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21 people like this. Showing 50 of 15,933 comments


@mete** Wrote: "One or two persons flag my postings will not do any harm. It must be majority of them come out to vote me out then it is fair to kick me out of this forum or else just keep quiet and listen to the music."

Please be mindful/self-aware. Malaysians are generally nice people, and we take pride in our hospitality, we don't oppose openly as we view that impolite. However, even one or two flags in a forum can indicate that you are NOT WELCOME. We politely urge you to stop, please. Thanks.

1 month ago


Dear Metaverse
i do not like flagging game
just hope that u enjoy yourself but please don't force sell something that people don't like😂

1 month ago


true master does not need go everywhere to promote his ideologies
on the contrary everybody will do their searching to reach out the true master...
look at u Metaverse...
u go everywhere shouting u r the true master....😂

1 month ago


Bye Dear Metaverse
i'll go now searching my true master...

1 month ago


Pesky mosquito won't go away. @Meta** will be back and give us flags. If everyone claims master who gonna learn? In so bad a market, those who bought below 4.40 and way back when at or below 4.00 will still manage a smile. Good hunting 🙏

1 month ago


艰难的一年 大众银行香港子公司蒙受巨亏!

1 month ago


What a lousy management and board of directors..shame on public bank ,...first class services 3rd lass facilities with worse class ROE to minor shareholder

1 month ago


@skc761*, it had been warned: go find the report 'Hong Kong Banking Report 2024' , which can be found floating around the Internet. Early on, on 2024, banking experts expected Hong Kong's banking sector would not have a good year, 2024. Also read 'Neutral impact on Public Bank from HK unit performance' article. Find out the outcomes from branches in Cambodia and Vietnam. Go also find out reserve this bloody bank has - then make decision to hold or to sell. No point calling management lousy. It is your call - make decision to hold or to sell.

1 month ago


Someone wrote on this forum: "Whether you all believe or not, my trading level is beyond master level as I can read beyond the future and stock market is more like a Kindergarten game for me as most of my opponents are really just like a kids who are too emo." Uncle Koon once said: "你想买股票,你就买啦;你想卖股票,你就卖啊。别变成精神病啊。当心心理健康啊。" Take care of your mental health.

1 month ago


@lbiker* if u r the hongkong resident u will know why I quote lousy management..even no any other investment bank analysis cover on this lousy bank since year2014. Try to compare with others local bank in hongkong n U will find that why I quote is worse ROE among peers .public bank holdings Malaysia don’t even bother to implement any action to preserve minor shareholder benefits.correct me if I m wrong

1 month ago


Besides , business is purely in hongkong n with minor business in China, nothing to do with Cambodia ,Laos or Vietnam.No any M

1 month ago


No any merge acquisition past 10years to boost shareholder value but offer such high risk loan to those bus n taxi license...what a shameful n irresponsible board of directors which majority from its mother company .better delisted n shutdown the operation n return capital to those minor shareholder of business can’t perform n can’t compete

1 month ago


@skc7** okay got you. I hope I could to talk to some "smart guy" over the weekend about this by asking these questions. I'm not that smart, but I could answer the third one:
[1] Why one branch ( heavy loss has neutral impact on the bank (1295)?
[2] Why not shut down the operation of the branch (
[3] Does the bank care about the well-being of its investors? If it does, why not return capital to minor shareholder?

It is too technical for me, ain't no banker. I try to get answer.

1 month ago


@lbikerider, I m glad finally u viewing in the point of minor shareholder of bout their frustration n sadness become shareholder of public bank Hong Kong, those public bank group Malaysia board of directors n top management ceo so n so don’t even bother on how to preserve minor shareholder interest n benefits of as public bank hongkong only a peanut compare to whole public bank group.but one thing need to admit is tat public bank Hong Kong is a listed company n they shall have responsibility n integration to preserve the losses of it’s minor shareholder as almost all is retirees, they not hoping much just hope tat it can perform like wat it does like public bank Malaysia, have dividends n have capital protection.It Is just a simple wish for them but since year 2014 if minor shareholder buy in till now, what he get is hughlosses...

1 month ago


What a so call prudent bank in Malaysia turn out to be rubbish bank at overseas...omg.public will have loss confident putting money into loss money bank compare to others showing good profit bank as public is very simple mindset..loss making company is a lousy company..tats it...the higher management n board of directors of both public bank Malaysia n hongkong is a good in cost effective but not a good to those local Malaysia bank like hongleong which also having its footsteps in China

1 month ago


@meta, I m not like u expert in everything from religion to fengsui to politics to general, u should know better than me

1 month ago


Hi @skc7* If you invest some money in, unfortunate at this moment, but you will never know what 2025 will bring. To cut lost, hold, etc is entirely up to you.

I talked to "some guy" who claimed used to work in banking industry. The outcomes of the talk are something like this:
[1] banks are legally loan out a portion of their funds they get from investors etc (known as fractional reserve banking), or they will get penalty.
[2] A bank cannot entirely cease its operations due to a single loss in 2024 without facing significant legal repercussions; the whole shebang of law books will be thrown at the bank! I don't know whether I convey the message intact. This much I can do at this moment.

I wish you well.

4 weeks ago


Hi @xiaoeh please do not respond to @metaverse for your own good. @meta* who said "Whether you all believe or not, my trading level is beyond master level as I can read beyond the future and stock market is more like a Kindergarten game for me as most of my opponents are really just like a kids who are too emo." displays delusions of grandeur (believing oneself to be superior to others) and delusions of having special powers (like seeing the future) can be symptoms of disorders such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Seek professional help b4 too late. Now @meta* you can flag me.

4 weeks ago


Noted and Thanks Lbikeride

4 weeks ago


@lbikeride thank you n appreciate your efforts to clarify the doubts. I can assure u is as long as public bank Malaysia n its subsidiary management,board of directors didn’t change their mindset to put priority on preserve minority shareholder benefit n interest of public bank Hong Kong ..things will be more worst n end up they will take granted to delisted n privatized public bank hongkong at lowest price which far below its p/b value....which turn out public bank Malaysia is ultimate beneficial n the loser will be minority share holders of

4 weeks ago


Let’s do hope that those old aging management n board of directors of public bank Malaysia showing some mercy to those minority share holders of public bank Hong Kong which to be fair to them as well ...a group of poor old unlucky retirees choose .....HARAPKAN PAGAR PAGAR MAKAN PADI

4 weeks ago


all bank up except pbb down...the most rubbish bank on earth...most poor performance of all banks...

2 weeks ago


If you keep listening to Meta you will go crazy!

2 weeks ago


He will drive you nuts!

2 weeks ago


read from different angle, its opportunity for you to accumulate, but, not now, be patient. let it breaks 4300, and accumulate from 4240 - 4200.

2 weeks ago


for pbb, im at side line. waiting for this moment to come.

2 weeks ago


Personally Metaverse玄学大师
i think what Spy133; Lawkaw; Lbikeride and many others are doing and thinking
is kind of similar to what u r talking and thinking
they understand the knowledge passed down by the ancestors thousands of years ago
such as
"月满则亏, 月盛则衰“ and "天有不测之风云,人有旦夕之祸福“
or "Change is the only constant" etc
just that
they simplify words and doing things
unlike what u have been complicating words and things and link it to rocket science etc
u should have learnt this through your past communication
and personally
i would like to thank you for your gentle reminder messages
and i hope u enjoy yourself
and i hope u will always be here keep sharing your knowledge
regardless of what circumstances in stock market good and bad
Happy Trading

2 weeks ago


American great again is rise. Almighty dollar will kicked their challengers butt. The American empire will sanctions those who challenge them. With tariffs, swift sanctions, void the foreign exchange reserve, military invasion,made your nation in chaos.

2 weeks ago


The Arabia also scared of American empire.

2 weeks ago









丰隆投行上调所研究4家银行的评级至“买入”,即艾芬银行(Affin Bank Bhd)(KL:AFFIN)— 目标价3.15令吉、马来西亚伊斯兰银行(Bank Islam Malaysia Bhd)(KL:BIMB)— 目标价3令吉、马银行(Malayan Banking Bhd)(KL:MAYBANK)— 目标价11.35令吉,以及大众银行(Public Bank Bhd)(KL:PBBANK)— 目标价5.20令吉。

银河国际证券的首选股则有丰隆银行(Hong Leong Bank Bhd)(KL:HLBANK)、大众银行,以及大马银行集团(AMMB Holdings Bhd)(KL:AMBANK),评级皆为“加码”。

Lets review so call analysis bout the malaysia banking industry vs its share price target given mid year/end year

1 week ago


UOB Kay Hian (UOBKH) Research said "The Banking sector is currently trading at one standard deviation (1SD) above its historical mean price-to-book value (PBV) of 1.13 times, while its expected sector earnings growth of 7% for 2025 continues to lag the KLCI’s 12% growth. As such, we think that the positive macro and liquidity factors favoring the sector are largely priced in. We recommend a switch to laggard stocks for a better risk-reward balance. In this respect, we favor Public Bank, RHB Bank and Hong Leong Bank, which trade at an attractive 1SD below their historical mean PBVs. Public Bank and Hong Leong Bank could benefit from potential credit cost tailwinds." See []

1 week ago


(1) The banking sector is currently overvalued. It is expected to grow slower
(2) it is recommended to switch to undervalued stocks like Public Bank, RHB Bank, and Hong Leong Bank, which have the potential for better returns due to their lower valuations and potential reductions in credit costs.

Disclaimer: NOT my analysis and conclusion. They belong to UOB Kay Hian Research (UOBKH). I DO NOT recommend buy, NOR do I recommend sell. For your reference only.

1 week ago


Respectable @metaverse we 're all here participating in a respectable and healthy discussion and don't want to get into trouble. In case of report filed to *www.@komunikasi@gov@my* by any of us, a few of us may be called to testify. Don't be silly thinking that you could hide behind metaverse and remain anonymous; that apply to us also. I screenshot your last few posts for my own safety. I urge participants here please don't respond to metaverse's posts. Screenshot posts for safekeeping *if your handles have ever been mentioned.* Bear in mind i3 keeps all posts, deleted or otherwise.

1 week ago


@metaverse, *may I get your permission to file a report* to komunikasi@, not MCMC, we're worried about *guilty of association*, those *anti-government messages* of yours? @BlackFish @lawkaw, etc can be defended - no evidence of cyberbullying, I have all the evidence in screen captures, quite a lot of them. But your anti-government rant is the ones we're worry to be associated with. So, do I get your permission to report you?

1 week ago


i3 is the place to learn everything
i3 also the place to meet; to learn and to prepare to get along with all sorts of people
in real life when we happen to bump into someone out of the ordinary....
it is the time we think...
oh luckily i've got learnt everything in i3....

loved i3
no fight

1 week ago


Good morning meta, what's going on? Like something happening

1 week ago


@metaverse Thanks for your permission. Some junior officers at Komunikasi@ need training cases to purport "Fake news spreaders deserve heavier penalty." All the nice folks here didn't submit/file any report against you - it is me. Let's see what is the outcome.

1 week ago


I will behave myself

1 week ago


just my 2-cent guess
are you a fresh graduate and haven't walk out from your ivory tower...?
are u naively thinking that many of them here don't understand local political scene but you...?
mind u
just that many of them here knowing the ripple effect for sensitive issues is beyond anybody guess and control
if u want to talk all those rubbishes please go create private topic
and people who interested will go over your topic and comment
don't come here kacao kacao

Thanks in advance

1 week ago


Posted by metaverse > 2 minutes ago | Report Abuse

The market is doing a dead cat bounce as it is already Bear Market trading below 200 days moving average. Personally, I go for 20% stock and 80% cash so every day nothing to do and come here talk nonene as I believe the market will big crash this year. Someone in YTLP forum (Balian de Ibelin) said Malaysia economy will not be able to survive the US trade war and million will be out of job and I think it is quite likely to happen so good luck and may the world be kind to you all.

Dear Metaverse玄学大师
have u got Balian sir consent for quoting his sentence?
how well you know Balian sir?

1 week ago


sometimes it is better to keep my mouth shut

1 week ago


Posted by metaverse > 44 minutes ago | Report Abuse
This is public forum just like public toilet anyone can come in to pee so I am kind of wondering why some of you take this bullshit forum seriously really amused me. Without you and me talking nonsense here i3 will be out of business as what they want is user traffic and free contents posted by us as long as we don't touch on 3R and King issues.
Posted by xiaoeh > 11 minutes ago | Report Abuse
sometimes it is better to keep my mouth shut



1 week ago

Balian de Ibelin

The US Trade War can stop anytime.

The last time McKinley economics was practiced, US became the richest nation on earth, all others suffered.

McKinley economics stopped when McKinley was shot dead.

The future is in flux. Nothing is set in stone.

1 week ago

Balian de Ibelin

Jakarta Stock Exchange equalizing to US Trade War today because Indonesia economy is considered weaker than Malaysia by misinformed blue eyed blond hair.

In reality, Indonesian economy is more than 2X stronger than Malaysia.
The population of Indon middle class people exceeds 50 million.

In this battle of economics, perception wins first and then figures will match later to reality and equalized.

1 week ago

Balian de Ibelin

Malaysia has to subsidize the people from Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and Singapore.

In Thailand it's considered their human rights to enjoy Malaysian subsidized products.
Malaysia also exports heavily subsidized Green Energy to Singapore.

1 week ago


Posted by metaverse > 53 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Sir Balian, welcome aboard so I pass the floor to you as I am tired of lecturing all the stubborn old folks here in Public Bank. With that, goodbye to you all.

1 week ago


i3 is the place to learn everything
i've definitely learnt from Metaverse玄学大师
Thanks and goodbye😂

1 week ago


Pg 9

(billion RM)
YEAR 2020 2021 2022 2023 9M2024
PBT 6.285 7.367 8.831 8.539 6.861
PAT 4.872 5.657 6.119 6.649 5.348

We can expect PBB make big $ again for FYE 2024.

1 week ago


Hold so much of LPI share, now LPI earn so much :-)

2 days ago

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