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5,349 comment(s). Last comment by King Kong73 2013-05-06 07:03


1,918 posts

Posted by tommylou > 2013-03-02 23:52 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha.....one would have thought the words use below suggested so....

KC Loh
6971 posts
Posted by KC Loh > Mar 2, 2013 10:40 PM | Report Abuse

lahhh tommy, i thought from a respected international press or something! Quoting Malaysia Chronicles, a known pro-opposition blogsite just doesnt cut it!

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-02 23:55 | Report Abuse

yup, meant every word i say! if we are using our own blogs to promote what we say as the absolute truth, how can that be neutral?


1,918 posts

Posted by tommylou > 2013-03-03 00:02 | Report Abuse

I don't remember promoting what I said apart from the believe for this case that the GE will be delayed.....so ?

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-03 00:05 | Report Abuse

did i say you own the malaysia chronicle blog?


1,918 posts

Posted by tommylou > 2013-03-03 00:10 | Report Abuse

I didn't know there was a misquoted on ownership here.....unless someone mistook the something here.

Otherwise its about local press and Anwar and the fact of what he said have some truth to whether GE will be delayed..

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-03 00:20 | Report Abuse

i have a feeling we are talking on different wavelength here. wanna backtrack so as to clear up any miscommunication? not saying you said anything wrong!

i am feeling somewhat lost by my posting and your replies. doesn't seem to meet at a subject point!

let me try here:

1) you said election delay! you inserted malaysian chronicle
2) i said you guote malaysian chronicle (MC) as basis for delay because Najib is shaky
3) you wage a bet with me a delay in GE
4) i said looking at how things are moving from reports, doesn't seem parliament dissolve will come anytime soon
5) you said i am not putting weightage on MC report because its local
6)i said MC is pro-opposition
7) you said you didnt promote anything apart from saying election is delayed

did i miss anything here?


1,918 posts

Posted by tommylou > 2013-03-03 00:27 | Report Abuse

There is a missing part betwen 1 and 2 ie your statement " I thought from a respected international press or something" Based on that statement, I argued that despite or inspite reputable or not it was from Anwar and to me made no difference because my argument is more on Najib being shaky and thus agreeing with Anwar not necessary agreeing or disagreeing with Malaysia Chronicles as you statement may suggest!


1,918 posts

Posted by tommylou > 2013-03-03 00:37 | Report Abuse

Just a simple observation bet....don't need facts here....

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-03 00:43 | Report Abuse

yup, reading back, i also think somewhere along point 2 the confusion started. with the insert of MC in point 1, i made that particular statement believing that we cannot use a blog that is supporting only one side. The MC blog is stating that the Sabah incident will cost BN votes. And this is something that is not unexpected from a pro-opposition blog. I would certainly prefer something like Reuters or a respected non-partisan blog or media. Assuming you utilize the blog to claim a delay, then I countered by saying election may still be delayed because BN probably may not be ready!

anyway, i will apologise because there seems to be misread on my part if you said its your belief and not that of MC as per your 12.27am post!

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-03 00:47 | Report Abuse

utilized, not utilize! :)

makes a whole lot of difference in my 12.43 posting!


1,918 posts

Posted by tommylou > 2013-03-03 00:51 | Report Abuse

Kaka kaka.....means one more week of betting for me....as it get close the stocks will be exciting...pls don't judge me on that statement ...lol

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-03 00:56 | Report Abuse

something tells me i may regret not taking the bet! but i just cannot! :)

who knows, this whole sabah incident is to turn the people against PR?

how not to spin statements like this?

"Ini bukanlah berita yang mengejutkan kerana polis, lebih-lebih lagi unit komando polis hutan ini diwujudkan memang untuk membunuh atau dibunuh. Dan sekarang mereka yang terbunuh, nasiblah, tidak ada apa yang perlu dikesalkan tentang itu."

See more at: http://suarapakatanrakyat.com/2013/03/krisis-lahad-datu-polis-patut-serang-guna-peluru-getah/#sthash.tpYh2zUo.dpuf

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > 2013-03-03 01:09 | Report Abuse

guys.. pls do not attempt to argue with the mighty kcloh - king of i3investor , as it will be just all in vain.

he is the champion, we all are loser ;)


1,918 posts

Posted by tommylou > 2013-03-03 01:11 | Report Abuse

Put it this way,.....however they spin or unspin, one thing is for sure.....PM will take another week to test the situation .....as I observe of him, he never takes chances.....

As for the no wage bet,.....I am only betting on observation on character....if they do call next week, it's only true if they dissolve Parliment. If they dissolve Parliment, the power to run the country is still with current administration. What it means is
1) They cannot announce any new policies or changes to the date
2) the definitive clock start ticking
3) prerogative of contract awards may be a ?

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-03 01:12 | Report Abuse

that's what she said....... wahahahahaha

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-03 01:13 | Report Abuse

tommy, comment on scenarios of hung parliament please!


1,918 posts

Posted by tommylou > 2013-03-03 01:17 | Report Abuse

Hahaha this one somehow I have Razaleigh in mind for resolution......

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > 2013-03-03 01:20 | Report Abuse

kcloh on his crazy frenzy again.. guys, stop provoke him, just let him be.

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-03 01:21 | Report Abuse

honestly tommy, could be interesting also if hung parliament! market also exciting as you said! LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-03 01:26 | Report Abuse

aiyoh the defending champion fctb still insist on winning....


that's what she wanted to say....... LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-03 01:29 | Report Abuse

ok la, fat kid coming in to kacau already, demanding attention. time to hit the sack!


1,918 posts

Posted by tommylou > 2013-03-03 01:30 | Report Abuse

Notice how lately whenever there is an announcement of possible election or dissolving Parliment.....market turns into a recoil mode. When I say recoil I mean they are waiting to bounce back in quickly when contradictory statement come out. This is already the 3 rd time and one of the coming one may just be the real thing but I believe it's not next week.

Now taking the context in a gamblers, they will gamble to the last day and on anything. So here I am of opinion they will keep coming back until the real one is called.

After the announcement, the market and stock will drop, BUT these guys will be bored very soon and they will come back between the 24 days until nearing the actual election.

I think after the election, will be hard to tell......we still have 2 more rounds to bet before the GE......am I a gambler? Of course I am...hahaha

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > 2013-03-03 01:32 | Report Abuse

kcloh, nice picture, its that the younger you? so cute!! :D


1,918 posts

Posted by tommylou > 2013-03-03 01:34 | Report Abuse

Ok goodnight guys......!! Enjoy


1,918 posts

Posted by tommylou > 2013-03-03 10:19 | Report Abuse

It has always been easy for BN fed govt, as their mistake/failure so long until now have never really been taken to task. Never like the last couple of years where they have to defend their corruption and racism when exposed which otherwise they would have been too arrogant to even response.

I like the question of who will be responsible for the situation in Lahad Datu! Assuming that the priority now is to solve the standoff first, I thought I heard the PM said that there will be No Holds Barred since the intruders have violated our peaceful approach. It's been 2 days since and no action of stomping or catching of the intruders reported. Instead another police commando is killed. Though they said its not related to Lahad Datu case, it has again compromise our security.

By now the image projected is one of weakness.

But I would still ,like to know who will b held responsible since we have compromise with the intruders instead of taking the bull by the horns. We may not see justice just like the many cases in malaysia forgone and the commandos who died paid a price because someone did not make use of the 3 weeks for proper preparation? Or took the intruder task facing the law of Malaysia ...


Posted by Buy & Sell Sell & Buy > 2013-03-03 10:31 | Report Abuse

copied from Yahoo!
But the self-proclaimed sultan of Sulu, Jamalul Kiram III said there was no reason for his followers to surrender in Sabah, which he claimed was their “own home” despite the land being a state in Malaysia for decades.“All they know how to say is surrender, surrender. Why should we surrender in our own home? They (his followers now in Sabah) are not doing anything bad in their own home,” Jamalul reportedly said in an immediate response to Aquino’s call.The rebel leader’s daughter, Jacel Kiram also said Aquino’s remarks were “not acceptable”, claiming that the group were never given any options except to “surrender”, while saying there should be negotiations instead of dictation.Jamalul’s younger brother, the self-styled crown prince Agbimuddin Kiram today said that the group holed up in Kampung Tanduo, a coastal village near Lahad Datu, were ready to die for their cause even after suffering casualties yesterday.“After we buried our 9 brothers and sister at sundown, everyone of the 224 left decided to die in Lahad Datu in pursuit of their dreams and aspiration,” Agbimuddin wrote in a text message to Jamalul at 5am today, the same news portal reported.The group’s spokesman Abraham Idjirani responded to Aquino by saying that the armed rebels would stay on in Sabah: “We have spoken: It’s honour over lives.”Idjirani reportedly said the deaths of their men had only “strengthened” their resolve to “defend the rights of the Filipino people over Sabah.”Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had earlier today said the Sulu army should surrender or be prepared to face action from the nation’s security forces, indicating that there would be no more negotiations.

Posted by Buy & Sell Sell & Buy > 2013-03-03 10:35 | Report Abuse

Bad Karma for Malaysian before GE13. Battle will begin to resolve the conflict. Very dangerous situation for Sabah & Msia. Do this has any effect on Msian stock market?


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2013-03-03 10:37 | Report Abuse

Malaysia will go bankrupt without Sabah. Sabah have reversed oil for 1.5 billion barrel up to date.


This is karma taking place. With so much oil also want to sell us so expensive (RM1.90/liter) compare to oil producing countries. And lie to us that they are subsiding a lot.

Now what? Giving to the Filipinos already.

Posted by Buy & Sell Sell & Buy > 2013-03-03 10:45 | Report Abuse

copied from Yahoo! Very BIG ISSUE for Malaysia
KUALA LUMPUR, March 2 – The Philippine government may take a Sulu rebel group’s ownership claim on Sabah to be adjudicated at world court even though the Borneo state in now part of Malaysia, Philippine media reported.Leila de Lima, secretary in the Philippines’ Department of Justice (DOJ) was reported saying in Manila yesterday that the government had not ruled out taking the territorial dispute to the International Court of Justice in the Hague, but was studying carefully the case as it did not want to strain its friendship with Malaysia.“That is among the options we are looking into. Of course there are international fora available so we’re considering that,” she was quoted as saying by the Philippine Star news portal.She reportedly said “careful study” was needed and that the Philippine government’s considerations were not only limited to the legal issues of the claim.

Posted by Buy & Sell Sell & Buy > 2013-03-03 10:52 | Report Abuse

whichever govt winning GE13 will have a big headache to resolve Sabah issue. With a lot of instant IC issued to foreigners in Sabah, if UN ask for Sabahan referendum, surely they will support ... fill in this blank yourself.


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2013-03-03 11:01 | Report Abuse

Can the Sabahan go for Independence, meaning to say not to choose either Malaysia or Philippines but form their own country?

Posted by Buy & Sell Sell & Buy > 2013-03-03 11:18 | Report Abuse

Copied from Yahoo! Damn. IC project for outsider brings bad omens to Malaysia.
Oleh Mohd Farhan Darwis KUALA LUMPUR, 2 Mac — Insiden pertempuran antara pasukan keselamatan Malaysia dan penceroboh bersenjata Filipina di Lahad Datu semalam berkemungkinan akan menyebabkan berlakunya perang dingin, kata pemimpin Barisan Pembebasan Kebangsaan Moro (MNLF). “Saya khuatir akan berlaku perang sivil di Sabah kerana ada ribuan etnik Bangsamoro yang menetap di Sabah, kata Ketua Politik Barisan Pembebasan Kebangsaan Moro (MNLF) Haji Gapul Hajirul di petik Philippine Star semalam. 

Bagus lah project IC Sabah oleh Mamaktir. Malaysian will have to fight civil war to defend Sabah. You think this is SMALL issue Mamaktir. Let us send Mamaktir to defend Sabah since this is his wrongdoings. l dont want bloodshed from Msian army, only those responsible for project IC Sabah should go to Sabah to defend Sabah in time to come. Orang Sabah dah marahddengan kesan project IC Sabah.


1,918 posts

Posted by tommylou > 2013-03-03 11:34 | Report Abuse

Let's clear the air......Anwar pls make good of the legal against TV3 and Utusan as reported in Malaysiakini. We want to get to the bottom of it. If the suit prevails, and information proves no collusion between Kiram and Pakatan, then only two other possibilities, BN is involve or they came on their own!

If they came on their own accord , then our failure is protecting the country before their entry. And now our failure again in resolving the initial standoff amicably. And another' failure about to happen, failure to end it after a mandate has been given by PM !

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-03 11:38 | Report Abuse

Andychucky, Jeffery Kitingan tried the sabah cessation before and kena ISA two years.

Now rumour mills in the market saying he was the so-called other politician with opposition inviting the Suluks to the shores of Sabah. Will get the links here if I check from my pro-Govt friends. :)

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-03 11:40 | Report Abuse

Tommy, would like to see Anwar sue Reuters and the Philippines Inquirer too! :)


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2013-03-03 11:58 | Report Abuse

Stupid gov. Still want to frame each other.

They might be loosing Sabah if matters goes to international court. I am sure the British have all the history documents that they were paying rentals to the Sulu in the olden days.

Posted by Buy & Sell Sell & Buy > 2013-03-03 12:06 | Report Abuse

Sabah issue is of urgency & serious matter. Pro govt camp & pro opposition camp have to sit down to settle this mess. Or else all hell breaks loose, if Sabah issue is brought to International Court of Justice in Hague. Malaysian & Sabahan cry also no use if this Sabah issue is sent to ICJ in Hague.

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-03 12:14 | Report Abuse

In fact, the sulu sultanate is bringing this to the Americans now. They latter has chided the British before in their unprecedented moves to transfer rights from a British company (who are paying perpetual rent) to the British sovereignty and finally with the Cobbold Commission as part of Malaysia even though still paying rent to-date. These acts stands illegal in the eyes of the Americans as they have no right to transfer other peoples property to another. British lagi boleh! LoL


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2013-03-03 12:16 | Report Abuse

I think the old mamaktir should say something now. Why this matter is not solved after so many years of independence?

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-03 12:16 | Report Abuse

This is the link about Jeffrey's involvement! Its not credible to me, as its by the ultra Utusan Malaysia . Just FYI. Hope Jeffery sues them and we get more details.


Posted by Buy & Sell Sell & Buy > 2013-03-03 12:20 | Report Abuse

Yes, British as a world superpower then can do that. Now it all depend on ICJ in Hague if this case is brought to ICJ. Whoever is the landlord can claim back Sabah... So sad for Malaysia.

Posted by Buy & Sell Sell & Buy > 2013-03-03 12:30 | Report Abuse

Come on. Jeffrey is a Sabahan. Can a Sabahan become a traitor to Sabah? l c no logic of Jeffrey Involvement in Suluks intrusion in Sabah now.

Posted by Buy & Sell Sell & Buy > 2013-03-03 12:32 | Report Abuse

Ah Ha. Finally Perkasa speaks. Do Malaysian agree with Perkasa?

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-03 12:37 | Report Abuse

Jeffrey was treasonous before asking for Sabah's cessation! That is something he never denied even when he was imprisoned!

Still finding if the Inquirer actually pinned the unidentified politician to him! Serious charge here as Jeffrey already came out stating the meeting was about some customary arrangement at behest of his sulu friend. Plots thickens.

With death toll piling, this will be a watershed either BN or PR.

Posted by Buy & Sell Sell & Buy > 2013-03-03 12:46 | Report Abuse

Jeffrey form his own party in Sabah. Is Jeffrey party accept as in the Pakatan coalition? If the answer is Yes, then PKR will lose in GE13 for sure.


74 posts

Posted by ispy2 > 2013-03-03 12:56 | Report Abuse

ask the RCI team first. it's legal to accept the Sulu claim or not?
if not then Malaysia has the legality to accept as sovereign country,
particularly Sabah. Ask the people, do you want present government or
not? if yes tell the pakatan rakyat leader why people choose it. its is
special to its political strategist Rafizi Hafiz who pressured for RCI
progress in Sabah. Told him go to Hong Kong or The Hague to lobby the
United Nation for Sabah existing as part of Malaysia. Agree or not?

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-03 13:07 | Report Abuse

This is one of the issue i have with the last minute includion/modified buku jingga about upping the oil royalty to 20%. this research originally was intended to find out how Petronas operates! Anybody can correct it, if the MP for Kota Belud is wrong!


Posted by Buy & Sell Sell & Buy > 2013-03-03 13:10 | Report Abuse

Wow. D Day for Sabah. Sent all Msian army to protect Sabah police. No soft approach now. All hell breaks loose now. This is an ASEAN issue now. PM do something fast.

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