My Trading Adventure

Sunday blah-blah : Herd Mentality

Publish date: Sun, 16 Apr 2017, 10:54 AM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

KLCI overbought ... bad candles, retraced and broken 20MA. Now, we shall watch if KLCI would break 1727 level (hopefully it will ... sales coming?)

Visit me directly :

I attended a Value-Investing workshop yesterday ... great learning from ex-equity-tracker trainer (FA sifu). I like these real human ... humble and sincere in teaching. And it is worth every hour and ringgit of mine. Well ... I do know many few thousands $$ of workshops that many attending ...,but this 'sifu' said it rightly ... cheap is not good? The mentality of the mojority ... misplaced common-sense as they are bombarded by advertisements etc.

Anyway, still very glad I attended the workshop, in which I learned many good stuff yesterday. I m ever ready to learn ... and I do know I m a novice level in stock-markets.

Going to start a RM100k new portfolio (17th Apr) and post the results in 2-3 months time. Great ... win/lose .. at the end of the year, we shall calculate that. I m showing all my trades to members, they knew I m 90% in cash .. recently take-profits in some trades and cut-loss some trades too.

Those in my futures-trading group would see my profitting trades for past few months(I got burnt previously when I was learning ... not once, buy 3 times!!) .... today, futures-trading is very managed by me as I learnt finer pointers of trading ... and attended a futures-workshop trading by RHB.

Oh yes ... many requested to join my 'free' closed My Trading Adventure ...

.. I have approved most of them. As I m having 1886 members inside, I will be doing some cleaning soon. This page is for my readers (of my blog) and to share my e-meetin link (as I wont be sending it here now ...till my blog is NOT linked to i3-platform or tradesignum-platform) ... was thinking of a NEW blogspot ... but I treasure this blog VERY much (and abandoned for the reason ... of comfortable with this blog ... money can't buy kinda emotion).

As I still have a closed facebook-group (for members only) to handle, my main focus will be sharing and teachin there. I will start to activate the My Trading Adventure page ... once I m taken out from i3/tradesignum.

Visit me directly at : ... yes, this is my blogspot address now (used to be

From wiki : Herd mentality, or mob mentality, describes how people are influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviors. Examples of the herd mentality include stock market trends, superstition and home décor.

Moving away from crowds is one of the best decision I have made since 2005 ... when I got married. It was difficult as I have to leave my bowling kaki ... to focus in my financial-journey. They have been close to me, playing bowling every week (2-3 times a week) and borak-borak at CPS.

My bowling kaki was my first group I left ... said bye-bye and saying I m stopping bowling after 20yrs? WOW ... I made that decision in ONE WEEK ... and just walked away. I was newly wed ...I have responsibilities towards my wife and young baby boy.

I do still love bowling ... yeah ... my knee injured now and I could not play in competitions anymore ... but for leisure bowling, would you join me coming FRIDAY for a game or two?

Bowling invitation : Friday night (21st Apr) 9pm at Pyramid. contact me if you are interested to join in the fun (not a competition la).

I missed my bowling kaki ... once in a while, saw their posts in facebook and keeping in touch with them (many are Malays and Kadazans). I do visit CPS Bowling center each time I m back to KK.

I still keep my coaching manual. Oh yes, I m a certified level-3 (bronze) coach ... passed the MTBC (under MSN) coaching-training level. Haha ... talking about passion and teaching ... because I like bowling but could not afford to play anymore in 2005, I went for th coaching programme, instead. The idea was still ... in touch with bowling while coaching/teaching the new young bowlers. Unfortunately, the 'pay' is toooo low for me to take up the job and I went into 'greng keropok' instead. Year was 2005 ....

I like Maths ... passion. So, I teach Math (till now).

I like Bowling ... passion. So, I teach Bowling (just a while)

I like trading ... passion. So, I m teaching trading (since 2011 and retiring after crash).

cohort-24 : Next Sunday (as Monday is off), I will have a trading workshop for basic charting for newbies. No need to pay thousands to those so-called "professional" coat-wearing young trainers. e-mail me at

The next group that I left was my lecturer-colleagues ... I started to 'isolate' myself from them ... as they will not be talk about financial (they were busy playing Facebook game in 2007-2008 : Farmville) ... so, leaving my whole group of friends and NOT joining the crowd (not joining for lunch together, not joining for dinner functions etc etc) ... I slowly focus my mind into FINANCIAL. I m one of those few very discipline human, I guess ... as I could just say ... bye-bye friends, I m only interested with FINANCIAL. If you wish to talk about Inflation or Interest-rates, let's have lunch together ... not your farmville's terung or betik that you VIRTUALLY planted? Oh boy ... many un-friended me.

But it was my BEST decision ... to move away from crowds. Majority of 80% of lecturers are academically inclined and not financially aware. I was one of them ... hoping for salary increments, hoping to get bonus ... and trying to fit-in the systems which I dislike ... except of CLASSROOM teaching, I do not enjoy paperworks, meetings, etc.

Just changed my facebook cover-photo. There ... to remind me to continue to MOVE AWAY from crowds if I want to see success in anything I m doing. You can't be great dad if you are copying what other dads doing ... or if I copy my own father (who abandoned his kids ... given us away to his sisters, our aunts) ... habis la my kids.

My dad likes to gamble ... from pin-ball ... snooker .. football games, mahjong ... he will gamble and BELIEVE he will come out winner, one day. But after 30yrs or more, he failed badly and have to leave. I have forgiven my dad and never blame him for being an irresponsible dad, for given us away ... as in fact, my aunts brought us up so well (tho we were poor) and we all bro/sis doing very well now. God always has his way ... of teaching us.

See ... I just need to do the opposite of what my dad done to his kids ... and then, I observed how other dads treating their kids (example : busy working till 9pm and entertain friends more than their own family ... so, i do the OPPOSITE. haha) ... I stopped my full-time job so that I could wake up early every morning to fetch my kids to school. I will tuck them to bed every night since they were babies ... and whisper in their ear "daddy loves you". In other words, just tell me what 80% of daddy wont do or what 80% of daddy will do, I will try to do the opposite , for the well-being of my kids, of coz.

Moving away ... is certainly not easy. It is against the crowd .,... you will be judged, syncronised and criticism thrown towards us ... what we need is to move away quietly till they didnt have a chance to remember us? Dont worry, our critics will find new preys to bully. haha.

In the world where even beauth is being judged by our looks, our height, our clothing ... our inner behaviours and valued being shadowed. Many told me that they envied me as I have a 'pretty' faced wife ... beauty is in the eyes of beholders. I don't know how to explain ... but I won't explain.

If we are to answer to everyone ... don't you think so I will be using our time and energy in wrong angles? Channeling my energy to where matter most ... that is how I have lived my life for past 11 years ... from the struggling crazy years ... to current comfortable living, it is seeking for qualities in every human and things we are doing that matters to me ...

The 3rd batch/groups of people I m avoiding ... are those crowds in trading/investing. It is simple common-sense to me ... to be successful in markets, we just need to do what others NOT doing and try to avoid/filter what others doing. Afterall, stats showing 80% ae losing money out there. It is ridiculous for me to argue with crowds ... or even to teach crowds, right? It wont work ... of coz I knew that ...just hoping to reach out for minority newbies out there.

If I want to teach Math well ... I will have to check on how other Maths teachers teaching... and adopt the good pointers ... and teach it my way!!

Same as trading ... take good pointers, THINK THINK ... and do what work for us.

Just remember ... herd mentality is basically stating that as human (mammals) , we will tend to follow the majority ... but as I m a contrarian (forcing myself to be one), I always remind myself to move the opposite of the crowd. I only get excited when stocks diving, crashing lower ...

Here a clip for all to enjoy ....

Happy Easter Day.


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Be the first to like this. Showing 9 of 9 comments


Holy shit!!!!!@@!!! Why i still this joker here??????

2017-04-16 11:45


Lol. You just a math teacher and you still charge people for those basic charting? Horrible...

2017-04-16 11:51


TEH: Going to start a RM100k new portfolio (17th Apr) and post the results in 2-3 months time.......

Does that mean you are BUYING? Then why shout crash, crash, crash..... Correctio maybe but not crash.....

2017-04-16 12:14


I am a semi-newbie and your statements are confusing.....

2017-04-16 12:15


Expecting crash but 90% money invested??

2017-04-16 12:18


So catching him talking kong already.....90% cash but RM100K crash yet but want to set up RM100K time to buy or capital preservation????? Selling this and that for cash and wait for crash to sailang but Apr 17th starting a new buy? Which is which now...wait for crash or buy now?
Guess he profit from cohort-1 to -24 and free coffee/ dinner from time to preservation so!

2017-04-16 12:36


Mr.Teh's intention is always good with the aim of advising the investors of not being caught in any counters in stock markets and to avoid huge loses.
We need people like him to make i3 a better platform for new & veteran investors as we all know that sometimes we might be carried away when ones is too confident or have been too successful in the market! As saying say "Biar lambat asalkan selamat"

2017-04-16 14:12


Looking or reading at the tittle of the blog , i can tell who is the writter

2017-04-16 16:16


Hello, mr teh, perhaps you can have a look at mr ooi kok hwa from mrr consulting, he provide facts and figures on market.

2017-04-16 21:30

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