Last Price Today's Change   Day's Range   Trading Volume
0.14   0.00 (0.00%)  0.14 - 0.145  446,400
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Market Cap: 133 Million
NOSH: 952 Million
Avg Volume (4 weeks):7,317,226
4 Weeks Range:0.125 - 0.165
4 Weeks Price Volatility (%):
52 Weeks Range:0.10 - 0.165
52 Weeks Price Volatility (%):
Average Price Target: 0.29
Price Target Upside/Downside: +0.15

Financial Highlight

Latest Quarter | Ann. Date 31-Mar-2024  |  15-May-2024
Next QR | Est. Ann. Date: 30-Jun-2024  |  28-Aug-2024
T4Q P/E | EY: -14.48  |  -6.91%
T4Q DY | Payout %: 0.00%  |  - %
T4Q NAPS | P/NAPS: 0.091  |  1.54
T4Q NP Margin | ROE: -52.57%  |  -10.63%


Date Subject
12-Jun-2024 MQ Market Updates - 12 June 2024
12-Jun-2024 Managepay Systems' Shares Near Five-month High Following KTMB Contract Win
11-Jun-2024 MQ Market Updates - 11 June 2024
11-Jun-2024 Daily Market Commentary - 11 Jun 2024
11-Jun-2024 Daily Market Report - 11 Jun 2024
11-Jun-2024 Daily Newswatch - 11 Jun 2024
11-Jun-2024 Mplus Market Pulse - 11 Jun 2024
11-Jun-2024 Managepay Gets Five-year Contract to Develop SuperApp for KTMB
05-Jun-2024 MQ Market Updates - 05 June 2024
05-Jun-2024 Daily Market Commentary - 5 Jun 2024
28-Feb-2024 PublicInvest Research Headlines - 28 Feb 2024
28-Feb-2024 Kenanga Today Highlights - 28 Feb 2024
08-Jan-2024 Daily Market Commentary - 8 Jan 2024
08-Jan-2024 Mplus Market Pulse - 8 Jan 2024
08-Nov-2023 Daily Market Commentary - 8 Nov 2023
08-Nov-2023 PublicInvest Research Headlines - 8 Nov 2023
08-Nov-2023 Mplus Market Pulse - 8 Nov 2023
08-Nov-2023 MPay's Group CEO for Payment Services Division Resigns After Four Years
31-Jul-2023 PublicInvest Research Headlines - 31 Jul 2023
31-Jul-2023 Mplus Market Pulse - 31 Jul 2023

Business Background

Managepay Systems Bhd is an investment holding company. The firm is a provider of end-to-end electronic payment solutions for banks and financial institutions, merchants and card issuers. The group's operating segment is classified into two: Payment Services and Non-Payment services. Payment services are involved in terminal services, the third party acquiring, payment services, business outsourcing services, and loyalty management services. Non-payment services are involved in the software security, information communications, and technology services and trading of gadgets. Payment services contribute the majority to the total turnover. The group operates in Malaysia.
Analyze this stock with MQ Trader system

  29 people like this.
imvu 0.105 boleh murah lagi ?
10/07/2022 5:49 PM
cK1973 Boleh mesti boleh murah lagi. Tunggu dulu. Ini goreng punya counter ma
28/07/2022 3:57 PM
cK1973 Must have news. Without news this goring counter sure go sideway and down trend. Biasalah
28/07/2022 3:57 PM
cK1973 Tunggu dulu...
tunggu trend mari.....
29/07/2022 12:42 PM
cK1973 below 10 shld be good to consider......
01/08/2022 9:56 AM
cK1973 Tunggu kat 5 baru showhand…kikiki
03/08/2022 10:16 AM
cK1973 Hi Operators, takde buat news ka.....
Goreng counter ma....
04/08/2022 1:37 PM
cK1973 hangus ka....
semua sudah takut sama lu.....
takpe la...
saya tunggu kat 1c ma....
07/09/2022 3:23 PM
cK1973 lembab lagi ka ni counter....
i relak aje....
10/09/2022 12:33 PM
cK1973 tunggu kat 1c dulu,,,
slow slow ma....
12/09/2022 5:54 PM
cK1973 tak mau jalan lagi le....
mungkin tak ada petrol dah....
tunggu kat 1c dulu ....
19/09/2022 6:08 PM
cK1973 masih tak mau jalan lagi le....
mungkin tak ada duit beli petrol ...
tunggu kat 1c dulu ....
21/09/2022 1:04 PM
ken2004 Actually, this stock just like a dying stock as no profit up expected, just mostly how many losses..........so always in downtrend..............
18/10/2022 3:27 PM
ken2004 Looking back, those cut loss really make a wise decision once they are out from digital banking license back around april, straight gone 60%...........
27/10/2022 9:28 PM
11/01/2023 1:56 AM
kentw07 no power lah
11/01/2023 12:09 PM
cbkia4896 Switch from revenue to mpay. Just bevause behsong few days ago. Iq3000 move. Cover back sikit loss liao
11/01/2023 4:00 PM
HengyuanZai this stock lousy than revenue.. u still want buy mea
28/01/2023 1:44 PM
I2investor massive good news is coming
01/03/2023 4:25 PM
HengyuanZai RM 1 soon
17/04/2023 1:11 PM
Apple2353 hello HenguanZai. 2 months ago you said
"this stock lousy than revenue.. u still want buy mea"

today you said RM1 soon. So contradicting! i think you must have forgotten what you wrote in this forum
17/04/2023 1:35 PM
HengyuanZai RM 0.1 soon , typo ;)
17/04/2023 4:53 PM
orborneee lembab lagi ka ni counter....
i relak aje.... https://super-mario.io
16/06/2023 8:45 PM
Insidefluential 15/18/20
10/07/2023 10:00 PM
pendekarbujang Mpay companies will benefit from today's budget announcement. It is related to the government's plan to give opportunities to several companies to implement various payment methods at the toll.
13/10/2023 8:02 AM
pendekarbujang Stay tuned
13/10/2023 9:13 AM
pendekarbujang e-Wallet will be given priority in this budget towards digital transactions. looking at the company's prospects, the possibility of participation is at a high level
13/10/2023 2:41 PM
pendekarbujang The 2024 budget has allocated a certain amount of money for digital payments. A piece of that sum will go to the company indirectly.
16/10/2023 9:19 AM
pendekarbujang 11 cents should be fine to grab
17/10/2023 10:59 AM
pendekarbujang accumulate
19/10/2023 3:15 PM
pendekarbujang Yeah..got a move today
23/10/2023 11:48 AM
pendekarbujang Start engine
08/01/2024 8:38 AM
flatso sold all, mostly this cheapskate one day show.
08/01/2024 9:05 AM
de_yangtulor wil limit up soon..big project appointed
08/01/2024 11:55 AM
ProfitFirst Gogogo! 🚀🚀🚀
08/01/2024 3:07 PM
de_investor High fly b4 LU
09/01/2024 2:48 AM
EquityJourney 150 big resistance, if can break then hoseh
09/01/2024 3:06 AM
ProfitFirst More good news coming out?
09/01/2024 9:33 AM
de_investor Rebound in the morning 2moro..hahaa😄😅🐎🐎🐎
10/01/2024 8:42 PM
RoRails34 Globaldev Group IT company https://www.globaldev.tech/
31/01/2024 5:26 AM
Bull13 Mpay online money lending bisiness,....as goodas a digital bank!! 13s is very verycheap!
28/02/2024 4:38 PM
Lee Ying Yee pp kill u ???capital increase but QR ----- ?
23/05/2024 1:41 PM
Lee Ying Yee pp kill all shares last year ??
23/05/2024 1:51 PM
syahlam UP2
11/06/2024 9:27 AM
Neoh10855 ....
11/06/2024 10:51 AM
Neoh10855 Tunggu durian jatuh
11/06/2024 11:27 AM
rainman777 Hahahaha black torn, Wakaka
11/06/2024 12:27 PM
chicken77 BYE BYE
12/06/2024 5:19 PM
Lee Ying Yee why turnover no increase only pp pp pp ???
01/07/2024 3:08 PM
01/07/2024 3:53 PM

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