@loveygrampssssssssssssss aka , give your full name in i3 and not hiding behind lovey prandpa or grandma ...or whatever names quoted. This is not your grandpa website n not to be bossy around like u r damn bloody good here! Go somewherelah...tak'kan tak faham ? Sombong , bongkak dan biadap is my words for u aka lovey.......
@limayseng, let me repeat, i3investor is a place to discuss business, financials, stock price, and valuations. It is also a place for "sharing ideas" and "constructive views", two terms which you have brought up earlier. Seems like you are not following your own advice? That's strange.
I guess you are a Malaysian? Very shameful that you have such low standards. My proficiency of the Malay language is not so good but I know two words: jatuh maruah.
This is my last reply to you, as I guess you know nothing more than only to throw around words like "hind side" (aka buttocks), "trust", "confidence", "Buffett". Also, you can't answer simple questions regarding your own statements, don't follow your own advice on "constructive views", and have now even progressed (regressed/degraded?) to personal insults.
Don't worry, I will still be on this Scientex page, answering genuine investor queries and engage in intelligent discussions, just like on some of the other stock pages where people are thanking me for my views and info. I'm just not answering you and all your trash talk with zero civility.
-- limayseng 多講都没用,聽不进去!真是废話连连! 20/04/2016 13:22
limayseng Give me 10 reasons why should share with you? Still waiting.......... 20/04/2016 13:24
limayseng 放屁 20/04/2016 15:01
limayseng @loveygrampssssssssssssss aka , give your full name in i3 and not hiding behind lovey prandpa or grandma ...or whatever names quoted. This is not your grandpa website n not to be bossy around like u r damn bloody good here! Go somewherelah...tak'kan tak faham ? Sombong , bongkak dan biadap is my words for u aka lovey....... 21/04/2016 09:51
leslieroycarter Scientax is well supported by its anticipation of 20-30 % yearly incremental growth and the and dangling carrot Of bonus 1 for 1 . I think short term may trade from 12.50 To 13.00 but longer term may trade well Above 13.00. Just look AT the volume dan roughly gauge that the sellers are limited in volume. Not many will buy that It is a worthless stock As someone has assumed, hoping that the fall can offer him more opportunity To buy low . He poured a lot Of acid thinking that many will buy the bait . Well , i3 members can see his colors for the sprouting nonsense And doing all sorts Of monkey stunts To deceive and to antiganise others in order To create confrontational q&a , thinking that all will buy his Or her ideas. Sadly Scientax is real And solid , As strong As the rock Of Gibrauter ...just sharing.... 25/04/2016 12:29
@leslieroycarter are you referring to me? If you are, please tell me, when have I assumed Scientex is 'worthless' as you claimed? Please show me the particular comment. Also, what nonsense have I sprouted? Or what ideas have I tried to sell? Please list it all down. If you cannot quote any facts to support your claims about me, all readers would know what your true intentions are.
Looks like @limayseng's posts are being deleted by none other than i3investor's own moderators. Doesn't require me to prove that such posts are not up to standard. If the international community thinks they're unworthy, I guess they must be unworthy.
No comment ...I want to share a Malay proverb, it reads" siapa makan chili ia akan rasa pedas" this will be aptly applied to those who think they are. Just sharing and no name calling please..
Another good Malay proverb"satu jari menunjuk kpd orang lain , sepuluh jari akan tunjuk kpd muka hang" Maka buatlah baik berpda-pada,ITU adat resam dan sopan santun orang disini. Berlagak macam kera kena belacan amatlah menyedihkan. Itu saja DPT Saya KONGSI....
@leslieroycarter not sure what you implying, but my comments have always been clear and straight to the point. I only asked for facts about the company or about comments written by another person if they've not been clear. All readers can verify my posts to see if this is true. Only those that have no facts and are feeling the heat, usually resort to name calling and all sort of proverbs.
We can find good Malay proverb to show us guidance such as "diam diam ubi berisi , diam diam besi berkarat" so in life we shall follow the first anecdote instead of the later. So time will tell we are heading for the good or the bad. Thus best of luck to all who are believers in Scientax and not to be swayed by those who are pouring acids to metals in the hope to see all of us are suffering. They are the ones who will be benefitted when the stock suffered a heavy fall because of the punishing words used to discredit the potential of this very stock. Jangan marah seekor nyamok nanti nyaris satu kelambu terbakar.
@leslieroycarter, I have said clearly, anyone can verify my posts. Have I ever discredited this stock? If you think I have, please find my posts on this so that everyone can benefit and know the truth. If you cannot, it seems like your comments are intentionally misleading to discredit me?
Buat baik berpada-pada buat jahat Jangan sekali...hanya Nak KONGSI Bukan Nak cari gaduh...itulah maksud Ku yg tidak berniat APA-APA...Bukan sengaja Nak menegakkan Benang yg basah...macam setengah -tengah orang yg ingatkan kononnnya bahasanya adalah terbaik , kesalahan sendiri Tak nampak , kesalahan orang lain digunungkan , ITU Bukan soapan santun maksudnya.. ..best of luck to all.
@leslieroycarter, obviously you are not willing to discuss anything about stocks, other than quoting malay proverbs in a stock discussion page.
In line with the community standards set by i3investor, and for the benefit of all readers here, I need to treat you the same as @limayseng as this is now venturing into spam posts. Until there is a valid question/discussion by other genuine users, I cannot reply further.
i am confident that i3 moderators can differentiate between a spam and a proverb in peribahasa where Bahasa Malaysia is an official language here in Malaysia; if the moderators simply banned the use of bahasa here in Malaysia , thus it is a contravene against the spirit of the usage national language policy in Malaysia . i will thus forward my questions to the government of Malaysia esp to Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka ( DBP ) and the relevant authorities to intervene on behalf of all the Malaysians here with regards the usage of Bahasa Malaysia to be treated as a spam as suggested by the honourable loveygramps here. This is my last comment and hope that all be well respected and please do not treat these as a spam ....
Someone has suggested that the Malay proverb is to be construed as a spam ; One does not know the beauty of Bahasa Malaysia does not mean that the language is a spam : you must be very careful when you are criticizing an official language of the land ; you must be damn joking by criticizing a language foreign to you in the hope that i3 will be behind you in doing so; and i sincerely urged you to be polite and be respected when pointing fingers to others lest you also will suffer the same fate as what you had suggested.
@leslieroycarter, a total of 6 out of your last 7 posts are discussing about proverbs and people, and nothing to do with stocks. No one is against proverbs, even I quote some Buffett lines when it is appropriate to add on to my comments, but may I remind you that this is a stock discussion page. We all know some of your comments are still here only because there are no moderators (yet). In any proper online discussion board internationally, your comments (6 out of 7 that are only talking about proverbs) would have already been construed as spamming and deleted by the moderators. Again, if anyone verifies my posts on this page, I am sure most of it are referring to stocks. In contrast, you and @limayseng are continuously digressing from the topic of stock. Back to the simple question I asked you some time ago that you refuse to answer, yet like to continue talking about proverbs: How did you value Scientex at RM16.00? Based on what calculations? Or are you just copy pasting analyst reports?
Bahasa Malaysia is an official language bagi Malaysia ; so i will entertain you with Bahasa Malaysia with its answer , the language that i can express myself with ease. RM 13 adalah harga yg ditetapkan oleh pernerbit bond tentang harga stok yg mempunyai nilai tersensdiri; Kebanyakan ahli pakar ekonomi juga menetapkan harga se-umpama spt diatas tidak lari 5 % dari harga yg ditetapkan ; ada juga peberbit meletaklan harga 16.95 bagi mengambilkira keuntungan yg akan diperolehinya sehingga akhir tahun ini; saya bukan pakar ekonomi , maka adalah baik bagi saya merujuk kpd orang bijak pandai untuk menentukan harga nya; Itulah pendapat cetek yg ada pada saya; saya yakin dgn pakar-pakar yg bijaksana dan juga pengurusantertinggi Scientax untuk menguruskan syarikat dgn terbaiknya ; saya yakin dgn kemampuan yg ada padanya hingga boleh membawa syarikat kpd paras yg dikagumi serta disegani . Sekian Terima Kasih. Harap jangan sekali-kali melabelkan jawapan yg yg utarakan juga sebagai "spam: ; ketidak faham dalam bahasa tidak boleh dianggap bahawasanya bahasa orang lain tidak berguna dan bukan bahasa ligua frangka yg digunapakai ramai; Kita semua ada di Tanah Air yg dinamakan Malaysia , maka adalah kewajiban saya utuk menegakkan kesalahfahaman bahasa yg sengaja dianggapkan sebagai bahasa " spam" yg tidak masuk akal sama-sekali. Terima kasih banyak-banyak atas pertanyaan yg diutarakan. Thank You...
Hilarious. @Banglala now here to scam, or join the spammers posting in some language that is not the financial lingua franca? So what's your 'syndicate' TP? 10? Haha. "Good luck trying".
What are you talking about? ho...ho....... why defending so hard on your companies when you can buy cheaper? You should be happier if you are able to average down, no? he...he...h.e....... my TP? Plenty of TPs in the market what.... Plenty of analysts and whatnot for you to see their TP... We operate differently DCF, Multiples, DDM, GDDM all does not mean much more than herding the retailers to board the same ship as the report issuer... Let's not scare you with my financial jargons and computation......... he..he..h.e............ You must rmb... Analyst are the bottom chain of the Pyramid, move up to Private Equity, after that to Self-Managed fund and on.... From your previous post you seemed to know a number of analyst or at least read a number of analyst report to reach your recommendation... good effort... but market is not as clear as black and white..... he..he ..... he................................
look like major shareholders r selling.. Wednesday, 27 Apr 2016
5:24PM SCIENTX LIM PENG JIN (500,000 units Disposed) 5:24PM SCIENTX LIM PENG JIN (500,000 units Disposed)
Tuesday, 26 Apr 2016
5:08PM SCIENTX General Meetings: Notice of Meeting
Wednesday, 20 Apr 2016
6:19PM SCIENTX LIM PENG CHEONG (2,000 units Acquired) 6:18PM SCIENTX LIM PENG JIN (300,000 units Disposed) 6:18PM SCIENTX LIM PENG JIN (300,000 units Disposed)
@Banglala all your models don't matter too much, we both know that at the end of the day the long term price still largely depends on whether at least a few big funds are buying to hold and whether more would come in future as the company's profit grow on a nice trend. Share your TP lah since you sound like a trading team, so I can ready some cash to buy more.
Stock market is just a small portion be it globally or locally... Look at bonds... dont be in the small pond... Wait for May to come until after July... Plenty of red shits you can collect... he...he.h.eh.e.......... keep cash... sure no regret.... Scientex TP? personally........ if you know how option-issuer works, you will know the TP for Scientex for the period of CD in market.... until the CD expires, the TP will remain at "certain point".... he..he.... ask your IB-er on how they do this ask them the standard deviation...... hehhe.......... Ask youself...... check back all the options issued on this stock..... and create a correlation... he...he............ see you......
haha... not sure u trolling or what... RM10 is what you are looking for... never knew you can do funny jokes but god try.. I will try but first lets breach RM12 in a week ok? next friday.. below RM12 first then will see.. he...he...he....... few of funds bought in RM11-12... making it below RM12 is possible but RM10? troll can la he..he...he.......
Fundamentals in tact. Without going into details, current price is around fv, easily reachable any time. Beyond this, it requires a rerating. Not being greedy, 20% off is about RM10.
Also, this price sucks up capital, no point locking in more capital for lesser than 20% as already profiting handsomely. Maybe after ex if you're pulling any games.
I hold this stock since 5 years ago. never failed me. I'm still holding this counter due to high quality of the management. BRAVO. packaging business should b doing very well this year. hopefully this counter go down somemore.
Am i right to assume that price dropped due to the impending bonus issue? Price will even slashed into half once bonus is issued from the current prevailing price?
9th month EPS fr 70 to 80c, thus target 10c per month will be achievable in the 4th qtr giving a return of EPS at RM 1.20 at par with the top 10 fr blue chips In bursa. Long term investment shall be a good bet. Not a buy or sell advice but with disclaimer intent.
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2,076 posts
Posted by limayseng > 2016-04-21 09:51 | Report Abuse
@loveygrampssssssssssssss aka , give your full name in i3 and not hiding behind lovey prandpa or grandma ...or whatever names quoted. This is not your grandpa website n not to be bossy around like u r damn bloody good here! Go somewherelah...tak'kan tak faham ? Sombong , bongkak dan biadap is my words for u aka lovey.......