KLSE: VS (6963)       V.S INDUSTRY BHD MAIN : Industrial Products
Last Price Today's Change   Day's Range   Trading Volume
1.25   -0.04 (3.10%)  1.24 - 1.30  22,336,900
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Market Cap: 4,913 Million
NOSH: 3,930 Million
Avg Volume (4 weeks):22,185,842
4 Weeks Range:1.20 - 1.34
4 Weeks Price Volatility (%):
52 Weeks Range:0.71 - 1.34
52 Weeks Price Volatility (%):
Average Price Target: 0.98
Price Target Upside/Downside: -0.27

Financial Highlight

Latest Quarter | Ann. Date 30-Apr-2024 [#3]  |  19-Jun-2024
Next QR | Est. Ann. Date: 31-Jul-2024  |  26-Sep-2024
T4Q P/E | EY: 26.49  |  3.78%
T4Q DY | Payout %: 1.56%  |  41.34%
T4Q NAPS | P/NAPS: 0.5616  |  2.23
T4Q NP Margin | ROE: 4.12%  |  8.40%


Date Subject
17-Jul-2024 Trading Stocks - VS Industry
13-Jul-2024 VS 最新业绩与展望:电子制造服务行业的未来 2024 07 08
04-Jul-2024 【行家论股】威铖 短期前景乐观
03-Jul-2024 VS Industry - “Phil”-ing More Ambitious; Keep BUY
25-Jun-2024 Daily Market Commentary - 25 Jun 2024
25-Jun-2024 Daily Market Report - 25 Jun 2024
25-Jun-2024 Daily Newswatch - 25 Jun 2024
25-Jun-2024 Mplus Market Pulse - 25 Jun 2024
24-Jun-2024 Stock on Radar - V.S. Industry
20-Jun-2024 Daily Market Commentary - 20 Jun 2024
20-Jun-2024 VS Industry - Approaching Peak Seasonality; Stay BUY
20-Jun-2024 Mplus Market Pulse - 20 Jun 2024
12-Jun-2024 Daily Brief - 12 Jun 2024
26-Apr-2024 MQ Market Updates - 26 April 2024
26-Apr-2024 Trading Stocks - VS Industry
04-Apr-2024 V.S Industry Berhad - One of Malaysia’s Largest EMS Provider
03-Apr-2024 【行家论股】威铖 业务逐步复苏
01-Apr-2024 V.S. INDUSTRY - Looking Forward to Robust FY25F Recovery
29-Mar-2024 MQ Market Updates - 29 March 2024
29-Mar-2024 Mplus Market Pulse - 29 Mar 2024

Business Background

V S Industry Bhd is engaged manufacturing, assembling and sale of electronic and electrical products and plastic moulded components and parts. It is an integrated Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) provider in the region. Their manufacturing services include plastic injection mould design and fabrication, a wide range of injection tonnage and finishing processes, large-scale production of printed circuit boards, automated assembly and final processes of packaging and logistics. Geographically the company is spread across Malaysia, United States of America, Europe, Indonesia and People’s Republic of China. Maximum revenue of the company is generated from Malaysia.
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  31 people like this.
pang72 “We gather that outlook is looking promising with a healthy pickup in sales orders from VSI’s key customers following improved consumer sentiment s and normalisation of customers’ inventory levels,” it said
21/06/2024 9:59 AM
pang72 Additionally, HLIB said things are also looking up with launches of several new models by certain customers which will keep VS Industry occupied in the mid-term.

“We take this opportunity to roll forward our valuation year to FY25 (from CY24 previously)
21/06/2024 9:59 AM
pang72 Despite the macro uncertainties we opine that things are gradually looking better for VSI with the recovery in orders from key customers
21/06/2024 10:00 AM
pang72 Market react positively for Notion and JCY after management guides the outlook/ prospect for 2H24 is better than 1H24..
Share price shot up 3x..

VSI management reaffirms the improve outlook for 2H24 as well..
So, expected to hit MBB target 1. 41 sooner if not 3x flying
21/06/2024 10:03 AM
pang72 JCY flying.. Notion then fly higer
ATA flying. VSi will fly higher..

EMS is the coming big theme for Iskandar Johor Theme
21/06/2024 10:05 AM
pang72 Super Micro Computer hits usd900 for Mfg nvidia server...
VSI is in the same industrial but EMS...

Why not VSi bidding nvidia or Huawei server...?

If the new customer describe is one of those possibilities then...

Game changer... Like PIE...
21/06/2024 10:08 AM
pang72 Those miss the great rally of Notion may want to looks at VSi now..
The official rally kicks off yesterday with excellence QR. The upcoming QR will be even better as guided by management...
21/06/2024 10:19 AM
pang72 The EMS business has huge potential because of China+1 strategy including potential Mfg server if not box build but pccba assemble is ready technology in VSi
21/06/2024 10:21 AM
pang72 EG up 12c to 1.62 today..
21/06/2024 10:23 AM
pang72 Ems is flying one by one if everyone doesn't aware...

PIE.. How many fold.. 200%
Atec, 200%
ATA 200%
Notion 600%
Skp,vsi 200%

Hot hot hot
21/06/2024 10:25 AM
pang72 Ems will continue to fly because China is looking for next Mfg hub to assembly their electronics device for US customer...

Malaysia is the sole beneficiary for China+1 EMS main hub

BESUDE Premier China want to roll out partnerdhip in semiconductor ecosystem
21/06/2024 10:28 AM
pang72 VS 1.23 up 3c liao...

21/06/2024 10:29 AM
pang72 If you worry about VSi. Please check the major shareholder?
It is epf/kwp
21/06/2024 10:30 AM
pang72 So , vsi is malaysia government EMS arm..
Can I say that?
21/06/2024 10:30 AM
pang72 Notion up to $2.23 liao...
21/06/2024 11:08 AM
pang72 $1.24 lo
21/06/2024 1:02 PM
pang72 PIE fires up Notion
Notion fires up VSI
21/06/2024 2:19 PM
pang72 Notion $3
VSI will be $2
21/06/2024 2:19 PM
pang72 VS a bit difficult to limit up like Notion and EG.
However, VS is leader of EMS in malaysia..
It has prestigious like Simep in property sectors..

It will drive vintage Rolls Royce slowly crawling to $2...

21/06/2024 3:26 PM
21/06/2024 3:26 PM
pang72 1.28 52 weeks high.


This week's end must have all sifu doing summary of best EMS to anticipate like EG or Notion limit up as of today...

Who is the winner of EMS in malaysia...?
VS shld be range No 1 la because of their size, technology and multi year's experience in EMS..

VSI is in good position to secure new customer to fill up the capacity with better margin somewhere end year...

Who is this MNC?
21/06/2024 3:41 PM
pang72 EMS boom comes finally...
Today hot like potatoes...
Notion new blood leads the game linit up
EG black horse flying...
VS up steady to $1.28 8c
Skp moderate following uo
ATA goreng up then down...
K1 fast n furious goreng like Ata
21/06/2024 3:55 PM
pang72 $1.30 🚀
21/06/2024 5:03 PM
pang72 RHB target $1.38 next Monday hits
MBB target $1.41 next Tuesday hits..
HLG target $1.04 🎷
pang72 target $2 next QR out!!
21/06/2024 5:17 PM
pang72 The beauty of IB is to give low low TP so hopping chance to sapu in the market before rerate to next higher TP..


Its happen to YTL group of company untill YTL power hit 500% from 60c to $5
IB then proudly issues target price like $5.5,$6 or $7 for ytl power:)

Power IB, work like syndicate
21/06/2024 5:21 PM
pang72 Let's monitor how IB rerating VSi to greatest high..
Do they follow YTL power rerating mechanism?
21/06/2024 5:21 PM
pang72 https://www.sinchew.com.my/news/20240621/finance/5701802
HLG rerate TP from $1.04 to $1.20 in one day.
22/06/2024 8:00 PM
pang72 But, it is $1.30 so how?
Upgrade again?
Already ask you upgrade to $2.. Lol
22/06/2024 8:01 PM
pang72 IB still mid of collecting so I will expect all TP very low one
22/06/2024 8:02 PM
HLG upgrades TP from 80c to $1.04 after QR out and upgrading again TP from 1.04 to $1.20 in next day.
But, 21Jun24 VSi hits $1.30 over HLG target again:)

Let's see how many time HLG gonna upgrades the target next week!

It was glove mania in early stage that IB upgraded target multiple time a week!!
23/06/2024 10:14 PM
Adam92Rosli TP 1 RM1.40, TP 2 RM1.50 from Ambank
24/06/2024 6:55 PM
yewnamhung VS Industry plans 1-for-10 bonus issue of warrants
24/06/2024 8:41 PM
pang72 Hihi...
What I am waiting for realise! Bonus warrant!!
24/06/2024 9:05 PM
pang72 Tmr shld break Maybank TP1. 42@900am..?
24/06/2024 9:07 PM
pang72 Dow up 300pts
NASDAQ up sikit 10pts..
All my tech tech tech stocks shld fly to moon tmr including VSI:)
24/06/2024 10:18 PM
sg999 tmr limit up ??????free warrant
24/06/2024 10:41 PM
pang72 Hopefully can limit up lo

Overall, the outlook for the Group is
promising as the progressive uptrend in
orders toprevail into the near
foreseeable future. The Group also
strengthened its verticalintegration
capability with the recent successful
development of several new processesin-
house. Mass production for the Group’s
key customer has already started for some
of these processes. Separately, the
Group’s ongoing discussions with
prospectivecustomers remain in progress
as part of its efforts to expand its clientele.
(Source: Management of VSIB)
24/06/2024 11:37 PM
pang72 Management said you can make use of my new warrant to goreng the share like EG-w up like hell today (+45% in one day). I will help to promise the future earning is damn so good as above!!!
24/06/2024 11:40 PM
moven00 @ Pang72
You kena game by Gun today. This is the reward for shareholders…. Give you Ubi, burn your kampung.
25/06/2024 5:59 PM
Zrenxy All in Hextar Global, Next Ytlpower in making.
25/06/2024 8:59 PM
Adam92Rosli Follow local institutions jual ?
27/06/2024 5:43 PM
yewnamhung New TP : 1.49 ~~ KEEP BUY !!!
03/07/2024 10:19 AM
yewnamhung Bonus issue warrants when ?
03/07/2024 10:22 AM
zzprozaz Post removed. Why?
10/07/2024 8:37 AM
Adam92Rosli Wait for the next announcement for the bonus issue ..

10/07/2024 6:45 PM
Joscylyn Looking ahead, VS revenue is forecast to grow 13% p.a. on average during the next 3 years, compared to a 18% growth forecast for the Electronic industry in Malaysia
11/07/2024 9:06 PM
SuperA Dyson to cut nearly one third of UK workforce.
15/07/2024 10:55 AM
Adam92Rosli 52 weeks high today. Next stop will be RM1.40
15/07/2024 5:15 PM
yewnamhung Bonus Warrants Issue~~~On behalf of the Board, RHB Investment Bank wishes to announce that Bursa Securities had vide its letter dated 16 July 2024 ("Approval Letter"). Well done 🤜🤛
17/07/2024 1:14 PM
Adam92Rosli Another rally again before entitlement of bonus issue 😁
19/07/2024 7:09 AM

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