The hedge derivaties have amt hedged, price hedged and mature date contract. On mature date, it will be by cash settlement since it is a swap contract. Thus what you loss/gain in the hedged cash settlement will be offset by your physical better/poorer margin earned. (Not cash yet because of physical payment term given to customers and also payment term allowed by your suppliers. Receivables and payables)
Theory is just base on own assumptions and many times also not correct leh. You see local IB analists with so much so called experience on theory pun made wrong assumptions and keep changing TP leh. Haiyoh. Correct?
The other point is hedging will definitely result in Profit or LOSS in the case of Hengyuan mah!
Take June QTR....hengyuan reported more than Rm 600m losses but its hedging losses is more than Rm 1 billion mah! Net losses exceed Rm 400m loh! But hengyuan play magic reported operation profit of Rm 600m & ignore the Rm 1 billion hedging losses loh!
Now say base on 3rd qtr sept 2022 coming report....Hengyuan will report operation losses due to negative crack spread....but for its derivative, even positive contribution if any...should it not cover the existing outstanding hedging losses leh ??
That means Hengyuan P&L will still report a huge operating losses for SEPT QTR....whereas the hedging gain will will use to cover some its outstanding culmulative losses mah!
Thus HY will not have a position of Head win N Tail also playing magic loh!
Petron P&L is different loh....refinery operation losses in q3....can be covered by hedging gain plus retail profit of petrol station mah!
Ular now wondering after so much of debate about hedging loss at here. Will the reporters pickup the pieces from here then start to write about HY hedging loss in the coming days. Haiyoh. Correct?
HEDGING can never results with loss (this is a simple common sense that MIRACULOUSLY many in i3 STILL cannot understand)....
When its a loss, COHR only shows the 'greater opportunity lost' compared to smaller opportunity gained by hedging - by locking down the margin.
When its a gain, COHR only shows the 'benefit of opportunity locked' compared to if you had not locked the opportunity available earlier.
only reason HY had ever reported loss earlier is becoz they only hedge 20% of their sales volume and when they could not find opportunity to hedge at good cracks from futures
Takda baca news article many China companies also hedging on commodity lah. Not only HY leh. Where got hedging surewin one leh. If thats the case no need so hard run the refinery terus hedge enuf lah. Haiyoh. Correct?
hy profit or loss is based on margin not derivatives. so yes it can make money when head win tail also win when got margin.
True loh! Chinese Nickel billionaire nearly bankrupt betting on nickel future loh!
Lucky russian -ukraine war save him from the brink
Posted by UlarSawa > 17 seconds ago | Report Abuse
Takda baca news article many China companies also hedging on commodity lah. Not only HY leh. Where got hedging surewin one leh. If thats the case no need so hard run the refinery terus hedge enuf lah. Haiyoh. Correct?
hy profit or loss is based on margin not derivatives. so yes it can make money when head win tail also win when got margin.
Let market tell in next few weeks who menang judi and who kalah judi loh! If kalah judi no need to be sour loh! Win or lose is part of the judi world. Good luck
In South China Morning Post : Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand lead Southeast Asia stock boom in face of China economic concerns, global doom
Scrapping of pandemic-era restrictions have been a key boost to markets, with Malaysia more than doubling its annual target for tourists Revival stands in stark contrast to China, where a lockdown in megacity Chengdu has cast even more gloom over its economy
1) there is the "Gap", the Gross Profit for Market Makers, ie the Bid & Offer Gap just like shares 2) sometimes got commission 3) there is a swap rate [some says it never goes to 20%, wink wink]
Raider You are getting wiser in old age. Your kukujiao went to brain already so brain is now supercharged
This is very likely Thats why Wise Old Men sold down HRC on Friday HRC was careless with their hedging all Crude Oil purchases, you got the payment deducted from Bank account when LC is issued
I see HRC with cash flow issues.
However Raider, with the RM 5 Billion loan, this issue will be solved / already solved.
=> so there.
Posted by stockraider > 10 seconds ago | Report Abuse
Already explain loh! In case of Hengyuan kena margin call of Rm 1.5b due to derivative losses loh!
What happen if Hengyuan cannot pay up leh ??
Bankrupt loh!
All the hedge position will get liquidated with hedge losses mah!
All the malicious attackers on HY must have bought HY at $17 in Jan 2018 and cut massive losses at $4-5. It’s been so painful for so long that it can not be forgotten and forgiven. But that’s not HY’s fault ,but their own fault. Why attack HY as a company? So buying at $4-5 now is very safe , especially HY makes historical level of earnings for FY2022 that no other listed companies has ever achieved on PEx basis.
All back up mah! Nothing malicious mah! Why General Raider says Sifu Sslee analysis on Hengyuan is dangerous flawed ?
1. Looking at the balance sheet HRC hedging losses as at 30-6-2022 amounted to rm Rm 1,329M of this sum of losses Rm 1189m or 90% are contributed by just 6 mths of operation result for the latest 30-6-2022 Financial result loh!
2. HRC derivative outstanding liabilities todate is Rm 1,781M whereas is derivative assets is Rm 261m, meaning net derivative negative exposure is Rm 1,520M.....meaning the counter party should be able received payment of Rm 1,520M from Hengyuan, it is just like your share margin losses loh!
3. Then why counterparty did not ask for margin call , since HRC has a huge negative equity of Rm 1520M leh ? Yes the counter party did ask for margin top up and hengyuan already paid, this can be seen from other receivable & prepayment payout increases by Rm 1,542M for the 6 mths mah!
In otherwords, Hengyuan 6 mths operating cashflow b4 working capital changes should be Rm 939m, after less Rm 1542M derivative top up amounting to negative cashflow of Rm 603M mah!
The route to potential financial collapse of Hengyuan, are written all there in the Derivative mah!
Do not get into this trap loh! Despite Hengyuan generated record positive operation cash flow of Rm 939m, its negative cashflow from derivative losses is rm 1,542m ( which already payout as other prepayment} thus HRC negative cashflow is Rm 603M.
Most importantly, Hengyuan borrowing & derivative liabilities had ballooned to Rm 3285M from just Rm 705m as at 31-12-2021 which a staggering increase of Rm 2580M, just within 6 mths and of this sum Rm 1542M is due to margin top up of derivative losses in the form of prepayment mah!
Lu tau boh ? The rot of Hengyuan has intensified alot loh! Be very careful mah!
Posted by Johnzhang > 15 seconds ago | Report Abuse
All the malicious attackers on HY must have bought HY at $17 in Jan 2018 and cut massive losses at $4-5. It’s been so painful for so long that it can not be forgotten and forgiven. But that’s not HY’s fault ,but their own fault. Why attack HY as a company? So buying at $4-5 now is very safe , especially HY makes historical level of earnings for FY2022 that no other listed companies has ever achieved on PEx basis.
Your student tehka asked ular open judi table one leh. Ular dont mind to create the judi table lah. You TP earning and NTA rm12 and eps rm1.xx is not what you can get the share price mah. Haiyoh. Correct?
@Ular, very smart leh...we are all predicting earnings & NTA, now he wants to have TP...
No point talked past tense when you judi at present lah. Haiyoh. Correct?
All the malicious attackers on HY must have bought HY at $17 in Jan 2018 and cut massive losses at $4-5. It’s been so painful for so long that it can not be forgotten and forgiven. But that’s not HY’s fault ,but their own fault. Why attack HY as a company? So buying at $4-5 now is very safe , especially HY makes historical level of earnings for FY2022 that no other listed companies has ever achieved on PEx basis.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
14,501 posts
Posted by probability > 2022-09-04 14:34 | Report Abuse
no theory is perfect ..but its definitely better than speculating without any basis
investing is all about taking calculated risk
we have done the calculation, its up to you to take the risk
Posted by stockraider > 2 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Thats why i say....u cannot inferred from SSLEE simply guessing by trying very to fit into the margin for gasoline loh!
Dynamic can or has change mah!
Like type of crude, processes of refinery and management intention to churn type of product mix etc loh!
Any misuse of assumption & data will derail this SSLEE very crude model mah!
The possibility of SSLEE model is highly inaccurate is possible mah!
Lu tau boh ??