1) glia cells that divides and becomes Inter neurons 2) Neurons fixed 18 months from birth, does not divide and just dies off. 3) Neuron stem cells that replaces dead Neuron cells.
AD happens when a) Hayflick Limit breached for glia cells. b) Neuron stem cells deactivated. These 2 events results in synaptic loss. => In AD literally the brain dies.
When the factory machinery dies off, raw materials tau and beta amyloids piles up inside brain.
20 years after synaptic loss is detected. Tau and beta amyloids are detectable inside brain.
So does HMTM 1) activates Neuron stem cells or 2) help in Hayflick Limit breached?
Answer => No, brain continues to die.
Answer => Any sleeping pill will clear up both Tau and Beta amyloids to help Alzheimer’s Disease.
The link between sleeping pills and cure for Alzheimer’s Disease had been known for a long time.
This factual scientific fact can be used to do Voodoo Science to scam TAK tau people. Of course clinicals will show "something" but is the "something" due to 1) sleep or due to 2) HMTM?
No way outsiders or even NHS will know for sure. Voodoo Science can be very powerful in the hands of scammers.
Yes there is a link to paracetamol in curing cancer. Once the pain is removed, cell walls are no longer tagged. You need to take paracetamol at first early stages though for protection from cancer. => Do not flood your system with pain. It's very destructive for long term.
I read so many post from Balian(sound like holland) but i don't undersand his logic! If sleeping pill can help AD why so many still research on AD medicine!
Sleeping pills no profit leh. It's all manufactured in back lanes in India and sold as generic drugs.
Its better to have a fake drug and during clinicals force subjects to sleep with sleeping pills And or Find a fake drug that is also a sleeping pill as well.
Truth be told => The ONLY cure for Alzheimer’s Disease is just enough sleep.
Voodoo Science is very powerful if based on true science.
We cannot extend Hayflick Limits. So far very limited success under special conditions.
We cannot activate and deactivate brain stem cells at will to extend life of neurons. Neurons are like ROM. It's fixed 18 months from birth and dies off continously unless repaired by stem cells. Glia cells form inter Neurons it's like RAM. RAM cells dies when glia cells breach Hayflick Limits.
The ONLY cure for Alzheimer’s Disease is just to get rid of the raw materials via sleep.
= Needs sleeping pills to remove both tau and beta amyloids.
Feel good gone in the winds. let see next level yeah, where is the pivoting point. Higher low will occur at what level ? 3.60, 3.65 or 3.70.....................need to scout again
I dont understand. How come HK neuro doctors have the licence to prescribe HMTM ? If HK have the license then surely China can prescribe too. ATK, are you being truthful here or only half truth.....
Posted by MoneyMakers > 7 minutes ago | Report Abuse
See AngTKlown ‘suddenly’ repeat TauRx miracle story blablabla - alrdy know his syndicate want dump -------
Aiya just sharing real HMTM stories here la nothing to do with genting price up or down. Rubberband stretched too much spring backwards very common la just like sea waves moving in n out. You panic lose more money ah? Dont always blame bad things on trader la GEEEEZ...
Special arrangement HMTM only available at a few selected HK hospitals under selected few neurologists. Thanks our director Dr Loh Yin Sze via her HK contacts. This arrangement only available in HK, not even available in Singapore/Malaysia/ UK.
I think its called "Paid Compassionate Program". If i recall correctly the HMTM drug price something like usd20k/yr. Heard of a few Singaporean AD patients went to see HK doctors lo. The hk doctors will email a list of questionaires first. If they find the patient suitable for HMTM, then fly over to HK for first consultation.
Whales are nervous since once change Govt. GenT for sure will go PN17 and delisted once RM drops like hell. Better pray Anwar will not only survive but remain in power for at least 1 more term.
"How low it will go this time? All out going only at 3.40?"
Got someone here said 3.40 leh. Not i say one hor, aiyo later people lose money start slandering trader again. This place very scary leh benefactor gave prompt exit warnings at high prices but always kena ungrateful slanderings.
From what those back to normal n back to workforce UK patients told me, their sleep affected after taking HMTM due to more frequent blue colour peeing at night. Though their sleep quality somewhat affected by HMTM, they can function normally now, 13 yrs after they were first diagnosed as AD patients.
Posted by MoneyMakers > 3 minutes ago | Report Abuse Its not coincidence AngTKlown ‘suddenly’ promote TauRx - GB drop 3.9 to 3.7 Same syndicate also bark sell 3.55 before Christmas kikiki -------
Aiyo nonstop slandering again. MM ah, when will you ever stop repeating the same old slanders ah? For the 10th time now, trader has been telling bad karma MM to show trader's pre-Xmas post telling people to sell at 3.55. Dont have at all. Sore loser MM lose money liow must spin lies abt trader.
Malaysia is just 6 feet away from being like Zimbabwe. GenT losses from forex will exceed whatever Taurx can gain so GenT PN17 and delisted. Taurx cannot bring back cash. GenT must strip all assets. It's gonna be very messy and gone case.
Furthermore, CIMB said the JS-SEZ is also expected to have medium-term spillover benefits for plantation companies with land exposure in Johor.
"This includes companies such asSD Guthrie Bhd, Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhd (KLK), Genting Plantations Bhd, and Johor Plantations Group Bhd, which own plantation land in Johor that could benefit from the JS-SEZ through potential ventures into industrial park developments or land sales for property projects," it said.
genting management need explore additional advertising income dont waste those traffic in genting properties a lot b2b will throw money advertising & sponsor
Last I heard those having their own website or website purposely made to promote certain gaming company earns tens of thousands of referrals and ads fees. These advertising business, the owner rich enought to hires a team to do the graphics, maintain the websites etc. no bad for a remote business.
What BS? HMTM really can work very well safely. After 18 months our MCI patients staying significantly above initial starting baseline. You know what this mean???
This drug really can work la else trader wont bet showhand into Taurx.
"After 18 months our MCI patients staying significantly above initial starting baseline. You know what this mean???" => After 18 months, those HMTM AD trial patients not only totally halt decline, their cognition measurements are able to REVERSE back up score even higher than when they first started the trial. We are not talking abt lecanemab's weak 27% slowdown in decline but still declining at 73%. Totally halt the disease progession + REVERSE back up. Totally unheard of in the field of AD drugs. This one not I say one la, you can read Taurx's announcement back in March 2024 and Lucidity trial's peer review paper coming up soon.
All those global trial patients / compassionate / expanded access patients, etc Im not talking kok cooking BS stories here la. It is real. Normal AD patients have a lifespan abt 10 years after initial AD diagnosis. Those UK HMTM patients have been living normally for 12 years after taking HMTM. Can drive, can go back to the workforce, can go travel on holidays. Bo Tai Chi liow like normal people emailing via their iphones / ipads like normal people.
Aiya those amyloid gang / their associates will always criticise our placebo VS active dose patients have no performance differences. Our placebo patients (symptomatic active dose actually) are performing much much stronger than amyloid's active dose patients by multiple folds. KNN their active dose patients are still declining at 73% rate + brain bleeding + Accelerated Brain shrinkage (confirm a very bad biomarker sign) + total annual treatment cost over USD50K all in. What kind of fa.rk drug is this? Patients are definitely better off using 25 years ago cheap generic Aricept than amyloid drugs.
After this GenT lesson, now first thing is look for forex exposure making company bankrupt. This GenT huge gigantic forex losses is just too big a risk
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
Balian de Ibelin
15,055 posts
Posted by Balian de Ibelin > 2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Let's summarise AD again.
Brain consists of 3 types of cells.
1) glia cells that divides and becomes Inter neurons
2) Neurons fixed 18 months from birth, does not divide and just dies off.
3) Neuron stem cells that replaces dead Neuron cells.
AD happens when
a) Hayflick Limit breached for glia cells.
b) Neuron stem cells deactivated.
These 2 events results in synaptic loss.
=> In AD literally the brain dies.
When the factory machinery dies off, raw materials tau and beta amyloids piles up inside brain.
20 years after synaptic loss is detected. Tau and beta amyloids are detectable inside brain.
So does HMTM
1) activates Neuron stem cells
2) help in Hayflick Limit breached?
Answer => No, brain continues to die.
Answer => Any sleeping pill will clear up both Tau and Beta amyloids to help Alzheimer’s Disease.