Last Price Today's Change   Day's Range   Trading Volume
8.33   -0.02 (0.24%)  8.32 - 8.33  11,200
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Market Cap: 2,378 Million
NOSH: 286 Million
Avg Volume (4 weeks):83,842
4 Weeks Range:8.28 - 8.50
4 Weeks Price Volatility (%):
52 Weeks Range:8.00 - 10.36
52 Weeks Price Volatility (%):
Average Price Target: 10.00
Price Target Upside/Downside: +1.67

Financial Highlight

Latest Quarter | Ann. Date 31-Mar-2024 [#1]  |  23-May-2024
Next QR | Est. Ann. Date: 30-Jun-2024  |  24-Jul-2024
T4Q P/E | EY: 12.90  |  7.75%
T4Q DY | Payout %: 7.20%  |  92.90%
T4Q NAPS | P/NAPS: 1.29  |  6.46
T4Q NP Margin | ROE: 7.91%  |  50.07%


Date Subject
24-May-2024 Daily Market Commentary - 24 May 2024
24-May-2024 Mplus Market Pulse - 24 May 2024
24-May-2024 BAT Malaysia Posts Over Two-decade-low Profit in 1Q, Declares 10 Sen Dividend
20-May-2024 英美烟草如何缓解销量下跌/前线把关
01-Mar-2024 MQ Market Updates - 01 March 2024
16-Feb-2024 MQ Market Updates - 16 February 2024
15-Feb-2024 【行家论股】英美烟草 销量低迷前景挑战
08-Feb-2024 MQ Market Updates - 08 February 2024
08-Feb-2024 BAT Malaysia's Outlook Remains Challenging as Vaping Surges, Says HLIB Research
07-Feb-2024 【行家论股】英美烟草 销量跌势料持续
07-Feb-2024 MQ Market Updates - 07 February 2024
07-Feb-2024 BAT Malaysia’s 4Q Net Profit Down 23% to RM47.36 Mil, Announces 15 Sen Dividend
07-Feb-2024 Daily Market Commentary - 7 Feb 2024
07-Feb-2024 Mplus Market Pulse - 7 Feb 2024
29-Nov-2023 BAT Malaysia Jumps Over 4% as Revised Tobacco Control Bill Tabled Without Smoking Ban
29-Nov-2023 BAT Malaysia Jumps Over 4% as Revised Tobacco Control Bill Tabled Without Smoking Ban
31-Oct-2023 MQ Market Updates - 31 October 2023
31-Oct-2023 Mplus Market Pulse - 31 Oct 2023
31-Oct-2023 Daily Market Report - 31 Oct 2023
31-Oct-2023 BAT Malaysia’s 3Q Net Profit Down 21% to RM59.5 Mil, Declares 19 Sen Dividend

Business Background

British American Tobacco Malaysia Bhd manufactures and sells cigarettes and other tobacco products in Malaysia. It also undertakes contract manufacturing for British American Tobacco Group in the Asia-Pacific region to export both cigarettes and semifinished goods to Australia, South Korea, the Philippines, and Taiwan. Most of the company’s revenue is from its tobacco sales in Malaysia, where it sells its products to third-party distributors. Key brands include Dunhill, Peter Stuyvesant, Pall Mall, Kent, and Shuang Xi.
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  9 people like this.
williamh I strongly believe it will start to reverse and going north from now on and will not break below 8 for very sure during this transition and new generation of e-cigarettes,collecting slowly this morning will increase
29/05/2024 1:01 PM
invest8912 After ex-dividend will go below RM8
29/05/2024 2:19 PM
Income https://youtube.com/shorts/yOpqre4KwPM?si=fvK_OyCJrnAlMsEA
30/05/2024 11:19 AM
BradonOoi Then let's see if BAT will go lower than RM8 next week or not
30/05/2024 4:37 PM
williamh The talking down of Bat is on going and hope you don’t fall victim of that, its not working on me for I’m immune hahaha 🤣
30/05/2024 6:23 PM
Ken Chung sometimes i don't understand, why the sudden price hike?
31/05/2024 5:10 PM
SinGor The Buyer who Bought @ RM 8.90 is NOT local Boy----Bcos the Volume is NOT "one" Lot But 284,700 shares OR
RM 2.50 Mil-----Surely Foreign Fund
31/05/2024 5:50 PM
SinGor I think Foreigner get in to Lock-in Cheap Ringgit and then After USA Fed Cut rate----Ringgit will appreciate
and most likely BAT will gain 10--15% ( year End )----Easily make 25% Gain Year-End
31/05/2024 5:54 PM
Ken Chung Bat is undervalued. if their VUSe GO take off, surely will go back to the golden age. Very positive review on VUSE, certified by FDA.
31/05/2024 7:32 PM
Ken Chung so foreign fund is targeting BAT for investment. good news
next week. watch out
31/05/2024 8:07 PM
williamh It was extra 0.50 shot up the last 15 min.and that volume speak for it
31/05/2024 9:12 PM
williamh Collected 30 lots at 8.34.good price
31/05/2024 9:16 PM
BradonOoi I really think no chance to collect it at RM8 again ...
04/06/2024 2:56 PM
dompeilee Bought more BAT @ $8.51 & 8.52...now holding more than 38X what I had from '14-'16.
05/06/2024 2:47 PM
DividendGuy67 @dompeilee, is that because your net worth has increased more than 38X since '14-'16? 😂
06/06/2024 10:52 AM
BradonOoi Fair enough. Malaysia should learn from Thailand's tobacco policy

06/06/2024 11:23 AM
williamh The day will come soon cigarettes is no related to the illnesses many miss leaded,cigarettes is saving life from any serious illness
06/06/2024 2:12 PM
williamh Collected 8.40, 20lots xdiv
06/06/2024 2:14 PM
MOBAjobg Thank goodness, I don’t have any BAT shares in my stock portfolio.
I was lucky enough to NOT pick up BAT shares to indulge in high risk stock speculation, recently.
Reason being its technical readings are so weak and terrible that I just can’t even bear to comprehend.
07/06/2024 8:20 PM
MOBAjobg Let’s do the math.
UTDPLT declares rm1.90 dividend and its stock price is rm24.62 while BAT’s is rm0.60 for rm8.48.
Don’t you think UTDPLT is better than BAT for dividend and principal capital appreciation prospects with lower risk !
07/06/2024 8:43 PM
DividendGuy67 MOBA, you are right on the spot on BAT. The longer one owns BAT, the bigger the loss as the chart trend downwards. The more one averages down on BAT and position size bigger, the bigger the cumulative $ loss. It's 100% maths.

Still, there's a short term 50/50 setup that is good to cure boredom as we don't do anything to our winning rising positions. So, I took a first entry short term trade at 8.5 before it went ex-div, and plan to dispose when it gets to around 8.8-8.9 or 9 or higher depending ... I blogged on it here.

09/06/2024 4:13 PM
speakup I remember bat long time ago was over rm50
09/06/2024 4:52 PM
DividendGuy67 I was around when it hit RM74 peak and long before that.

When it first fell below 50 to a low of 40+, people said it was cheap and so, when it went back up briefly to 56 it validated the "average downers".

But that was the last time it stayed above 50. After that, it keeps making lower highs and lower lows. Those who previously averaged down and validated, now find their average down strategies hurting them even more.

Market likes to zig zag, to fool a lot of the "average downers".

Investing doesn't have to be difficult. Just pick a good quality fundamental stock that is trading upwards for the past 20 years or so. Wait until it drops to buying zone and then do nothing. Better if it pays dividends too.
09/06/2024 5:14 PM
williamh Bat is absolutely undervalued now due to the transition of traditional to e and vape and shortists keep talking down,its no doubt traditional is on the down trend but it’s the vape for the new generation that keep glowing soon it will be the major revalue and profit and ultimately taking over the traditional,I keep accumulating,imagine if it dropped from 40+- to around 8 now, why not,70+ was when bat still had the factory here not after, my target is 80lots, cheers
10/06/2024 3:49 PM
DividendGuy67 @williamh, how large is 80 lots as % capital?

Sorry, still no signs of turnaround. Q1 EPS keeps declining every year, and with declining EPS comes declining price:

Year - Q1 EPS
2015 - 85.2 sen
2016 - 61.5 sen
2017 - 41.6 sen
2018 - 33.7 sen
2019 - 31 sen
2020 - 17.8 sen
2021 - 22.1 sen
2022 - 18.3 sen
2023 - 14.1 sen
2024 - 10.5 sen

I don't have a good feeling about my very small, short term, long trade position.
10/06/2024 10:27 PM
DividendGuy67 Fwiw, I prefer to see my green positions like UOADEV, TAMBUN, LCTITAN (accumulated at RM1), RAPID, PPHB, HUPSENG and many other greens offsetting reds (such as BAT) to help make my portfolio to new all time highs again today. Looking at BAT doesn't give the same feeling.
10/06/2024 10:31 PM
DividendGuy67 Looking at Q1 EPS from 2015 to 2024, it has always been double digit sen. 2024 drop to 10.5 sen (from 85.2 sen back in 2015) is a bad sign, as Q1 has included Vuse and Vape products.

The critical case will be future quarters - will BAT quarterly EPS falls to single digit sen. IN particular, if Q1/2025 EPS is below 10 sen, that means Vuse and Vape strategy has not worked to give a turnaround.

In times like this, watch your Position Sizing. It is the NUMBER 1 rule - you can't afford to have a large position here and then hold for a long time, as EPS keeps falling and falling and falling with each yearly QR report.
10/06/2024 10:35 PM
DividendGuy67 Hmmmn ... historically, BAT's quarterly dividend is always double digit sen, but last quarter DPS is 10.0 sen exactly. I wonder if we will see single digit DPS in 2024?

It might not happen in Q2 and Q3, as seasonally, that's BAT's strong EPS and DPS. However, Q4/2024 and Q1/2025 will be the worry.

I am looking for a spike to get out in the short term at a small profit.
10/06/2024 10:41 PM
DividendGuy67 Set sell all at 8.9 GTC limit order. Will stop watching this stock. Cheerio!
10/06/2024 10:46 PM
speakup dividendguy67 u are Bat Man!
11/06/2024 7:55 AM
BradonOoi Nope, he is a Selling man 😄
11/06/2024 7:22 PM
MOBAjobg I like the post as quoted below.
I prefer not to pay a hefty premium for a stock that I’m convinced is still being plagued by a significant percentage of EPS contraction yearly.

Posted by ivanlau > 2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

If based on forward eps 45x 17 pe, the fair value only rm 7.65, today closing rm 8.30, think about that .........
11/06/2024 9:04 PM
DividendGuy67 @speakup, haha. I prefer to position my portfolio to make new all time highs, than be stubborn on any one stock. I temporarily forgot the declining EPS in BAT when I looked at the chart - in a period of temporary insanity, I bought 1000 shares at 8.5 before it went ex-div. Silly me. Later on the weekend, I realized I made a mistake, hence, the GTC sell order. Hope it triggers before this year end.

Meanwhile, this article explains my investing approach, my goals of investing and provide better context. Today, I was pleasantly surprised that my portfolio made new all time highs again. The size of increase is the largest since I started tracking 8 months ago. Total number of new all time highs is 44 times, averaging 5-6 times per month.

My advise to all is don't be stubborn or loyal to any stock. If we make a mistake, get out. Move on to other stocks. Position your portfolio to make new all time highs.

12/06/2024 12:01 AM
BradonOoi We will get the dividend next Thursday. Prepare to use the money to reinvest if BAT falls to certain cheap price
14/06/2024 9:21 AM
SinGor BAT should follow UK parent doing Shares BuyBack. Any Buy back will lift price to RM30
16/06/2024 5:24 PM
BradonOoi Sadly, no proposal for share buybacks for this year's agm
18/06/2024 9:11 AM
williamh Maybe it’s the preparation for the buying back at lower cost within the target
18/06/2024 5:31 PM
Skywalker00 It’s just going to be another trend of paying dividends while the stocks depreciates,,, I used to believe there’s hope of recovery,,,,, but .,,,, looks so hopeless as a business,,, it’s a matter of what price is saturation based on PE
18/06/2024 6:20 PM
williamh I believe even the most patient person is starting to think otherwise for sure a long down treading but I guess it’s returning to the starting point and so I position myself and closely watched the completion of the transition from the convention to the new generation e n vape
20/06/2024 4:32 PM
BradonOoi What a great article about e-cigarette
21/06/2024 5:47 PM
SinGor Addiction is a Gene pass-on by anunnaki, the Homo sapien creator....Strictly not
our fault. They gave us the praying gene and addiction is a by-product----As USA Gov
not controlling nicotine, my guess is other Drugs are far, far more dangerous And
of course China has a grudge to settle---American supplied Opium to control China
100years ago and now China return American a favour by supplying hundreds tonne
of Mets to Americans
23/06/2024 9:31 AM
BradonOoi Don't blame the Homo sapien creator if get addicted on something. It's a choice to get addiction
24/06/2024 6:02 PM
williamh The ceo should resign for bat has been going south for at least the last 10 years,revenue, profit and share price getting lower every year,it’s the worse company in the world,it’s one way only,did anyone can find any worse company like bat in the world
25/06/2024 4:28 PM
SinGor Separately, BAT says it bought back 31,233 shares at average 2,468.96 pence on Friday last week. BAT has said it plans to buy back shares worth GBP700 million for 2024, and this will be followed by a GBP900 million buyback in 2025.2 days ag

England Mother is buying back shares so will Malaya son follows???????
26/06/2024 12:36 PM
BradonOoi Smuggling cases continue to occur ..

27/06/2024 3:44 PM
SinGor there are many desperate people, Dead by ah loong knives Or smuggled Cigs--if got caught, only 6--7years
between Bars ( but Debt free later )
27/06/2024 4:16 PM
BradonOoi Not so long. If Cig smugglers got caught, they would get fined or be sentenced to imprisonment for not less than six months or not more than five years, or both.
02/07/2024 3:23 PM
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02/07/2024 3:25 PM
SinGor BradonOoi
Not so long. If Cig smugglers got caught, they would get fined or be sentenced to imprisonment for not less

Judge's sentence is by Container---One container 5 years ( how about 10 containers got caught? )
But if you know the Right person---every container you under Table 1 million, even 10 containers you
get not more than 3 months after deduct Holidays ( I heard this type stories every month before Anwar
came-in ( Now i donT know )
02/07/2024 8:36 PM
BradonOoi I see. Thanks for your info, SinGor
03/07/2024 4:11 PM

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