15 people like this.

2,653 comment(s). Last comment by Philip ( buy what you understand) 2 months ago


3,617 posts

Posted by klee > 2023-03-18 18:32 |

Post removed.Why?


11,753 posts

Posted by OTB > 2023-03-18 18:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by klee > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse
OTB.You are tested n proven.Hats off to you.What is one bad yr out of 10 good ones.
I made money from 2009 to 2021.
I lost small amount of money in 2018.
I lost > 500k in 2022.
I said it out honestly here.

I made big money in 2020, I do not want to disclose this amount.
Count yourself, I bought big on Supermx at 3.60 and I sold them > 20.00.
The highest price I sold is 24.50.
Those want to attack me, please review your profit before you attack me.
Thank you.


7,525 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2023-03-18 19:33 | Report Abuse

We are all here in i3 trying to share what we know and make money from Bursa.

You have your way and I have mine and there are no sure win way. So why not we just exchange our know what, know how and know when to make money from share market????? And be nice to each other.

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2023-03-19 08:00 | Report Abuse

I have to say I have no idea who purebull really is other than him claiming that he is a UM ex graduate. I remember he is claiming how good his trading skills are etc etc. But when I reached out to him to let him trade some of my investment money where I proposed 5 million, he became suspiciously quiet when I also asked for his track records and meetup with my banker in kl to discuss further. After that I knew he was all talk and no results so I have ignored him ever since then.

If possible please stop having arguments and trolling on my personal portfolio page. Other than lee soon sheng, everyone else has been doing more harm than good.


3,617 posts

Posted by klee > 2023-03-19 08:29 | Report Abuse

Thanks for clarification Philip.Will do.There you go everybody.Right from Philip's mouth.Avoid the potential scammer purebull.


217 posts

Posted by SpeedyBoy > 2023-03-19 13:31 | Report Abuse

Pure bull a UM graduate…? His English is so hard to understand


11,753 posts

Posted by OTB > 2023-03-19 17:10 |

Post removed.Why?

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2023-03-19 17:22 | Report Abuse

No problem ooi. I have personally banned qqq 5 times from my chat group on telegram and he is still inside, so I know how pesky he can be. But since I also know his peers personally in the cycling group who have shared photos of him and shared with me his character, I have nothing but pity for him.

It is usual, those who cannot reach the grapes will say it is sour.


11,753 posts

Posted by OTB > 2023-03-19 17:40 | Report Abuse

Dear Philip,
Thank you for your reply.
Can you add me in your telegram group because I want to know what are the good fundamental stocks to keep for longer term ?
Please advise.
Thank you.


9,133 posts

Posted by qqq47660 > 2023-03-19 19:26 | Report Abuse

I didn't realise this Philips is a liar just like otb....same same liar


9,133 posts

Posted by qqq47660 > 2023-03-19 19:27 | Report Abuse

Philips and otb, make a bit of money think they are exempt from all morals


9,133 posts

Posted by qqq47660 > 2023-03-19 19:30 | Report Abuse

Furthermore it's just temporary money.....this Philip and otb have lost and will lose as much as they gain


9,133 posts

Posted by qqq47660 > 2023-03-19 22:48 | Report Abuse

Goes to show people who tells lies, people who are arrogant will lose their pants and their money


11,753 posts

Posted by OTB > 2023-03-19 23:10 | Report Abuse

qqq3333 lost money and become a bankrupt 100 times, I am still a millionaire.
I will ensure my statement is 100% correct.
I do not need to tell lies here.
qqq3333 will lose until bankrupt because of many lies he tells in I3.
A good person will not simply telling lies after lies in I3.

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2023-03-20 06:42 | Report Abuse

Respect is earned, not given. And more importantly those who know who you are also know your son. And since your son is in the financial services industry, and we also know your son well, please be respectful. If he one day goes from buy side to sell side banking, do you think your actions and words in public where everyone can see will hurt his chances or make it higher. I for one will not buy a single product from your son, just because of how rude the father is qqq.

Goes to show people who tells lies, people who are arrogant will lose their pants and their money


27,513 posts

Posted by speakup > 2023-03-20 07:38 | Report Abuse

exactly! some sifus here is i3 have lost the respect, but they still continue to expect i3 to respect them. if these sifus want respect, just help others in i3 make money, instead of using i3 to push of the shares they bought earlier.


27,513 posts

Posted by speakup > 2023-03-20 07:38 | Report Abuse

help i3 members make money instead of using them! simple. then respect will come


11,753 posts

Posted by OTB > 2023-03-20 08:39 |

Post removed.Why?


9,133 posts

Posted by qqq47660 > 2023-03-20 09:48 | Report Abuse

If otb and Philip can fabricate stuffs about me, they can fabricate stuffs about any thing. This is what money do to these low life people.


2,473 posts

Posted by Zhuge_Liang > 2023-03-20 09:59 |

Post removed.Why?


7,525 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2023-03-20 10:14 | Report Abuse

Trust is earned not given. But respect is given as respect beget respect.

If you send out respectful thoughts, respect from others will come back to you. If you send out hatred, animosity, ill-will, disrespect, etc., similar negative experiences will come back to you.


9,133 posts

Posted by qqq47660 > 2023-03-20 13:23 | Report Abuse

Whatever la,. Fabricating stuffs about other people.....instead of sticking to stock market.....is the stuffs evil people do.


9,133 posts

Posted by qqq47660 > 2023-03-20 13:25 | Report Abuse

Who ever come to i3 to read fabrications about other people? Nobody do that.


2,473 posts

Posted by Zhuge_Liang > 2023-03-20 14:20 |

Post removed.Why?


2,473 posts

Posted by Zhuge_Liang > 2023-03-20 14:57 |

Post removed.Why?


1,177 posts

Posted by TanDavid88 > 2023-03-20 17:53 |

Post removed.Why?

Posted by Sunshine88 > 2023-03-21 06:37 | Report Abuse

Dear Philip,
Can you add me in your telegram group.
Thank you

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2023-03-21 09:19 | Report Abuse

I3 does not allow me to post the link in the comment section. But if you scroll up to the very top and read the description of the portfolio page, you will find that I have posted the link to the telegram page 3 times.


3,617 posts

Posted by klee > 2023-03-21 20:40 | Report Abuse

Purebull shit got so so hurt frm some cyberworld posts n remember till today,lmao.You are making a damn fool out of yourself in front of i3 public.Tak malu ka? Btw,who told you i m inside your pathetic channel of 195.lmao.


3,617 posts

Posted by klee > 2023-03-21 20:41 |

Post removed.Why?


3,617 posts

Posted by klee > 2023-03-21 20:52 |

Post removed.Why?

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2023-03-21 21:11 | Report Abuse

The way you talk and act purebull makes me wonder if you were even a universiti Malaya student, much less in your 60's. More importantly the way you articulate your thoughts and how emotional you speak, really makes me wonder if you can even be an effective trader or investor. In any case, please bring your mindless conversation elsewhere and not here in my personal portfolio page.

FYI, I also have a record of our conversation, which you have certainly forgotten. But I don't forget, and I store every tidbit of useful information when I invest, as you should when trading.

5 million rupiah? Please. Have you even traded that much in your entire life?

PureBULL ...

2,632 posts

Posted by PureBULL ... > 2023-03-21 22:59 | Report Abuse

i never care or bother whether klee is my enemy.,.
i wish him well.,. n hope he can yamseng with me 1 day.,.
am so so sorry to hoot.9.e.,. n wish he can be our true member here.,.

in stocks, do the right steps:
BIG money is in knowing EW:

MAJOR A n C r big huge money.
but we must have the expertise to identify MAJOR B 1st,

i.e. master the thereafter of, IM n or a mild CN.,.


3,617 posts

Posted by klee > 2023-03-21 23:22 |

Post removed.Why?

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2023-03-22 02:15 | Report Abuse

Purebull, please stop with your mumbo jumbo. Getting very irritating, worse than cloud reader saying everything without saying nothing. In the end talk without performance, no results to show is the worst type of shaman, just full of scams. Black you are right. Red others are wrong. How to lose?

This is why only real investors like Warren buffet, Peter lunch and Charlie munger dare to show their portfolio holdings for the entire world to comment on. People know their results, know their thoughts behind the investments, and can calculate the long term results.

Failures hide behind names line purebull and don't even dare to show their portfolio results or manage larger sums of money professionally.

How much do you actually trade a year kid? Makes me wonder.

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2023-03-22 02:26 | Report Abuse

As for me I don't even bother with trying to make money scamming people or showing off how many members I have in my chat group.

I prefer to just mention, every transaction I make has a time stamp in the comments which cannot be edited. By all means take out whatever zeros you need to make yourself feel good.

For me the zeroes are not as important as the dates and long term performance.

What I did during the panic of 2020, why I sold my entire share of topglove, why I bought pchem, why I didn't sell ql, when I added margin, everything is recorded in the daily transactions.

More importantly over the entire turbulent 4 years+ since I started tracking the portfolio, I have achieved CAGR returns year to date of 20.56% despite the big drop this year.

Meaning on average every year I increase my wealth by 20% on average. Can you claim the same over the same period?

Like you said, illiots look for zeros and numbers.

For people who are not interested in small things, the more important details is 20% compounded cagr over 4.6 years, with low volatility of held stocks, and consistent performance.

What do zeros matter when you have details to look at on a daily basis over 4 years?

Truly throw pearls before swine.

So called MU graduate that can't even understand the value of what I am presenting.


PureBULL ...

2,632 posts

Posted by PureBULL ... > 2023-03-24 20:21 | Report Abuse


BIG banks in the US n oso europar went bankrupt or to ZERO.,.

i.e. total FEAR to money managers everywhere all at once.,.

World # 1 hedgee, Ray Dalio's wise words,
be Defensive, then U can keep your MONEY.,.


3,617 posts

Posted by klee > 2023-03-25 16:42 | Report Abuse

Never act like a WH ORE.

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2023-03-26 12:02 | Report Abuse

And yet if you take a look at my portfolio and many other long term investor it is clear to see that when the market is panicking is the best time to buy stocks and put that margin into action.

Just look at March 2020 transaction record when I began buying big when everybody is panicking. Meanwhile people like purebull talking big when their trading accounts being hit by huge margin losses.


World # 1 hedgee, Ray Dalio's wise words,
be Defensive, then U can keep your MONEY.,.


11,753 posts

Posted by OTB > 2023-03-28 15:00 | Report Abuse

Hopefully there is no bank crisis in the US and Europe.
The low of FBMKLCI is 1,373.
When this level is hit, it is a double bottom.
I believe we can start to buy some stocks we like and those we missed out in the last few months.
Let us focus on the sector that can outperform the market.

I intend to focus on stocks that can grow in a bit longer term to win big.
I am not interested in short term trading, very difficult to manage due to volatile market condition.
Easier to buy and hold good growth stocks.
You can find many good fundamental stocks to buy now.
Thank you.

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2023-03-30 20:14 | Report Abuse

Indeed very true.

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2023-05-09 12:01 | Report Abuse

Very happy with my autocount ipo grabbing a few shares of a company that everyone I know uses. Question now is, do we buy more?

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2023-05-24 09:09 | Report Abuse

Sold autocount to buy some discount skp stock

Posted by Choivo Capital > 2023-05-29 17:16 | Report Abuse

How is their dyson contracts, from what i know their pricing is losing out to the vietnamese.

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2023-05-30 15:11 | Report Abuse

Really? Which Vietnamese firms are getting the orders?


7,525 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2023-05-31 10:04 | Report Abuse

More discount SKP and Pchem coming?

By Justin Lim | theedgemalaysia.com | 2023-05-31 01:24:41
KUALA LUMPUR (May 31): SKP Resources Bhd’s net profit fell 63.31% to RM20.09 million in the fourth quarter ended March 31, 2023 (4QFY2023) from RM54.76 million a year ago, dragged by rising production costs.

In a bourse filing, it said production costs rose due to higher manpower costs, lower manufacturing plant utilisation rate and a softer order book. This resulted in gross profit margin dropping to 8% from 14% previously.

Revenue dropped 13.8% to RM500 million in 1QFY2023 from RM580.06 million a year before.

For the full FY2023, SKP Resources posted a net profit of RM144.49 million, down 16.67% from RM173.40 million in FY2022, despite revenue growing 9.06% to RM2.53 billion from RM2.32 billion, no thanks to a higher increase in cost of sales to RM2.21 billion from about RM2 billion previously, higher operating expenses of RM152.11 million as opposed to RM125.42 million previously, while other operating income about halved to RM11.21 million from RM21.05 million.

Going forward, SKP Resources said the group will remain vigilant in view of the challenging macroeconomic outlook, and that it will continue to focus on managing its manpower and supply chain to ensure cost optimisation at its manufacturing bases.

The group also said it will continue to expand its printed circuit board assembly, injection moulding and engineering capabilities.

Shares of SKP Resources closed unchanged at RM1.02 on Tuesday (May 30), giving the electronics manufacturing services player a market capitalisation of RM1.59 billion.

Year-to-date, the stock has fallen 37% from RM1.61 on Jan 3, 2023.

Edited by Tan Choe Choe


15,162 posts

Posted by i3lurker > 2023-05-31 10:09 | Report Abuse

its time for you to dump your puppy love of buywhatyoudonotunderstandandhavenoidea

move on with your life.

I believe there are plenty of other aqua all over the place.

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2023-05-31 11:59 | Report Abuse

I3lurker, it is time to realize that no one on i3investors cares what you believe. Time to get a life.


9,133 posts

Posted by qqq47660 > 2023-05-31 13:28 | Report Abuse

skp, ql,, P chem, yinson, all didn't work.

none can escape weak revenue and higher costs.

more important, no one is special, all are subject to dynamic of the market

tactics and strategies of a bull market all die in the bear market. That is what it is.

rising tide covers all dirt, lowering tides all the dirt come out.


9,133 posts

Posted by qqq47660 > 2023-05-31 13:30 | Report Abuse

all the banks reported good results, but even bank shareholders nothing much to celebrate.

that is what it is. What u see is what u get.

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