Future Potential of HengYuan

第三篇:恒源 (HENGYUAN) - 强势炼油利润的大赢家

Publish date: Sun, 06 Aug 2017, 11:46 AM


从恒源(Heng Yuan)近期的股价波动,有些人会开始担心该不该卖?加码?还是继续持有?就如我们了解的,恒源(Heng Yuan)的盈利是取决于炼油利润 (Refinery Margin)的。 以下是近期的汽油裂解价差(炼油利润)的数据图 (摘自 CMEgroup.com):

汽油(Gasoline):摘自 CME 网站 (恒源 Heng Yuan 的主要产品是汽油)


有些人可能喜欢看数字,让我来计算假设裂解价格(炼油利润)每桶增长1 USD,将会如何影响利润呢:

= 112 kbpd x 90 天 x 1 USD x RM 4.3/USD

RM43.3mil 毛利增长在一个季度

RM43.3mil --> 格外 14.4 sen EPS 在一个季度



以下是我对恒源(Heng Yuan) Q1’17 每桶的炼油盈利进行了一个简单的计算。如下图所示,恒源 (Heng Yuan) Q1’17 的毛利 (Gross Profit) 为 RM 395.6 mil。

另外,Q1’17的总销量 (Total Sales Volume) 为 10.1 million 桶。

每桶毛利  = 395.6 mil / 10.1 mil
                   = RM 39.17
                   = USD 9.1

根据以上算法,每桶 USD 9.1 的毛利率与我估计的裂解价差(Crack Spread)相当接近,USD 8.25 至 USD 9 (恒源第一篇文章)。

恒源 (Heng Yuan) 实际的利润率 (Profit Mragin) 是会被一些因素影响的,例如原油价格(买入时机),对冲价格,运行效率(简单或复杂的炼油厂)和非计划停产等。



在 2016 年12月之前,恒源 Heng Yuan (前名为壳牌, Shell), 是荷兰母公司管理的。但是在 2016 年12月之后是由中国山东恒源控权的管理团队管理的。那么,大家认为恒源(Heng Yuan) 将遵循完全相同的荷兰管理风格或保持相同的原油库存水平吗?当然,我是不可能完全了解恒源(HengYuan)管理层的想法,不过我可以从Q1’17季报数据猜测。

让我们来看看 Q1’17季度的衍生品的公允价值(收益)/损失 (下图): 




比较 Q1’16有 RM91mil的亏损,然而Q1’17的衍生品数字已成为零。这意味着Q1’17是没有货币或原油价格变动对冲的。我认为如果恒源继续保持无对冲(或最小对冲),那么他们可能不会保持高库存天数。在逻辑上,大多数企业不应该保持高水平的库存(除非想要增加产量),因为它会影响现金流。



1.     原油价格与裂解价差(炼油利润率)的关连


从上图可以观察到,1H2017 (1月至6月)的原油价格和裂解价差之间并没有直接或强烈的关连。原油价格在6月份下滑时,裂解价格开始回落,但随后一直延续到七月(参考CME图6月中的图)。更具体地说,原油从USD 54下跌至 USD 44 (5月中至6月中)但裂解价格稳定在USD 8的范围,甚至在7月初上涨至USD 9 (参考 6月初至7月初图表)。

7月初至7月底,虽然原油价格有上下波动,但实际涨幅实际上从USD 9上涨至11+,然后回落至USD 10.9(8月初)。



是哪些引因素决定石油精制品裂解价格呢?我会说供求。供应是由亚洲炼油厂的产量决定,需求是由消费(陆地车辆,工厂,飞机等)决定。我们应该能够计算出东南亚国家的供应能力,但随着人口的增长,车辆需求也在增加。公众可能无法知道正确的需求数据,但我们可以从互联网收集供应量数据,以概述未来趋势。我不是裂解价格预测的专家,但我可以看到目前的趋势是上升趋势。只要裂解价格可以维持在USD 6- USD 8左右(额外是红利),我相信恒源 (HengYuan) 第一季度的标青利润可以在2017年剩余时间内持续下去。

此外,近期原油价格上涨将导致恒源 (HengYuan)的库存在第三季度业绩中获利(将于2017年11月发布)


2.     为什么皇家壳牌将其炼油业务以便宜的价格卖给恒源?

有些人可能好奇为什么壳牌公司愿意将其炼油业务的股份以如此大的折出售给恒源。这导致很多投资者难以置信。对于这一担忧,我的看法是壳牌公司在2014年原油大跌之后进行全球重组行动,然而他们对小规模的炼油业并不感兴趣。与新加坡炼油能力相比,马来西亚的炼油能力相对较小(壳牌新加坡的产能为500 kbpd,恒源产能为156 kbpd)。这就好比你已拥有5辆豪华车,那你可以以低于市价的价格卖出你的Myvi,假如你已不再需要它。

156 kbpd的容量足以让恒源山东拓展其第一家海外业务。这与Esso在2012年将其炼油和零售业务出售给Petron相似。对Petron来说是一个大的业务,然而对Esso-Exxon来说,这一业务相对来说太小了。我相信,Petron的成功(每年减免债务)可以在恒源重复,特别是在炼油利润的强势时期。


3. 关于汽油车禁令 - 用电动汽车取代?





Tesla的增压充电站在两辆相邻的汽车之间分配了最多145 kW的功率,每辆车最多可达120 kW。这是公共充电站的16倍;他们需要约20分钟充电至50%,40分钟充电至80%,75分钟至100%。

即使使用增压站(公共充电站要慢多十六倍),仍然需要20分钟充电到50%(Tesla模型S型75%充满电可以去265英里)。假如您想从吉隆坡到槟城(距离约355公里),而您的电动车用完电池,如果要在增压充电站充电,则需要等待至少20分钟,如果充电站被占用, 那么你需要等待40分钟的充电时间充50%的电池电量(实际上50%的电池电量不足以完成从吉隆坡到槟城的旅程)。那么让我们想想我们在我们的汽油车上加油需要多久呢? 3分钟还是5分钟?另一种情况是,如果您在吉隆坡停留在交通堵塞中并耗尽电量,您则可能需要至少等待20分钟至X分钟(取决于充电站占用或不占用)才能充电,具体取决于可用性的充电站。您可以通过Google在亚洲或马来西亚提供多少增压充电站。另一个问题是,如果您的电动车浸在水中尤其是KL(高风险闪电淹水区域)(也许那些拥有混合动力汽车的人知道我的意思)如果你的车遇到了洪水,我无法想象维修费用将会是多少.

马来西亚将来会实行类似的汽油禁令吗?如果您有注意到,Petronas大型投资在Pengerang,柔佛(RM600亿投资炼油和石油化工综合开发(RAPID)(http://www.mprc.gov.my/our-businesses/pengerang-integrated-petroleum-complex-pipc) 那么你将会知道马来西亚不太可能禁止汽油车。据了解,Petronas大约贡献了近30%政府的收入。汽油禁令将极大地影响到Petronas的收入。你认为政府还会采取这样的决定吗(自讨苦吃吗)?





在Shell Europe炼油厂着火之后,让我们看看在这场火灾之后,亚洲的裂解价格情况如下:






对恒源的技术分析有兴趣者,请参考下图,我可以看到上涨势头持续。DE (Deviation Expert) 信号显示7月25日至8月3日期间连续8个红线连续8天(平均资金流入>此期间流出)的正流入基金。


我想用福建话来结束这篇文章:恒源恒源(HengYuan HengYuan) Sibeh HENG啊!

对于份股票分析报告有兴趣的股友,可私下PM我 (davidlimtsi3@gmail.com)


有兴趣的读者可加入我的 Telegram 频道 : https://t.me/davidshare


风险提示:此文章乃我的分析及预测及选股策略, 不对用户构成任何股票买卖及投资建议,仅供学习及参考。    




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5 people like this. Showing 13 of 13 comments


The implications:


1 USD rise = 14.4 cent eps/qtr = 60 cents/annum

Using a PE of 10 (remember you only use PE lesser than 10 when you incorporate uncertainty in earnings - to discount it),

10 x 0.60 = RM 6

Meaning this change in Refinery margin by 1 USD/brl should theoretically raise the HRC price by RM6 from its current price.

If some are not convinced and would like to use a PE of 5 as per very conservative market rating, then it immediately deserve to rise by RM 3 for every rise in Refinery margin by 1 USD/brl....

unless the only exception is that u believe it will definitely go down from here.....

perhaps it will......perhaps it wont.

2017-08-06 12:48



"So if Singapore margins which are a benchmark for Asia have climbed up almost 8 dollar 30 cents yesterday, 30 cents up almost and compared with June they are nearly 2 dollars higher. So as long as this refinery remains shut, it is going to pull barrels and one of the obvious suppliers is Indian refiners including Reliance. So it should be supported to them for their margins definitely."

"So there is almost a dichotomy between crude and refined products, they do not always necessarily go hand in hand. The supply of crude right now in the world is overwhelming but when it comes to refined product supplies it is contingent, it depends on to what extent that surplus crude sloshing around in the world is being converted into refined products and then we have things like seasonal shutdowns that the world in this part of the region is just coming out of shutdowns for maintenance and so on. So all of those things have created a bit of a tightness in refined products certainly speaking for Asia as a result of which margins as I have mentioned before have been generally supported and will continue to be remain supportive I imagine through the summer months until all of the refining capacity is complete its scheduled maintenance and comes back on stream. In such an environment with a major refinery of 400,000 barrels a day shutting down just gives you another leg up for refining margins but GENERALLY THEY WERE LOOKING STRONG EVEN BEFORE THAT.

2017-08-06 12:49


Posted by Alex Foo > Aug 5, 2017 04:15 PM | Report Abuse

come sit down. angmo article teach u a lesson


too long didn't read spoonfeed me pls~

Crack Spreads = Real time indicators of refinery profitability.
HRC = refinery

Therefore, HRC = profit

Posted by probability > Aug 5, 2017 04:32 PM | Report Abuse

"Singapore margins which are a benchmark for Asia have climbed up almost 8 dollar 30 cents yesterday, 30 cents up almost and compared with June they are nearly 2 dollars higher"

2 dollar higher woh! RM 6 rise for PE of 5? he he..

nevermind...i must have used some maths trick...

2017-08-06 12:50

John Lu

By this month sure above rm10...monday panic buying again. All fund manager sapu...what u worry?

2017-08-06 12:52


Game over

2017-08-06 13:14


John Lu are fund managers allowed to buy a Co share with that have not paid dividen for the last 4yrs.

2017-08-06 17:06


well said

2017-08-06 19:58


Based on the rosy pictures being painted here, I would like to provide a balanced view on Hengyuan.

Investors please be reminded that there will be stock loss of equivalent to ~40 million and payment of Term Loan I (equivalent to 44 million) in Q2 2017.

As such, assuming everything else remains the same as previous quarter, expected EPS will be around 55 - 65, lower than Q1 2017.

Looking forward to Q3, if the crack spread maintains, the results going forward will be good (perhaps even better than Q1 2017).

2017-08-06 20:22


The inventory losses can easily be offset by forex gains and higher crack spreads ( gross margins ) registered during Quarter 2.

Please refer industry wide guildelines for Q2'2017 (Higher than Q1'17

2017-08-07 07:59

Alex Foo

swiftwind, i like ur input. pls tell us more =)

2017-08-07 08:37


That is true but forex gains are difficult to gauge and it's best to be conservative in estimating profit growth.

That way investors don't get spooked when results are announced such in the case for LCtitan.

Disclaimer: I own hengyuan shares too.

2017-08-07 08:38

Alex Foo

ic....so swiftwind, do you think it can maintain 171 eps this year?

2017-08-07 08:53


Alex if u observed the eps of q3 2016 is -ve around -30 cents. If q3 2017 can be better than q12017 I am optimistic that they can achieve higher than 250 eps for 2017. Whether they can achieve 300 eps depends on the q4 results.

2017-08-07 09:05

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