Icon8888 Gossips About Stocks

(Icon) Why Are You Not Buying ? What Are You Afraid Of ?

Publish date: Tue, 08 May 2018, 12:15 PM
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I follow the smell of money.

Tomorrow is the big day. Malaysia will be heading to the polls.


What have you been doing lately ? Selling ? Hoarding cash ?


Why ? Because Barisan Nasional could be ousted ?


Let's pause and think about this whole thing. If Barisan Nasional wins, what will happen ? Market will go up (the stability card).


What will happen if Pakatan Harapan wins ? Will the market crash ? Yes, maybe in the first few days as a knee jerk reaction. But after the dust has settled, people will realise that Pakatan Harapan will bring better governance. This is positive for Malaysia. In that case, market should have a positive bias.


I am not siding with any particular party. I am just trying to point out that we should not unduly worry about who wins the coming election.


Have a nice day.

4 people like this. Showing 38 of 38 comments


Chinese are strategic voters..“A vote for PKR is not a vote for DAP, what are they talking about? For many of us, we feel that it is actually a betrayal,” The chinese will swing because of Mahathir factor...

2018-05-08 12:32


Pakatan Harapan will do good for the country in the long term due to less corruption, less leakages, more transparency etc. The market should celebrate if PH wins. No more under the table deals with those little napoleons. Foreign investment confidence will be lifted too.

2018-05-08 12:52


If PH win, klse will be the big laggard play for Asia region

2018-05-08 12:53


gohkimhock, naive thinking.

2018-05-08 13:02


Bcos you are too shortsighted @TrippleZ

2018-05-08 13:07


Apple is an 'amazing' company with best profit potential in tech, Bill Gates says

2018-05-08 13:22


No afraid at all, just want to get better offer.kekekekeke

2018-05-08 13:44


When no party can form a gov (not enough 112 seats), the whole market will drop.

2018-05-08 14:28


by Beza > May 8, 2018 02:28 PM | Report Abuse

When no party can form a gov (not enough 112 seats), the whole market will drop.


why you worry 3 worry 4....

Pas is BN.....isn't that clear enough? so what split you talking about?

Pakatan don't get enough seats, that is as good as dead for their dreams.

2018-05-08 14:38


what is a little short term uncertainties compare to long gain?

market always good as long as long term looks good.

2018-05-08 14:40


only Pakatan can guarantee a good long term. Say no to kleptocracy which is very devastating.

2018-05-08 14:43


Ok. No to Mahathir, the father of ALL corrupters and cronies.

2018-05-08 14:46


removing MO1 is top priority now. Save the country first.

2018-05-08 14:48


Mahathir the father of all F**k ups in Malaysia..We will never forget the operasi lalang..

2018-05-08 17:33


@ anonymous What's wrong in forgiving Mahathir if he wants to save the country from kleptocracy?

2018-05-08 17:53


Hidup Dr M
To Right the Wrong

2018-05-08 18:08


Buy bitcoin. Stock market are for old people who wait only, old people no energy everyday play politic number one, ask do job then play many politic, eat snake number one.
The market that is full of young energy is the market that I want to invest my money inside, definitely not some smelly dirty and scandalous market like this.

2018-05-08 18:09


With Dr M
We stand a chance to UBAH and
Withold our country from bancrupt.

2018-05-08 18:10


They said stock market is like women, when it aged it become worthless
Definitely it is what bursa is having right now, old women already m, cannot give birth, no value anymore, play politic can only.
Oh I don’t spend money on old women, why should you spend money on them?

2018-05-08 18:13


I spend money on young girls only.
Young girl still fresh, fertile, energetic, willing to work hard, body also hot, beautiful, I find no reason to say no.

2018-05-08 18:15


Old people can say their fundamental is good, got many cash got many house got many car got many shoe, make up very thick, use a lot of skin products, dress up very high class, hair also dying golden colour, also got a lot of jewellery, a lot of prada bags, they still stink, I would never date old people and spend money on them.

2018-05-08 18:20


Are you cacat?

2018-05-08 19:53


@anonymous how could you assume he will use our money to bail out his cronies in future? This will be Pakatan, not Umno.

2018-05-08 20:19


Penang and Selangor are the best example you can see. Refer nowhere.

2018-05-08 23:01


Without Dr M, we are not very different from Indonesia.

Let's make history tomorrow!

2018-05-08 23:23


after arab spring,egypt stock market index up more than 100%

2018-05-08 23:44


I bought, I think if BN win, there will be rally, if Harapan win also will be rally...infact longer rally. People, foreign and Investments community trust Tun M can deliver. Price is too attractive...technically will rebound.

2018-05-08 23:59


With new hope, people and investors will have confident and market will be more dynamic...people start spending again etc.

2018-05-09 00:03


Give a like to icon thinking.. Feel he is a clarity to my thought

2018-05-09 00:18


Either bn or ph win,mkt will rise.Perhaps even more so for ph win.Why did Tun propose thurs n fri as holidays?It is to facilitate financial mkts to digest the good news which ph will bring forward upon winning.Talk about the wisdom of ph leaders.

2018-05-09 00:44


NATION Why we must change the Government
ByKoon Yew YinPosted on May 8, 2018

All Malaysians must read these 10 commandments before they cast their votes tomorrow. The 10 reasons why we must change the Government are:

The BN Government has been ruling the country for 61 years, since the British gave us independence in 1957. The Government has become too complacent, inefficient, arrogant, autocratic, not democratic, and corrupt. That is why we are still not a developed Nation.

Our Prime Minister, Najib is notoriously corrupt and the whole world knows that. Yet, our police and our anti-corruption agency do not investigate and charge him in court. Tun Dr Mahathir has openly said that Najib has stolen RM 2.6 billion from the Rakyat. Why didn’t Najib sue Dr Mahathir?

If Pakatan Harapan wins in the coming GE14, the new government will investigate and charge him in court. If he is found guilty he will be put in jail. Rosmah must explain how she can afford to spend millions of Ringgit on hand bags and jewelleries. If the court finds her guilty, she will also go to jail.

If PH wins, we will have created a 2-party system of government, namely BN and PH. The 2 parties will have to compete for our votes in every 4 or 5 years in a general election. Then the citizens will become the king makers. We can demand for our rights as citizens. We will vote for the party which has the better policy to serve the people. We must remember, the elected politicians are our servants because we pay their salaries.

PH is a coalition of 4 parties, namely Parti Prebumi, Parti Keadilan, Pati Amanah and DAP. With the exception of DAP all the other 3 parties are Malay controlled. Don’t be afraid of a riot because there will be more Malays in control of the new government. If there is a riot, the Malays will have more to lose because they are much richer now than they were in 1969, the previous riot.

PH has pledged to reform the system of government. PH will repeal all the outdated and oppressive acts such as seditious act by which you can be arrested without trial for a long time.

PH will liberate the freedom of the press so that they can freely criticise the government or any politician for any wrong doing.
PH will change the education act. Currently, almost all the government sponsored university places are reserved for the Malays. They do not practice meritocracy.

PH will reform the National Security act. Currently, non-Malays are not accepted in the government civil service, police and arm forces. How can the non-Malays feel secured?

PH has pledged that the Prime Minister can only serve 2 terms. This is an important factor for improving the efficiency of the government.
After you have read this, you must circulate it to all your contacts so that they can circulate it to all their contacts. This change reaction will win more votes to change the government. We can create history.

2018-05-09 12:33


Hyper inflation

2018-05-09 14:25


So far I still able to find money in stock market. So I'm OK with BN. Until I find companies doing real shits, time to change no face given.

2018-05-09 15:56


let the result say, whether the word Pakatan Harapan can represent pakatan harapan, or just pakatan hasutan, or pakatan hancuran......والله أعلم بالصواب

2018-05-09 16:51


2 more minutes to 5pm, some queue haven't finish!

2018-05-09 16:58


But most importantly the leader must be strong in economics. Nowadays it is about globalization yo.

2018-05-09 17:01


U think Singapore meh

2018-05-09 17:06


Nation Of Malaysia
For its First time United
Together and Defeated the Fraud

As long we united , there is solution everywhere...
Fir this we shall get Stronger .

2018-05-13 14:22

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