My Trading Adventure

Tough decisions

Publish date: Tue, 26 Jul 2016, 09:57 AM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Morning ... DOW minus 77 points.

At the moment, I m going through some tough decision-making times ... don't know if I m making the 'right' ones .... left to be seen in coming 3-5 yrs.

To start with, I sold my KK's apartment last Dec ... that was a difficult decision, an emotional one ... but a must to clear.

Now ... I m needing to prepare more cash and decided to sell my current apartment. That will take some time for me to settle ... hopefully by mid of next year, things are done.

It has been 4 years I m using my current office ... and I m letting it go too. So, I will be busy selling items and hope to re-coup some cash too ...

How about stocks? well .... I have sold many stocks, cut-loss in those HKSE's stocks I bought and have to move on ... I have to preserve the capitals ... tying the loose-ends and knots.

In order to focus in making these decisions ... I decided not to add in any new events or activities. Yeah .... FOCUS ...

I will have to let go of my office ... as it is under-utilised and I want to save some money on the rentals.

I will want to sell off my apartment ... to get some cash in hand and discipline enough to save (into ASB) while waiting for the crash.

Letting it go ... selling is one of my pointers in "accumulating bullets". Sell ... and sell more. Selling anything that I could SELL ... including BOOKS.

Chairs for sale : I have 20 of these chairs in my office, for sale. Half-price, very good condition.

Banquet-tables : I have about 15 of these tables (120cm x 60cm) for sale.

No matter how tough the decision could be ... I know I have to move on. I simply need to get back into act before market-crashing down. So ... I will have to keep moving ... into my plans.

Yeah ... selling my apartment will affect my 'tenant' ... rented to a good friend.

Yeah ... closing off the office will affect many of the lecturers who are renting my place here and also my ToastMaster meeting place ... I have to reluctantly informing everyone about it.

Last Friday night ... I gave a book-sharing session to few who attended (the regulars) and told them about the importance of doing what others not doing ---- FAILING.

We should THINK positively that we CAN ... and continue to do what we need to do ... despite of may criticism as those criticising us do not see our points or finding faults in our doings due to their own lacking.

So ... as I have written out my plans ... of waiting to capture the market-crash, I have to keep moving and doing what needed .... despite going against many uncomfortable situations at the moment. It needs to be executed as planned .... I do not know how long will it takes for the crash to be here ... but I m certainly nervous ... and hope I will have enough 'time' to be there ... prepared.

Crash in 2016 ... they were yelling.

Crash in 2017 ... someone said it is certain.

Crash in 2018 ... many predicting the 10-yr cycle of market crash ...

Crash in 2019 and beyond ... have you heard of these? If not, then most probably it will only crash around 2020.

Whatever it is ... I need to carry on my plans ... so, have to stay focus ... stay strong.

Here is an article about things successful people do ... in daily basis. I could not be discipline enough to do many of them!!

This Thu ... I will have a coffee-date with a reader and Friday night, I will attend a market-talk.

Well ... sitting here, I m still wondering if these few decisions I made recently will do me good. Somehow, I knew I have to move on ... carry on my tasks.

Will write about applying for a job!! Any vacancies .... contact me.

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1 person likes this. Showing 37 of 37 comments


All the best on your new life plans. Change is good. Move from the status-quo or otherwise you will not know what is awaiting for you at the other side. If not perfect, not right plans still can fine tune or change along the way. Is not my cup of tea to use 'the crash' as a slingshot. Hope you have plentiful of 'pebbles' prepared for your biggest slingshot shootout tournament to be held in 2016, 2017, 2018,.......?


2016-07-26 11:22


All the best in your endeavour!

2016-07-26 15:27


Cpteh....why you allow mind clouded with 'crash' all the times? You sounds like enjoying being torture. The people you meet also love talking crash it law of attraction applying in you? You better make sure the market crash before you get crush by the 'crash' that keep haunting you. Relax!

2016-07-26 20:04


sometimes aside from moving on you have to reconsider on the method where causing failure, and improve from there. Insanity is repeating the same things all over again and expecting for a different outcome. Cheers and i wish you good luck dude

2016-07-26 20:15


Oh dear me, no more A Level Mathematics tuitions and no more cohorts..., and seeking new job? about Econsave sweeper like our Duit?

2016-07-26 20:19


CP Teh rejoining the workforce ? wow caught me by surprise

what happen to the tuition centres ? few weeks ago he was going big way into it ?

anyway, wish you good luck in your future undertaking

2016-07-26 20:30


Relaxed.... Don't over react

Posted by Fresh Orange > Jul 26, 2016 08:28 PM | Report Abuse

I think Mr Teh should stop investing all together! By the way, he is half right, I am going 100% cash since foreign funds are selling! Najib factor and oil glut add so much uncertainty, better sideline! Except Airasia, I do not hold any stocks!

2016-07-26 20:33


Fresh orange aka fortunebull...holding aa and also 100% pandai you aa is equivalent to cash...laughdie me.

2016-07-26 20:35


Posted by Fresh Orange > Jul 26, 2016 08:28 PM | Report Abuse

I think Mr Teh should stop investing all together! By the way, he is half right, I am going 100% cash since foreign funds are selling! Najib factor and oil glut add so much uncertainty, better sideline! Except Airasia, I do not hold any stocks!

2016-07-26 20:37


But i bought aa 80 sen,so i beat you by a mile wakakaka orange juice.

2016-07-26 20:41


fresh orange/fortunebullz, is time for you to sell your share and hide in Singapore budget hotel again, red shirt rally is coming again, you don't scared meh? wakakaka

2016-07-26 20:41


No lah, better learn from fortunebullz the pro

2016-07-26 20:42


Time to eat medicine
It will change your mind once you try one of it

2016-07-26 20:42


But on a more serious note, I am very sad to see cp Teh wasted so many years in the market. He got zero out of it. Many people had become experienced investors. He Found the ladder and yet didn't know to climb it. So sad

2016-07-26 20:45


trading short term/day trade is quite tough lah, difficult to make money, i learn my lesson, i still prefer to wait for golden opportunity and sailang in 1-2 stock and hold for mid term, this year AA call warrants already enough for me for 2-3 years.

2016-07-26 20:47


8 years is a long time, if he has learned to punt properly, he could have been a millionaire by now

2016-07-26 20:48


those in out in out frequently and shouting everyday one very soon will become like CP Teh, unless you really a pro technically

2016-07-26 20:49


LOL tkp is the kind of happy story I like to read

2016-07-26 20:49


Fresh Orange is another kind, always so scared of those political issue, and cry father cry mother, there are still some good stock you can hold lah, my next target is Bornoil follow Icon, hihihi

2016-07-26 20:51


Icon bro, i am happy man because i pick the right sifu to follow - Icon

2016-07-26 20:52


Wah tkp I no sifu. Please don't say horrible thing like that. We share share info

2016-07-26 20:55


Fresh orange I am writing CIMB

2016-07-26 20:56


But not recommending buy or sell, just layout the facts and figures for everybody to understand

2016-07-26 20:57


ok ok, we only bro bro sharing info, make money together, sifu is for ppl like fresh orange who claims he is always right wan

2016-07-26 20:58


It's PBR is 0.9 times. No respectable bank trade at that kind of PBR. It will rebounce one day, but patience required

Bank Niaga is the big drag.

2016-07-26 20:59


my only focus is to make money (make big money), i don't really care about other ppl think of me, hihihi, you blow ah?

Posted by Fresh Orange > Jul 26, 2016 08:56 PM | Report Abuse

I think Tkp2, you just nothing to offer except plp Icon all the time! Sad fact!

2016-07-26 21:00


Ok lah, don't quarrel. Fresh orange not a bad guy, it is just sometime his head got wind. No need fight fight fight

2016-07-26 21:00


the only thing i can't tahan him is he always talk like he is always right, other ppl always wrong, he just need to be more humble lor

2016-07-26 21:02


Bye guys. I better cabut before get sucked into a fight

2016-07-26 21:04


Fresh orange after airasia we need to find another gem. Every year we need at least one !!!!

2016-07-26 21:06


Icon, your Bornoil is a dark horse on the gold play, i start accumulating

2016-07-26 21:09


ya, AA still have power, 3.5 is my TP

2016-07-26 21:10


3.5 for me too

2016-07-26 21:12


i find it very childish to flag other ppl post, can't imagine the bull do this to me, lol

2016-07-26 21:17


Mana orange juice,deleted all again kah?

2016-07-26 21:20


One thing is for sure..this bull is childish and immature. Period.

2016-07-26 21:22


Hi Sifu Icon8888, I am a newbie here. I would like to seek your opinion on MTRONIC (STOCK CODE: 0043) bcoz I intend to buy some for mid-term investment. The said counter's last two qtr results were improved significantly but its share price was under controlled, didn't move much. Anyhow, the company's director kept acquiring the shares since last year and I anticipate the coming 2nd qtr result will be very good as well. So, is it safe to buy this stock for mid-term investment? TQVM in advance.

2016-07-27 09:00

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