Blog Posts
2018-09-02 19:12 | Report Abuse
Bear in mind, North Sabah may have to pay export duty of 10% for petroleum crude oil export from Malaysia plus Income tax levied on PSC is 38%.
2018-09-02 19:09 | Report Abuse
Net tax expenses incurred in the Current Year were due to taxes levied on profits generated from operations, partly off-set by reversal of deferred tax liabilities.
North Sabah segment taxation 25.5 million consists of:
1. Income tax - 49.2 million
The tax regime under which Malaysian oil and gas activities are governed, and is thus applicable to SEA Hibiscus, is the Petroleum (Income Tax) Act 1967 (“PITA”). The provisions of PITA are applied to net taxable petroleum income at the rate of 38%.
HIGH income tax could be partly due to EXPORT DUTY 10% Levied on export petroleum crude oil.
PBT about 40 million x 38% = 15.2 million. Don’t know why actual so high. It could be due to unallowable expenses for tax computation purpose. There’s an increase in Provision for Taxation about 49 million while comparing with Qtr 31 Mar 18.
2. Deferred Tax Assets - 23.68 million
Upon the Group’s completion of the acquisition of 50% participating interests under the 2011 North Sabah EOR PSC, deferred tax liabilities are recognised on intangible assets and inventories acquired. This was partly off-set by deferred tax assets recognised on provision for decommissioning costs. The net deferred tax liabilities will gradually reverse, generating a tax credit (i.e. a gain) in the profit or loss account.
Posted by brushsoo > Sep 1, 2018 07:26 PM | Report Abuse
Guess you tabulated the wrong number for tax of NS for the quarter. It is only RM25.5 mil. I encourage everyone to view the video, you can get a better picture of the QR concerned.
Net tax expenses incurred in the Current Year were due to taxes levied on profits generated from operations, partly off-set by reversal of deferred tax liabilities.
2018-09-02 18:11 | Report Abuse
Agreed. Bursa is unique and alike a human created by us with collective consciousness of the participants. The mood of Bursa change faster than a girl....very very sensitive. Wakaka
probability another thing is every personality is so do Bursa compared to other markets...
so one need not study thousands of humans..just to figure out the personality of a person he is about to meet.
just meet..interact..quarrel...make friends...then you know this individual better than all the thousands of books to predict his personality.
Bursa must have a distinct own personality like a girl you want court...
this no book can teach you.
02/09/2018 16:19
2018-09-02 17:52 | Report Abuse
The article is informative. It’s rather confusing when the writer used EBITD to calculate EPS. No matter how, we have to use projected PAT for computation of EPS.
2018-09-02 10:47 | Report Abuse
Let’s see the QR of Annjoo, MAsteel and Ssteel, all went into longkong. It’s the hope (low PER) and greedy holding investors back from liqudating their positions in LionInd. This is a very high risks bet for ignoring clue given by the market.
2018-09-01 21:46 | Report Abuse
See how HY perform in next QR before joining the bandwagon. It seems many would migrate to Petronm due to lower valuations.
2018-09-01 21:35 | Report Abuse
Another high dividend yield counter supported with growth in good profit growth.
2018-09-01 21:32 | Report Abuse
Many companies has announced a lackluster QR recently. Hardly find growth company traded reasonable PER level now. Choices is getting lesser. SAM growth story is almost certainly on the back of huge order from Boeing and Airbus.
2018-09-01 20:21 | Report Abuse
Got it.
Net tax expenses incurred in the Current Year were due to taxes levied on profits generated from operations, partly off-set by reversal of deferred tax liabilities.
North Sabah segment taxation 25.5 million consists of:
1. Income tax - 49.2 million
The tax regime under which Malaysian oil and gas activities are governed, and is thus applicable to SEA Hibiscus, is the Petroleum (Income Tax) Act 1967 (“PITA”). The provisions of PITA are applied to net taxable petroleum income at the rate of 38%.
PBT about 40 million x 38% = 15.2 million. Don’t know why actual so high. It could be due to unallowable expenses for tax computation purpose. There’s an increase in Provision for Taxation about 49 million while comparing with Qtr 31 Mar 18.
2. Deferred Tax Assets - 23.68 million
Upon the Group’s completion of the acquisition of 50% participating interests under the 2011 North Sabah EOR PSC, deferred tax liabilities are recognised on intangible assets and inventories acquired. This was partly off-set by deferred tax assets recognised on provision for decommissioning costs. The net deferred tax liabilities will gradually reverse, generating a tax credit (i.e. a gain) in the profit or loss account.
Posted by brushsoo > Sep 1, 2018 07:26 PM | Report Abuse
Guess you tabulated the wrong number for tax of NS for the quarter. It is only RM25.5 mil. I encourage everyone to view the video, you can get a better picture of the QR concerned.
2018-09-01 18:46 | Report Abuse
Negative Goodwill explanation:
2018-09-01 17:31 | Report Abuse
Negative goodwill is one off item for recognizing in Profit and Loss and it should be excluded in computing EPS to reflect the real business operation performance. It seems the adjusted profit far below investor expectation.
Posted by brushsoo > Sep 1, 2018 04:51 PM | Report Abuse
You can go to the company website and listen to a video clip on the latest quarter presentaion. It will help you understand the QR better.
Yes, the accounts look complicated to any non-accounting person. There are accounting rules for the below grouses on how to recognized the items. Overall the QR presented is true and fair by following the accounting rules. Pls bear in mind, the company has lots of foreign institution investors, it can’t “cook the book” too much.
2018-09-01 15:20 | Report Abuse
Hibiscus accounts has given a lot of confusion to investors. Negative goodwill arisen due to delay in acquiring assets until 30 Jun 18. Neutralize Deferred tax assets parked under NCA. Huge income tax. No revenue and income recognition from Anasuria Cluster but this segment was incurred huge Income Tax and DeferredTax. High administration expenses. @@
2018-09-01 15:07 | Report Abuse
Perstima is another cyclical stock that is offering potential high dividend yield on riding higher earnings in next few quarters.
2018-09-01 14:57 | Report Abuse
Annjoo has fixed a dividend policy payout of 60% its of net profit. Any increase or decrease in future profit would impact the current dividend yield of 9%. Investors may factor in potential reduction future profit for next 2 quarters in steel sector given uncertainty in mega projects and dropping demand from property sector as well as depreciation of RM against USD.
2018-09-01 11:40 | Report Abuse
Add me since I am a KoonBee supporter too. Haha
Posted by probability > Sep 1, 2018 11:30 AM | Report Abuse
aiyo dragon...this is the most important role and competitive edge of charles...if koon leave...charles cannot cari makan big big...i think he will say YES to stay..
gross misunderstanding by dragon
5. Charles T....the worst enemy of Dr. Uncle Kon…(must be say no lah)
2018-09-01 11:32 | Report Abuse
After years of real life lessons (kongfu) learned from Uncle, we are proudly to announce that we are ready to compete in international market. Lol
Posted by stockraider > Sep 1, 2018 11:25 AM | Report Abuse
2018-09-01 11:26 | Report Abuse
No ending for debating who is a con man....joke of the day.
2018-09-01 11:20 | Report Abuse
Uncle is smart in balancing karma through making a donation to the public for his winning. No matter how, bad karma is not likely to hit him. Wakaka
2018-09-01 11:13 | Report Abuse
Exactly. Without his sifu helping, he seems attracting to invest in companies lacking management quality or integrity. Lolz
“ CharlesT I m the first here to ask u to appoint some fund managers to manage yr money few years ago...
I m also the first here to ask you not to believe xinquan's cash rm2+ in their bank ac
I m also the first here to ask u to forget abt jaks ipp wawasan 2020 story, reminding u on yr mudajaya ipp india story..
Yr worst enemy is yrself...not sslee
01/09/2018 09:48
2018-08-31 23:22 | Report Abuse
“ Value investing is about thinking before doing, considering possible outcomes, not extrapolating, being aware of your own biases, know what you're doing, and know what you don't know. It is about decision making. Not the feeling you like to associate yourself with in the market. “
I like the conclusion of the writer in defining a proper approach to value investing.
2018-08-30 21:39 | Report Abuse
Most of them are old birds in the market. They can simply make back whatever losses happened in the 1st half.
Posted by CharlesT > Aug 30, 2018 09:13 PM | Report Abuse
I believe most sifu made profit in real life..u really think icon8888 lose
2018-08-30 21:19 | Report Abuse
Don’t make our own life difficult from judging Uncle either angle or evil in stock market. We don’t have to create headache in our investment life. Spend time wisely to do research or homework is more realistic. Lolz
2018-08-30 21:11 | Report Abuse
Most of the picks kanasai. Hope we make money in real life this year.
2018-08-30 21:08 | Report Abuse
This is a masterpiece from Ikan bilis point of views. But it doesn’t work Uncle even though you have listed out hundred or thousand of reasons. Investment is a business to him. In this world, some people do business in noble way whereas other may not. He won’t do a charitable business in stock market. You are very likely become his top enemy now.
2018-08-30 18:06 | Report Abuse
Share price went up 50% in a week....very lucrative profit. why being so greedy before the QR announcement.
2018-08-30 18:01 | Report Abuse
Ok. Nothing special. The results is consensus with other rebar counter. It is just kyy over goreng the share prices.
2018-08-30 16:46 | Report Abuse
the company seems using ‘ Negative Goodwill ‘ in its accounting treatment to corner Ikan bilis after the share prices went up in past 3 months. Sigh....
2018-08-29 20:10 | Report Abuse
Net profit surged due to huge Negative goodwill again? @@
2018-08-28 17:09 | Report Abuse
That's the thrill in the stock market. I am out of the bet but still feel of excitement of its QR results. wakaka
Posted by Icon8888 > Aug 28, 2018 05:03 PM | Report Abuse
Like waiting for STPM result
2018-08-28 17:01 | Report Abuse
QR announcement approaching. The excitement is much higher than Genting.
2018-08-28 11:43 | Report Abuse
Betting is unavoidable in a business. Is it AnJoo placing a big bet on its inventory? Ssteel only placed a small bet 1: 1 against its Qtr turnover. LionInd is even lower. Lol
2018-08-28 10:25 | Report Abuse
CharlesT. It could be raw materials imported with the intention to re-export after converting into rebars. Export margin is normally rather thin but it offers bigger economy of scale in production. We will know more in next Qtr.
Posted by CharlesT > Aug 28, 2018 09:45 AM | Report Abuse
Foreign currency trade loan increased from RM54M last year to RM221M now
What's the reason for the sharp increase? Is it something to do with their export? If so there will be some natural hedge
2018-08-28 09:20 | Report Abuse
AnJoo’s USD denomination loan has increased to RM 221 million. Big impact to bottom line if RM drop further.
2018-08-26 13:02 | Report Abuse
KB made so much money. I just earned a condo from HY and steels.
Posted by Koon Bee > Aug 26, 2018 12:33 PM | Report Abuse
These are some of the free tips earn me a few bungalow
Icon - Comcorp + sea cucumber/ AA / Supermx / HYC
Paper - Kesm / HYC / Dataprep
OTB - HYC / Lion / Mycon / Masteel
David - HYC
Leoting - Annjoo / Ssteel / Lion and his detail analysis in oil and gas influence me to bet big in Hibiscus
Harry - Frontkn
Kyy - HYC
2018-08-26 12:49 | Report Abuse
Ask the writer to shoot more......what good deed he is accumulating for he himself. Do you think he would get immune from what he has written from making a good decision in investing or trading? Lolz
2018-08-26 12:37 | Report Abuse
We see the opportunity for understanding more about the company or industry from the insight of articles. The article may be presented with unwarranted personal opinion or projections. If look from a wider perspective, normally it’s well supported with facts and conditions of the business at that time. I don’t think many would stay in i3 if those articles has vanished. We should appreciate sifus efforts and contributions.
2018-08-26 12:17 | Report Abuse
Some people look short sighted or ignorant. They don’t know when and how to make use of the articles written by sifus. That’s most valuable resources in i3. The articles may or may not relevant at the time of writing but it certainly useful in future when the conditions is rightfully presented as most companies are cyclical in nature.
2018-08-25 23:23 | Report Abuse
Probability. Hope to achieve that level in investing. Listen to your intuition....無招勝有招. Lolz
2018-08-25 23:00 | Report Abuse
Listen to your intuition
2018-08-25 22:31 | Report Abuse
That’s an ideal situation but we hardly can achieve that level of wisdom. Lol
2018-08-25 22:25 | Report Abuse
Sadly, we can’t simply change our personalities as we wish in a short time. That’s how ‘I ‘ formed. Why being so greedy? We can make a good fortune when our personalities fit into environment if we mindful where we are and applying sailang style. The rest of unfit period....enjoying life lor.
2018-08-25 22:10 | Report Abuse
3iii is the one WB loyal disciple here who is able to make money consistently in KLSE.
2018-08-25 13:31 | Report Abuse
Raider. Good motivation talk. Lol. In reality, how many many people got the real passion or intentions in investing or trading shares? People surrounding us are mostly interested in making money but very reluctant to put much effort in learning or willing to face tough experiences during their way. There are many obstacles needed to overcome and involve value fine tuning in the real life.... It’s simply not their cup of tea.
Unit Trusts investing serves an indirect investment channel to the majority of the community. We don’t have doubts on its intentions but the main issue is their management capabilities and integrity.
Posted by stockraider > Aug 25, 2018 12:22 PM | Report Abuse
Posted by 3iii > Aug 25, 2018 09:12 AM | Report Abuse
2018-08-24 21:52 | Report Abuse
People can get excited easily when the company has reported a better QR during bull run. Nowadays, people look into every detail to make sure.....anymore realistic dreams in next few Qtr.
2018-08-22 21:12 | Report Abuse
I have seen few male tabao back to their home country after enjoying such a good night life, golfing and playing gamble machines in hotel. Lolz
Posted by Speedy Boy > Aug 22, 2018 11:41 AM | Report Abuse
What a dumb rheotic! Why come back to Malaysia! Those who work in Senzhen can retire in few years while those stay back in Bolehland work their whole lives for peanut! My son's friend who listen to my recommendation to work in Senzhen already earning 6 figure salary in dollar in less than a year since moving there! There's no malay special rights, no 3rd class feeling and most important of all, no PAS holymen disturbing your drinking life! I flip when i saw how they sell beer in plastic bag in Senzhen! Dude, you can get bloody drunk with that 2kg plastic bag beer!
Coming back to Malaysia now is the worst career decision ever! Ringgit already projectedt to weaken to 5.00 by next year! There's no prospect in exports as Malaysia still a commodity based nation! Working prospect is zero and career advancement a complete joke!
2018-08-22 20:42 | Report Abuse
It’s not possible to attract many overseas Malaysian to return home even in the next few years. What’s attractive in Malaysia now besides low costs of living at the expense of stagnation of salaries? Many working overseas are mainly due to lack of career prospects and depreciation of RM pressuring them to look for greener pastures. Don’t expect them to return immediately even though government is changed to PH. Back to reality again, Is it the future prospect better than our neighbor like Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, China? Think we have to wait until Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam economy to catch up with Malaysia before consider returning home. By that time, it would be a good timing for them get back to enjoy retiring life. Lolz
2018-08-22 13:47 | Report Abuse
Criterias are criterias...laser focus leads to success.
2018-08-22 13:37 | Report Abuse
Probability. Geng. You still got so much time to crack your head even though you are working with others. Why not not full time in share market? You got big potential in this career. Wakaka
Blog: Hibiscus - oil producer II
2018-09-02 19:17 | Report Abuse
North Sabah segment
For every 10% increase in crude oil price, the company may have to pay 4.42% of Export duty plus Income Tax. In the end the company can only enjoy 5.58% extra profit from every 10% increase in selling prices.