Sslee blog

The truth: Is Mr. Koon Yew Yin your friend or foe?

Publish date: Sat, 06 Mar 2021, 02:16 PM
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This is my blog
Dear all,
I refer to Mr. Koon’s article:
TA is more important than FA - Koon Yew Yin
The most controversial claim:
Fortunately, I sold all my Supermax about 3 weeks ago instead of buying more at cheaper prices to average down.
WHO predicted that the Covid 19 pandemic will be under control next year due to massive vaccination, wide spread testing, wearing face masks, practice social distancing and washing hands.  
Based on the announcement by WHO, investors will continue to sell their glove stocks and their share prices will continue to drop.
Readers must ignore all my previous buy recommendations for Supermax.
And some reader comments:
qqq3333 they kill u then insult u.....................hahahahaha
03/03/2021 12:36 PM
abang_misai I thought Fool You Y__ has already promised the investing community not to write anything after the final sermount was issued 3 days ago.
03/03/2021 1:01 PM
Tobby Fortunately, I sold all my Supermax about 3 weeks ago instead of buying more at cheaper prices to average down.
Answer: Yeah, for the last 3 week, Grandpa Koon urge all the newbies to buy Spermax! Only now tell us that he sold 3 weeks ago! I took me half a dozen reading to spot this! Very cunning old bugger, more cunning than a fox!
By the way, no insult to all foxes out there! As i think fox are the cutest and gentlest animal! They are unfortunately hunted for their fur and human degrade them just to add more insult!
03/03/2021 1:18 PM
CharlesT Fortunately, I sold all my Supermax about 3 weeks ago instead of buying more at cheaper prices to average down.
My interpretation: He didnt sell his Supermax 3 weeks ago, instead he bought all the way down until last few days kena margin call no money no lands to sell and then being forced sell.
But he got no face to admit so only.
Thats the reason for the sharp drops especially last few days....coz somebody kena forced sell n saw his tens of millions RM paper gain (once) gone n became real loss
Anyway I think he didnt lose much in Glove this round. He entered glove quite Mac or Apr 2020.
03/03/2021 2:16 PM
probability well said. I agree on this as its humanly impossible to write his articles like he did the last 3 weeks while disposing his shares...
the shear desperation and hope that it will go up eventually can be seen by the frequency of the articles...almost daily
he is just an ordinary man at the end...succumbed to the stress of continuous drop in share price (19 days of sleepless nights can make one easily siao!)
CynicalCyan Uncle KYY DIDN'T DO IT ON PURPOSE! He writes with NOBLE INTENTIONS! He said Supermax should be RM15, but maybe forgot he actually sold 3 weeks ago at RM6 plus.
So, don't scold Uncle anymore! He's nice because he's rich!
03/03/2021 10:23 PM
And my comment:
Sslee Haha,
Lesson learned: Never swallow hook, line & sinker what is portraying out there. The truth is far deeper than realized.
Do your own due diligence
03/03/2021 4:20 PM
Many readers know whenever Mr. Koon sold his stock he will immediately condemn the stock hence in Surpermax case  why wait 3 weeks and in this 3 week times he continue to  write many article to promote Supermax.  Can this be his noble intention to continue promote supermax so that his followers in his WhatsApps group can escape at a better price?
The truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t. So what is the truth now???
By the way one of the ultimate truths is everyone in here is trying to make money from the market with whatever way they see fit. And one undeniable fact is; an easy and quick way to make money is following the “Koon Bee’s” stocks at early stage and sell before Mr. Koon start to sell.
Looking forward to the next “Koon Bee’s” stock.
Thank you
2 people like this. Showing 50 of 56 comments


whether he is friends or foes is up to individual to judge him afterall everyone had it's own opinion ,so called one type of rice fed so many type of people.

2021-03-06 15:28


he would have thought the rapidly declining covid cases worldwide (by end of Feb) is a sign that the war on covid was over with vaccination

sadly end of Feb was the bottom of the covid cases count worldwide before it reversed upward

2021-03-06 15:29


he calling up CEO of Comfort shows he was under tremendous stress and usual emotions overtakes logics

2021-03-06 15:32


Just a sly fox only. Don't think too much. Sold already still asking people to buy.

2021-03-06 15:38


uncle if sold 3 weeks ago and informed his VIP whatsap group, information easily will leak in 1 week la!

2021-03-06 15:39

Airline Bobby

Don't mess with the buaya

2021-03-06 16:00


Last 2 paragraph worths a lot of money.

SSLee dont get too obessed with yr Insas...

2021-03-06 16:07


why any body should take kyy's words seriously? he is just a actor, never mean what he said

2021-03-06 16:45


KYY is an old man. Let him be. I know some people are taken for a ride
especially in AT. Just like Buddha says Be wise and do your homework.
Have a profitable trading week ahead.

2021-03-06 17:02


Blame yourself for your own doing.
He is not responsible for your foolishness.

2021-03-06 17:03


Speedy variants power virus surge sweeping Europe

March 6, 2021

“This is the demonstration that the virus has a sort of intelligence, even if it is a single-cell organism. We can put up all the barriers in the world and imagine that they work, but in the end, it adapts and penetrates them,’’ lamented Bollate Mayor Francesco Vassallo.

Bollate was the first city in Lombardy, the northern region that has been the epicenter in each of Italy’s three surges, to be sealed off from neighbors because of mutant versions that the World Health Organization says are now powering another uptick in infections across Europe. The variants also include versions first identified in South Africa and Brazil.

Europe recorded 1 million new COVID-19 cases last week, an increase of 9% from the previous week and a reversal that ended a six-week decline, WHO said Thursday.

2021-03-06 17:36


Dear CharlesT,
Your advice noted with thanks.
INSAS and INSAS-WC is now about 50% of my portfolio.

2021-03-06 18:56


boycott aka old fox

2021-03-06 19:03

Mat Cendana

@probability - Interesting comments and angle, especially the mental factor of KYY's age. Now that you had mentioned this, it got me thinking of my own experiences with those of the elderly age group. My father is among this. And don't forget the most famous of all - Tun Mahathir.

Not all are the same of course. But they do share a few characteristics. The most common is, they tend to be erratic. Not to mention forgetful, and very easy to take offence and sulk.

2021-03-06 19:13


Post removed.Why?

2021-03-06 19:31

Mat Cendana

With KYY's Supermax episode - I don't think he's telling the whole truth. "Sold all 3 weeks ago"... but still talking up the counter after that. This isn't consistent with what the average person would do. Even if he has become erratic due to the onset of old age.

I think he had indeed sold some before this, especially if he had bought on margin. With the counter in an obvious downtrend, that's a prudent thing to do. To ensure one isn't overly burdened by the margin buy, and to have the resources to average the cost later on.

But whatever the whole truth is, Koon's reputation among the investors/speculators/traders here has taken another beating. After the AT episode late last year.

Previously many had hero-worshipped him as _the_ top Bursa Guru. The stature and deference shown by these acolytes over the years would surely have pleased him a lot. As it would have been for any one of us too.

Unfortunately the previous positive sentiment had gone the other way. In fact nowadays comments about Koon tend to be nasty...and his supporters no longer come to his defence. And he has himself to blame, no thanks to the posts and actions where he doesn't come out as honest and forthright. Instead, as someone with secret agendas and using his previous stature and influence for his benefit, first and foremost. And not as the 'wise and kindly uncle' he had taken years to cultivate.

Let this be a lesson for everyone, especially those fairly new to the stockmarket. Read and consider what people write here, especially those we feel "know stuff". But in the final analysis, each and every one of us make our own decisions. Nothing is forced onto us - if we were influenced by someone, it's because we had allowed ourselves to be so.

Learn from our mistakes and successes, and never blame others when it is we who had clicked on the Buy and Sell buttons. Only by being honest and continuous learning will we improve. Including in becoming better and more consistent investors.

2021-03-06 19:42


After Sold all three weeks ago only publish said supermax downtrend. Cb kia Lai de aka old fox make all his follower suffer from big loss

2021-03-06 19:53


I think Grandpa Koon should close down his comment section! It will solve his problem once and for all! Last time nobody notice he has been baiting innocent bystanders! Since practicing democracy, only know we knew he sold his Spermax 3 months ago but continue to promote it for the last 3 weeks! I mean, hold up! Wait a minute! Something ain't right!

2021-03-06 19:57


Thou shalt not lie. Lying is a sin.

2021-03-06 21:03


If he sold 3 weeks ago sure he condamn kaw kaw immediately, not going to keep writing blog to promote Supermax.
I suspect actually he just cut loss this week but claiming that he sold 3 weeks ago, to save his face..wakaka....
Like what he did on AT, promote kaw kaw then sell at high and immediately write new post condamn AT kaw kaw....
This time he also promote Supermax kaw kaw but thing did not go as he plan the price keep going down, write more post, price more low until this week beh tahan kena cut loss liao then sold and write post to condamn kaw kaw , but claiming he sold early not to lose face, wakaka....
karma wor..............

2021-03-06 21:08


Now he cut loss already and if Supermax start rebound to max..... then we are very happy, let him gigit jari and serve him right,
Karma wor unker..... Karma....

2021-03-06 21:12


Well, if Geezer wants to use i3 to make his money and justify killing newbies along the way, fine, it's his argument to win. But at this old age to get cursed and the extra money won't make much difference in his life, I think it's foolish.

2021-03-06 23:25


Posted by DickyMe > Mar 6, 2021 5:03 PM | Report Abuse

Blame yourself for your own doing.
He is not responsible for your foolishness.

==== >> dickyme
Then why you comment here ? Why need to be so condescending? Think you more pandai ? So who’s responsible for your own foolishness then, wakaka ?

Go bark at the BeeDee Tree elsewhere, ignore this T R O L L

2021-03-06 23:29


Q1. Is he friend?

He is a friend, only because his actions are predictable.

Q2. What to do with Supermax?

Still a long term fantastic pick and short-term ding-dong stock.

Q3 (million dollar question). How much $$ KYY got left?

10 million maybe?

Q4. What stock to buy to win back his capital?


2021-03-06 23:57


Old man with many enemies; time to redeem

2021-03-07 13:28


The difference between Mr.KYY and Calvin Tan in i3 is, KYY still can post in i3 .....
I think KYY has better relationship with i3 key-persons. ​

My experience,
I was banned from posting in JAKS forum, bcos i'm not always putting up postings in-line with people expect, and JAKS is the top pick of many key-persons ..... and sometimes my postings make sense.

Maybe after this posting, i'm entirely banned, i would feel OK! bcos i'm only a very tiny figure.

i3 is for independent, intelligent, informed.

2021-03-07 14:22


Small investor is energy. He need the energy to play the game.

2021-03-07 15:52


Con You Yin, how many tons of money you lost in supermax. Jom, come out yam cha and tell us leh.. haha

2021-03-07 21:03


SSlee. Don't worry. Insas has high NTA. So, you won't be too worst off apart from ding dong between 0.70 - 1.00 haha.
You know what i would do as a shrewd businessman? By the time i believe i wanna cash out my profit in my company, i would just increase my shareholding to the Mandatory General Offer (MGO) level and then offer everyone RM1.20 per share. Now, that's being generous haha. Hopefully you are right with your judgement

2021-03-08 00:44


he is neither friend nor foe to me. but in my view he is a bit more of self centered, as per say, 'me first'.

2021-03-08 01:03


Dear Windy1974,
Insas is a company with tangible/liquid assets worth many times more than the current Mr Market price. When I find a company like this, I feel relatively safe buying it because I know there’s a lot of downside protection.

My investment thesis: Focus on the downside, and the upside will take care of itself.

2021-03-08 07:19


Moreover Insas is profitable, growing and dividend giving company.

2021-03-08 07:23


SSlee i agree with you Insas is safe.

2021-03-08 07:42


Even if Inari going down and down, Insas still safe?

2021-03-08 07:51


Thanks Windy1974,
Insas already reach my max cap of 50% portfolio. The other 50% is on recovery, grow and trading/speculative stocks as I need to take more risks to grow my portfolio faster.

2021-03-08 08:26


When one loses over KYY's writings, one has no one to blame but himself/herself for NOT doing your own homework and just follow blindly. If one gains from following KYY, then one has no one to praise but himself/herself for making the right decision to follow KYY. Bottom line, please Don't blame others.

2021-03-08 08:33


Koon is just an evil selfish shark who had good victories in the past but recently karma got him. Still damn rich but he lost his reputation now. Might die an unhappy man kakakaka

2021-03-08 08:39


Remember the only truth: When life knocks you down, always remember to stand up after every fall, it's all about being strong and coming out stronger! ...

2021-03-08 08:47

sink or swim ..

it's every man for himself

2021-03-08 09:13


Lesson learnt. You must not follow anybody blindly. Use your head. If anybody is to be blamed. you are, too.

2021-03-08 10:20


Mr. Koon Yew Yin is neither friend nor foe... He is just another pineapple eater in my book...

2021-03-08 11:35


He is just another credible reference center for me to make my own decision and take action.

2021-03-08 11:42


Post removed.Why?

2021-03-08 12:11


Mr. Koon still hard sell to you when he already sold three weeks ago.
As of Calvin no one know when he buy or when he sold because he give so many recommendations per year.

2021-03-08 13:18


We are all here mkt friends lah !

2021-03-08 14:21


kyy ... our best friend here to help us to make more moni in the mkt !

2021-03-08 14:23


Post removed.Why?

2021-03-08 14:34


sslee, be careful what you wish for.

Now Uncle Koon has new shares on his radar.

What say you?

2021-03-13 12:36


Sslee must have lost tons following KYY- which explains this bitter childish blog.

Be wise Bro, sell before he sells- If uncle KYY gives a TP of RM3, sell at Rm2.50 or below.

Never blame others when you lose money in the stock market.

2021-03-13 12:47


I am glad that Mr. Koon finally get over with his Supermax and start to look into others what he term as underrated stocks.

2021-03-13 13:02

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