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Market Cap: 75 Million
NOSH: 3,727 Million
Avg Volume (4 weeks):0
Average Price Target: 2.41
Price Target Upside/Downside: +2.41

Financial Highlight

Latest Quarter | Ann. Date 31-Mar-2024 [#3]  |  04-Jun-2024
Next QR | Est. Ann. Date: 30-Jun-2024  |  08-Sep-2024
T4Q P/E | EY: -0.14  |  -731.56%
T4Q DY | Payout %: 0.00%  |  - %
T4Q NAPS | P/NAPS: 0.05  |  0.40
T4Q NP Margin | ROE: -1,275.70%  |  -292.62%


Date Subject
26-Jun-2024 COA Strikes Out Winding-up Appeal by Serba Dinamik and Three Others Following Withdrawal
25-Jun-2024 MQ Market Updates - 25 June 2024
25-Jun-2024 COA strikes out winding-up appeal by Serba Dinamik and three others following withdrawal
05-Jun-2024 Daily Market Commentary - 5 Jun 2024
05-Jun-2024 Serba Dinamik’s Final Appeal Dismissed by Bursa, to be Delisted Wednesday
05-Jun-2024 Mplus Market Pulse - 05 Jun 2024
04-Jun-2024 Serba Dinamik’s final appeal dismissed by Bursa, to be delisted Wednesday
04-Jun-2024 Daily Market Commentary - 4 Jun 2024
04-Jun-2024 PublicInvest Research Headlines - 4 Jun 2024
01-Jun-2024 Serba Dinamik to appeal against Bursa's delisting move
31-May-2024 Daily Market Commentary - 31 May 2024
31-May-2024 Mplus Market Pulse - 31 May 2024
30-May-2024 Serba Dinamik to be delisted from Bursa Malaysia on Wednesday
17-Apr-2024 MQ Market Updates - 17 April 2024
17-Apr-2024 Daily Market Commentary - 17 Apr 2024
17-Apr-2024 Mplus Market Pulse - 17 Apr 2024
17-Apr-2024 Bursa grants Serba Dinamik second extension of time until May 15 to submit regularisation plan
17-Apr-2024 Bursa Grants Serba Dinamik Second Extension of Time Until May 15 to Submit Regularisation Plan
25-Jan-2024 High Court Sets March 27 as Auction Date for Serba Dinamik’s Five Plots of Land in Shah Alam
12-Jan-2024 MQ Market Updates - 12 January 2024

Business Background

Serba Dinamik Sdn Bhd provides integrated engineering, contracting, and maintenance services. The company also offers system integrator/packager, operation and maintenance, trading, training, and information technology services; and procurement, construction, and commissioning services. It serves customers worldwide. The company was founded in 1993 and is based in Shah Alam, Malaysia.
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speakup https://theedgemalaysia.com/node/714153
Karim more lucky than najib no need go jail
04/06/2024 9:10 PM
faralenz77 Karim is still a millionaire. He didn't loose a cent.
04/06/2024 9:34 PM
Vicky John Wick just died in Chapter 4. Phoenix turn into stones and becomes just a mitos that never happen.
04/06/2024 9:34 PM
raymondroy will this forum remain ah..... even SD after delisting ? is there 2nd appeal ?
05/06/2024 3:13 AM
Vicky Delisting company usually have financial problems and deem to bankrupt in the end. It is very rare it will come back.
05/06/2024 6:32 AM
joyvest Have you ever come across any company which has been delisted returns like the empire strikes back ? SD is notorious due to its false accounting akin to the collapse of Enron in US.
05/06/2024 6:52 AM
8dragon Let this toilet paper company be washed away and disappeared completely here on..
05/06/2024 7:48 AM
joyvest SD is sinking to be rested by the side of Titanic today.

No matter how many free warrants you have been allocated ,all are worthless in the end as if used toilet papers.....
05/06/2024 7:57 AM
trend_first Recall about the "Shoplot Auditor "statement when the in 2021. Wonder what has to say now?
05/06/2024 8:10 AM
joyvest The moral of this is that do not annoy the External Auditors who are mostly right. The frauds in Enron was highlighted by AA ( External Auditors ) in the US. The External Auditors will not give a disclaimer for no valid reasons....
05/06/2024 9:07 AM
joyvest The last and final nail to the coffin to put SD to a rest in peace forever .............
05/06/2024 9:24 AM
zoizai Can delete this group pls. Shoplot group.

05/06/2024 10:28 AM
tankahban123 https://www.nst.com.my/business/2021/06/702410/serba-dinamik-vs-kpmg-shoplot-auditor-case

Shop lot auditor won, Serba dinamik Director won ($$$ in Arab), Security Commission lose, minor investor biggest lose
05/06/2024 10:28 AM
joyvest KPMG , as one of the top 4 auditors, has vindicated their findings in this so called sophisticated scam. Dr.K is said to be the smartest fellow for the wrong reason but turns out to be the luckiest guy in the whole world, who is still at large and free from criminal prosecution..............
05/06/2024 12:48 PM
NatsukoMishima Bye bye
05/06/2024 1:19 PM
Loh Kok Wai W This company CEO Nn Director no need to Responsible anymore...that's why Malaysia share market...like old man push the car....eventhougth KLCI over 1600 points..but .market still unhappy...
05/06/2024 2:47 PM
tankahban123 Remember the face of the crook
05/06/2024 5:31 PM
Iamnotasifu Serbadk best stock ever
05/06/2024 7:44 PM
CorporateProposal - comment here for the memories
serbadk delisted on 050624 goodbye -
05/06/2024 8:27 PM
raymondroy final appeal was rejected by bursa..... how not to be rejected SD even tried to sue bursa, sue auditors - first KPMG and then EY, I think they tries to sue SC also LOL..... how lah wei, nity night SD
05/06/2024 8:53 PM
joyvest There was no problem for SD to resort to legal recourses to seek justice as they had absolute right to do so.
Following the litigation, it was apparent that they were guilty of false accounting as a result of which they were punishable with heavy fine. The justice has taken its course well.
05/06/2024 10:49 PM
zoizai I miss serbadk 😭
06/06/2024 8:50 AM
Loh Kok Wai W Bursa pun Hantu lah...drink blood n eat meat.....look now many new listing IPO....is made money n run...more is no quality stock....new listing first day trading show time....after few days miss hilang.....
06/06/2024 9:40 AM
MrHuangBK Just becareful of gibberish promoters especially that Con Mabel

Promoted heavily to lure till delisted.

Thanks to all RELA members for working hard diverting interest away..

Case closed
06/06/2024 9:45 AM
joyvest She has been a steadfast diehard of SD so much so that she is delusional of the highest order. She is sinking along with it so to speak. Is she remorseful or not ? I am not too sure.....
06/06/2024 3:19 PM
zoizai I miss Serbadk
07/06/2024 7:28 AM
Vicky Serba still around till bankruptcy. Only struggling to survive to service its debts to the banks and institutions. The company is no more listed to public and no chance to raise funds. Good for public to avoid any futher scam on those innocent investors who lost to the modus operandi scam of Serba management by falsifying income and sales. If it ever comes back the entire management need to be revamped and changed. Otherwise it will be mocked by investors.
07/06/2024 1:17 PM
joyvest Kind of missing the pusxy cat around who has been entertaining us with her fantastic 4 and fleet of battleships to be " unsinkable " as claimed by her.

07/06/2024 1:34 PM
questra where is the cat now haha should sue the cat first lol
07/06/2024 4:46 PM
sharun lesson learnt pls
07/06/2024 10:11 PM
diuleiloumei Remember all these jokers face
Suppose MACC convict them to law
08/06/2024 7:46 AM
zoizai I miss Serbadk cinapek
08/06/2024 8:38 AM
paulthesotong Is This Going to Happen?

08/06/2024 4:05 PM
paulthesotong 60628 Hermes Sac Bijou Birkin Bagholders!
08/06/2024 4:13 PM
willc48 serbaD owners all laughing.Penalised few millions only but whacked millions including me losing closed to 80k. should send them to be Najib's cell neighbours. but this is Msia. NFA culture.
10/06/2024 1:54 AM
joyvest Yer,pity on those who were delusional to keep averaging and averaging with false hope of resuscitation and get burnt heavily....
10/06/2024 7:18 AM
joyvest Yer,pity on those who were delusional to keep averaging and averaging with false hope of resuscitation and get burnt heavily in the end.

The moral of this is that once the company is embroiled with false accounting,it is destined to be doom eventually. It is basically untouchable no matter how cheap the share is,how generous the warrants as carrots on the sticks is....
10/06/2024 7:23 AM
joyvest The moral of this story is to trust the external auditors more than the doggy management such as this particular case. The moment they challenged with the external auditors, it was basically " good and say goodbye " by exiting fast .....
10/06/2024 12:44 PM
tankahban123 Just wonder now Karim still in malaysia or relocated to Arab already ?
14/06/2024 5:28 PM
zoizai Enjoy life in Middle East , all loan money gone to Middle East
14/06/2024 9:30 PM
zoizai I miss Serbadk
14/06/2024 9:30 PM
Vicky https://www.klsescreener.com/v2/news/view/1343877
18/06/2024 6:37 PM
zoizai I miss serbadk
21/06/2024 9:31 AM
tankahban123 Should strip KADIER & Karam Dato title
25/06/2024 5:33 PM
LossAversion Send those "scammers" to jail!
25/06/2024 6:50 PM
EngineeringProfit Unfortunately, only B40 blue collar criminals got jailed e.g. for stealing cheap milk powder for their infants, not multibillion $$$$$$ white collar criminals. Dxxmsday is approaching.....
26/06/2024 6:58 AM
Vicky Rest In Peace ( RIP ) in heaven Serba Dinamik. Story ends.
02/07/2024 1:02 PM
zoizai I miss serbadk
02/07/2024 6:04 PM
shawn88 Wa gg
11/07/2024 8:56 PM
zoizai I miss Serbadk
18/07/2024 2:20 PM

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