My Trading Adventure


Publish date: Sun, 04 May 2014, 12:09 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Taken from my facebook(as I shared most things in FB rather than blog)

Tonight ... after some arguments with some brilliant and bright students(I do NOT teach them personally) regarding the 'children playground' (well, they were taking pictures sitting/standing on the children playground ... get the picture?) ... I think I found one of the many reasons ... WHY I AM MOVING OUT of college-teaching.

First of all, these college going students came from average or above-average family ... financially and brain-wise. It is sad to see that SPM results improving in EVERY YEAR basis for past 20 years ... but the standard of our education has dropped drastically. It is sad ... for a person who is passionate about education. So sad that we could not do anything much to re-vive it. It is our gov's responsibilities ... but they have used education as their political agendas and screwed up our whole education system. We are far-behind.

Secondly, I started to realise that there are more and more paperwork to be done. Wait ... we teachers are supposed to teach in classrooms, interact with students and guiding them? But ... alas, we are heading into a direction where teachers(lowly paid) over-stressed with tonnes of paperwork. In order for colleges to compete, in obtaining MQA accreditation and ranking, they have to comply to more paperwork, procedures, regulations and more what-have-you ... in expense of the core of education : To educate our young generation(s).

Seeing the depleting moral, lowering respect towards teachers ... commercialising of private education sector ... I know, one day ... I will be too sick of teaching in colleges(unless I need the salary?) ... as we, teachers will be seen as employees ... and students as customers. We even have to 'entertain' parents, at times. There is something seriously amiss ... in the huge puzzle I am trying so hard to comprehend. Due to the limitations of my ability in comprehension ... I could not find the missing piece. It is so-so disconnected ... MORAL as a subject where students without much awareness of it? String of "A"s in exams without understanding of subjects and implications of the philosophy of education? What is education ... and how does it helps us to grow to be a 'better' educated human? Is the $$$ that we are chasing in getting those certs? Are we so used to corruptions that it is OK with us as it is part of our culture and done by our leaders? How do anyone explain that ... teachers no long motivated to teach kids these days, comparing to 10-20 years ago? Why do we have so much of moral-issues ... which not addressed? the list of my frustrations could be very long ... as I am writing this with sadness.

I am sad ... not because I 'lost' in the argument with those brilliant sponsored students. I am sad ... for our country, Malaysia. It is saddening to see these very bright sponsored students lacking in awareness of many things. Things that come naturally from heart ... There is still something amiss here and there ... which I could not ... gather. I could not hold on to the teaching job, knowing that I am just a puppet working to complete my syllabus ... and am not suppose to feel? How are we getting to call ourselves developed country with such mentalities? What is the point of being high-income country, where we are seeing such a decline in human-values ... slipping further lower than we could scoop?

I am sad ... as I am leaving a job that I have hold on for years, despite the 'low' salary. It is called 'passion'. It is personally embedded inside me ... and the sadness could spur me to get involve in the 'Ubah' program. That is how strong I feel ... about education.

At times, it is the best to be ignorant ... as we are UN-aware ... of many things. We do not need to be passionate, to feel so strong ... and concern about the welfare of our country. We could just move away ... quietly leave ... and taking care of our own family or surrounding. Yes ... it is the best to be numb. Ignorance is bliss. but that is not living, in my definition. To live ... we need to have conviction. We need to stand for what we love for ... what we believe in, and continue to strife.

allow me to close myself ... and i do know my sadness will last awhile.

Sorry for all my mistakes. Sorry for not doing a good enough job


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3 people like this. Showing 12 of 12 comments


Cheer up! Look at this from the bright side. You have produced so many A students for our society!

2014-05-04 06:46

Ricky Kiat

my sister in law also quit few month ago from public education sector.

2014-05-04 09:38


Then open a non-profit private school tht actually educate the younger generation. I will chip in if you open.

2014-05-04 09:48


Sigh...too sad to read this...a good teacher like a tree committing suicide. Like a tree, providing oxygen and absorbing co2 from the air to keep us human alive, a teacher has a noble job to teach (give oxygen) and take a foolishness of students (absorb the co2) but the spirit is never to give up on them. A good seed plant in them today will become a good tree some day, but if u let them astray, they will surely become weeds. Sometimes, what you see is not what you get, but what is true will always remain so.

2014-05-04 11:47


I salute you for throwing in the WHITE least you are honest and a person with passion for what you do. Its no use banging yr head against a brick wall. I was in govt service and worked as a teacher too. Couldn't wait to retire as the system was just breaking down. As you rightly said 'we teachers are supposed to teach not to be clerks' So in 1998 I retired. Sorry could not quit as had a family to support. Now i follow yr comments on this blog and Icon 8888 and look for advise on the market.Am a small time investor/trader, and now pushing 71, am enjoying MY life. However I fear and 'cry' for my children' and grandchildrens future

2014-05-04 12:15


I quitted teaching about 10 years ago (Engineering lecturer, MMU, 2001-2003, assistant professor, UTAH, 2004-2005) for more or less the same reasons. For those who are not in this line may not understand the reason why our colleges, universities are producing sub-par standard students. One of the key reasons is the commercialization of education. There is an unwritten rule that in every class, there should not be more than 5% of students scored a "F". On top, mean score must be in between 60-70 marks. The lecturer/teacher has to explain to the dean by a written report if there is any non-compliance. As such, the score was highly manipulated, certainly not representative of the understanding of a particular student on the subject.
Low compensation
When I was an assistant professor in UTAH back in 2004, I couldn't make enough to support my family. Consequently, my wife needed to take up a part time job, my mother-in-law helped to take care of my daughter FOC. Until now, I have a deep respect for those who are in teaching line as they are the one who scarifies financially for the sake of our future generation. Teachers are human being, they too need to eat, live, plan for their next generation. Even till today, I still think that teachers are paid miserably poor compared to other job.

2014-05-04 12:20


Post removed.Why?

2014-05-04 12:24


bravo to you CP TEH!!! I hope you can compensate by helping society in other ways! Hahaha..

2014-05-04 12:27


I am a teacher in secondary school. I am well respected by my collegue and very well love by my students. Teachers salary nowadays are very good and equivalent to private schools. I also teach part time at night and invest in property and shares. I can proudly say I am well blessed as I enjoy my profession very much. Mr. C P Teh may not be well receive by his students and colleque judging from his dissapoinment.

2014-05-04 12:30


terrylim, cpteh also not well receive in i3.

2014-05-04 12:40


Rip my fren

2014-05-04 15:14


its up to one's expectation !

2014-05-04 15:23

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