KLSE: YTL (4677)       YTL CORPORATION BHD MAIN : Utilities
Last Price Today's Change   Day's Range   Trading Volume
3.48   -0.10 (2.79%)  3.45 - 3.57  16,554,700
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Market Cap: 38,505 Million
NOSH: 11,065 Million
Avg Volume (4 weeks):14,562,157
4 Weeks Range:3.24 - 3.84
4 Weeks Price Volatility (%):
52 Weeks Range:1.12 - 3.92
52 Weeks Price Volatility (%):
Average Price Target: 2.02
Price Target Upside/Downside: -1.46

Financial Highlight

Latest Quarter | Ann. Date 31-Mar-2024 [#3]  |  23-May-2024
Next QR | Est. Ann. Date: 30-Jun-2024  |  24-Aug-2024
T4Q P/E | EY: 18.44  |  5.42%
T4Q DY | Payout %: 1.14%  |  21.00%
T4Q NAPS | P/NAPS: 1.4469  |  2.41
T4Q NP Margin | ROE: 12.36%  |  13.04%


Date Subject
19-Jul-2024 Loke: Govt to Decide on KL-Singapore HSR This Year
12-Jul-2024 JP Morgan Upgrades Malaysian Equity Market, Raises KLCI Target Base Case to 1,650
12-Jul-2024 Equity Bulls Propel 144 Stocks on Bursa to Record Highs in 1H2024
02-Jul-2024 Telecommunications Sector - Pending Further Details on Dual Wholesale Network
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26-Jun-2024 CGS Says M'sia a Prime Beneficiary of Data Centre Boom, Names Gamuda, YTL, SunCon as Top Picks
26-Jun-2024 Multi-lane Free Flow Project Still in Negotiations, Says Works Minister
18-Jun-2024 Weekly Strategy - 18 June 2024
06-Jun-2024 Daily Market Commentary - 6 Jun 2024
06-Jun-2024 Daily Market Report - 6 Jun 2024
06-Jun-2024 Mplus Market Pulse - 06 Jun 2024
06-Jun-2024 Swiss Banking Group UBS Ceases to be Substantial Shareholder of YTL Corp
05-Jun-2024 MQ Market Updates - 05 June 2024
04-Jun-2024 YTL, YTL Power & TNB biggest FBM KLCI gainers since last index review
03-Jun-2024 杨忠礼机构的浪头/韭哥
02-Jun-2024 Bursa MAGNIFICENT 7 - Update for Jun 2024 - Discussion about PBA, YTL, YTLPOWER, TENAGA, UEMS, IOIPG and SUNWAY - (KingKKK)
31-May-2024 Major Shareholders Seize Opportunities to Unlock Value as Stocks Rally
29-May-2024 Mplus Market Pulse - 29 May 2024
29-May-2024 Pestech Files Counterclaim Against YTL Unit in Gemas-JB Double Track Dispute

Business Background

YTL Corp Bhd is a global holding company that operates in the infrastructure development space through its subsidiaries. YTL Corp has a wide variety of operations, including activities in the construction, power generation and transmission, water and sewage facilities, communications, cement manufacturing, property development and investment, hotel development and management, e-commerce, and Internet education services industries. The company’s largest segment is its Utilities division, which houses its electricity generation and water management businesses. YTL mainly generates revenue from selling electricity, water, and other goods, such as cement and real estate. The company’s primary geographic areas include Malaysia, the U.K., and Singapore, from which it derives most of its revenue.
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  25 people like this.
cwc1981 Yes @dragon328 hopefully ytl able to close with a good result similarly like the Feb result. If not the price will be under pressure
15/07/2024 11:25 AM
stncws zzzzzzz
15/07/2024 11:25 AM
PalaniR Good for YTL's employees. Get the share at super cheap price
15/07/2024 7:55 PM
redhotpepper Under pressure and down south. Best time to accumulate?
16/07/2024 3:11 PM
cwc1981 No idea mate. Looking at the trend tomorrow maybe lower
16/07/2024 3:26 PM
100Mark Then use DCA method on YTL
16/07/2024 3:28 PM
redhotpepper Today cheap sale again, accumulate I guess??
17/07/2024 9:56 AM
cwc1981 IJM already surpassed you Mr Yeoh
17/07/2024 10:37 AM
dragon328 Foreign funds started selling IJM yesterday in a big way after buying in past few weeks when local analysts also helped to come out with good reports on construction stocks like IJM and Gamuda. To me, these pure construction stocks are getting over-valued now with PER of over 20x, but local analysts are upgrading them to 25x prospective PER.

Stock valuation in the long run will eventually fall back to earnings and fundamentals. YTL is a lot cheaper at less than 15x PER with improving earnings prospects from YTL Power (Wessex turning around, PowerSeraya's continued strong earnings, AI data centre starts contributing next year etc.), MCement (strong earnings to sustain from mega construction work like Penang LRT, KL-Singapore HSR, data centres construction work etc.) and hotels business (from influx of foreign tourists to Malaysia and Singapore on visa-free travelling from China and India, strong surges in tourists to Japan due to weak yen etc.).
17/07/2024 10:50 AM
cwc1981 Thanks dragon 328. But what is your opinion that both ytls remain depressed and people keep selling lower?
17/07/2024 10:53 AM
OnTime the magnanimous stock god depresses the price to allow others to get in?
17/07/2024 11:37 AM
dragon328 @cwc1981, YTL and YTL Power share price is down temporarily due to some foreign funds selling. These foreign funds tend to be hot money which comes in and out within 6-9 months typically.

Foreign funds started buying YTL and YTL Power in a big way in Dec 2023 up until early May 2024. After YTL Power announced a weak set of quarterly result for March 2024 in late May, these "hot money" found the excuse to take profit on YTL and YTL Power which both have given them 100% gain in 6 months. To these "hot money", a 100% gain in 6 months is good enough coz they bought in big quantities. They bought in total some RM950 million in YTL Power shares and RM850 million worth of YTL shares from Dec 23 to May 24, so a 100% gain will have given them good profit of RM400-500 million each from YTL and YTL Power.

It is no surprise for these "hot money" to take profit and exit the stocks, but the good thing is that most of the selling pressure from these hot money funds has been well adsorbed by local institutional funds as well as local retailers in past few weeks, hence the share price is only down like 10% from their peak prices.

The reason why local institutional funds are coming in to buy YTL and YTL Power is that they are finally convinced that the earnings outlook for both companies is so bright that they cannot simply ignore, as both stocks have become stocks with almost the largest market cap in Bursa, with YTL Power in top 10 list.

Local funds like EPF cannot ignore the fact that YTL and YTL Power have become the leader in respective areas of expertise, i.e. YTL Power is the pioneer in data centre and AI data centre in collaboration with Nvidia, one of the largest companies in the world, and is the owner of the 2nd largest power company in Singapore and owner of Wessex Waters, one of the 10 water companies in the UK; while YTL owns a majority stake in YTL Power and MCement, the largest cement player in Malaysia, and the owner of Niseko village, the largest land owner and ski resorts owner in Hokkaido Japan, and the three renowned Marriotte Hotels in Australia.

These local funds know that by buying YTL and YTL Power, they will have good and direct exposure to the booming AI and data centres in Malaysia, benefits of the strength in Singapore dollars, the turn around of Wessex and exposure to the UK utility and property sectors, the booming tourism sector in Australia and Japan.
17/07/2024 3:12 PM
cwc1981 Thanks dragon328. Hope YTL able to catch up with others soon
17/07/2024 3:45 PM
facsc118 Digital bank from YTLP coming soon. Launching in Q4
17/07/2024 5:05 PM
Yezzy99108 the delay in launching digital banking business have such a detrimental and huge adverse effect on share price
17/07/2024 5:59 PM
raymondroy i believe the foreign funds play a minor role in the current lacklustre price seen in both ytl and ytlp, I think its just lack of news on contract signings, as well as lack of coverage from IBs, also lack of HSR update while its long overdue.... for example comparing to Suncon, Gamuda.... of which every week there are some highlights, also I can see ytl/ytlp are not the type to hype up news here and there.... they would rather have the quarterly numbers do the job.
As for the USEP price update.... i see a 47% rise (as calculated by Sing Energy Market Update) in average price in Apr-Jun as compared to Jan-Mar, and this will surely reflect in higher power seraya earnings, which is the core earnings of ytlp ..... therefore nothing to worry for now :-) happy hunting

17/07/2024 6:19 PM
cwc1981 Agreed Raymondroy. Hope more catalyst and new updates on the delayed project to be announce soon
17/07/2024 8:45 PM
cwc1981 https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/highlight/2024/07/18/malaysia-to-decide-on-singapore-high-speed-rail-link-this-year/
18/07/2024 10:45 AM
cwc1981 I'm wondering does this project still able bring a positive impact to Ytl
18/07/2024 10:48 AM
MyWay Anthony Loke: Malaysia to decide on HSR project with Singapore by year-end
18/07/2024 11:50 AM
dragon328 The KL-Singapore HSR project will be highly positive to YTL group.

WHoever wins the HSR construction work contracts will need to procure lots of concrete and cement, and with MCement being the largest cement producer in Malaysia, YTL will definitely benefit.

The article says YTL is one of the 3 consortium shortlisted for the HSR job. I see YTL as one of the frontrunner as it has the expertise and financial muscle to take up and complete the massive construction work on time, based on its track record.
18/07/2024 12:05 PM
cwc1981 Hi @dragon328. What is the confidence level that HSR will be revive?
18/07/2024 12:37 PM
redhotpepper Great insights @Dragon328
18/07/2024 12:37 PM
fx115w HSR will definitely revive with the strong will & backing of our Agong/Johor Sultan.
That is 99.9% for sure. Can you imagine the most 2 advance country in SEA without HSR? Laos, Thailand, Indonesia will be laughing at us.
18/07/2024 4:05 PM
cwc1981 @fx115w thanks. Hope Agong will push government to expedite this HSR project
18/07/2024 4:44 PM
fx115w The news mentioned that OTB is strongly against HSR. Is it true?
18/07/2024 8:27 PM
speakup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ti7r3DEFdfc
18/07/2024 9:24 PM
100Mark Dow Jones dropped ... YTL will drop today as well?
19/07/2024 6:45 AM
speakup ytl is listed in malaysia lah not usa. usa drop so what
19/07/2024 7:44 AM
GGstarz yes, u better sell now
19/07/2024 2:27 PM
yewnamhung Nonsense 🙄
19/07/2024 2:32 PM
Leward88 YTL pulls back a little bit only. Don't worry too much
19/07/2024 3:55 PM
PalaniR It will impact indirectly to Malaysian stock market, speakup
19/07/2024 4:34 PM
cwc1981 Hope next week Uncle Yeoh doesn't disappoint us again
19/07/2024 4:57 PM
redhotpepper Cheap sale, Mari Mari mari
20/07/2024 12:23 PM
cwc1981 https://m.malaysiakini.com/news/712585
21/07/2024 11:20 AM
cwc1981 So Agong said built HSR, Anwar built HSR?
21/07/2024 11:21 AM
speakup Pmx is a very week leader. He kow tow to Sarawak, Sabah, Johor state govt and also umno. But strange he is very vocal against Dap which is his strongest ally in govt.
That why speakup no longer support Pmx
21/07/2024 3:08 PM
paktua73 paktua try to catch ytl at rm3.45 hope can het by today..

tut tut
tadi tak dapat huhu
22/07/2024 11:42 AM
Ron90 grab je la paktua at 46. I think market already start to turn around from the knee jerk reaction
22/07/2024 11:46 AM
EquityJourneyman Monitor 1st ... Market is so uncertain
22/07/2024 11:47 AM
cwc1981 Genting M maybe get replace by Gamuda. Hope YTL don't end up the same. Haizz
22/07/2024 1:04 PM
dragon328 There seems to be rotational plays in blue chip counters by foreign funds.

Having bought Gamuda and IJM in a big way in June 2024, foreign funds started selling Gamuda by dumping RM16 million worth of Gamuda shares last Friday and RM50 million worth of Gamuda shares last Thursday.

Foreign funds bought in a total of RM16 million worth of YTL Power shares and RM13 millon worth of YTL shares last Friday.
22/07/2024 2:24 PM
dragon328 My posts may be removed by i3 admin anytime soon, for reasons unknown to me.

So please pm me if you need such info.
22/07/2024 2:24 PM
cwc1981 Thanks dragon 328
22/07/2024 2:40 PM
cwc1981 Really need to have new project only can save the days
22/07/2024 4:09 PM
100Mark LOL, how to pm you, dragon328 ?
22/07/2024 5:55 PM
raymondroy yup2 how to PM you, dragon328? soon this forum will be taken up by ular and his spammer geng....
22/07/2024 6:03 PM
Kicapmanis All info already given by draagon i think. Just collect and hold if the price is right.. fundamentals for both ytl and ytlp intact..in longer timeline i only see the revenue increased along the PAT
22/07/2024 6:16 PM
MYOCBC @dragon328, how to pm you?
23/07/2024 12:40 AM

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