paperplane2016: the assumption of slower home sales=reduce revenue not making sense for me.
KYY: Its main products are small diameters water pipes and galvanized steel pipes which are used inside the house. Buying Choo Bee’s share is the same like buying a property company’s share. If houses and condominiums cannot sell, household water pipes also cannot sell.
Questions: does developers sell the houses first, then only buy the pipes to install? Hmm..
since OTB write, I also write. EXPORT has many years before one of their major revenue. But since force to buy the steel raw from Megasteel at HIGH cost, its margin is like shit. Now, RAW can get imported cheaper, export makes sense now as they can compete outside MALAYSIA! Look! they are going for BIGGER PIE! IF EXPort materialised, profit easily DOUBLE if not TRIPLE!
i still dont know how to define as a good investor in the perspective of the kyy, at the beginning said must follow eps, then say eps does not work then follow ta, then now he said dont follow ta, however the choobee is the net cash company and high nta, with the good ta and fa, then he said sell. somemore, he use the bug of the website to pump his post to the top one, in 3 hours time become top one, i got use the cheat also, actually it is almost impossible to hit the top one since there is so many blog article in the klse, how can we trust a conner?
he dont have the principle to buy a stock, he just buy as he like because he got money, see the focus lumber rebound heavy after he sell, he dont have the principle to hold, he is just a novice to the market to us. how much did he lost? he must ask himself
tomorrow the choobee rise, he will changes his statement and say choobee is universe stock. He only look on the one point and ignore others point. Just like a man look on the pretty girl, and ignore how ugly of her heart. one pretty cover hundred ugly in the saying of the chinese. The fact is , recently due to the lrt building and the unfreeze from the selangor government to build the house, the metal demand is increasing. This kind of person he just want to mislead the klse, not helping
Choo Bee is too small that it's share is mostly controlled. Current PE is 20. Unless next three quarters maintain at 9 cents profit, else, risk is higher compared to CSCSTEL. I am just highlighting the risk. Remember last year how Geshen is being pushed sky high due to 1 quarter good results. See how heavy it drops after following quarter reports drops in profit. In one day, share price drops 0.50. Many people get burnt.
The only good catalyst for Choo Bee is the closure of Megasteel. Investor needs to ask yourself that why Choo Bee cannot perform when Megasteel is around. Good company should perform at any circumstances. In this case, CSCSTEL performs well even with Megasteel around.
i looked at it this way...despite the top article claiming its not Miss universe... if you cannot get it cheap today when else you will be able to get it?
Do you think the buyers are all dungu...i can say for sure some the sellers today have no 'thinking of their own'...but not so much on the buyers
who knows..may be tomorrow articles comes saying its is Mr.Universe..he he
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