My Trading Adventure

Stay positive

Publish date: Thu, 10 Jan 2013, 07:04 AM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
I woke up 4.30am today ... too many things in mind ... to be done. Coping is not easy ... but I will try ...

Recently, two 'emotional' events happened ... the first one is an ex-student of mine passed away(due to cancer) and she is only 23-24? Yeah ... I felt so sad ... and I was down. Remembering many of her course-mates ... and I was teaching this batch, about 4-5 years ago ... it is nice to re-call some of them ... and my ex-school in Sabah. As human, we dislike 'death' ... we naturally feel sad if there are such events ...

Personal issue ... I brought my girl to hospital for check-up, and ... spent hours there. Due to learning dis-ability, I have to send my girl to 'special' school ... and applying for 'OKU' card. No parents want to send their kids to 'special' school ... tho in our heart, they are always special. Well, it takes some time for us to accept set-backs in our lives. We could only hope ... and pray.

I am still very busy ... and need to pause a while from writing here. I am still learning how to use my Change is always challenging ... coping could be stressful ... but lives go on ... for a better, for sure.


Maintaining the positive attitudes.

have a nice day.

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morning... how to stay positive where this forum we have a maths teacher who act like great sifu teaching others how to trade la... how not to lose money la... all this are ONE BIG JOKE...
Say one thing but do the other... that shud b 2013 motto of Mr. Teh Turtle group.. hahahaha.....

2013-01-11 07:35


what's wrong with that?

2013-01-11 07:54


Alantan, are you asking me with that question ?

2013-01-12 18:55


Yeah i am curious too. What is wrong with the article written by cpteh? I don't wee anything wrong.

2013-01-12 19:17


yes i agree... nothing wrong with the said article. My comment was general aimed at Mr Teh & his trick to entice us with his motto. Sadly many of us fell into his trap.

2013-01-12 19:25


Stay positive we need someone to tell you that ??? Or maybe some one to tell you what to invest and why?
If you are drowning do you need someone to tell you swim lah?

Dumb statement and equally dumb question !

2013-01-12 19:25


teh, although I dislike your posts, I have to say that I'm sorry for your losts. good luck!

2013-01-12 19:33


My heart goes out to Teh for the challenge he is going thru...

2013-01-12 19:43


rambo... dont feel bad for him.. His stock watch RM30 followed by monthly stock analysis meeting RM50 then cohort meeting RM1000 i was told... enuf la for him to survive... on top of that his fixed salary as Maths teacher .... He is milking our hard earned money lor...
We retailers need to stick together.. please be aware...

2013-01-12 23:22

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