Ahmad Cendana

cendana287 | Joined since 2012-03-14

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2013-01-10 15:50 | Report Abuse

I still have the mother because this is such a good company which I feel is undervalued (and under-appreciated). But sooner or later, more investors (institutions especially) will realise this. It regularly pays out dividends - this fact alone justifies having it in your portfolio.

Call warrants: as mentioned by kcchongnz, it offer a (much) cheaper way to have positions in counter which you think have the potential to go up. With everyone, no matter how much he has (including Warren Buffett), capital is always limited. So, often one can only buy some of the counters while foregoing those which he also likes. But CWs offer an alternative where one can also have positions in more counters while not blowing his allocated budget.

Just be aware of the risks where losses will tend to be magnified. The mother might lose only 5% but the CW might shed 30%. And you can wait YEARS for the mother to perform. With CWs, the clock is always ticking. Risk management is important here. So is doing research to balance the facts and potentials... basic things like the ex. price, expiry, premium. Then you must be decisive - when things don't go your way, you'll have to make a decision fast: cut loss now or wait. But whatever, you must have a strategy. Stick to it but at the same time remaining flexible - when previous assumptions change, then you must act accordingly.


2013-01-10 15:24 | Report Abuse

@kcchongnz, definitely. It's the same as yours - CJ. But mine is more expensive at 0.015. I'm using the same logic and strategy as you are. This one is definitely exciting and can go both ways - short expiry date but balance with it being tantalisingly close to the ex. price of 2.80 (Ratio 5:1). This is definitely achievable... if interest in Mudajaya is sustained. The potential profit/loss percentage-wise will be very significant - at least 50% either way. I'm in because money-wise I won't be losing that much even if it doesn't go up.


2013-01-10 11:35 | Report Abuse

This is `only' a MoU, true. But it's good news nonetheless. That matter about the coal supply for the power plant in India is much more important and will be the catalyst for a solid uptrend . Mudajaya had said that this matter should be fully resolved around the middle of Dec. 2012-early 2013. when this is officially announced, this counter will go to where it should be based on fundamentals - above 3.00.


2013-01-09 18:57 | Report Abuse

One really needs a lot of guts to keep holding on to a counter after a significant rise. There's always the worry that it might slip back... and with this, your on-paper profits. But that's how those people make big money - they wait for big gains. This is a trait that I don't have. Maybe it's because my "trader's trait" supersedes it; always cashing out when there's "enough" profit.


2013-01-09 18:49 | Report Abuse

"Mudajaya, Koon Yew Yin in MoU with Myanmar govt. for coal-fired independent power plant, solar power plant in Mandalay" (The Star Alerts) --- Hope there's a good response from the market to this. This counter is in need of an impetus to really get going on. There have been encouraging signs of late although these are rather timid and tend to be checked. But it's time will come again, and I believe very soon.


2013-01-09 09:58 | Report Abuse

Wow! Happy day for DRB-Hicom investors and its warrants' traders. Unfortunately I'm not one of them. Have to question myself why I didn't buy and wait for things to happen, knowing that it's on a positive note since the agreement with Honda. Sigh... another lesson learned.


2013-01-08 20:33 | Report Abuse

Laa, I'm not even aware ada C1 & C2 HAHA! They aren't actively traded like CZ. But that doesn't mean they aren't good. However, I can't give any opinion because I don't know much about them:
C1 Ex. 6.30; 26/8/13
C2 Ex. 6.30; 18/11/13 Unfortunately I don't have their ratios.

This much I can say, however, and it's just a general opinion: since the mother has exceeded their respective ex prices, both are a good option for those who think Bursa is on an upswing, want to try and profit but don't want to put up too much capital.

C2's remaining lifespan is very very attractive. C1 isn't too bad either - in my opinion, with anything that's more than six months left, that's enough time to wait. But this is only valid if an upswing does happen, of course. If not, it will slowly lose value. But, as mentioned earlier, the volume is a problem. However, if Bursa continues going up, they will start seeing some action, definitely.

By the way, now I'm thinking about that CZ again and hating myself for being too cautious. "Should have" (the most oft-quoted phrase in the stock market) waited - after all it's not far from the ex. price of 6.50 and there's more than enough time left. Too late now. Another lesson learned. Hopefully will do better in the future when it comes to selling.


2013-01-08 17:11 | Report Abuse

Darn, I `lari' much too early at 0.05. Well, that's how it goes with the stock market - you simply don't know what's going to happen. Anyway have to stick to the principle of "Any kind of profit is better than a loss".


2013-01-04 15:17 | Report Abuse

@TonyLim - Thanks for the heads up a couple of weeks ago when it was 0.04. A 1 sen gain for this one is already good enough for me:-)


2013-01-04 10:11 | Report Abuse

azta12, at your entry level, there wasn't much to lose although a half sen fall would look bad on paper percentage-wise. But money-wise, it won't hurt you too much. It was worth a risk because SB had already come up with a restructuring plan. This part is important - we shouldn't buy a counter just because it is `cheap'. There must also be the potential of "something" to push up the price later in the future. Then it's a question of "when". Must have a reasonable timeframe. I was prepared to wait one year, and the returns must exceed the top end trust funds, i.e. must be more than 15% per year of waiting.


2013-01-04 10:04 | Report Abuse

Fat Cat, I have no idea about this sudden interest. But I'm not waiting to find out. "Make hay while the sun shines" - had already sold most earlier when it appeared to be sliding back. Doesn't matter if it goes back up; it's not my rezeki anymore.


2013-01-04 09:47 | Report Abuse

This helps to reinforce my belief that "every dog has its day". Even seeming `losers'. If you wait "long enough", some of them will eventually pay off (at the same time, some might go bust - one will have to balance his high-risk portfolio). This is still "normal returns" though, not really the bonanza which some of these losers have the potential to bring when something happens. Some of them made returns of more than 200%!

Anyway, I don't have too many shares in SilverBird - just "enough". The big winners are my father, who has been playing the market since the early 1970's - and a close relative. They had been stocking up on its shares for some time... 0.08, 0.07, 0.06. These grizzlers know what they're doing and they have the means, experience and patience to wait it out. I'm getting just the crumbs compared to them but that's okay. My principle is: Any kind of profit is better than a loss.


2013-01-04 09:30 | Report Abuse

Remember the high-risk gamble I took four months ago when it was at 0.08? It paid off!:-)


2013-01-03 15:45 | Report Abuse

I hope it goes red for a while - I still haven't got the CY:-P AA is a good counter to trade in and I'm going to be mad with myself should it rally further with my not being on board.


2013-01-03 15:43 | Report Abuse

For an institutional buyer, all those lots from 2.69 to 2.73 can be easily swept clear if it really wants to. That should bring back the retail players. Really, really hope this time the uptrend is for real. Most of the other quality counters have already gone up - I feel Mudajaya is still grossly undervalued.


2013-01-03 15:25 | Report Abuse

Mudajaya seems to have come back to life after last week's uptrend petered out. Can only hope this will be sustained in the coming trading sessions. It has been quiet for so long - longing for Mudajaya to break past 2.80 again.


2013-01-03 13:39 | Report Abuse

It's on an uptrend and maybe this is a good time for me to punt its warrants again. The CW seems to be very heavy; not able to move to 0.015. This is probably because of so many sellers lining up at that price - it scares off the buyers. I think CY is a better play despite it costing more. It has a lower ex. price of 2.85 and the 31/10/13 expiry is also an attraction. Trying to get at 0.065 - not likely today but I'll wait in the Q for the next few days.


2013-01-03 09:32 | Report Abuse

No, I do worry... because I'm a very caring person <Ahem> Especially in those comments when you appear to be on the verge of a breakdown. Would hate to see someone from i3investor.com being sent to Tanjung Rambutan HAHA!


2013-01-03 09:22 | Report Abuse

"Told the broker..." You mean you aren't using online trading? Why pay the more expensive brokerage fees?


2013-01-02 19:35 | Report Abuse

If we play it right, the GE mood might present opportunities to buy at a reasonably low price and making significant profits later... if there's a rebound. It is generally said that there will be a downtrend when rumours of parliament being dissolved surfaces again, with investors being concerned about the outcome. The usual suspects might undergo a correction - MRCB, Gamuda, UEM Land and the likes. We will need nerves of steel to buy when almost everyone else is selling. But we have seen this before, right?...of coming in when others are selling, wait a bit and then sell when the crowd rushes to buy. I hope similar opportunities will appear soon.

By the way, I'm also eyeing the silver CWs - these won't be affected by our GE.
(Still thinking of BAT-CA which you mentioned, and regretting over and over in not buying SIGH...)


2013-01-02 17:33 | Report Abuse

0.05. Usually that's good enough for me but for this one I'm going to wait for its 4th. quarter report first. I often watch CNBC and Bloomberg on Astro and I'd get the itch to trade the US markets whenever I see how responsive their counters are to news, good and bad. Buying these locally-issued CWs is the cheapest entry point. Anyway, I'm also trying to make up for selling TM-CU too fast - had run away at 0.06 for a 2 sen gain. Pretty good actually but I should have waited a bit. With Apple-C6, worse comes to worse, I think I'll be able to break even should the market go against me since I now have a comfortable buffer.


2013-01-02 16:15 | Report Abuse

Yes, it is. But I think it's possible to squeeze a bit more. It had managed to stay above $500 during the past two weeks so that support looks very solid. It doesn't take much for Apple to rally again - was at $700 just a couple of months ago. This is one of the US fund managers' favourite counters with the average TP at above $700. I'll hang on for a bit yet and see how it goes.


2013-01-02 16:09 | Report Abuse

Betting on this counter to perform after the US Congress manages to steer the country from the much talked about fiscal cliff. If Apple announces a good fourth quarter, the ex. price of $620 looks achievable.


2013-01-02 16:06 | Report Abuse

Hello, Dave. "Long time no see, I thought you mati" Haha! Seems to be in a good mood today...


2013-01-02 12:35 | Report Abuse

Don't dare to buy the CA anymore at the moment. Had bought it twice before and made profits from both. But those were when it was under 0.10 -- had bought at 0.065 and 0.08. I sold off too early, unfortunately. But no use regretting - a profit, no matter how `small', is always better than a loss. But should the CA come down some more, I just might go in again. With CWs that have exceeded the ex. price, they are a (much) cheaper alternative as a way to bet on the mother.


2013-01-02 11:23 | Report Abuse

@pathew, Yeah, that's always the dilemma, even when you are also using technical analysis etc. We simply don't know until later. It may or may not be a falling knife but it's no worse than buying when a counter has gone up, seemingly on a breakout, only to see it going down immediately after we buy. We'll be left high and dry and will face another dilemma - cut loss now or wait for a rebound. Your guess on SKPetro is as good as mine.


2012-12-28 12:09 | Report Abuse

Trying to get the -CN at 0.025 again. Things might be muddled with MAS at the moment, with people not sure where it's going. But I'm thinking longer term and betting that there will be renewed interest. Might be next week or next month or a few months in the future. I'll wait. This CW has enough life left for something to happen later.


2012-12-28 11:03 | Report Abuse

Just a few weeks ago, everyone had shunned this laggard. Even 0.015 looked `too much'. It's tough to go against the grain and accepted common wisdom when the risk of losing money is very real. But often one has to gather the courage, wait and hope for the best regardless of what everyone else says. Now it's at 0.03 - a 100% increase. Not bad for a one-month trade.


2012-12-26 15:30 | Report Abuse

This one, you don't have to check the price - it's always the same:-) Has anyone ever made money with Hubline in the past few months? As mentioned by @jachmr, its volume is high but the price doesn't go anywhere. Only the brokerage firms and the government are making money here.


2012-12-26 12:20 | Report Abuse

C6 - Ex. US$ 620, 17/4/13, Ratio 2,000:1
C7 - Ex. US$ 750, 12/9/13, Ratio 3,200:1
C8 - Ex. US$ 550, 26/11/13, Ratio 2,500:1

Apple closed at $520.17 on Monday.
Any of you guys playing these foreign CWs? One thing I've observed through Bloomberg and CNBC is that these counters are very responsive to news and announcements. If a good quarter is announced, the counters would immediately rally. And vice versa.

After reaching $700 a couple of months ago, Apple has been beaten down of late. But its support of $515 is holding firm. This quarter's results will act as the impetus of whether it will rally again or whether the support will get lower. Usually, these US companies are quick to announce their results; sometimes just a week or two after the quarter closes.

I'm wondering which Apple CW to punt: C7 - $750 looks so far away. But the ex. date is reasonable and its price of 0.03 looks okay. No volume though.

C6 - If this quarter is good, then Apple will likely rally again. Now at 0.055 and is the most active of the Apple CWs. Should be able to get to 0.085 if there's good news early next month.


2012-12-25 19:16 | Report Abuse

TH Heavy is like this: when everyone expects it to go up, it moves the other way. And vice versa. So, I wouldn't be surprised if it were to make a belated upswing in the coming days...


2012-12-25 19:14 | Report Abuse

Now that someone has mentioned YTLP, I'm also looking at its CH warrant. Ex. 30/8/13, 1.70 - at 0.03, maybe it's worth a punt?


2012-12-24 19:45 | Report Abuse

Many have already given up on this deadbeat. But MK Land - one just can't ignore its NTA. It has a large land bank at a rather prime area. Even if the company were to just sit and goyang kaki, the value will appreciate.


2012-12-24 16:10 | Report Abuse

SLV-C3, Ex. US$28.00, 13/6/2013, Ratio 100:1
SLV-C4, Ex. US$33.00, 26/11/13, Ratio 150:1 -- Both issued by OSK.

Silver is now at around $30.00. Went down to $28 or so last August. Then silver and gold both saw an upswing with the former reaching $33 if I'm not mistaken before the recent correction.

I believe both silver and gold will do well next year due to the debt problems in the US and Europe where the governments there will continue to print more money. This can't go on forever and more people (plus governments) will look to precious metals as a hedge against inflation. Silver has another added advantage - it's also used in some industries.

Buying physical silver or gold is `leceh' due to security problems. Then there's that matter of having one's capital stuck. I'm trying to benefit from my belief about precious metals and these call warrants look the cheapest way to do so. C3 has more volume but its premium is rather high - correct me if I'm wrong but my calculations of it came to more than 40%(?) C4's premium is 24%, which is more reasonable. The $33 ex price is definitely achievable.


2012-12-21 18:22 | Report Abuse

This sector is very predictable. One just needs to check on CPO prices and spot an uptrend early. FGV and others in the plantation sector are being shunned at the moment but their time will come again. This sector produces an essential commodity which has world demand. It's just in a normal downcycle after a glorious boom.


2012-12-21 18:17 | Report Abuse

Ini anak-beranak punya company - bapa, mak, anak, menantu and God knows how many cousins and nephews in cushy positions drawing very comfortable director's fees and salaries. Eden has the assets and reasonably okay revenue. But a lot of it goes to running expenditure, not leaving much for shareholders. The only way it will go up if when there's news/rumours (doesn't really matter which) of some other party wanting to come in or something similar.


2012-12-20 15:04 | Report Abuse

Suddenly going up! Caught most people unaware.


2012-12-20 15:01 | Report Abuse

Banks have gotten to be in a very cushy position with many governments throughout the world due to their size. Now the government has to cover the risks for banks while the latter take all the profits for themselves. The sub-prime crisis in the US had shown this. In previous years, it was a genuine capitalist system where the fit survive while those who made mistakes go under. No more. Having been allowed to grow into giants, they hold the country as hostage in their "too big to fail" status.

The US had criticised Malaysia for coming to the rescue of some companies instead auctioning them off at fire-sale prices (which they would have bought). But when it was their turn, their bailouts were much much bigger. It's always easy to find fault and lecture others. Turns out they are worse.


2012-12-20 11:59 | Report Abuse

I'm waiting for the next buying opportunity. Not just with Digi but also some of the other quality counters. The past few months have shown that it pays to be a trader and a contrarian. Prices don't stay at the high or low end for long with these counters - they'd then move the other way.

It wasn't too long ago that most people were so gloomy, screaming "it's over with telcos! SELL!". Digi, TM and especially Axiata would have been great buys. One just have to gather some courage and go against the crowd. Didn't need to wait that long for the rebound. Prices might go up further but I don't think there's too much left to squeeze from these counters. Might be better to wait for better bargains. Maybe this will come when talk about the general election gains traction again. I'm keeping most of my gunpowder dry to try take advantage of that situation.


2012-12-20 09:03 | Report Abuse

Okay, I will. Is the mamak giving you a dirty look already? I think you need to order another cup of Teh-O to justify using his wifi and also power unit Haha!


2012-12-20 09:01 | Report Abuse

The market has gone up quite a bit since Monday and it wouldn't be surprising if there's some correction today. I'm looking to take some money off the table with those counters that are in the plus. Have to remain cautious despite the general optimism.


2012-12-20 08:55 | Report Abuse

Hi, Dave! Having breakfast at the mamak shop now?


2012-12-20 06:50 | Report Abuse

On the same day as OSK's report, RHB and MIDF have also given TPs of 0.82 and 1.03 respectively. Notice the discrepancies here, which only goes to show that your guess is as good as any of these so-called experts and authorities.

From these three reports, in my opinion, the best one is from RHB. Not only does it mention the risks, it also took note of the fact that MAS' share price has gone down so much that a technical rebound looks imminent. Or so it does. But the problem is this 900-pound gorilla in the form of EPF - I wouldn't want to buy when these fellows are selling.

Announcements & Events

2012-12-20 00:20 | Report Abuse

If EPF is selling and selling, buying it now would be looking for trouble regardless of the `attractive' price. Things are still murky at the moment. Might not justify the Reward-Risk ratio. Especially when other counters offer better potential for the trader/investor.


2012-12-20 00:18 | Report Abuse

Volume has become smaller and smaller, an obvious indication of lessening interest among speculators. Mungkin zaman dia dah over kot?

Announcements & Events

2012-12-20 00:15 | Report Abuse

I see this particular warrant as a good alternative to buying the mother. If one feels that Bursa is good value and is willing to wait a bit, then the CZ would be a much cheaper way to place his bet. With more than 7 months left, I believe that's enough time to wait it out.

One concern though is that the mother hasn't been going anywhere for some time already. The last time it was at 6.50 was in July. Now it's just below its 20 and 50-day moving average. The punter might want to wait for this to be positive first. But whatever, I'm now looking very closely at this one.


2012-12-20 00:02 | Report Abuse

That's how I interpret the technical charts too. It has closed above its 50- and 100-day moving average and RSI is at 70%. Steadily increasing volume over the past three trading days. It now needs to move convincingly past 2.70.


2012-12-19 14:53 | Report Abuse

It's very tempting to jump in right now when you just compare the present price with the 0.80 it was at recently. But the fact that the 0.70 immediate support didn't hold is not encouraging and hints of more shedding to come. MAS simply must go back up to 0.70 today. If it fails to do so, then maybe we should just stand at the sidelines for the time being.

By the way, I'm going to take a risk with the CN. But it must be at 0.02. At this price I believe the downside risk is minimal. Expires 30/10/13 so I hope there's more than enough time for *something* to happen with MAS and pushing the warrant up again.


2012-12-19 14:04 | Report Abuse

Bursa is one of the counters that I've never ever followed in my investing/trading so far. But now that you've mentioned it, I became intrigued and immediately did a quick check of it. For all you know, this might be an opportunity for some profit. I remember Passerby mentioning BAT-CA a few weeks ago when it was at 0.05. I didn't buy, and it went to 0.10!

Bursa-CZ; ex. 6.50; 31/7/13; ratio 4.
Now at 0.04, mother 6.26.

It has been going down and volume is currently low. But you might be on to something here, Tony. The premium is definitely attractive and there's reasonable time to expiry. Of course, it will have to depend on the mother performing, and it's rather quiet. But with CWs, sometimes jumping the gun and getting in early is the way to go rather than chasing. Thanks, Tony - I'm definitely interested.


2012-12-19 13:42 | Report Abuse

Looks like everyone has his preference when it comes to Astro's CWs. I'd choose CE although I don't have it right now. It's forming a new base after the recent rise. I think it might go below 2.90 for a while. That's when the weak holders get discouraged and drop off. Only after this will Astro go on another upswing. When, I don't know.