KLSE: CSL (5214)       CHINA STATIONERY LTD Main Market : Consumer
Last Price Today's Change   Day's Range   Trading Volume
0.00   0.00 (0.00%)  0.00 - 0.00  0
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Market Cap: 12 Million
NOSH: 1,241 Million
Avg Volume (4 weeks):0
Average Price Target: 1.22
Price Target Upside/Downside: +1.22

Financial Highlight

Latest Quarter | Ann. Date 30-Jun-2017 [#2]  |  18-Aug-2017
Next QR | Est. Ann. Date: 30-Sep-2017  |  18-Nov-2017
T4Q P/E | EY: -2.25  |  -44.54%
T4Q DY | Payout %: 0.00%  |  - %
T4Q NAPS | P/NAPS: 1.41  |  0.01
T4Q NP Margin | ROE: -1.77%  |  -0.32%


Date Subject
02-Apr-2024 China Industrial Upswing Is Latest Sign of Economic Recovery

Business Background

China Stationery Ltd is an integrated plastic stationery company with its own brands of plastic stationery products, proprietary products, and technical know-how. It offers expandable files, pocket files with sheet protectors, and compact disc holder files. The company’s house-brand products are marketed in China and global customers including distributors, retailers and corporations located in China, Asia (including Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kuwait, the Philippines, South Korea and Taiwan excluding China), Europe, America and other regions. The group has two main segments: Patent and Non-Patent. Patented products comprise the plastic tape printer, net bag, and files with a cover that may be locked. The main patented product is the plastic tape printer.
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  34 people like this.
shen1234 Know take momey oni
11/04/2018 7:01 PM
Yu_and_Mee Wait to buy at 0.005, then can sell at 0.010 to make 100%. Possible?
11/04/2018 7:13 PM
Yu_and_Mee What???!!! Already suspended? Thought can try to queue at 0.005....
11/04/2018 7:14 PM
TrippleZ Haiz....
11/04/2018 7:27 PM
shen1234 http://www.insage.com.my/ir/cmn/NewsAlertInfo.aspx?NewsID=201803055100312&Symbol=5214
12/04/2018 8:46 AM
shen1234 No aggressive action, just c&p tipu investors
12/04/2018 8:48 AM
Jordan Khoo Buy at your own risk..
12/04/2018 10:22 AM
shen1234 Noted is "buy at yr own risk", but we dont buy the "cheating", just an annual report cant prepare out even is negative result. This is share market and many regulations not a money game. Please relate party noted and take action
16/04/2018 10:05 AM
myinvestor Post removed. Why?
26/04/2018 10:14 PM
myinvestor How to come out the quarter result? All assets of Sakura fujian had be seized and auction in 2016.
26/04/2018 11:23 PM
TheContrarian 6 May 2016 was two years ago.
26/04/2018 11:40 PM
myinvestor Bursa should pursue the recovery all the assets and cash from China court to pay our local share investors losses .
27/04/2018 7:52 AM
sparkrider Tun M is back...and china more confident with msia....csl gonna reopen soon with rm10.00++
13/05/2018 7:24 AM
Huat huat 2020 Post removed. Why?
13/05/2018 11:28 AM
sparkrider https://www.thestar.com.my/business/business-news/2018/05/15/the-stocks-to-watch-as-china-gains-entry-to-the-msci-club/
15/05/2018 10:16 PM
BIGAPETITE this is yet another example sc & bursa doing nothing of letting in companies makes their way for the purposes of getting listed in bursa
07/06/2018 10:14 AM
07/06/2018 10:39 AM
shen1234 How to make compliant as this company may involve in money laudering
21/06/2018 3:57 PM
shen1234 How long want to suspend?
17/07/2018 5:46 PM
YgAriff Out of 10 companies from China ONLY one or two can maintain it's price and maybe make some profit.
23/07/2018 7:25 AM
shen1234 This counter need sleep till when....
16/08/2018 8:29 AM
lian998 Shen1234. Csl is dead. It won’t recover.
25/08/2018 11:01 AM
shen1234 Haiz..y pursa let this kind stock listed, can't protect investors interest.better don't has la
04/09/2018 5:52 AM
YgAriff Can still buy?
08/09/2018 6:42 PM
shen1234 Hopeless msia..
23/10/2018 10:33 AM
Crasd123 Future 0.50
18/11/2018 9:30 AM
shen1234 Lodge compliant forms in SC from the website.investigate this company
06/12/2018 8:14 AM
shen1234 How long this counter will suspended?
10/01/2019 8:02 AM
redo please help LENO, he stucked in INSAS
09/02/2019 9:16 PM
kalteh If you even remotely think this company is going to turnaround, dont bother. These are the kind of China companies raising fund overseas and pocketing it themselves, producing fraudulent financials. Watch "China Hustle" for similar stories in US.
12/02/2019 5:50 PM
lene Hello, LENO.... I am waiting your posts HERE.....

calvintaneng did not promoted or involved in this counter.

This is a neutral ground for our discussion. Hello LENO.

reply me ...... here .
18/02/2019 1:58 AM
fl888 Request that Malaysia write to China for enforcement of Death Penalty for all Directors involved in a Corruption for CSL, CaP, Msports, Maxwell , Sino Huaan end all China linked counters to protect innocent investors....
18/02/2019 4:48 AM
freddiehero yalo.. damn
22/03/2019 8:38 PM
shen1234 The trading of CSL’s shares was suspended on 5 December 2017 pursuant to Paragraph 16.02(1)(j) of the Main Market Listing Requirements (“LR”) and the announcement on the circumstances of events that led to the suspension of trading is made available to the investing public via Bursa’s website.

The announcement is attached herewith, for your easy reference. http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/5611937

CSL has yet to submit all its financial statements from the financial year ended 30 September 2017. The regulators are currently looking into the matter and we will not hesitate to take appropriate action(s) against the Company and/or its directors, should there be a breach under the LR.

In the event the breach detected is in respect of other laws, we will then make the necessary referral to the relevant authorities for their further actions.
29/03/2019 12:18 AM
shen1234 Gather all investors ,fight for justice
29/03/2019 12:20 AM
10153641961777989 https://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/three-chinabased-companies-found-giving-false-financial-statements-bursa
29/03/2019 8:48 PM
shen1234 KUALA LUMPUR (March 29): Three China-based companies, namely China Stationery Ltd, Xingquan International Sports Holdings Ltd and Maxwell International Holdings Bhd, have been found furnishing false or misleading financial statements to Bursa Malaysia.

Hope SC can maintain justice for us as a small investors. Obviously they are trying to cheating public. Fight for justice
29/03/2019 11:27 PM
sato typical Fujian Jinjiang cheater, they're cheating everywhere in the world
03/04/2019 5:32 PM
Crash123456buil Celaka, very gd , u lose allmoney in CSL, gd news.
Now u work with Teh Diven in Pelita as Kopi kia, bancur kopi..hahaha
I inf DrDwarrant gv u tuition on NTA , eps, due to u lack of knowledge, so u lose all money ....defenitely la, zero knowledge, 活该
24/04/2019 12:29 AM
XDLL I love you 小皮 楊心美
04/05/2019 11:34 PM
Raman Supramaniam what is happing in CSL share
14/05/2019 4:09 PM
Raman Supramaniam anyone can advise me
14/05/2019 4:09 PM
Bus0829 Share restructure chge 10:1 ... New company
08/06/2019 7:06 PM
Jeffreyteck 执行主席兼首席执行员关永贤违反财报准则,被谴责和遭罚款421万9000令吉;违反企业监管条例遭罚款100万令吉。


Company will pay for them? Make no different then.
10/06/2019 8:45 AM
10153641961777989 https://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/bursa-publicly-reprimands-china-stationery-5-breaches-fines-directors-rm538m
12/06/2019 4:44 PM
10153641961777989 https://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/china-firms-drawing-ire-regulators
12/06/2019 4:48 PM
Wow123 CSL to be delisted confirm
10/07/2019 7:05 AM
10153641961777989 https://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/Sslee_blog/2020-01-18-story-h1482839952-The_Ugly_Mainland_Chinese_CSL_Xingquan_and_Maxwell.jsp
20/01/2020 8:31 AM
ISAAC LIEW Anyone know how to settle the unit on hand?
24/06/2020 4:41 PM
JackMa123 (北京8日电)中国证监会处罚恶性操纵行为,开出高达人民币17亿元(约10亿令吉)罚单。



07/12/2020 4:19 PM

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