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301 comment(s). Last comment by xskyriver 2022-06-25 18:19


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-18 03:04 | Report Abuse


China should just stop bullying Malaysian oil and gas workers lah instead of having expansionary ambitions to steal Malaysian oil resources. You call having our resources taken by China a win-win? You really are a useful id*t to the CCP lah, no doubt


5,913 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-06-18 08:02 | Report Abuse

Back in March 27, after the U.S. and its allies imposed economic and financial sanctions on Moscow, Biden happily mocked the Russian currency, laughing at how the ruble was reduced to rubble. He tweeted – “The Russian economy is on track to be cut in half. It was ranked the 11th biggest economy in the world before this invasion – and soon, it will not even rank among the top 20.”

Likewise, on April 25, the clueless Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin arrogantly declared in Kyiv that the U.S. wanted to destroy Russia’s capacity to undertake wars. He said – “We want to see Russia weakened. So it has already lost a lot of military capability. And a lot of its troops, quite frankly. And we want to see them not have the capability to very quickly reproduce that capability.”

Today, ruble is the world’s best performing currency this year. Two months after the ruble’s value fell to less than a U.S. penny (plunged to its record low of 151 to a US dollar on March 7), the Russian currency has recovered spectacularly and is trading at 58 to a dollar today – higher than before the war. Of course, Austin probably wished he didn’t open his big mouth and made a fool of himself.

So, why President Biden and the Western media suddenly make a U-turn, leaving Ukraine president Zelensky high and dry? That’s because the economic and financial sanctions are hurting the Western countries more than Russia, and Putin is laughing all the way to the bank. In its haste to punish the Kremlin, Washington had underestimated the severe impact on the economies of America and Europe.

As inflation and skyrocketing prices hurt their pockets, Americans are questioning if the anti-Russian sanctions are worth it. According to the polling firm Morning Consult in May, only 44% of American voters believe the U.S. has an obligation to defend Ukraine. And only one in four Americans (25%) say the U.S. was doing too little to support Ukraine, down from 37% in mid-March.

In April, Biden conveniently blamed the U.S.’ 40-year-high inflation rate on Vladimir Putin’s invasion. He even blamed the Russian President for the domestic high price of gasoline, calling it “Putin’s price hike”. By June, the president was reduced to blaming the U.S. oil industry, especially ExxonMobil, for not producing enough to bring down petrol prices in the country.

After Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admitted she was “wrong” and “didn’t fully understand” the risks of inflation in 2021, it’s harder for Biden to blame others – China, Russia and Saudi Arabia. It was the Federal Reserve’s fault for creating the inflation and it was the U.S.’ miscalculation in sanctioning Russia that leads to high prices of crude oil, which in turn add fuel to the inflation.

In fact, the support for Ukraine has backfired. As Zelensky keeps asking for weapons and money almost every day, the U.S. realized that the longer the conflict drags the higher costs America needs to shoulder. Not only Russia did not show any sign of defeat, let alone fake news about uprisings to topple Putin, the country has earned US$98 billion from oil exports in 100 days of the Ukraine war.

Even after the OPEC oil cartel and allied producing countries, including Russia, agreed to raise production by 648,000 barrels per day in July and August, the prices of crude oil refuse to go down. Instead, it shot up. The perception that American consumers would not be affected by the sanctions on Russia because the U.S. is a top producer has proven to be false after all.

The U.S. has a bigger problem at home. Biden is under tremendous pressure as Democrats is on the brink of losing the November midterm elections. With tail between legs, he is forced to visit Saudi – the country he previously condemned as “pariah” – in July and beg for oil and forgiveness. Washington is ready to throw Ukraine under the bus. Biden and Western news media are in damage control to save face.


5,913 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-06-18 08:15 | Report Abuse

For 100 days since the invasion of Ukraine, the Western media have painted Ukrainian as the winner, while the Russian as the loser. Ukrainian forces were reported as not only fiercely brave, but also invincible and undefeatable. The Russian forces, on the other hand, were condemned as inefficient, corrupt, and brutal. It’s part of American’s propaganda war.

The propaganda was so bad that even Ukrainian lawmakers had to sack the country’s parliament commissioner for human rights, Lyudmyla Denisova, in a no-confidence vote on May 31 for fabricating fake news about Russian sex crimes against children. Western propaganda news machine, including “Time” magazine and CNN gladly accepted the fake news and actively report it.

Beginning June, roughly 100 days into the Ukraine war, Western media suddenly changed its tone. Earlier propaganda that Russia will lose the war mysteriously vanished. British tabloid The Guardian, for instance, published on June 2 that weapons sent to Ukraine will end up in criminal hands. Jürgen Stock, head of Interpol, warned the weapons will end up in the global hidden economy.

Urging Interpol members to use its database to help “track and trace” the weapons, Jürgen’s warning came after Joe Biden announced the U.S. would supply Kyiv with advanced missile systems and munitions. But why hadn’t the Interpol raised the concerns from the beginning of the war, when billions of dollars had been sent to Ukraine, and only sounds the alarm after the horse has bolted?

A week later (June 9), the Guardian again poured cold water into the narrative that Ukraine was winning the war. It said that ending the war as soon as possible would be “in the best interests of Ukraine and the West“. The British media finally admitted that Ukrainian casualties have been especially high, despite 100 days of stories that Russian forces were butchered by Ukrainian forces.

The Guardian argued that while NATO has been unified in the first 100 days of the war, however, the North Atlantic Alliance has begun to show divisions over time. It said that the longer the war goes on, the more Ukraine will be destroyed and the more expensive it will get. The question is why NATO is panicked now if indeed Ukraine was winning the war, as trumpeted by the West?

Stunningly, the next day (June 10), the Guardian issued an eye-popping headline – Ukrainian casualties are running at a rate of between 600 and 1,000 a day. The number – more than 20,000 deaths a month – was extremely surprising because the Western media had been mocking the high number of casualties of Putin forces, while hiding the deaths of Zelensky’s forces.

Apparently, Western officials deliberately choose not to discuss the impact of the war on the Ukrainians, instead highlighting the problems for the Russians in their briefings and reports, the Guardian admitted. The Western estimated Putin forces had lost up to 20,000 soldiers. That number is much smaller than NATO’s earlier report that 40,000 Russian troops had been killed in the war zone.


8,255 posts

Posted by BobAxelrod > 2022-06-18 08:35 | Report Abuse

Thanks Sslee....we also read FinTwitt too


5,913 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-06-18 09:49 | Report Abuse

War is evil no matter who started it and who win it. There are no winners in a war only destruction, misery, suffering and dead.

Avoid war as much as you can and learn the civil way of negotiation, give and take and etc to solve conflicts.


8,255 posts

Posted by BobAxelrod > 2022-06-18 09:57 |

Post removed.Why?


5,913 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-06-18 11:44 | Report Abuse

War start with conflict and grievances if you can solve the conflict and grievances then you can avoid war.

The current war in ukraine has it root on history of crimea and make worst by Western provocation in removing a pro Russia elected Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych with a pro western president.

When the Bolsheviks gained secure control, Crimea became an autonomous soviet republic within Russia. During World War II, Crimea was downgraded to the Crimean Oblast and the entirety of one of its indigenous populations, the Crimean Tatars, were deported to Central Asia. In 1954, the Soviet Union transferred Crimea to the Ukrainian SSR from the Russian SFSR[5] on the 300th anniversary of the Treaty of Pereyaslav.[6] With the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine was reestablished as an independent state in 1991, and most of the peninsula was reorganized as the Republic of Crimea, and the city of Sevastopol retained its special status within Ukraine. In 1995 the Republic of Crimea was abolished by Ukriane and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea was established, but this time firmly under Ukrainian authority.

The status of Crimea is disputed. In late February 2014, following the Revolution of Dignity that ousted the Pro Russia Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovych, Russian troops were deployed to Crimea, occupying government buildings.[7][8] The Republic of Crimea declared its independence from Ukraine following a disputed referendum which was held on the issue of reunification with Russia; its official results showed over 90% support for reunification, but the vote was boycotted by many loyal to Ukraine.[9][10] Russia formally annexed Crimea on 18 March, incorporating the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol as the 84th and 85th federal subjects of Russia.[11] Despite its annexation, Crimea was considered by most countries of the world in a UN resolution of March 2014 to remain part of Ukraine.[12]


5,913 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-06-18 12:30 | Report Abuse

Zelenskyy announced his candidacy in the 2019 Ukrainian presidential election and won the election with 73.23 percent of the vote in the second round, defeating Poroshenko. He has positioned himself as an anti-establishment (pro Western or pro Russia), pro people and anti-corruption figure.

Unfortunately he was sucked into misinformation by vested interest of corrupt Western media and instead of fighting corruption he is now fighting Russia.

So what lessons can you learn from Ukraine war?


371 posts

Posted by mach10 > 2022-06-18 13:31 | Report Abuse

Cupcakes69 ,you clearly know nothing about international politics . stay out of this thread.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-19 01:16 | Report Abuse


Lol, you're the one who doesn't know international politics. That's what you get for reading only chinese news media, who your fellow wumao, qqq3333, already admits is bias.

Go read a few good literatures on international politics lah first before you comment. You're only embarassing yourself by making contradictory arguments here.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-19 01:22 | Report Abuse


You blatantly, without thinking, claim that US influenced the 2016 tribunal to make China lose. Then explain lah, where was US influence to stop UK from losing the Chagos island?

First you said US lose many international court cases, then you say US influenced the cases to their favour? What logic is that? You're basically saying US influence the court cases to make themselves lose lmao.

You wumaos and your inconsistencies. You never went to school meh to thinking clearly and logically?


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-19 01:38 | Report Abuse


Lol, its funny how you blame the west for the war, when it is Russian forces who invaded Ukraine.

Logic down the drain already.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-19 01:48 | Report Abuse


You say western media has been hiding the number of Ukrainian death.

But then you quoted The Guardian, A WESTERN MEDIA, for the 20,000 Ukrainians deaths a month figure.

So how can you say western media hide, when you own source is western media lmaoo.

As I said, you wumao really no consistent lah, always make contradictions. Logic down the drain already.


5,913 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-06-19 08:30 | Report Abuse

A Shift In Propaganda To Damage Control In Washington – Why President Biden & Western Media Making U-Turn Now
June 15th, 2022

From the beginning, the United States have been using Ukraine as its proxy to fight Russia. Unlike its previous war against Iraq, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan, the U.S. dares not go to war with Russia this time. Biden administration could only provide weapons, leaving the Ukrainians fight the war themselves. Sending Americans to Ukraine to fight the Russians would be disastrous.

And we can smell a rat when the Western news media launched a co-ordinated attack against Russia to the extent of spreading fake news. And you can also smell double standard miles away when Russian and pro-Russian news media such as Sputnik and RT – even YouTube channels – were systematically blocked by the U.S., U.K., as well as Europe.

The muffling of the megaphone of the Russian state media is against the freedom of expression, which the West has vigorously defended as part of democracy. Strangely, in the Ukraine war, Western journalists openly ignore their job to tell the truth just because they have a propaganda war to win – a contest between the West (good guys) and Russia (bad guys).

They can choose sides. But it’s puzzling why the West’s powerful network of news media cannot counter Russia’s limited news media on the same playing field. While news from pro-Russian media is being labelled as propaganda, news produced by the West is considered as facts, even though the reverse could be true. Yes, even President Joe Biden shamelessly tells lies.

Take for example Biden’s claims that Russia was about to unleash chemical weapons, similar to Bush’s false claims Iraq had WMD (weapon of mass destruction). President Joe Biden repeatedly told, and Americans foolishly swallowed the hook, line and sinker, how tax dollars to the tune of tens of billions needed to be sent to the Ukrainian government in order to fight dictator Vladimir Putin.

Later, NBC News revealed that Biden administration itself admitted that there is “no evidence Russia has brought any chemical weapons to Ukraine”. Biden administration used disinformation to manipulate American public opinion, but when NBC found out, instead of condemning the fake news, it has instead justified that the lies the U.S. had told is “bold and a successful strategy”.


5,913 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-06-19 08:46 | Report Abuse

Democracy supposed to be government of the people, by the people, for the people.

By unfortunately the evil of democracy is winner take all, rule by majority, for the selected few vested interest big business elite at the expense of people and minority right.

The true measure of a democracy is the way it treats its minorities.


5,913 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-06-19 10:01 | Report Abuse

Democracy is not living by the wishes of the majority, rather it is a principle which promises a say to every individual, irrespective of his identity. A democratic society can be judged to be strong only when even the feeble numbers belonging to a section are taken into account with due consideration eliminating any marginalization and discrimination.

What more when the minority are actually majority in certain part of a country then the consequance of oppression of minority rights by central/federal government gave raise to separatist movement as what happen in East Ukraine.


7,397 posts

Posted by Tobby > 2022-06-19 14:21 | Report Abuse

After disastrous Ukraine invasion, Biden is bringing the same narrative to Asia!
So, China is the enemy of the world! In a way, China is a bit mischief! Stealing IP rights production patented goods from US and EU but selling them at cheaper price! The thing is, China has progress with improving and innovating this products! Take EV for example, who has even predicted, China actually now the biggest and the best EV products out there! Do you know BYD is now bigger than Tesla!
While US, is losing the EV dominance! US auto giants barely able to produce EVs themselves!
So Biden rather than confront the reality that US innovations are in decline, is using Taiwan as a sauce for conflict in Asia!
Yeah, there's no difference between Taiwan and Ukraine narrative! But the thing is, it's not the same! Taiwan was never a sovereign nation! US and EU don't even dare to recognise Taiwan as independent nation!


1,022 posts

Posted by king36 > 2022-06-19 15:57 | Report Abuse

Biden is ancient and still tries to rule the world with obsolete mentality of gangsterism bully.
USA had disrupted the world economy and similarly they are going to suffer from its backlash.
Can an old dog lean any new tricks? Keeping Biden to finish his term would be a disaster to the world and to American themselves.
The sooner he disappears, the better it will be for the world.

Posted by StartOfTheBull > 2022-06-19 17:03 | Report Abuse

The popularity of POTUS is already dropped to 39% in his home country. Asia especially SEA including Malaysia should be wise not to interfere in the West-Russia conflict.

Posted by StartOfTheBull > 2022-06-19 17:07 | Report Abuse

With unprecedented high inflation in 40 years US is certainly on course to economy crash.


7,397 posts

Posted by Tobby > 2022-06-19 19:22 | Report Abuse

POTUS image nowadays is like emperor with no cloth! Nobody respect the US leadership! Always creating havoc all over the world!


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-19 22:55 | Report Abuse


Lmao, you're doing it again. You say western media is lying, yet you use NBC news (a western media) as a source. Lmao.

Logic down the drain already. You wumaos and your inconsistencies, so funny. Cannot play stock market lah if simple logic also don't have.


5,913 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-06-20 07:25 | Report Abuse

*Vital Lessons In History ....*

1. Which countries invaded and occupied Indonesia? *Netherlands for 350 years and Japan for 3.5 years*.

2. Which country was once the colony master of Malaya & India? *Britain*.

3. Which countries invaded and occupied Vietnam? *France 1857-1940 & 1946-1954, Japan 1940-1945 and USA (in Southern Vietnam) 1955-1975*.

4. Which countries were responsible for colonisation of the African continent? *Belgium, Britain, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain and Italy*.

5. Which 8 countries were responsible for the occupation of China in early 20th century? *Britain, US, Germany, France, Russia, Japan, Italy & Austria-Hungary*.

6. Which countries are responsible for colonising and almost annihilating the Red Indians in northern America? *France & Britain*.

7. Which country colonised and almost annihilated Aborigines in Australia and New Zealand? *Britain* .

8. Which are the member countries of G7?
*United Kingdom/Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan & USA*.

And now the million dollar question ....

9. Why are the G7 members seeing China as a threat even though China is the only major nation on earth that has never invaded or occupied another country ??

*Ego or fear of retribution ???*


777 posts

Posted by stockfreak > 2022-06-20 10:27 | Report Abuse

Those who have rich knowledge of history will support Putin. Period. After reading too much history, killing is OK, invasion is a norm throughout history.


1,004 posts

Posted by jasonor > 2022-06-20 12:37 | Report Abuse

don't even bother to read. just come here to write NOBODY CARES.


1,004 posts

Posted by jasonor > 2022-06-20 12:51 | Report Abuse

qqq, i only read chart. other ppl's opinion is not important, let alone the famous cyy. lol.


1,004 posts

Posted by jasonor > 2022-06-20 13:01 | Report Abuse

in my opinion, remove biden and everything will be back to normal. same with top leadership of EU and UN, these ppl also a threat to world peace.

Posted by AlsvinChangan > 2022-06-20 13:42 | Report Abuse

1998 CHINA move a step higher

2008 CHINA move another step higher

2018 CHINA move another step higher

2028 CHINA undisputed world champion


26,524 posts

Posted by speakup > 2022-06-20 13:48 | Report Abuse

america is no longer the america i know as a kid. america is now an evil empire


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-20 23:06 | Report Abuse


Sending weapons is western culture not Chinese culture? Lmao. China sent a lot of weapons to the communist during Vietnam war, and North Korea during the Korean war. Even now it's arming the Myanmar Junta with weapon that are used against civilians.

It seems despite your love for China, you know very little about its history. Lol. That's what happens when you only read chinese news media, which you yourself has said tells lies.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-20 23:16 | Report Abuse


Huh, you really don't know China invaded Vietnam. LMAAOO!!...so ignorant.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-20 23:17 | Report Abuse


China has never invaded a country? It invaded Vietnam lmao. You people really don't know your history lah. LoL.

And now China is trying to steal other countries' EEZ.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-20 23:19 | Report Abuse


What limited operation? You send your army across another country's border with the sole attempt to attack them, THAT"S CALLED AN INVASION. Hayooo, simple english you don't know meh?!?


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-20 23:24 | Report Abuse


China even managed to take over several of Vietnam cities before they retreated after the Vietnamese retaliate. So the only reason the PLA didn't go very far is because the Vietnam army was too strong. They kicked out the Americans, you think they couldn't kick out the PLA, which at the time hardly had a combat ready airforce. Lmao.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-20 23:27 | Report Abuse


China culture is buddish? The CCP destroyed buddhist statues. Confucianism? They blew up confucious tomb during the cultural revolution lol. The CCP encourages atheism lah, you don't that meh?


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-20 23:27 | Report Abuse


Achieved its objectives? The PLA lost lmao.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-20 23:32 | Report Abuse


If you're talking about traditional chinese culture? Sorry lah, the CCP destroyed it during the cultural revolution. Traditional Chinese culture much easier to find outside of the PRC.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-20 23:37 | Report Abuse


The PLA did lose. They took over Vietnam cities because they were trying to make a regime change in Vietnam. You really don't know China's history lah.


215 posts

Posted by ben0303 > 2022-06-20 23:41 | Report Abuse

qqq333...its better for you to live


215 posts

Posted by ben0303 > 2022-06-20 23:43 | Report Abuse

in China n see whether you still enjoy the luxuries


215 posts

Posted by ben0303 > 2022-06-20 23:43 | Report Abuse

you are currently enjoying


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-20 23:46 | Report Abuse


Border skirmishes? China sent more than 500 tanks, and 200,000 soldiers. That's a war, not a skirmich lmao.

And Vietnamese boat people? Those were refugee. If you're saying China sent tanks and soldiers to kill refugees, then that's more reason to believe that China is evil.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-20 23:47 | Report Abuse


If you love China so much, you should at least read up on its history lol. It's invasion of Vietnam also you don't know. You really no shame lah.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-21 00:06 | Report Abuse


Lol, if you want to argue that China invaded Vietnam to kill Vietnamese refugees, just be careful when you visit China lah. I don't think their Government would be very happy with you insinuating that China kills refugees with tanks.

Ironically, it's not even the reason China invaded Vietnam. Lol.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-21 00:10 | Report Abuse


Religion can contribute to world peace? Tell that to the CCP lah, they encourage atheism. During the cultural revolution, they instituted radical policy of anti-religion and anti-tradition:

The Red Guards laid siege to the Temple of Confucius in Shandong province,

Temples, churches, mosques, monasteries, and cemeteries were closed down and sometimes converted to other uses, looted, and destroyed.

Buddhists were forced to participate in the destruction of their monasteries at gunpoint.

That's why, according to a 2015 Gallop poll, 61% of China Chinese claim to be atheist, with a further 29% saying that they are not religious.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-21 00:11 | Report Abuse


Really funny lah to see you wumaos. You love China soo much, but don't even know its history. LOL


7,397 posts

Posted by Tobby > 2022-06-21 00:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3333 > Jun 20, 2022 11:52 PM | Report Abuse

Chinese culture vs American culture.........The best hope for the world is more people learn about how knowledge and outlook/ priorities of Buddhist, Confucians, Taoists can contribute to world peace.

Answer : Yeah! Totally agree! The middle east religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam can done too much damage! Buddahism is not a religion, it's a system of self actualization! Buddha found the key to depth of what makes us humans! Unfortunately, the truly faith of peace is getting polluted by fake monks!


7,397 posts

Posted by Tobby > 2022-06-21 00:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by Cupcakes69 > Jun 20, 2022 11:46 PM | Report Abuse


Border skirmishes? China sent more than 500 tanks, and 200,000 soldiers. That's a war, not a skirmich lmao.

And Vietnamese boat people? Those were refugee. If you're saying China sent tanks and soldiers to kill refugees, then that's more reason to believe that China is evil.

Answer : CCP under Chairman Mao was a huge blunder! A blunder that Chairman Xi fail to understand! Hope Premier Li would be the new Chairman come next year!


7,397 posts

Posted by Tobby > 2022-06-21 01:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3333 > Jun 21, 2022 12:21 AM | Report Abuse

i tell u what.........of all the people in the world, the Chinese are the most anti hypocrites in the world......but of course, there will still be some hypocrites. But if u look at Christians, Islam.......these are all hypocrite, mainly.

Answer : This 3 religions play on guilt! Exploited your guilt to the fullest! That's why most followers submit to their fake holymen! And the fake holymen know this very well!


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-21 01:13 | Report Abuse


Lol, you sound stressed. That's why, if you don't want to embarrass yourself with you poor knowledge of China's history, why don't you do more reading instead of spouting rubbish like your claim that the PLA sent more than 500 tanks to kill Vietnamese refugees.

You know so little of China, until you accidently incriminate them for something they didn't even do. Lmao.

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