My Trading Adventure

Long time no blog

Publish date: Mon, 13 May 2019, 10:40 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Monday morning ... trying to get a grip of reality. We played well the whole season ... but we are still at #2. Yet another year of waiting ... and we shall see ManC again, fighting for the elusive title.

But ... we have another game to play ... vs Spurs in Champion League. I still remember well how we lost to Real Madrid, with Karius made two blunders.

While Liverpool (and my garden) given me the excitement needed ... markets are drifting lower and so volatile.

It is pain to see ... that we are the worst-peforming market. sigh. And we are still said to be 'expensive'.

Today we are seeing ... 1600 psycho floor. Will it be broken? We check Trump's tweet ... this joker is the most powerful man, ok?

I have no interest to read ...much on what is going on with the trade-war. It is a joke, honestly.

All we are interested to know ... is our KLSE ...and particularly, our stocks if we are still holding to any. As I m fully in cash positions ... watching from sideline ... could still feel the pain of seeing our markets tumbling further ... with limited upside. We are actually awaiting for US markets to crash ... then only we might see some panic selling ... otherwise, I don't see downside in our markets too.

Factoring in so many bad news ... plus PH-gov ONE YEAR celebration, congrats on Sandakan by-election victory ... where are we heading to?

While it is a bulan Ramadhan ... our Muslim friends ber-puasa and Raya is around the corner. It is raya sales at the moment ... BUY IN MAY ...during Raya sales and go away.

I lost my momentum again ...of blogging. It is not easy to blog as ... it is natural to me. Unlike many who planned they writings, a real blogger could not ... it comes spontaneously to us ... cant be explained to most ...

...never mind. I could only write again if KLCI breaks 1600 as I m excited , actually

Take care of the downside if you are holding to stocks. Low could always go lower.


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'..never mind. I could only write again if KLCI breaks 1600 as I m excited , actually'

Guess, this pretty much sums up your unwavering belief, (& fervenr hope) to see a 'real' market crash soon, hahaha..

Past few years tak jadi, inspite of your 'preparations for the crash' , can understand why u get more excited now, as propects increase,.. hahaha

U still dont get it, mr. market is v. flicker-minded, one moment he is shooting for the sky, the next, he is diving v deep.

Just like the ocean waves but it is NOT THE END OF THE WORLD, lah !

It is futile to think one can guess the future direction of the markets, accurately.

One is destined to be proven wrong.

The best one can do, is to observe and wait for the reversal, that will surely come..

really disappointing....haiz.

2019-05-13 12:24

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