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5,349 comment(s). Last comment by King Kong73 2013-05-06 07:03


104 posts

Posted by razmry > 2013-02-18 15:27 | Report Abuse


If you keen to become Malaysia Citizen, I think this is the right time for you. You just find out UMNO branch near you, I believe they can give you free IC but you must willing to become UMNO member first. That what was happened to one of middle east student in one of klang valley university.

I think you should try this. Best luck to you.


388 posts

Posted by tptan45 > 2013-02-18 15:37 | Report Abuse

Alternatively, fly to Mindanao, and follow the instructions from there on. Pretty simple.

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-02-19 00:45 | Report Abuse

hmmn really can get bolihland citizen if join Umno ah - only problem is have to potong ciu ciu/ku ku but have to consider the pros and cons - let's say if u r from dirt poor countries like Bangladesh,Somalia or Utopia and if you can make it to bolihland then can join Umno. better too if while in Umno be a big kaki bodek( make sure bodek the right fella lah eg like the ex PM dr son and not the ex sleepy PM son in law )
Also better if can join one of the Perkosa or perkida or whatever they are known - u know those fellas who always shout like mad dogs and hold something above their head, want to burn this and that :) Please dun join MIC,MCA or Gerakan - those are the Pendatangs - even though u also pendatang but after in UMNO u are no longer pendatang but now Bumi.This is the mistake a lot of people make - big difference between Pendatangs and Bumi.
after getting some $$$ from your hard bodek work then can go for Umno Branch Div chief post. better if you have your comrades from your country to support u the more the merrier - key is to set up a branch - simply find one area and have your comrades like about 25 then fill in the paper work and have 100 RM give to our bro - ah jib gor. Once u attain the chief post then u r set for life :) that time even your once starved cows can also live in condos. Good luck!


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-02-19 03:05 | Report Abuse

razmry , tptan45 & Frank Soweto, I fully support your statements without reservations. The best is that Frank Soweto gave a very clear picture of what's really happening.

From Frank Soweto's observation, then what's next for our fellow Malays?...next bumi Malay small business taken over by these illegal immigrants of Indonesia, Bangladesh as can be seen it happening in the KL Chow Kit area & the best part is that these Bangladeshi who steal the Malay girls to marry leaving our Malay brothers with less choice lah, haa haa haa. Soon in years to come these illegal immigrants of Indonesia, Bangladesh might, yes, might, replace Malays place in Malaysian society, don't believe? then wait and see but don't wait to long lah as time is not on your side.

So, can our Malay brothers & sisters really wake up before it's too late?

Wy Lee

512 posts

Posted by Wy Lee > 2013-02-19 06:03 | Report Abuse

Do your own research...easy mathematics job....then u know r we having healthy debt? Zzzz

Wy Lee

512 posts

Posted by Wy Lee > 2013-02-19 06:09 | Report Abuse

Is da people responsibilities to choose their leader. I believes there are ways for everything.... Such as pick leader for our country & set rules, eg: Gov associated leader can't involve in business even their nearest family. Only those who truly want to serve the public will taking da jobs. Of-course taking this job required huge responsibilities & GOOD salary XD.

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-02-19 06:18 | Report Abuse

Actually jacko cannot blame New Insight Sabah cause UK and Singapore corruption if any, cannot fight will bolihland gov. Bolihland is the new champion now,before was Mugabe, Marcos but now those fellas all no fight lah. maybe ah jib gor can give public holiday for our achievement like how we had one during last year suzuki cup champion? New Insight not used to corruption when he lived in those countries but in bolihland - no problem - kita bolih settle :) 1Bolih

Bingo ( one of the few smart people here and others who realise that corruption is bad - trust me not many around that is why u see BN still ruling after over 50 years :( )- unfortunately our malay friends are simple people unlike our dear leaders ( copied from TPtan :) )from Umno. actually Better call them Supreme Leaders since they pretty much call all the shots and make the rules to suit them :) better dun make them angry if not after they deport me to Zimbabwe - i sure die one :( oh solly getting out of track - ah our malay friends as long as have sedikit rezeki like br1m they will be happy - cannot blame them also - go to the kampung still see them having simple life. but our Umno and MCA fellas a little different give them Proton they want Merc,give them condos they want palaces :( Not only that They steal from you and me and they still want us to thank them :( how? like that very susah lah.
Before somebody shoot me and tell me this is i3investor for shares only and nothing to do with politics I suggest he/she go read this article http://www.theedgemalaysia.com/business-news/230858-cimb-research-general-election-risks-foremost-on-investors-minds.html
see I tell u no lie one - from theedgedaily - business newspaper man and they have article from CIMB - u know CIMB ah - the one our ah jib gor bro one big boss. aiyoyo like that somebody head sure kena potong like the Bank Islam fella. wat happened? how come ah jib gor bro trying to sabotage him ah hehe Anyway me too much blah3 already better go and see what shares to sell :)


104 posts

Posted by razmry > 2013-02-19 14:43 | Report Abuse

I think most of us wrongly judge between races. We didn't understand why harmonisation between races not 100% happened. Main reason is the way the ruler do now is what imperialist done before "divide and rule".

So to control and get support, even though the ruler is severely corrupted but the "rakyat" afraid to make a change. Why? Because our mind already being brain wash so long and each race have worst taught over the other races. An example a guy either Chinese/malay/indian current corrupted ruler when they go to the opposite race talk other things but when go back to their races give other taught. Defamation too much and even difficult for us to judge correctly.

I believe, what ever type your believe in god, then go back to the principal of the actual teaching. What ever taught and believe you have, it is about future after life. Wrong or right it is our believe and some people say that will be judged in the judgement day.

For now we need to make a judgement to what we believe. We want a change then make vote for change. If vice versa it is your choice, me my self salute and respect your choice. For me I vote for change since I saw tooooo much unfairness in this systems from economy distribution, living, education, tax system and etc. I hope and pray for the better future. Who knows may be it is vice versa could come but it is just like and investment, with proper study assessment then do our own judgement.

Your believe is your choice. Good Luck...


2,273 posts

Posted by minitrader > 2013-02-19 14:44 | Report Abuse

Best that u guys drop the discussion on politics. This is not a political forum...u may hurt someone...u cN talk politics all day long n never end...


2,273 posts

Posted by minitrader > 2013-02-19 14:54 | Report Abuse


Posted by shukriechek > 2013-02-19 15:05 | Report Abuse

I agree with you minitrader. This column is not a political forum....


104 posts

Posted by razmry > 2013-02-19 15:17 | Report Abuse

I stopped my view up to here about this topic and future investment related to this topic.



1,159 posts

Posted by Lotusf1 > 2013-02-19 15:19 | Report Abuse

Agreeed: No need to Waste our time here ....writing long words when half of the crowd s gone to sleep ...boring ...when we should be focussing, sharing ideas on stocks agenda!
Political flavors , are welcomed , overdoing it made hard for one to swallow!

Posted by New Insight Sabah > 2013-02-19 15:51 | Report Abuse

You cannot separate politics from economics. They are an integral part of each other. Otherwise the stock market will not be jittery over the coming general election. The funny part is that Malaysians are fearful of he outcome of the polls. But we foreigners are buying on the cheap and will be buying more as stock prices fall. But, alas, I don't have the money!


2,273 posts

Posted by minitrader > 2013-02-19 17:27 | Report Abuse

Probably u didn't catch what I mean. When u talk politics, u'll never end hitting each other. It's a endless process. This is not the forum to discuss politics bcoz u'll hurt lots of people who has different political beliefs.


2,273 posts

Posted by minitrader > 2013-02-19 17:30 | Report Abuse

If u are interested in politics, go to politics.com...not investor.com


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2013-02-20 00:44 | Report Abuse

It is all related minitrader. Lets get on with the election quick. Does not matter who wins, the market will go up after that. If PKR wins, it will even go up more than before.

The world market is starting to go up already.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-02-20 01:53 | Report Abuse

yes, andychucky28 , business & politics are interrelated & they go hand in hand, each depending on the other too. So who says that politics & business don't mix. Here we are talking about politics of our beloved Malaysia and so many simple minded people says that politics is out of investments here.

What if the government goes bankrupt and will it not affect investments & business? Will it not affect our living? Will business be running smoothly when the government is bankrupt or if there is mismanagement in the country's finance or wealth? And if the our beloved Malaysia's wealth or money is mismanaged, will you be sitting beside your computer and doing your trading? I bet by that time all you investments will ALL kaput, haa haa haa and yet so many so many self proclaim "experts in no politics but investments only" says 'LEAVE POLITICS ALONE, CONCENTRATE IN INVESTMENTS"

If you cannot discuss politics with investments, then what? Will there be any business going on if a country money masuk longkang? You all get very angry and demand, YES DEMAND, that politics be kept out of this investment, FOR WHAT?????? Can business survive without any political consideration?

To put it all in a nutshell, LIKE IT OR NOT, BUSINESS & POLITICS GO HAND IN HAND & as I said before that if any of you DEMANDING MEMBERS who may NOT LIKE A CERTAIN TOPIC, then my VERY SIMPLE & SINCERE ADVICE TO YOU ALL ARE "SO SMART & NOT WANTING BUSINESS TO MIX WITH POLITICS" is NEVER to look at this topic and move on...don't even peep into this topic but just go to any other topics here that you so fancy...it's as simple as this and no more getting and demanding this that & keeping in mind too that this is NOT YOU OWN PERSONAL BOARD AND YOU CANNOT DEMAND THIS & THAT, SO GET IT INTO YOUR THICK HEAD.

Here, we are all discussing how politics will affect investments and there are so many experts here who demand this and that and may I ask you all this.....country no more money, no investments coming into the country, business closing down because of bad politic climate & you STILL CAN BUY SHARES OR NOT??????

Yes, politics is very very dirty an even in a single family, no 2 mind are of the same political ideology. Come on you all simple minded & demanding people, try to get this into your thick head...this....BUSINESS & POLITICS GO HAND IN HAD....GOT IT???


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-02-20 02:18 | Report Abuse

I have no political leanings & I don't belong to any political party. I am not an activist too. I don't belong to any NGOs. To put it plainly I am a freelancer and I do care what's going in our beloved country cause here is where I cari makan, stay , live & play & definitely I will have some interest whether I like it or not.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-02-20 02:51 | Report Abuse

I know that there are many BN/UMNO/MCA supporters or kakis here but like it or not, these people got to FACE REALITY & DON'T PRETEND THAT YOU SEE NOT & HEAR NOT. Can these people HONESTLY say that they are NOT BLIND in what's really happening in our beloved country? ...or is that there are so many Mamakutty worshipers that they lost their SENSES OR DIRECTIONS?

We all may have different thinking but WE DEFINITELY CLOSE NOT BOTH EYES BUT EARS and pretend that here in beloved Malaysia 'everything is a ok".

Face it please my Malaysian friends, take concrete action where need and bring MALAYSIA to greater heights for yourself, your family, your children and your grandchildren too. Will you or are you just BLIND?

Or do you want to be rent seekers by simply pretending to play stupid and be a "BODEK KAKI" as Frank Soweto so cleverly & rightly put it in. Trying very hard to join the gravy train or just hoping for left overs or some crumbs of the cake?

Or do you want to do something good for your beloved country or for your children , grandchildren or loved one?

The choice is yours as you alone can decide. But beware too, GOD is watching too.


560 posts

Posted by jacko > 2013-02-20 09:01 | Report Abuse


Lol....another postponent ?.......everybody selling early....now buy back?

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-02-20 09:15 | Report Abuse

Bingo - from your writings you seems to be a good concern citizen and care much about the country and especially the people. Wish you all the success in share investing and in life too. cheers mate :)

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-02-20 09:17 | Report Abuse

aiya Jacko tell him to have the election now lah - all the world market going up and everyday Bursa market going down. why? why? why? because investors dun like uncertainties!!!!!! the longer u delay the longer this market will be downturn biased :(

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-02-20 09:18 | Report Abuse

ah yesterday I sold Kian Joo at 2.29 :) good or bad?
see I talk about shares if not after my bapak here tarok me hehe
opps maybe wrong thread better go to Kian joo thread :) solly solly hehe

Posted by New Insight Sabah > 2013-02-20 09:21 | Report Abuse

See it from the foreigners' viewpoint: It doesn't matter to us who form the next government. We're confident that whoever gets to rule will be quick to regain local and foreign investors' confidence in Malaysia's economy. There is too much at stake. What we like about this election is that it is given the market enough jitters to drive down prices making many stocks cheap and ripe for the picking. And this is what we like about Malaysia: Predictable, easily shaken and easy to make money with very little capital outlay!


560 posts

Posted by jacko > 2013-02-20 09:23 | Report Abuse

No Frank....malaysian like to wait until last minute and becoz this week is the last week supposedly to dissolve Parliment by 22 feb....now if postpone to April as suggested, the volume will be back and started dropping again in early march.

So we have until next week and should go up this week and down next again.....


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-02-20 14:20 | Report Abuse

New Insight Sabah , any investor without doubt will invest in a country with little or NO CORRUPTION.Reason is very simple...this....less expenses and that means more profit for the investor or owners and possibly more benefits for the employees or workers too. So we can safely say everyone tends to gain if there's less corruption in a country.

Compare a worker in Singapore & Malaysia and see who gets the best salary & benefits? Definitely the worker in Singapore. Do you know that at 1 time Singapore CPF [ours EPF] contributions comes to around 50% of your salary, with more than half contributed by the employer. So in fact most of the Singapore employees are millionaires in CPF money after working for 20 years. That's why Singapore is No.1 in having the most millionaires in the world. Can we say of Malaysia?

Singapore No. 1 For Millionaires – Again



If we are govern in the same way as Singapore, I am confident many among us are already millionaires now, haa haa haaa


388 posts

Posted by tptan45 > 2013-02-20 14:36 | Report Abuse

'And this is what we like about Malaysia: Predictable, easily shaken and easy to make money with very little capital outlay!'
Even better, for those with connections, you can make money WITHOUT any capital outlay. Government give you soft loan, really soft type.


2,273 posts

Posted by minitrader > 2013-02-20 14:57 | Report Abuse

....and u all can talk politics endlessly...


2,273 posts

Posted by minitrader > 2013-02-20 15:01 | Report Abuse

bingo...why don't u compare Malaysia with Thailand, the Philippines, Mynmar, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Somalia, Bangladesh...and the list goes one...where are we? Why compare with Singapore?


388 posts

Posted by tptan45 > 2013-02-20 15:13 | Report Abuse

'why don't u compare Malaysia with Thailand, the Philippines, Mynmar, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Somalia, Bangladesh...and the list goes one...where are we? Why compare with Singapore?'
That is good one. Now why didn't we thought of that before......
Now we all know what to tell our kids.


560 posts

Posted by jacko > 2013-02-20 15:13 | Report Abuse

MINItrader ...we should compare with Singapore becoz we were at equal par with them when we first started with independence.. On top of that Malaysia have natural resources and Singapore does not not.

Our oil produce is higher than Brunei.......but Brunei is tax free. As for the rest, they were not on par with Malaysia to begin with


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-02-20 15:23 | Report Abuse

minitrader , you cannot or read simple English or are you playing ignorant. We are all the while talking about corruption in the country and that's why I compare Singapore with Malaysia where there's little or NO CORRUPTION there in Singapore.The rest of the countries are all corrupted in 1 way or other....you want to compare what? We all say that corruption or bad country wealth management will run down the country & I presume you just woke up from your sleep? you don't know what's happening in those countries all this while or are you plain stupid????

minitrader, don't think you are a smart idiot and DEMANDING FROM ALL OF US TO STOP WRITING. Come on , this is a open board or forum and members can talk as they please until the administrator of this site says otherwise. minitrader, you think you can show Your Authority by DEMANDING THIS & THAT FROM US MEMBERS HERE.YOU THE ADMINISTRATOR OR OWNER OF THIS BOARD? Wake up minitrader, don't try to play a smart idiot and please don't open your mouth simply and nobody can say you are stupid, get that into your thick head.


388 posts

Posted by tptan45 > 2013-02-20 15:24 | Report Abuse

you are not clear on concept here.
What they might mean is that we are the best among the corrupted.
Do not compare corrupted nation with (mostly) clean nation.
Compare corrupted with corrupted.
We are clearly tops.
YEAH!! I think we all feel better now.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-02-20 16:07 | Report Abuse

Asia's 10 Most Corrupt Countries

& Malaysia is in the list too....read on please..



2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-02-20 16:09 | Report Abuse

and at the bottom of the list is Singapore....

13. Singapore (新加坡) 1.20

One of the least corrupt nations on the world. Known for strictly constraint of its government officials.


2,273 posts

Posted by minitrader > 2013-02-20 16:26 | Report Abuse

there u go...u guys are more interested in politics here than anything else...as aforesaid, this is not a political forum. We can argue until we die and endlessly...I'm not siding anyone here. When u talk politics, u tend to be emositonal and insensitive to others. I'm productive by arguing with u guys. I'm here to make some money from mkt, not argue endlessly about politics. Wasting my time here...

Posted by Desmond Liew > 2013-02-20 16:34 | Report Abuse

u got right altitude minitrader,, we are here to dig gold, oil & money.. if a torpic is not related to us, let other to read & write so long we stay away .. i dont like politic,, i love money only which can give me luxury life..


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-02-20 17:23 | Report Abuse

you all mostly hero worshipe mamakutty but look what 1 reader in another portal wrote....

I quote..

Anonymous #19098644: Dr Mahathir Mohamad is the natural successor to Joseph Goebbels, the minster of information during the Adolf Hitler government. Goebbels believed that if you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.

In his autobiography 'A Doctor in The House', Mahathir even said that he had a meeting with Singapore's second president Benjamin Sheares on a particular date. The Singapore government subsequently refuted it and said it was not possible as Sheares had died before that date.

This is typical Mahathir for you, writing fiction instead of facts. For him, if what he testified under oath is different from the facts, it is not perjury because it is due to different assumptions.

He claimed to have been Malaysian finance minister but does not know the difference between cash price, special price and contract price.

His legacy is alive today in the son of MCA chief Chua Soi Lek who is supposedly an accountant but doesn't know the difference between debit and credit.

Sangat Teroh: That was why he gambled away billions of ringgit during Bank Negara's wild speculative days because he could not understand the word "cash".


Yes readers wrote about what mamakutty said in court today & they "give it properly to him" , so to say. ha haa haa


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-02-20 18:07 | Report Abuse

even 4 ex Generals of the Malaysian Armed Forces are fed up with BN/UMNO, see the picture please.


...so still supporting mamakutty & BN????

Posted by Jonathan Keung > 2013-02-20 18:46 | Report Abuse

some people are more equal than others. remember the "animal farm" story?

Posted by Desmond Liew > 2013-02-20 22:55 | Report Abuse

Seems someone is promoting opposition party here.. too bad,,

See is real, listen is fake.. 眼看为实 耳听为虚.

Ooi Teik Bee

11,175 posts

Posted by Ooi Teik Bee > 2013-02-20 23:16 | Report Abuse

Dear Bingo,

You are very good and knowledgeable guy, I need to learn from you.

According to history, Malacca Sultanate fell after the prime minister took over the role of Finance Minister. Will history repeats itself ? Yet to be seen.

Thank you.



4,726 posts

Posted by necro > 2013-02-20 23:24 | Report Abuse

Anwar also LAST TIME finance ministry...

Ooi Teik Bee

11,175 posts

Posted by Ooi Teik Bee > 2013-02-20 23:31 | Report Abuse

Is Anwar a Prime Minister ? Not yet.


4,726 posts

Posted by necro > 2013-02-20 23:36 | Report Abuse

Mr Ooi how your class going?


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-02-20 23:39 | Report Abuse

Desmond Liew, you still sleeping and saying that I am promoting opposition party. Ask you this...why are retired generals coming out and speaking against the BN/UMNO government, use your stupid head please and as I said earlier, then nobody can said that you are stupid or trying to be a smart idiot. Ask yourself why the ex generals are coming our and taking about stolen aircraft engines [incidentally happening in Malaysia ONLY, haa haa haa], bad Scorpene submarines deals, etc.

By me highlighting this, you call me as promoting opposition party and if that's the case can I safely say that your are a blind pro BN/UMNO supporter? I just want to highlight what bad our present BN/UMNO government is doing to the extend that the ex Generals are so very critical of the BN/UMNO government and trying to put everything right. I guess that these ex Generals are doing everything for the good of the country and not like you still sleeping and maybe hoping for more BR1M? Next time the BN/UMNO government may give you the BROOM? haa haa haa just like the ex MB Toyo of Selangor happily smiling when giving REAL BROOMS to the heads of department in front of so many people.

Desmond Liew, when I try to highlight what bad the BN/UMNO is doing , you already had in your mind that I am promoting the opposition. Desmond Liew, I dare you to sat it clear & precisely that I am the one and then we will see what happen next then. As I had said so many times, nobody will say you are stupid if you don't open your big smelly mouth.

Desmond Liew, if every concern citizen of a country is trying to correct the wrong in the country that they are living by speaking out, then you say everyone is PRO OPPOSITION? Can't these people speak out because they care for the good of it's beloved country and it's citizens? Do these people want their beloved country to masuk longkang and they too will sink with it too or may I ask you Desmond Liew, are you still sleeping and don't know what's really happening in this country and are you plain ignorant or stupid?

Desmond Liew, come on, wake up from your deep slumber and try to bring some good for your beloved country where you cari makan in , will you? And please, please, don't try to accuse people of being a promoter of Opposition party when they are trying to bring some correction for the good of our beloved country, will you? And Desmond Liew, one last word, this...and please don't talk like an idiot and nobody can say that you are really stupid, please us your grey matter that GOD had so kindly provide you, will you?

And Desmond Liew, as you buy shares in certain counters & express your thoughts to others, can I say that you are pro this Chairman or MD? or that you are a ball carrier of this or that Chairman or MD? That's why I ask you to use your common sense, that you wisely use your grey matter & you will NOT make to look stupid. Can you Desmond Liew?

Be good Desmond Liew & don't try to be a smart alec, will you?

Ooi Teik Bee

11,175 posts

Posted by Ooi Teik Bee > 2013-02-20 23:49 | Report Abuse

Dear Necro,

My class is doing well because of KHSB. All students are happy and smiling during the gathering tonight. Did you invest in KHSB ?

Please follow the sequence right, place the cart behind the horse.

Thank you.



4,726 posts

Posted by necro > 2013-02-20 23:53 | Report Abuse

still afraid ooo..
no others stocks Mr Ooi?

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