Koon Yew Yin's Blog

How to be a successful investor? Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Sun, 21 Feb 2021, 03:26 PM
Koon Yew Yin
0 1,428
An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

The fastest way to make money is investing in the stock market if you how to do it. Moreover, all the profit is tax free. It is also the fastest way to lose money if you don’t know how to do it.

How to do it?

You must know the followings:

1 Technical analysis, charting. This is most important

2 Fundamental analysis

3 Business sense

4 How to control your emotion of fear, bravery and taking risk

5 Value investing


I use Supermax price chart for illustration.  

The above price chart shows that Supermax shot up from 80 sen when the Covid 19 pandemic began about 1 year ago to peak at Rm 11.89. It has gone up about 1,500%. For no logical reason it has been dropping in the last 5 months to close at Rm 5.80.

Its 1st quarter ending Sept EPS 30.58 sen and its 2nd quarter ending Dec EPS 41.14 sen. Total EPS for 1st half year is 71.72 sen. Assuming its 2nd half year is the same as its 1st half, its annual EPS will be Rm 1.43 per share. Based on PE 10, its share price should at least Rm 14.30.

1Technical analysis, charting. This is the most important share selection criterion. On every trading day the are many buyers and sellers. If there are more buyers than sellers, the share price will go up and when there are more sellers than buyers, the price will drop. The daily trading is like a voting machine. It records the result of the daily trade to form a chart. It will take a long time to fully explain about charting. In short, Investors should only buy up trending stocks and never buy down trending stocks. For example, the above price chart shows that Supermax shot up from 80 sen when the Covid 19 pandemic began about 1 year ago to peak at Rm 11.89. It has gone up about 1,500%. For no logical reason it has been dropping in the last 5 months to close at Rm 5.80.

Those chart believers would have bought earlier when the chart started to show an uptrend and sold when the chart started to show a down trend. They would have made a lot of money.

2 Fundamental analysis. Among all the stock selection criteria such as NTA, cash flow, debt, cash rich account etc. The most powerful catalyst to push up share price is profit growth prospect. When an investor buys a stock, he expects to gain from dividend and share price increase. Almost all the listed companies in Malaysia do not give out more that 6% dividend per year. So, investors depend solely on share price increase to make money. Investors should only buy if the company can report increased profit for 2 consecutive quarters.

Currently the Covid 19 pandemic is affecting all the listed companies except medical glove and medical products and a few tech stocks. As a result, all the glove makers can easily increase their selling prices to report more and more profit.

3 Business sense. Investors should have some business sense to know the current market condition; what are good profitable businesses and what are bad businesses. As I said earlier, the pandemic is affecting almost all the listed companies, investors should only invest in companies that can constantly report increased profit. For example, currently there are so many unsold properties everywhere and most of the property development companies cannot report increased profit. That is why their share prices are dropping.

4 How to control your emotion of fear, bravery and taking risk? Every investment carries some risk. To be really successful investors should be able to control their emotion of fear and be willing to take some calculated risk.

5 Value investing: Investors should know the intrinsic value of the stock before they buy it. But this is not the most important share selection criterion. Profit growth prospect is the most important. For example, Supermax has been dropping in the last 5 months. On hindsight investors should have sold as soon as the price started to drop. But if investors did not sell earlier, they should not sell now because it cannot continue to drop for whatever reason. Sooner or later, it will rebound. Investors should buy Supermax now. It is like buying a stock with an insurance to prevent loss.






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Rubber glove factory in South Thailand belong to Sri Trang in flames


Walao....18 months to build new capacity from Sri Trang...existing 1/3 capacity gone ah??

2021-02-21 20:02


BREAKING NEWS: A U.S. Vaccine Surge Is Coming With Millions of Doses Promised [Bloomberg] (STOCK INSIDE)


2021-02-21 21:31

Flying Fox

Haha, always learn something new from “never too old never give up” old man.

Now attracted someone to have more confidence on glove stocks, that’s good!

Pls do so, KYY, so more people can gather together to support you & enjoy the SAME DREAM.

2021-02-22 00:04

Flying Fox

probability, pls don’t give up, learn harder from your master, Mr KYY!

Thumbs up to you for finally following such “great successful MASTER”. Wish you success in glove stocks.

2021-02-22 00:16


on the other hand ,especially lessons on lossing, well , may be Jaya tiasa, jaks, dayang , etx etc.

2021-02-22 07:51


For uncle, not buying glove stock is dumb, buy glove stock is smart and successful investor.

2021-02-22 08:01


Vaccine sudah mari. Lu better cepat lari

2021-02-22 08:05


Post removed.Why?

2021-02-22 08:08


uncle want throw dy, asking u not to sell to prevent him from lossing too much?

2021-02-22 08:45


mistake: falling in love with a stock.

2021-02-22 09:05


Easy. Just follow KYY invest in JAKS and Supermax.

2021-02-22 09:16


Is it me or am I seeing Supermx in the TOP LOSER list, first thing Monday morning?

Getting a sense of deja vu...

2021-02-22 09:25


@arv18 the more someone promote it, the more red it...

2021-02-22 09:30

Flying Fox

Great! it gets cheaper now, it’s wonderful opportunity to buy with lower price!

My TWO CENTS ADVICE for all glove stocks lovers, time to go for it, follow KYY & probability will surely win big!!!

2021-02-22 09:45

Flying Fox


2021-02-22 09:46

Flying Fox

i am just an uncle eating peanuts & watching show only, no need to bother me, go & grab your prize of winning big in glovv stocks, especially in Supermx

2021-02-22 09:48


Since you said the whole bursa investor is sssssstuuuuupiddd you already a loser. Estimated you loss a lot in supermax even you keeps on hard sell in your article to buy call. It has proven supermax price keeps on dropping. Does this call yourself a successful investor? Your are not qualified to said ppl are sttuuppidddd

2021-02-22 10:00

Flying Fox


2021-02-22 10:01



2021-02-22 10:19


Desa Chan a learned-investor-turns-master

Sslee Haha qqq3 from student and now become master.
21/02/2021 5:27 PM

2021-02-22 10:48


Sooner or later, it will rebound. Investors should buy Supermax now. It is like buying a stock with an insurance to prevent loss.


2021-02-22 10:58


How to be a successful investor?

Answer: By NOT following Fool Yew "Margin Call" Yin.

2021-02-22 11:19

Flying Fox

Time now is 11:21am, supermax has been dropping & in red this morning, this person is definitely living in his OWN WORLD PLAYING HIS MONEY GAME TOY.

Tobby Kadoos Grandpa Koon! I see that Supermax really surge today!
22/02/2021 10:26 AM

Tobby Looks like another instant five foot fortune teller making wrong prediction! Today Supermax surge!
22/02/2021 10:28 AM

2021-02-22 11:21

Flying Fox


2021-02-22 11:22

Flying Fox

You can not talk reasonably with these people. 他们就像那个最佳拍档里面那个一样,每次只会说:三分钟后你就会听到 ”毕波毕波”

2021-02-22 11:25


I suggest you either cut loss(27%) portfolio or top up more and keep for long term >5 years or switch to other recovery stocks.

Writing blogs won't push up the stocks price.

You have to acknowledge that you came to the party late.

2021-02-22 11:35


With the arrival of the long awaited vaccine in Malaysia, glove stocks will take a beating. The longer you wait to sell the lower the price. There is going to be very little support at current prices as earning is not sustainable.

2021-02-22 12:44


Yes, Uncle Koon. I am a chartist. I bought Comfort (early 2020) and Esceram (April 2020) when that time everyone was talking about face-masks. My decisions were based on past records; SARS and H1N1. History always repeat itself.

I saw the price movement of glove counters didn't go in tandem with the volume. So much volume transacted everyday but the price didn't move much. I knew something was brewing. I sold half of my laggard porfolios and bet on Comfort. Lo and behold, from 0.86 to 6.20 (didn't get to sell at the highest. I don't think anyone could), I made my first... from stocks trading!

2021-02-22 12:59


Haha KYY can explain more on charting side. Haha!

2021-02-22 13:00


comfort? why not take the charts on JAKS, DAYANG, jayatiasa etc etc, after market-talk is easy,by ignoring the past disasters, as usually just talked about one of those winning story.

2021-02-22 13:54

CHONG Kong Hui

Now, Supermax at RM5.50 is still expensive.

2021-02-22 16:40


Post removed.Why?

2021-02-22 17:01

Flying Fox

Mmmmm....... good show today, very much look forward to see what will Mr KYY write tonight

By the way, fisherman brand peanuts not bad :@

2021-02-22 18:40


Hmm I feels I am very successful after looking this. He taught me not to earn money from stock market but in fact lose money in stock is better than winning.

2021-02-22 19:22


good luck kyy.

2021-02-22 22:18


Based on PE 10, its share price should at least Rm 14.30.

im not sure whether to laugh or what hahaha.

2021-02-22 22:22


Dear Mr Koon,

Your writing is sound. However, what you have left out is the "risk of return with you investing in the same stock". Do not take this the wrong way but no one wants to buy the same stock as you do because the risk is too great. The chance of the share price to fall is very high with you investing in it, despite the good info and news.

If you are confuse as to why. Let me be blunt, you have a terrible reputation for dumping stocks heavily which makes many suffer at the end of the day. Many lives has been ruined by your action which led many families being destroyed. Do not be surprise if there are some who took their own lives. Despite the "blood money" that is given away for charity or scholarship, it will never amount to the people who lost their jobs, families and life.

At the end of the day, you are no hero. Even with the wisdom and experience you gathered for the past many years, it has all gone down the drain (wasted) because majority investors will not recognize it anymore.

Do yourself (& us) a favor and go on a long holiday for 1 year. You are plentiful rich.

2021-02-23 00:44


This time the big boys won’t let you this old fox escape and make another time to say you are misled by someone after you clear all your position from glove sector and switch to other stocks. You’ve been hard sell supermax everywhere just like AT last time making a roti canai call where you against your invest gold rule and twist said investor must flexible. At the end when you clear all your AT share said you misled by Mr Ma.

Eyes on you this old fox won’t let you escape with other stock money like AT you clear your all position only told your followers you misled by someone Mr Ma and made a wrong buy call. And also you are condemning MahSing this good company when they want to venture into glove just to survive in this pandemic but you said who invest Mahsing is a sssstuuuupidddddd investors causing the share price fall.

Now who are “ssssttttuuuppppiiidd”?

And again the big boy won’t let you go this round

2021-02-23 01:00


Look at yourself.... Uncle, ask yourself... Are you a successful in stock market?

2021-02-23 02:06


At last no one cares what this Uncle is promoting to the public in Bursa.
Nobody is a fool forever lah in Bursa to be conned time after time after time after time...

Uncle... You yourself know how many times you fool the Bilis in Bursa.

2021-02-23 02:12


Why kyy reduce PE from 20 to 15 then to 10? Maybe next article he will put target PE 5? RM5 is coming and Margin Call is knocking his door

2021-02-23 04:29


maybe already margin call

PE = 1 mari

2021-02-23 04:33


2021 is the turning point for glove party. Even rebound one step but drop two steps will make losses even worse. Nobody fight the market.

2021-02-23 06:03

Flying Fox

Probability, where are you? Thought you have more confidence with KYY last few days? Lots of people humiliated uncle Koon lah, pls Come & show support.

probability actually now...uncle's never give up attitude is giving more and more confidence to gloves stocks....
the kite is slowly getting a grip
the longer there are no adverse news on gloves asp.... the pressure will build up for upward thrust
naysayers may slowly start to sense this...
21/02/2021 4:13 PM

2021-02-23 10:17

Flying Fox

Probability, Where are you hiding now? Staircase corner ah? Don’t play yourself there, show little support to uncle Koon, he needs you so much now

2021-02-23 10:18

Flying Fox

Great comment by probability, wise thinking & very good business sense

probability all those vaccine believers jumped out of the boat already...vaccine story no longer will induce sellers...company buy back in billions to support above RM 6 already...

If the vaccine will wipe out the 214 Billion demand - supply deficit, no manufacturer will invest on adding capacity to bear fruit after 18 months....

One need true business acumen to see this

we have EPF and big funds to buy
21/02/2021 8:46 PM

2021-02-23 11:42


To be a successful Investor, don't buy glove shares, don't follow "guru" like KYY who is desperate to unload all his glove shares.

2021-02-24 10:05


You are not worth to respect from us since you do a roti canai statement on AT and run with profit left your followers all suffered in AT. And also condemning MaHSing this good company because you red eyes ppl buy MahSing which they venture into glove sector and not for supermax.

You this selfie uncle big boy won’t let you go this time. Do you think you can just buy call clear your position with profit and after that said you misled by someone and made a wrong buy call?

2021-02-24 10:24

Flying Fox

How to be successful? Read carefully what he said & Do opposite of CON YOU YIN

2021-03-01 12:49

Flying Fox

Not sure if @probability still hold on his position in glove counters or not, hope he will hold on with his investment ideas as he has high confidence with KYY, I know he is a man with his word & wish him to make handsome profits from glove later

probability actually now...uncle's never give up attitude is giving more and more confidence to gloves stocks....
the kite is slowly getting a grip
the longer there are no adverse news on gloves asp.... the pressure will build up for upward thrust
naysayers may slowly start to sense this...
21/02/2021 4:13 PM

2021-03-01 13:31

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