会专注于提升productivity(通过omnichannel 的方法),也有计划把本地的online sales 从FPE 2019 的 1.6%继续提高!

而对于马来西亚,我们也会利用会员的形式(Love Your Body™️,公司可以根据客户的购买数据,消费习惯来进行推销和保留客户,因此是属于公司的competitive advantage 之一)来维持顾客群,64% 的销售是来自我们的会员,至于年龄分布的话,则是以年轻人多,69% 都是39岁以下的客户。

Q9. 在马来西亚,马来人占了比较多人数,那么公司的客户群是不是大多数都是马来西人呢?

是的!我们的营业额是反应本地的demographic 走势,一个比较鲜为人知的销售点是,友族比较喜欢把TBS 产品当成 “Hantaran” 来送礼!而且,公司的产品是 100% vegetarian,Natura 则是 100% vegan,所以就算没有HALAL 的证书,他们依然可以放心的使用。

另外,INNATURE 也是属于Shariah Compliance 的公司,因此一些回教基金在未来如果对我们的公司有兴趣的话,也可以投资进来!

Q10. 公司的上市费用一共是RM 6.37 Million,在过去一年已经factor in 多少了呢?剩余的在未来会如何影响 Profit & Loss 呢?

在2019 全年,公司已经支付 RM 3.6 Million 左右的上市费用(从 Q4 里面可以看到factor in 了 RM 900,000),而剩余的 RM 2.7 Million 左右有一半可以被capitalize,另外一半的 RM 1.35 Million 则是会算进Profit & Loss 里面。

总结:INNATURE 是我看过比较透明化的一家公司 (至少我个人prefer 他们多过D…. 不说了),未来的成长方向也是有的,由此可见,今天的下滑给了公司一个更高的margin of safety!

当然,我不是叫你买 只是我个人认为公司管理层是属于可以信任的,根据FY 2018 全年的 RM 0.051 cents EPS(Core),目前的 P/E 是11.57 倍左右!




108 posts

Posted by Richmore > 2020-02-22 22:26 | Report Abuse

Bottom line their revenue and profit growing every year.... solarvest gone after listing but now its flying


23,962 posts

Posted by Mabel > 2020-02-22 23:36 | Report Abuse



3,192 posts

Posted by erkongseng > 2020-02-23 05:21 | Report Abuse



1,750 posts

Posted by AlvinTSK > 2020-02-23 07:41 | Report Abuse

Bait is set to trap young fish ...
The revenue and profit is growing every year ?? FYI, their QR is published in Bursa and you can go and view whether there is an increase or NOT!!
Plus, keep on putting up research estimate... why ?? You know it is what it is ... Estimation or guesstimate!! You really want to put your $$ on an assumption??


1,750 posts

Posted by AlvinTSK > 2020-02-23 07:45 | Report Abuse

I believe a company leader should be more detail orientated and forward thinking!!! AND NOT become a historian bragger... Achieve this and achieve that during similar time ... HELLO !!! do you think shareholder care about what you achieve in the past ?? We all live in the present and look forward to the future !!
Tell us what is your current and future plan !!
What a joke !!


3,192 posts

Posted by erkongseng > 2020-02-23 09:34 | Report Abuse

大马新成長动力,natura 网上强势登陆,越,柬是成長区塊,洗洁,护肤为消耗必須品,公司有一定的品牌效力,价值浮现59仙就是買入。


3,192 posts

Posted by erkongseng > 2020-02-23 16:17 | Report Abuse

《The Body Shop母公司InNature》

InNature公司的主要业务包括美体小铺(The Body Shop)的护肤、美体、护发及化妆产品的经销和零售,在西马、沙巴、砂拉越、纳闽、越南和柬埔寨市场设有124个销售点。











4,247 posts

Posted by Jeffreyteck > 2020-02-23 16:40 | Report Abuse

9 sen more to drop then consider but definitely not for LT. 1 sen dividend needs 59 years to recover capital.


4,835 posts

Posted by OKU_2020 > 2020-02-23 21:14 | Report Abuse

New government tomorow ?
very critical

Posted by Kendo Ken Hz > 2020-02-23 22:30 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow buy cheap, life time opportunity


23,962 posts

Posted by Mabel > 2020-02-23 22:44 | Report Abuse



1,750 posts

Posted by AlvinTSK > 2020-02-24 06:53 | Report Abuse

Let summarise:-
Declining profit margin and core profit
Shrinking Cash Flow
Covid 19 Impact
Political tremble (Possible New Government)
Increment of spending investment

This might be do or die situation here ... like going to Casino and bet BIG or SMALL ... Got to ask yourself, are you gambling or investing ??


1,750 posts

Posted by AlvinTSK > 2020-02-24 06:54 | Report Abuse

Casino is always open for gambler while share are always for investor ... when it is not right, it is not right!!


1,750 posts

Posted by AlvinTSK > 2020-02-24 06:56 | Report Abuse

Not for forgetting, Contra player are due today... which mean Force sell, better tag out early or face heart attack moment!! Take care~~


4,247 posts

Posted by Jeffreyteck > 2020-02-24 07:45 | Report Abuse

Exit via IPO in the right time. With intensified power play and potential of new G, est 0.50 will be achieved faster. Few chief with G anticipated to be chopped. Back to those old days. So, cash is king in the market.


966 posts

Posted by newkid > 2020-02-24 08:43 | Report Abuse

today will be worst as government near collapsing .


544 posts

Posted by jackfruit > 2020-02-24 08:47 | Report Abuse

Ringgit will tumble like nobody business. It is good for InNature.


4,835 posts

Posted by OKU_2020 > 2020-02-24 08:48 |

Post removed.Why?


857 posts

Posted by SK1200 > 2020-02-24 09:22 | Report Abuse

Try luck at 510


104 posts

Posted by Quickgain > 2020-02-24 09:22 | Report Abuse

no body know what is Tun next move, but if PAS is inside government market will crash further ! bodyshop also one of the counter be affected badly !!


467 posts

Posted by bnmacai > 2020-02-24 09:55 | Report Abuse

SURE ANGPOW is here!!! Since when you become OKU?


302 posts

Posted by Arthur546 > 2020-02-24 10:29 | Report Abuse

time to buy some now

Posted by EatCoconutCanWin > 2020-02-24 10:50 | Report Abuse

can average?


8,448 posts

Posted by RainT > 2020-02-24 11:04 | Report Abuse

see frm report

biz seem not bad oh

but on down trend price , who dare to pick up


8,448 posts

Posted by RainT > 2020-02-24 11:04 | Report Abuse

not easy being a contrarian


8,448 posts

Posted by RainT > 2020-02-24 11:06 | Report Abuse

why n why Msia want to move to the path of worse

but not the path o excellence ......

with PAS in and irresponsible politician

Msia economy get worse n worse

hope is dismish day by day


23,962 posts

Posted by Mabel > 2020-02-24 11:10 | Report Abuse

24/02/2020 11:05 AM

Thank you. Collected more at 52 today..


1,599 posts

Posted by tomwah > 2020-02-24 11:14 | Report Abuse

:( .52


4,835 posts

Posted by OKU_2020 > 2020-02-24 11:19 | Report Abuse



20 posts

Posted by MunchRoom > 2020-02-24 11:26 | Report Abuse

Waiting for the announcement. Think can go below 0.50 after official news come out by PM ?


1,454 posts

Posted by investmalysia > 2020-02-24 12:08 | Report Abuse

All the best Mabel


302 posts

Posted by Arthur546 > 2020-02-24 12:09 | Report Abuse

no worry. today will close at .59


104 posts

Posted by Quickgain > 2020-02-24 12:44 | Report Abuse


Feb 21, 2020 4:12 PM | Report Abuse

same price with Mflour, must as well wack Mflour !!I believe Mflour next week will start moving up base on my experience !!I
Now its so much lower than mflour !!!!


4,451 posts

Posted by Depeche > 2020-02-24 12:49 | Report Abuse

Likely will break 0.50 this week.


104 posts

Posted by Quickgain > 2020-02-24 12:57 | Report Abuse

A good counter do not need analyst to keep promote especially in I3 platform !!! Once you see many famous sifu in I3 start promote, write up, recommend its time to take profit. You can recall what happen to Jak 2 years ago, Henguan, CSL,Icon, Netx,puc,and 80% of O&G counters ...


8,448 posts

Posted by RainT > 2020-02-24 15:12 | Report Abuse

but for JAKS is until now also still uptrend oh...


88 posts

Posted by SongYau9 > 2020-02-24 15:19 | Report Abuse

Rm0.30 company i also booster stock... Body Shop customer also less...not everyone need it


302 posts

Posted by Arthur546 > 2020-02-24 15:36 | Report Abuse

lady/women product market is big........ dun under estimate.


23,962 posts

Posted by Mabel > 2020-02-24 15:38 | Report Abuse

Yes we women has strong purchasing power..

We will do anything to keep our body smell fresh and lovely..




23,962 posts

Posted by Mabel > 2020-02-24 16:01 | Report Abuse

@investmalysia All the best Mabel
24/02/2020 12:08 PM

Cheers investmalysia!


1,599 posts

Posted by tomwah > 2020-02-24 16:17 | Report Abuse

comeon up up


23,962 posts

Posted by Mabel > 2020-02-24 17:18 | Report Abuse

Yes Arthur546, 2 bathes today at 23% below IPO Price..that's make 3 from last Friday's purchased at 13% below IPO Price..

My Margin now looks does my skin...



1,750 posts

Posted by AlvinTSK > 2020-02-24 18:53 | Report Abuse

Surprise and Impress...

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