Posted by kulimchan > 2013-04-07 18:12 | Report Abuse

我是同意杨,陈先生在这里发表对大选结果的看法。不过我想多谈几点: 1. 马来票回流国阵,不止在乡村,城市的马来票也会大举回流国阵。巫统的调查,308大选,城市马来人有50%投反对党,估计多半是公务员军警。现在不同了,民事雇员工会和退休公务员公会几个月前在布城开大会,声言大选全力支持纳吉和国阵。他们要民联停止攻击公务员,因为几年来民联不断攻击军警人员和公务员说他们贪污,腐败,没有效率,行动党还提出要把公务员减少一半,所以这次民联是不会有城市50%马来票支持了。印度票,民联也无法好像上次那样,拿到80%支持,308反风那么厉害,国阵还是有60个多数席位,10%城市马来票和印度票回流就够了(乌雪国会补选就是列子,那个补选,只有28%华人支持国阵) 2. 纳吉这几年来,一直争取华人的支持,结果如何,要看大选成绩才懂。华人是很多被误导了,只看负面没有看到国家正面的事物。很多人形容大马华人非常悲惨,样样被压迫,不过,80%中小型工商业都是华人拥有,最富有的人华人占了大半,专业人士也是华人多,房产,商业产业,不动产都是华人拥有多。 贪污滥权,好像只有大马才有,远的不说,台湾现在闹得满城风雨赖素如的贪污案,李朝卿的贪污案,数目也不小(以前陈水扁李登辉不说了)中国的谷开来薄熙来杀人都做呢,不过好像台湾报界说的,赖素如并不代表国民党马英九,谷开来也不是彭丽媛,西方国家个个债台高筑,搞到要破产?没有贪污吗?印度,巴吉斯丹,印尼,泰菲不必说了 大马政府化在人民身上的钱也不少,我们的必需品,全部有津贴,白糖,2 零吉一公斤,广州,要9 块人民币,过路费,中国更加贵,市区停车,10元人民币一小时,(广州—)猪肉,没有补贴,但是中国也不便宜,一公斤要35 到48元人民币。。汽油更不必说大马便宜的多,中国是世界第三大石油国。(?早两年的数字) 3.罪犯案件怎样,美国和印度的惊人罪犯案全世界闻名,其他印尼泰国,菲律宾。。哪里好到哪里。新德里是世界强奸之都,每年4千多宗强奸,其他城市,乡村,没有报案的不可计数了。最近一对瑞士夫妇在新德里旅游,妻子给8个人强奸,能做什么。所以我对我们华人政党,经常要替印度裔罪犯出头,非常反感。有人要讲新加坡,哈,新家坡只有广州的5分1,偷了一部车子,不懂要放在那里,环境不同,那里可以并论。 另外一点要说的是,大马东西一千多公里的海洋分开,有五十多种民族不同宗教语文,为何我们没有变成加里曼丹(印尼)泰国,菲律宾,印度巴吉斯丹,。。。几十年没完没了的种族和宗教冲突。。。虽然也有吵架的时候。 但是,华人铁了心反政府,固然反对党的宣传仇视和种族情绪,不过马华似乎没有了解华人心态。宁可要回教国也不要你们,但是,他们忽略了,民联有半数席位,国家马上大动乱(组不成政府的)生活在城市的华人首当其冲。为何动乱,到时三党就打到头破血流,争取内阁和政府各种官位,也有人排队找纳吉谈条件跳槽。一个礼拜组不成政府,股市马上暴跌,三天后,逼仓行动,又再暴跌,市场很快进入萧条,很多华人商业如餐厅之类,有一天用一天,这种行业最先倒闭。。。。。大家是股友,不必我说了,回忆1997 年就明白。

4 people like this.

398 comment(s). Last comment by Sailor Moon 2013-06-04 12:15


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2013-04-17 16:47 | Report Abuse

Keep is up asswipe.
Pure win.


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2013-04-17 16:49 | Report Abuse

O its you Ranger. You're the one flagging. Why not just work at McDonalds. They offer you a REAL job with real training. The food is not real though. O well. Can't have it all.


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2013-04-17 16:50 | Report Abuse

Keep it up buddy. I'm back from work and keen t keep this post right up the charts because of you.


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2013-04-17 16:51 | Report Abuse
Pure awesomeness


869 posts

Posted by soojinhou > 2013-04-17 16:55 | Report Abuse

Azmi Sharom is da man!


1 posts

Posted by nameme > 2013-04-17 16:56 | Report Abuse

Please support ranger.
Please support BN!!!!!
Please support Buang N


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-17 16:58 | Report Abuse

For BN and forever...........


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2013-04-17 17:00 | Report Abuse

Which is why you need to vote PR. As stated here


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2013-04-17 17:01 | Report Abuse

I really do hope the admins find the irritating bugger who flagged everyone, and toss his ass to the curb ie blanket ban. this can;t be tolerated


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-17 17:20 | Report Abuse

Just found this in youtube and you definitely enjoy the video & perhaps a little laughter on your face...see it please.

Zulkifli Nordin dan Lagu Khas Umno

haa haa haa


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-17 17:23 | Report Abuse

Hari Pembubaran Parlimen:
R: Rakyat
A: Akan
B: Buang
U: Umno

Hari penamaan calun
S: Semua
A: Akan
B: Bersatu
T: Tolak
U: Umno

Hari pembuangan undi
A: Adalah
H: Hari
A: Akhir
D: Dato najib

Tarikh mengundi
55 tahun umno memerintah
2013 tahun terakhir



2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-17 18:33 | Report Abuse

Malaysian Spring ??

Posted by Velson Loh > 2013-04-17 19:07 | Report Abuse

I wonder why Ranger has so much free time keep to post/comment according to all of the comments and topics he posted,

all are related to political topics/issues, how much do u get paid ?


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-17 19:52 | Report Abuse

All Malaysians irrespective of race , religion & color must read this.

Siti Norhayati Mohd Yusoff
4:52PM Apr 17, 2013

A first-time voter's open letter to Muslims

These days, politics is the hottest conversation everywhere. You pick up the phone to talk to a friend, or a relative, and suddenly you are discussing politics!

I was not very much into politics until very recently when I felt my money had been ending up in some rich individuals' expensive handbags.

We all have heard the "cincin" and handbags story, which has now been confirmed by the lady herself.

...continue reading here please


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2013-04-17 23:02 | Report Abuse

Moderator and Forum Admin. Please ban the a**hole thats abusing the reporting system and wasting everyones time. this is a flagrant violation of i3 terms surely. ban the bastard asap. i3 loses credibility the more it continues. come on guys!


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2013-04-17 23:06 | Report Abuse

To the the BN Nazi doing it. Please F**K Off! If you can only raise flags and can't speak/write English to argue in a coherent manner, blame your employers/masters/warlords for screwing you over in school, and giving you only a fish-sized brain. here fishy fishy!


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2013-04-17 23:40 | Report Abuse

Why are BN Social Media Sardines (BNSMS) so sensitive these days? Raising flags left right and centre. More sensitive than a women during her time of the month, especially to any criticism.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-18 00:57 | Report Abuse









2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-18 02:43 | Report Abuse

A nice article on Lim Guan Eng

I quote some of Ning Baizura writtings...

Ning and I really felt honoured. But we felt more surprised that the Chief Minister of a state was travelling all by himself like any normal rakyat jelata. But the biggest surprise in store for us was yet to come.

As usual, we sat in First Class. I expected the CM to be seated somewhere in front of us but then I realised he wasn’t in First Class. Where did he disappear to???

I popped my head round the curtain that veils First Class and Economy Class and guess who I saw sitting in the front row seat of Economy quietly reading the newspapers?

...more read on here..

..over to you UMNO Chief Ministers & Menteri Besars...just 1 question, can you?


76 posts

Posted by kulimchan > 2013-04-18 10:30 | Report Abuse

saya tidak hairan Cuepacs sokong Najib,pernah baca berita bawah ini?

Cuepacs, government pensioners, pledge ‘undivided’ support for Najib in GE13
UPDATED @ 07:57:11 AM 20-07-2012

By Clara Chooi
July 19, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR, July 19 — Cuepacs, an umbrella body representing over 800,000 public servants, and a newly-launched government pensioners club today pledged their "undivided" support to Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the Barisan Nasional (BN) administration for the coming elections.

Cuepacs president Datuk Omar Osman told government pensioners at the launch of KUPEKMAS (1 Malaysia Government Pensioners Club) here to stop the anti-government attacks during their "coffee shop talk" sessions, saying they should still stand with the rest of the country's 1.4-million strong civil service.

"It is important for us, as civil service retirees to stand with the remaining 1.4-milion strong civil service... they are the backbone, an important engine of the government.

"Don't as the PM for to give this and that and then at the end of the day, many are dissatisfied," he said to a crowd over nearly a thousand government pensioners at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) here.

"This coffee-shop talk, always condemning people... it is no longer time for that," said Omar, who is also KUPEKMAS president.

He trumpeted Najib's credentials to the crowd, pointing out that the country's prime minister has proven his mettle by reaching out to voters on the ground, irrespective of their race, religion and socio-economic backgrounds.

Omar then urged them to their feet in a show of support for Najib and BN, prompting them to shout "Agree" when he asked if the time was ripe now to back the government.

"I will continue this fight to ensure that the 1.4 million (civil servants) and 500,000 (government pensioners) stand strong with Datuk Seri (Najib).

"We want to ensure that this number 13 will be the number of glory for Datuk Seri's leadership," he thundered to the enthusiastic audience, referring to the coming 13th general election which must be held soon.

Critics from the federal opposition have often condemned government leaders for allegedly abusing the country's civil service, long viewed as a key vote bank for the ruling BN pact..........(omited)

dalam akhbar Cina sering dapat baca orang DAP mengecam kaki tangan kerajaan katanya mereka itu malas tidak kerjabaik,pandai bully orang ramai terutama sekali orang China ,Tony Phua mengatakan kalau PR mengambil kuasa akan mengurangkan jumlah kakitangan kerajaan dengan 50%,pengambilan orang baru akan diberhentikan....macam-macam.berita atas tidak hairan bagi saya.
saya kadang-kadang datang forum,kerana ada sedikit saham ditangan,kena baca apa orang lain cakap.


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2013-04-18 10:42 | Report Abuse

notice the little blue flags some f*gg*t has simply reported abuse for no reason. Essentially BN has hired a whole army of Social Media Sardines to hang out in forums to "report abuse" like pussies, in some vain hope admins delete these posts. in actual fact these a**holes are pissing off the forum admins for wasting their time.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-18 11:09 | Report Abuse

Wise words from Raja Muda Perak.

....must see picture...sila bachs


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-18 13:52 | Report Abuse

WHY must the DAP, especially LIM KID SIANG MALAM, seek outside help for this GE? U must be cowards, afraid of your own shadow and probably u can't even carry your own balls for this GENERAL ELECTION. Your balls are so heavy that u need outsiders to carry for u.So desperate are the PAKATAN people to the extend of seeking aid from Singaporeans, esp PAP. Why must outsiders interfere in our domestic affairs? U know why? Becoz Singapore wants to be part of Malaysia and kill the Malays. This is their agenda in supporting the locals in this GE. But the Malays are being blind-folded by DAP. It's the only BN that can unite Malaysians. The extreme DAP, PKR and PAS should not be the Malaysian choice. We a moderate, modest and balanced political group to represent the people, NOT the extremist group vis-a-vis DAP, PAS n PKR. PSM is also another accomplice.


127 posts

Posted by Jamesdean > 2013-04-18 13:59 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...Ranger u don't take care of your balls but u take care and polish UMNO balls.....Kakakaka.....


307 posts

Posted by hoohaa > 2013-04-18 14:07 | Report Abuse

Ranger, in your finest explanation. Please explain how did BN unite Malaysians and how they are "moderate and balanced". Instead of talking about balls, I hope you can give me a good explanation so that I can try to understand because as far as I have read, you dont make much sense besides balls being heavy and light.


127 posts

Posted by Jamesdean > 2013-04-18 14:08 | Report Abuse

Hoohaa I tell u how UMNO does it....they lick each others balls and shiok sendiri and tell u u are united......hahahaha


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-18 15:15 | Report Abuse

Najib tanya, buat apa UBAH?

10:36 PM Barisan Nasional, Najib Razak

Tepat sekali pertanyaan Datuk Najib, BUAT APA UBAH?
Ubah kerajaan sedia ada walhal sekarang ini sudah cukup baik.

"Ada pihak tertarik dengan perkataan 'ubah'.
Seolah-olah yang penting itu ialah untuk mengubah daripada apa yang mereka ada pada hari ini. Tetapi sebaliknya yang penting ialah bukan mengubah yang sedia ada, tetapi keberhasilannya.

"Itu yang patut kita tanya pada diri kita. Samada perlu kita mengubah kerajaan yang ada hari ini untuk mendapatkan keberhasilan yang diharapkan ataupun kita kekalkan kerajaan yang ada pada hari ini kerana kerajaan hari ini telahpun membuktikan keberhasilan yang mampu diperjuangkan oleh kerajaan sedia ada," katanya ketika berucap merasmikan Terminal Bersepadu Selatan (TBS) di Bandar Tasik Selatan (BTS) di sini hari ini.


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-18 15:23 | Report Abuse

PRU13 - BUKTI Pakatan Pembangkang RAKUS !

5:43 PM No comments

Pertindihan pencalonan wakil Pakatan Pembangkang yang menyaksikan pertembungan kerusi sesama sendiri di dalam satu kawasan merupakan bukti jelas kerakusan parti-parti pembangkang untuk berkuasa di mana secara tidak langsung memperlihatkan kerjasama DAP, Pas dan PKR hanyalah satu sandiwara untuk mengelabui mata rakyat.

Menurut Ketua Penerangan UMNO Selangor, Shukur Idrus, ketidaksefahaman mereka semakin terserlah dan kepincangan rebut kawasan terus meruncing apabila pembahagian kerusi untuk PRU ini dilihat begitu caca marba dan tidak tersusun sama sekali.

“Sebagai contoh di Negeri Sembilan, Pakatan masih tidak dapat mengumumkan calon-calon mereka di negeri itu. Saya yakin ini adalah kerana, wujudnya ketidaksefahaman antara parti-parti sehingga pengumuman calon terpaksa ditangguhkan.

“Begitu juga di Selangor di mana saya mendapat maklumat, parti pembangkang akan meletakkan dua wakil calon dari dua parti yang berbeza untuk bertanding di kawasan Kota Damansara misalnya. Begitu juga Kuang, saya difahamkan terdapat calon bebas serpihan ahli PKR yang akan menentang calon dari PKR sendiri,” ujarnya kepada UMNO-Online di sini hari ini

Justeru itu, beliau mengingatkan rakyat agar lebih berhati-hati dan jangan tertipu dengan lakonan calon-calon wakil dari Pakatan Pembangkang dari parti yang berbeza tetapi tetap bekeras mahu bertanding di kawasan yang sama.


307 posts

Posted by hoohaa > 2013-04-18 15:23 | Report Abuse

James, corruption among members of UMNO is too obvious. Not all are corrupted but most are.

Najib joked "Jika beri (wang), salah. Kalau tak bagi (kalah)"

This joke has turn into a culture in politics. A country is meant to be run and led by those who are capable of prospering a country whether you are BN/Opposition.

However, if you are only here for personal gain. You may get the fuck out before all of us innocent Malaysians are bankrupt.


55 posts

Posted by lauhoon > 2013-04-18 15:27 | Report Abuse

Enough just enough. Who is good and who is not. Who to vote for let us think and choose the right one. No need to advertise. He he


307 posts

Posted by hoohaa > 2013-04-18 15:27 | Report Abuse

Ranger, please answer my question and stop copying articles that are manipulated by BN.

1) We know what UBAH means. I dont need to be educated on that.
2) Asking us to be careful is ridiculous. Do you know that BN internal politic parties are now very unstable after selections of candidates?

So tell me, how is BN a moderate and balanced party? With proper support and proof please. Try to win my vote.


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-18 15:28 | Report Abuse

PRU13 - PSM Berang sama PKR

10:58 AM Pakatan Penipu, PRU13

Jangan terperanjat...
Parti pembangkang sememangnya masih berebut dalam segala hal.
PAS berebut dengan DAP, DAP berebut dengan PKR, PKR bergaduh dengan PSM...
Mereka dalam pembangkang ni masih dengan agenda masing-masing, nama saja 'pakatan' tetapi tidak sepakat pun.

Menjelang PRU13, bertambah menjadi-jadilah perangai mereka,
Semakin ketara ketegangan dalam parti pembangkang ini.
Kini, mereka tidak lagi berselindung kerana tanpa disengajakan, mereka telah mendedahkan identiti mereka yang sebenar.

Jelas, pakatan yang tidak sepakat ini kian rapuh...

Terkini :
PKR dan sekutu dekatnya Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) masih gagal mencapai kata sepakat berhubung penggunaan lambang dalam pilihan raya umum 5 Mei nanti.

Kegagalan ini menyebabkan dua parti itu bakal bertembung tiga penjuru dengan BN di tiga kerusi – parlimen Sungai Siput, Perak dan DUN Kota Damansara dan Semenyih, Selangor.

Calon-calon PSM di kerusi tersebut berjumpa dengan Anwar Ibrahim petang semalam selama sejam di Petaling Jaya.

Tetapi kedua-dua pihak masih dengan pendirian masing-masing.

Penyandang Sungai Siput Dr D Jeyakumar, setiausaha agung PSM S Arutchelvan (calon Semenyih) dan pengerusinya Mohd Nasir Hashim (penyandang Kota Damansara) bertegas mahu menggunakan logo genggaman tangan kiri parti itu.

Ketiga-tiganya bertanding atas tiket PKR di kerusi tersebut pada 2008 sebelum kerajaan meluluskan pendaftaran PSM selepas pilihan raya umum lalu.


29 posts

Posted by bryanll > 2013-04-18 15:32 | Report Abuse

Ada pihak tertarik dengan perkataan 'ubah'.
Seolah-olah yang penting itu ialah untuk mengubah daripada apa yang mereka ada pada hari ini. Tetapi sebaliknya yang penting ialah bukan mengubah yang sedia ada, tetapi keberhasilannya untuk mengoda kekayaan rakyat secara optimum demi kepentingan sesame di antara cn ummno dengan taktik2 rasuah serta kejahilannya menawarkan janjijanji manis dan kosong tanpa melibatkan kos rasuah yg tinggi.

"Itu yang patut kita tanya pada diri kita. Samada perlu kita mengubah kerajaan yang ada hari ini untuk mendapatkan keberhasilan yang diharapkan ataupun kita kekalkan kerajaan yang ada pada hari ini kerana kerajaan hari ini telahpun membuktikan keberhasilan yang mampu diperjuangkan oleh kerajaan sedia ada supaya dapat terus memikmati kehidupan mewah ,rumah mewah, kereta mewah, beg mewah,kandang lembu mewah, pejabat mewah,majlis mewah, company mewah, tol mewah, cukai mewah, api air mewah, semewah-mewahnya....


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-18 15:49 | Report Abuse

Apa yang nak di ubah? Malaysia berubah tiap kali pemimpin baru jadi PM. Tiap2 PM ada agen "UBAH". Jadi, apa yang nak di ubah? Yang kena ubah ialah, LIM KID SIANG kena retire, Karpal Singh pun kena retire, Nik Aziz pun kena retire. Anwar Ibrahim pun kena retire. Old hecks still controlling DAP, PKR and PAS. Nak pegang jawatan parti sampai mampus ke?


25 posts

Posted by baby2020 > 2013-04-18 16:01 | Report Abuse

RANGER and NAMAME ARE paid blogger by BN so do not waste your time with him. when his job is done he will vote for Perkatan


29 posts

Posted by bryanll > 2013-04-18 16:06 | Report Abuse

nape bn suka duduk sama lembu?projrk ternak lembu buat kat kondo,tandas x sumbat? nanti generasi masa depan ranger ke anak2 ranger dikertawakan org dimana2 aje kerana duduk sama lembu, macam zaman zahiliah dulu, ranger hati u x rasa salah atau kesal ke buat anak mcm tu? hanya dengan wang, maruaH SANGGUP DIGADAI...U ORG BERDOSA kerana buat maysia diketawa oleh mtkt antarabangsa,kerana ternak lembu di condo.....kalau tak rasuah, dan seandainya ikut pemikiran kerajaan bn bhw pbelanjaan wang ternak lembu di condo adalah mematuhi segala peraturan yg sah ,..maka hal ni dikira rumit kerana sama ada RASUAH atau BODOH.


29 posts

Posted by bryanll > 2013-04-18 16:13 | Report Abuse

Najib tanya, buat apa UBAH? ternak lembu di condo merupakan teknologi Malaysia yg paling canggih, pd masa kini, hanya Malaysia memiliki teknologi canggih ni, dan ia dilindungi dibawah akta keselamatan Negara.....


29 posts

Posted by bryanll > 2013-04-18 16:17 | Report Abuse

just sidir2 dia dah x boleh tahan, gi mark abuse pula,jangan lah hati tersinggung, yg u selama ni posting cerita mengarut ni pun main2 aje, ada income, buat ape pula marah,,,,,

Posted by Lowchinsin > 2013-04-18 16:22 | Report Abuse

Ubah pasti dapat menangani berbagai2 kelemahan n keburukan.Jom ubah .Hidup semangat UBAH

Ram Cheong

450 posts

Posted by Ram Cheong > 2013-04-18 16:29 | Report Abuse

ini kalilah . ........... UBAH


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-18 16:51 | Report Abuse

VOTE BN, reject pakatan


560 posts

Posted by jacko > 2013-04-18 16:52 | Report Abuse

Yes Vote BN.....yes vote for corruption!

Ram Cheong

450 posts

Posted by Ram Cheong > 2013-04-18 16:56 | Report Abuse

yes vote out bn . ............ UBAH


58 posts

Posted by thereds > 2013-04-18 17:00 | Report Abuse

HIDUP PR...TOLAK BN....55thn habis harta negara dirompak


58 posts

Posted by thereds > 2013-04-18 17:06 | Report Abuse

TIME BREAK.....Haha Iklan Jenama BN !


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-18 17:17 | Report Abuse


Cukai eksais kereta yang dikenakan secara melampau iaitu pada kadar 70% ke atas melonjakkan harga kereta.Cukai eksais kereta akan diturunkan secara berperingkat dengan tujuan menghapuskannya dalam tempoh 5 tahun agar harga kereta lebih
berdaya saing.


Pakatan Rakyat percaya industri automotif negara yang benar-benar berdaya saing boleh mengeluarkan kereta pada harga serendah RM25,000 sebuah. car prices[see picture] in Malaysia & other countries, you will get a shock.

UBAH, undi Pakatan Rakyat


58 posts

Posted by thereds > 2013-04-18 17:23 | Report Abuse tua kutuk tak sedar diri

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