KLSE: DSONIC-CA (5216CA)       DSONIC-CA MAIN : Technology
Last Price Today's Change   Day's Range   Trading Volume
0.00   0.00 (0.00%)  0.00 - 0.00  0


Type:Call Warrants
Listing Date:Mar 25, 2014
Maturity Date:Jan 12, 2015
Issue Size:100,000,000
Exercise Price:MYR 1.86
Ratio: 3:1
Underlying Stock:DSONIC
Avg Volume (4 weeks):0

Additional Info

Issuer:AmBank (M) Berhad
Description:European Style Cash Settled
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  3 people like this.
Funtrade WARNING!!!

One LAST CALL to sell & cut lost your Dsonic-CA.
27/11/2014 10:12 AM
nich0las Why cut lose? Or maybe can up later day?
28/11/2014 1:07 PM
Funtrade 1 day drop 25%, see how long can you tahan.

Wake up guys
28/11/2014 1:48 PM
Johnny Mah AMBank sure win.. earn a lot
28/11/2014 3:17 PM
jasonor dun play ca la... know u all rich man rich women. donate some to me, at least i will say TQ u you. but u donate to bank they not only no thank you, they also collect brokerage fee from u. LOLOL
28/11/2014 4:39 PM
Abudance Dsonic made loses. Report out in d afternoon.
28/11/2014 4:41 PM
Abudance CBB keeps accumulating whilst the Malay directors keep selling and buying but overall sell.
01/12/2014 8:58 PM
8675 Ca holder , pls sell before it is too late , nw premium around 80 percent alrdy
03/12/2014 8:36 PM
nich0las habis, ca invest 2500 , sell 400, lose 2100. fcking ca
04/12/2014 9:31 AM
8675 Me too , losing around 10k on this ca ~so , dun ever touch this ca ,there is only one situation , which is loss money
04/12/2014 5:16 PM
Funtrade WARNING!!!

One LAST CALL to sell & cut lost your Dsonic-CA.


Posted by nich0las > Nov 28, 2014 01:07 PM | Report Abuse

Why cut lose? Or maybe can up later day?

See, told you to cut lost earlier but you too ignorant =/
04/12/2014 5:19 PM
yongkh86 There can be miracles ~~ When you believe ~~ :)
05/12/2014 2:54 PM
nich0las but today up back leh, zz. this ca really siao siao 1.
05/12/2014 3:26 PM
Helen_Woo Took a do or die decision to buy 1 million @ 3 sen looks like escape at 7 sen also i cannot complain
05/12/2014 3:54 PM
The One • @0.085 now.. very premium. Mom must be @2.115 for CA to worth something.. amazing..
05/12/2014 4:40 PM
bryanfai Miracles always happen when u believe...... haha
05/12/2014 5:16 PM
8675 ca really very dangerous , high risk , becoz premium close to 80% . buy mother share better , AMbank would press ca till 99
05/12/2014 5:22 PM
yongkh86 brayn fai - do you believe next week will continue to rise ?
05/12/2014 5:23 PM
The One • Just my opinion.. the CA cant be premium that high.. purely gorenged. Usually warrant will stay close to mom when only a month to expire. Many peeps will get trapped and lose money if like this. Good luck everyone and don't fall to greed ya.
05/12/2014 5:34 PM
StevenWan Please HELP!
I brought this warrant many months ago. Due to I was too busy, I lack of time to monitoring it.
Hence, this warrant is almost reaching its Maturity Date. May I know is there any solutions for me?
If I dump them now, I will losing a lot of money.
05/12/2014 6:40 PM
8675 u should know that , u just left around 20 days to play , and the premium is as high as 80percent . cut now oe end up with 'ca' when it expired . Just a kind reminder.buy mother if u really belive in dsonic
05/12/2014 6:46 PM
The One • Yes. If you do believe Dsonic will reach 2.115 (as what the CA implies), then buy the mom coz you can still double your money within a month and no expiry if you hold..
05/12/2014 8:07 PM
Cakes Moon Buy Dsonic-CA will double ur money in an hour!!!
06/12/2014 11:56 AM
Abudance The One, you must be joking! Double in one month?! Has to be rm2.40 to double. Don't trick people to go to Holland. Got no projects after fuel subs is set aside to float oil price.
06/12/2014 12:12 PM
John Chong Game over in mid-Jan'15
Sell all whoever owns it before there are no more buyers. It is practically ZERO in value even with respect to time value of money.

The current big volume buyers are most likely is the issuer/ professional shorters who are closing their books and lock-in all their profit.
06/12/2014 8:00 PM
John Chong Maturity Date: Jan 12, 2015

If still interested/confident in DSONIC's fundamentals, then use the proceeds to buy the mother share.
06/12/2014 8:06 PM
8675 dun let greed covers your mind , maybe you can earn in ca , but 1 little mistake will let all your money fly to holland . In order for you to get money after expire date , Mother share must reach around 2.10
06/12/2014 8:18 PM
Abudance RHB gave TP of RM2.11. They were the cause of huge sell down when they put a research for SELL earlier. Now is a buy?? On what news?? They hold hands with AmBank to make more money from people's gamble. Jan 12 expiry date. Less than 3 weeks minus holidays to sell your CA.
Mother is better to buy cos no expiry date. I doubt it will go higher than RM1.50-1.60. I hope Friday was not just a one day show!
06/12/2014 10:15 PM
The One • • Abundance.. do read my comments again. I said if you believe.. and I didnt say I do. Pls understand.. I just saying its better to hold mom than to hold that over premium soon to expire CA.
07/12/2014 11:21 PM
tklim RHB reasearch....Buy on weakness.....how?
08/12/2014 11:19 AM
sheep CA trap...today kena how many greedyos
08/12/2014 12:04 PM
Johnny Mah who buy at 0.03 very lucky... can sell it now!!
08/12/2014 1:46 PM
gaomin I notice this dsonic -ca has been very active ever since it's listing . It is going to expire and can still be one of the top volumes , really can't believe ! No other call warrants can beat it ! Anyway I only bought this ca on the first day of listing and sold on the second day . So fast it's going to expire . Don't be greedy , sell now or else soon nobody wants to buy from you lo!
08/12/2014 4:51 PM
Abudance The One, the way you wrote is encouraging people to go to Holland! Today was up .. But volume not like Friday. Last rally for CA
08/12/2014 11:45 PM
pdtan @All resident Gurus here : May I suggest a more productive and useful advice to help the bilis here, ie predict the price of Dsonic and CA on the 12Jan2015. instead of asking them buy or dont buy,sell or dont sell,let them make their own decision for once.....

This should start you all out :
"....Maturity Date : 12/01/2015
Exercise/ Strike/ Conversion Price : MYR 3 7200
Revised Exercise/ Strike/ Conversion Price : MYR 1 8600
Exercise/ Conversion Ratio : 6:1
Revised Exercise/ Conversion Ratio : 3:1
Settlement Type/ Convertible into : Cash....."
09/12/2014 4:51 AM
gaomin 都说了, 小心驶得万年船 ,买母股比较好 ,我怎么会叫人去Holland 呢 !
09/12/2014 1:35 PM
StevenWan Hi, I brought this shares with HLB, what should I do if I want to exercise it?
If I do nothing, will it automatic convert into mother share?
09/12/2014 4:17 PM
09/12/2014 4:50 PM
Lim Yee call warrant wont change to mother share but give back you cash :D
10/12/2014 11:26 AM
StevenWan @Lim Sip Yee: Means after Maturity date, if I do nothing, it will convert into cash and give back to me?
11/12/2014 11:28 AM
richardng U all sohai will drop 0.005 sampah
11/12/2014 4:30 PM
gaomin StevenWan , you will not get any cash because conversion price too high !
11/12/2014 4:46 PM
RapidBeginner steven.... beware of CA you will get nothing ....
11/12/2014 4:51 PM
StevenWan So I should dump it before Maturity Date? :O
12/12/2014 3:42 PM
CAF-POW Unlikely CA will be in the money in 19 trading days before its expiry. At current CA price, 1.86 + 3x 0.045 => 1.995 (break even price conversion). When the warrant expires, it will be no value, meaning you lost all your investment in this CA.
12/12/2014 3:46 PM
iDonLikeChiGik i love watching CA drops, feeling so happy! I will bait you at 0.005!!
16/12/2014 4:22 PM
liaoyuanci Buy Rate : 76.88 % !!! * Dated on the last trading day ( 2015 - Jan - 7 )

More datails : http://s18.postimg.org/4f33g54tl/Datasonic_ca.png
07/01/2015 11:52 PM
Singkalingam Means that ?
08/01/2015 2:19 AM
liaoyuanci No idea. Please advise.
08/01/2015 8:16 PM
Johnny Mah dead... 0 volumne
all burned!!
09/01/2015 11:11 AM

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