Aiyo...everyday searhing n showing charts of new low counters can help u make money meh....
2018-04-05 17:10
Whats next? Avoid all these new low counters as they will surely drop to 0.005 n then delisted?
None of these new low counters at mega sales seems yummy to u?
2018-04-05 17:13
Mkt not even crash yet?
Do u wanna wait till klci drops to 200p or 300p then only consider mkt crash?
Suggest u go to see TTB of icap n u two brothers can slow slow wait...
2018-04-05 17:17
KlCI is abt 3% lower fm its peak...
However many counters are at 50% or more discount fm their peaks..
2018-04-05 17:26
Why we want to know the lowest price before entering? Don't be too greedy hoping for buying at lowest price or selling at highest price. We can make a living simply buy and sell in between peak and bottom prices. Ah Teh seems more interested in satisfying his ego rather than making money for living comfortably
2018-04-05 17:52
writing more of these during TEDDY BEAR MARKETS WILL BE GETTING MORE BACKFIRED, U ARE REAL DUMMY...don't ever think u're SUPER DUPER HERO!
2018-04-05 20:35
Sipiteh is waiting to buy public bank at 1.90 and nestle at 12.80.
He has waited for 8 long years.
Finally it is here.
The time has come.
Sure huat la this time.....INIKALILAH.
2018-04-05 21:06
Lmao. Slowly wait cp teh. How many 10 years you have left?
2018-04-05 17:00