For an elderly like him (who had done his part working for the country), his endurance of being bullied, alienated and insulted there is commendable.....
.....all done before the eyes of ph pm
Unbelievable ......How ignoble a multiracial country leader can be!
Can still be trusted to helm education ministry (for another round)
I like China media as opposed to Western news media.......
China media has a national duty to strengthen China, make China strong and united, protect the country, make people happy and positive, gratitude, proud of its achievements, lead a good healthy good life.
Western news media aka as Negative news media spread negative news because negative news sells, no good. Only make people unhappy, stressed out, over eat, over spend, fighting each other, nowadays don't even promote moral and ethics.........where got good?
Peace or not? ......depends whether he could educate the ppl this :
* He must engineer a new philosophy and mindset for the ppl living in current era and facing current challenges:
It is not Malaysia (or the world) that needs peace, it is people. When people in Malaysia (or the world) are at peace within, Malaysia (the world) will be at peace.
The real question is : How come these ppl still fail to achieve inner peace after spending so much time, effort and public fund on religiosity (over RM100 million every month)? (Im fact, their resentment, disenchantment and disattifaction keep builsing up!- scaling up the opposite direction)
There is an increasing need for spirituality - that each individual must take responsibility to embark on an onward 'inner peace, universal humility and 21st century's enlightenment'journey.
Obsolete scripture-based ideology may fail big time in this IR 4.0 era, but the law (and spirituality) won't- increasing need for the latter to ensure order
ENGINEERING 'PEACE' spiritual journey for the ppl:
When the people are religiously* being introduced to the clarity inside of them, to the simplicity inside of them, to that beauty inside of them, the journey of peace for the nation begins.
*religiously = with consistent and conscientious regularity (not necessary something to do with religiosity)
Instead of pandering to bigotry, fanning ethnocentricism and indulging in 'divide and rule'gambling, he must play the 21st century way i.e. by engineering a new philosophy and mindset for the ppl living in current era and facing current challenges:
To educate each individual from young that.....
Every moment in their is unique, regardless of their creeds, beliefs and faith. They will never have two alike. Hence they must appreciate life and every moment.
This is the science of living: When they begin to appreciate every moment. To have a heart so open, an understanding so beautiful, and a yearning for appreciation so complete that when that moment comes.... they see exactly what it is. BECAUSE THE EYES CANNOT SEE WHAT THE MIND DOES NOT KNOW !!
There is an increasing need for spirituality - that each individual must take responsibility to embark on an onward 'inner peace, universal humility and 21st century's enlightenment'journey.
Obsolete scripture-based ideology may fail big time in this IR 4.0 era, but the law (and spirituality) won't- increasing need for the latter to ensure order.
The world doesn't want the young mind to know. They want him or her to believe. But there is a big difference between believing and knowing. Should he or she believe in himself or herself, or should he or she know himself or herself?
Some people think God is a man who has ears to listen and mouth to speak. He lives every moment watching what the single-out hominid species are doing when they are naked or clothed - because only this mammal could understand his thoughts, wishes and demand. And test - to believe something when the evidence for it is insufficient, ambiguous or absent altogether. And if they don't believe, they would be punished eternally after they decompose on earth.
Dear EngineeringProfit, I do feel the same for HBT456 in blog. I do not think PM Tun Dr. Mahathir read any of his blog comments as he is a very busy man as PM.
No citizen should be made feeling so devastated, disillusioned and 'pissed off' like him.
Malaysia is a place that they should feel at home - where they are belong to.....
.....instead many pseudo-academics* and barbaric politicians (all the yes men) there talk to alienate him - putting him down.
I believe he is very mature and has gained an upperhand in his onward journey of maintaining inner peace..... such an apartheid game of past millennium
* The pseudo-academics there are just parasites. (Proper) Education is the best cure for poverty. An educated person earn respect even from their opponents. Education beats the beauty and the youth. A learned person must have empathy, and empathy grows as we learn.
Education is , after all, the soul of a society - evil or good - depend on the learned one himself. Education is not preparation for life - education is life itself - how they talk and treat to others, how they reduce the sufferrings of all living things and care for the earth, and how they ask not what the country can give them, but what they can do for the country.
A learned person's actions must inspire others to dream more of good future, learn more to benefit others, do more (not ask more) for the community and nation, and become a better person every day (not just static like any high priests), he would be an excellent prime minister.
If an ignorant person is attracted by the things and luxury of the world, that is bad. But if a learned or prominent person is thus attracted, it is worse. (Abu Bakr)
You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself.(Spiritilty has become exponentially more important than religiosity in the 21st century- and both kind of moving in the opposite direction. One is like lighting of a fire (to keep asking bigger question and journey on to seek for the answer); while the other is like the filling of a pail.
You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself.Spiritilty has become exponentially more important than religiosity in the 21st century- and both kind of moving in the opposite direction. One is like lighting of a fire (to keep asking bigger question and journey on to seek for the answer); while the other is like the filling of a pail.
The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them. Yet, an educated person is one who has learned that information and knowledge of the past* almost always turns out to be at best incomplete and very often false, misleading, fictitious, mendacious - just dead wrong.
* 'of the past' at the moment can be defined as before:
a) the untold secret- Big Bang theory (Alpherism) b) the hidden truth - germ theory of disease (Kircherism) c) the unsuspected- evolution theory of diversity in lifeform (Darwinism) d) the revealing- stardust theory of building blocks for lifeform (Karelism) e) the amazing- quantum theory of wave-particle duality (Planckism)
Innovation, improvisation and critical thinking have always been used in discourses of scientific, technological, technical and vocational education.
A “future proof” graduate with “humanistic values” would have acquired adequate and sustainable mental, spiritual and practical skills by now.
Malaysians can be globally competitive and widely respected if we decide to be consistent in the fundamentals:
First, higher education should not be part of a political football game. Render quality education accessible to all. Do not confine it to a race-based quota system, with respect to student intake or hiring of lecturers and top university administrators.
Second, hire and retain academic staff in universities, based on their intellectual merit.....A dean in a social science faculty, for instance, must make it a point to have a general knowledge of all the social science fields under their charge. If not, he or she should not be a dean.
Third, heads of departments should have a collegial relationship with their fellow lecturers. There is no room for hierarchy, pulling rank or bullying.....Academics must be encouraged to speak, deliver public lectures, engage in national and international debates, and be commended for it. Unfortunately, there is an unhealthy and counterproductive culture of egoism, selfishness, jealousy and arrogance in the corridors of our public universities. Most, if not all, academics in a university have a doctorate. So why should there be a sense of insecurity or superiority?
* She wemt on to emphasize on the importance and necessity to employ the Socratic Method in learning centres.
The outward and forward journey* our universities must commit to, if they were not to remain low-class degree mills (a place only good to hold annual dignity congress).
* A trilogy Socrates' Endless Curiosita-Plato Cave's Out-of-the-box Exploration, Discovery & Reflection-Epicurus' Critical Thinking Paradoxism journey for every learners
.....* 'of the past' at the moment can be defined as before:
f) the rise of the post-modern issues of overpopulation, technological disruption, escalating extinction rate of various flora and fauna, and ecological deterioration
Gratitude prayers of the 21st century:
a) Although cosmic dust keeps adding about 40,000 metric tons per year to Earth’s mass, it does not affect to any significant degree the gravitational force that our planet exerts at the present time.
*Even though this may seem like a very large amount, it is in fact minuscule compared to our planet’s mass (about 6,000 billion billion metric tons)
b) The massive cosmic dust is falling to earth help to build up clouds in the atmosphere, as well as helping to fertilize plankton in Antarctica.
Posted by qqq33333333 > Feb 15, 2020 3:52 PM | Report Abuse
your previous Education Minister is a believer in the Finland schools.... he would have made great changes... too but public pressure forced him out
He should have been fired during the first three months of the probation period.
*He failed big time. I told my grand children in the very first month itself - that he could be a believer in ten thousand fairy tales, but performed badly - yes....every step from the beginning. His phD is a joke as well - he doesn't know the meaning of E D U C A T I O N!
*He was surrounded by wrong gang of yes men (If only he had recruited some futurist thinkers, contemporary philosophers and educational psychologists in his team, he could even be crowned as one of the best education minister in the world)
.....get these educational values in place first....
and every child will grow up well and able to be self-reliant and feed their beloved ones
(How about getting the right colour of shoes first? Adding some hotel swimming pools in the equation? Cashless or free-meal canteen? How about forcing the overburdened- physical bag as well as psychologically nearly-burnt-out young ones - with more subjects which are neither going to help them to survive better in the coming technocratic world of IR 4.0, nor pertaining to their family background/values?)
Earlier agricultural and industrial revolution had led to slavery and cheap labour exploitation of the poor and disadvantaged segment of the communities....
but ........just like how Henry Ford had revolutionize sapiens' transportation...........some AI technocrats would soon revolution sapiens' vocational jobs, rendering majority of sapiens either irrelevant or in redundance.
A bit Premature. What we have following GE14 results are - there are two obvious conflicting options to choose for the nation narrative*:
Host land-pendatang/penumpang (to emigrate as soon as they are piss off enough, provided they are wealthy or talented in sports or holders of intellectual properties) (Divisive, past is future) 'Same We Must Continue On - A More & More Disinterated Future We Must Bear'
Transethnicism-Transcreedism (Inclusive, future is now) 'Change We Can Believe In - A Much Prosperous Dream & Future We Can Share'
The Evolving Purpose, Philosophy and Structure Of School Through Ancient, Medieval and Modern Times :
1. From Desk-Bound To Borderless-Learning The Key to Successful Global Citizenry, Antidote for both 'Irrelevant Misfits of the 21st Century' and 'Frog Under Coconut Shell' Syndromes
2. Educator-driven to Learner-centric The Key to Successful Person Development To the Full Potential of Their Individual Unique Potential, Thriving in Diversity and Proper In Pluralism; Antidote for Failed and Fake Education (Dr. Patch Adam: You treat a disease, you win, you lose. You treat a person, I guarantee you, you'll win, no matter what the outcome. SIMILAR, IN EDUCATION, WITH ROTE LEARNING, EITHER THE STUDENT COULD DO LIKE THE EDUCATOR OR FAIL. BUT IF THE TEACHER FACILITATES THE STUDENT TO IMPROVE HIMSELF OR HERSELF AS A SAPIENS - building on his/her strength while sorting out his/her weaknesses, THE EDUCATION OBJECTIVE WILL ALWAYS BE ACHIEVED, JUST A MATTER OF DEGREE OF GREATNESS THE STUDENT COULD REACH)
3. Scripture-based to Imaginary-centric learning The Key to Successful Entrepreneurship, Antidote for both 'Frog Under Coconut Shell' Syndrome and Deplorable Culture Of Plagiarism (Dr. Patch Adam: Everyone has creative potential. Creativity involves using your imagination and inventiveness. Your unique expression of yourself is your creativity. Creativity can be magic)
Posted by qqq33333333 > Feb 16, 2020 11:24 AM | Report Abuse
......according to a recent book, the top 5 nations with the highest IQ are : Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, HK and China.
These nations have the following in common......the trilogy of Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism.....
By and larger, these are NOT qualified as organised religions*. They have high value in philosophy, spirituality and wisdom indeed. Generally they enhance cognitive flexibility as well as imagination. I would call them the:
*Organised religions, also known as institutional religions, iare religions in which belief systems and rituals are systematically arranged and formally established. An organised religion is typically characterised by an official doctrine (or dogma), a hierarchical or bureaucratic leadership structure, and a codification of rules and practices.
Besides boosting IQ, scandal-free modern education must emphasize on EMOTIONAL, ENTREPRENEURIAL and ECOLOGICAL QUOTIENTS as well.
* We may not need to produce a Geta Thunberg, but must stop mass production of tribalism-centric thugs, public-fund-dependent lbaimalngs and unemployable-misfit pakpandirs of I.R 4.0 era.
The education ministry is a hot seat with multiple forces pulling in different directions.....Considering the reality that is Malaysia.....just ignore them is the best.
u cannot make quality steel out of pig iron, and we have some of the worse teachers in the world.
despite all that, some will still excel even in the international arena and in most cases, it is still parental influence that determines the final and large, Malaysia will privatise education, give more choices to the people and private education will be more and more significant.
as long as the government can allow people to choose ...things will be ok.
formal education in the eyes of the traditionalists is the only way to go....
but clearly, the non formal part of education plays an ever more important part in determining the final my children likes to say...........go to school to play, want to learn any thing? learn it your self lah...........
so, no point in beating up the education ministry, they do their things, you do your own things.
nowadays, the big money is not even in 9 to 5 jobs but in how you find your own opportunities...........
ENGINEERING PHILOSOPHY FOR SCHOOL IN THE 21ST CENTURY: Focusing on Development of Scientific Thinking, Self-science (for EQ), Info-Era Survival Skills ( EnQ) and Global Citizenry (for EIQ)
To raise responsible and independent individuals, we must give them the responsiblity to learn to manage change, adapt and 'fish for life'. In terms of imparting the sense of responsibility, education is not preparation for life, but education is life itself. Hence, they will grow up to be responsible adults, workforce and parents. After all, the self is not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action.
* As for the A-B-C-D-to-Z (Zalmoxis)[over 10,000 options] - best leave to individual/ family to decide and practise on their merits or perceived advantages.
Posted by qqq33333333 > Feb 16, 2020 12:35 PM | Report Abuse, no point in beating up the education ministry, they do their things, you do your own things....
When the education system turns bad, it is every citizen (especially the learned ones)'s obligation and responsibility to voice out....for the innocent children!
*Cheated education is one of the biggest scandals of modern era
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Posted by qqq33333333 > 2020-02-14 15:48 | Report Abuse
now Malaysia has PH and BN..............same also lah...they will lots of hypocrites.